RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (Full Version)

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Wilderock -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 11:01:28)

Well, I'm always too lazy to post 10 or 15 questions when the true meaning of my post is just to say congratulations, so here it is:


nevile333 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 11:01:34)

But better be nice or i will set on you :) MUAHAH!
Muwhaha i pooped! . >:D

me is the cat loving manic too
I'm not a manic, it was one the only pets my mom wasn't allergic too. :o

how do you get to be a mod?
Not by asking. :o

what are your past cats names?
Balky, Whiskers, Clyde, Tiger, Tom, etc

shall i PM you the story of how i got my cats and my past cats?

i thought i was the only one that would like cats on the battleon fourm :)
Who doesn't like cats?

:) :) :)
Cut back the spam.

are you in a clan?(s)
I'm not really a clan person, but yes.

what is your cat(s) names?
I have none currently.

how many cats have you got?

what brand of cat food do you feed them?
See above.

Do you give them cat milk?
Pfft milk isn't necessarily good for them

*offers brownie*
*eats shoe*

do they ever get into fights?

Male or female cat(s)?
See above.

what AE game do you play?
See above.

which ones are you upgraded in?
All but MQ which I will be soon.

can i be so bold to ask if you want to post some pics of your cats?
Dang it man I have no cats. >_>

do you have kitten(s) or cat(s)?

bye , for now :) *offers bowl cookies and brownies*
*eats shoes*

:)~ Wuv you!

congrats :)

(sorry but is it ok if i post a bit over 15?)

Necromander -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 11:35:34)

One quick question, that's it.

Do you ever mess around with people's posts just for the laughs? Like edit them so instead of saying, "I'm gonna go slay some Dragons!" They say, "I'm gonna go say 'Dragon'!" Cuz you have permission to do that with my posts. Just tell me when you do.
I have never. :o

Kitsukaru -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 22:57:52)

OMG It's Glydee whee [img][/img]
OMG it's Kitsukaru

I'm happy to hear you got AKship. Too bad you lost your
soul, in turn.
Thanks, but it's in save hands...I hope or so I've been told.

I don't really have many questions, I'm sorry.
It's ok.

Er. Do you think you'll have the time to dedicate yourself to AKing the forums?

Sneevils or Zards?

Do you consider yourself an artist? If yes, since when?
All artists are creators and since I created this thread I'd say yes. Since I was born.

Well done on getting your Akship. Hope you don't become a stranger :o
Thank you. Hope you make more art. :o

void dragon master -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 23:02:32)

This Post Will be Different for I shall edit it into this color
Haha, what color? ^_^

Will you edit my color?

Are you mad I copied your color?
Nope. :D

May I eat you? Kittens make a nutritious dessert.

hey at least I asked right?
It doesn't count. D:<

Does it feel weird editing others posts and stuff.
Weird as in, crazy with power? >:D

Time for the Smiley Round! You must place the Opposite smiley next to mine!


That is all just wait til you see the post!
There is no next post!


Baker -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 0:23:58)

/me snugs Clydykins
/me snugs B

Enjoying the shackles?
Meh, could be better.

FI can't take up all your time (especially since all the mods steal the locks) ... do you plan on helping out in AQW or one of the other forums we all have power in?
Hmm L&L would do, but I'd love to help out in any AE(AQ/DF/MQ/AQW) board though. :)

How did you react when you got the PM (amusingly enough, no one seems to ask this question anymore because it used to be so common :P)?
Well my heart skipped a beat when Reens told me on IRC "Clyde look at your PM Inbox" then when I read it I was completely shocked. My right arm shook as I thought "Wow."

That's about it. Congrats and welcome, C!
Aww. Thanks B. :)

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 5:34:51)


I'm back, but I won't pester you.

Were your senses gratified by the donuts and coffee flavoured shoes of Reens yesterday?
With sprinkles on top.

I thought kittens, like dogs, like faces and hands not... shoes...
like Humans like cats who like mice and shoes?

What planet would you like destroyed and which would you like to be terraformed
Earth and Earth.


Thanks for answering and congrats!
No problemo and thanks

Remember the mods are watching you *shifty eyes*
Remember they're watching you more. >_>

.::oDrew -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 12:19:57)

I just noticed that you've chosen the exact same color that I've been using for several months. Which wouldn't be all that odd, if it was, say, red, but it's 0066CC. That is not a very common color. o_O

Just thought that was interesting. ;o

Silversword8 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 12:29:46)

Congrats Clyde! I knew this was coming!
Ummm thanks <_<

1. How tight are your shackles in Reens' dungeon? (just kidding)
See above. D:<

2. 1337? err What shift do you work?
Huh? I work when I can? >_>

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 13:48:16)


*pounce and snugs*
*snugs and pounces*

So then, on with some questions.
If you want too.

What's a good quote?
"Tomorrow is just as good as a day as any other." I made it, yay procrastination! :D

You thinking of branching out of the FI?
Always. :o you like that colour that's your editing colour?
Meh there are alot of taken colors and this one wasn't taken. It almost looks like the sky fell onto my font. :D

In Soviet Russia, FI AK's you! :O
It doesn't already? O.o any good motivator pics? Like this one?
Nope, but Code Geass ftw

Er...I guess that is it.

:D but one last thing.
Not uh!

* Dragon Rage * -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 14:07:42)

A new Archknight?! Great just what we need a new Kitty of DOOM! Congrats!
Look for Lord Barrius. 'nuff said

Not even Puppy could resist that avatar right?
I dunno.

If a giant monkey and a kitten can be friends. I'm sure a Dragon and kitten can too. *shakes paw*
No, they can't....

Archknight of the FI! XD Good luck with that.

On IRC? Name?
You'll have to found out. >_>

You lick Reens shoes? What if the person doesn't have shoes...[:'(]
I buy them some and eat em.

Favorite food?
Steak and shoes with A-1 sauce.

Did Reens declaw you to make sure you wouldn't get out of those shackles?
She made my shackles kitten proof.

Unscramble this in 10 secounds!

ouY nad Puypp hsould eb ebst freinds!
We already are best friends. D:

/me thinks your good...

Watch anime? What kind?
Very few. Basically all the ones AdultSwim show.

Good to meet yous!

"Brooklyn Raaage!"

dragonkillerajc -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 15:14:24)

One quick question before I go Clyde.

What if they're barefoot?
Answer above.

Zelinker -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 15:40:56)

...Shoe licking? SHOE licking? I

do you recognize me? (probably don't, amirite?)
Maybe, maybe not. <_<

Thank you

Ni-ice avvy!

Well, I'll be a-going now to AQ Suggestions! cya sometime later!
Peace out.


Goroth Snickerdoodle -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 15:50:27)

.... Shoe licking? Kitten?

Here's my shoes, been wearing them in mud for 10 years.
*adds salt and pepper* Yum!

Gratz, you pesky 'ol Feline!

Gratz also for getting into MQ! Have you not noticed?
That's not me, in fact I don't even think that's a Staff NPC. >_>

Soooo.... I'm a dog. You can get a 5 second head start before I kill you.
Hahahahahha yeah ook.

Bye! (No, i mean it, in 5 seconds your dead meat. Literally.)
Keep dreaming. :p

What if I post in this color?

Help45cman -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 16:43:40)

Hey clyde me again(45cman)

If your wondering why my name is Help45cman it's because I accidentally changed my email to 1 that doesn't exist I think(instead of DOOMservices@hotmail its @comcast)Until Reens answers my PM I will be like this ;D But nothing to worry,I'm sure Reens and the scientificness that happens around her will fix it.

Ok 1 final question before I go...what was your favorite cat? ;D
Balky definitely, he was the most energetic fat cat every. XD

~JW~ -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 20:02:14)


congrats on ak-ship!

do you know me on the forums?
No, but why does that matter? >_>

how big is your cell?
Not too big though it's big enough for me to keep on my toes.

what do they feed you?
Shoes and cookies

Silversword8 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 22:07:11)

I'm back!
Oh great *rolls eyes* :P

congrats again.

1. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
2. Which came first the chicken or the egg? (Shoe is accpetable)
The chicken's left shoe.

3. If a shoe falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Only if you want too.

5. May I show you to the shoe store?
no thanks I have them on speed dial.

4. Well here is # 4 because i left it out XD!
Go to bed.

6. May I come to bother you for a third time?(I've only asked a total of 8 questions)
Nope, unless I feel like changing the limits.

P.S. There is a box of icing taped to every shoebox in that store
Lies and slander.

Resolute -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/31/2008 23:13:36)

Sorry I was late :( Dost thou forgivest thy humbel servant?
I have no servants.

So... can I has a cookie?
Noope. Fooled ya.

What would you do if invisable for one day?

I bet... someone you would be an AK. They owe me a fifteen mile mark
Not really. Puppy did and I quote "I bet you'll be an AK before school starts" and he won.

I'll pay YOU Tuesday if you give me, you pay ME a pencil. With a snowman on it. Deal?
"Egyptian Raaaaage!"

Do you like my sig?
Do you like my sig?

What about the link in my sig?
What about the link in my sig?

Ug. Its 11... I am sleepy.
It's 12PM and I'm not sleepy.

Can I torture you later?
You don't possess that much power only Reens and the mods do.

~Clyde E.

Dragon1300 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (9/1/2008 0:50:00)

Hi *looks at name tag* clyde!

Why do you answer questions?
Why do you want answers?

Do you like any game consoles?
All of 'em though I'm hardly a gamer. D:

What is your favorite book?
Don't have one.

what is your favorite book series? (if read any)
See above.

Do you like saying the word superfrajilisticespiallidocious?
Do you like saying it backwards?

Why could the woodchuck chuck wood when he actually couldn't chuckle?
*falls asleep*

Do you like to answer seemingly pointless questions?
Do you like to ask really pointless questions?

If one of the said questoins acutally had a point, where would that point be?
Hopefully at the end of the sentence.

Sorry for not saying this for so long, but grats on becoming an AK person i never met befo- er, Clyde! (do not mean any offence.)
It's ok usually those more known AKs are usually accompanied by Suck ups. No offence. ;P

You see an ant knock over a giant tree. what do you do if the ant had uber streangth?(spelling)
The Ant must be in my army!

If you got kidnapped by Akriloth, you were tied to a random chair in a very dark room, and didn't have a weapon of any sort, what would you do to escape?
Soul Calibur IV!

sooo... can't think of any more questions...
Oh well.

no prob. now leave kthnxbai

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (9/1/2008 0:59:18)

Hello again!
Heeeeee's back.

Congratulations again!
Thanks again.

Remember, we never met on AQW yesterday...and I did not kick Gothmog...(Eiro)
Well hopefully you'll learn your lesson before you stalk another AK/Mod. :o

So, how are you enjoying being AK?
I am.

Any perks you like best?
Bringing coffee to the Mods is the bestest.

Well that's all....wait no it's not...

I'm going to make another post, is that okay with you? Because if it is, my mind-controlling powers worked. That would make 3 posts...
I can?! :D
...ahahahahah, NO!

Well that's all!

Congratulations again!
Thanks again


~Clyde E.

hooded figure -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (9/1/2008 1:17:43)

*picks up a note on the floor*
*shreds note to pieces*

oh cool, there's another soul I get to pick up.
Yeah your soul is kind of in the way.

Anyway, what is your favorite fast food resturaunt?
Pepperoni's, they're this family made business I think. They make the best chicken fingers and steak ever. :P

Favorite book?
See above.

Favorite musical artist?
Too many to chose one.

Least favorite musical artist?
Too many to chose.

Well Congrats again!
Thanks again

*Leaves a note on the floor that says....Tacklesnuggs Clyde*
*uses the note to make a bed*

~Shade~ -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (9/1/2008 8:44:34)

Yep. :o

Once you got Helpful!, I knew it. I KNEW IT! You deserve it, buddy.


I don't really have any questions (lame, right?), but I figured I'd stop by and give you congrats.
We all have our days.

Congrats, and I hope you have a great time.
Thanks and I'll try.

See ya around!

~Clyde E.

Lux -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (9/1/2008 10:28:47)

Ah, Clyde's MtAK...this will be fun o.O.
Will it now?

1.How does it feel?
It feels? O.o

2.How is your modem? Doing well?
Fine enough.

3.You're more L&L than FI to me >.>.
Ok. <.<

4.Do all L&Lers use >.>? I'm curious.
Everyone uses. <_< >.>

5.Do you use deductive or inductive reasoning? As in, all AKs are uber. Clyde is an AK. Therefore, Clyde is uber.
I wouldn't say ALL AKs are uber. <_< >_>

6.Is my poetry critiquing horrible? (I hope not, or I'm fired :)
No comment.

7.How uber can you get?

8.Do you, as an AK, get a grammar hammer?
No. Nor do I want one.

I'm done. Congrats, and you're a good overseer/workshop master. :)
Thanks. =)

Mo -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (9/1/2008 14:02:41)


Can I correct your misspellings? :D
Go ahead, but I can't promise that the PM or the Post will not be deleted.

I think I cried a little when I saw Darkflame of ebil posting here, he stole my other name D: (without the of ebil part)
First come, first served.

Erm, that's all

~JW~ -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (9/1/2008 14:45:05)

iiimmm baackk
oooh good.


Yum. yum?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

d0 y0u 5p3@k 1337?

'S alright

sys-zeros 1eft 50ck (or sh0e)
Its g00d

8ye 4 n0w.

ahh you took away my 1337 aahh! and i put it back *insert evil laugh here*

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