RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (Full Version)

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Sinf -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 16:04:17)

I knew it :O
Hmm everyone's been claiming that lately.

Grats on the AKship!
Thank you

1337 speak ? :D
You know l33t speak. Oh I c wut u did thar

What kind of shoe does Reens have?
They're all alchemical-looking and shiny and taste like science.

That's all I got!

Cya ^^!

Burn -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 16:15:08)

Hullo Clyde!
Yo Burn

Why did you choose Clyde E. as your forum name, is it your real name?
Clyde was taken by some inactive dude and I use to be Aq_Clyde_Df. No it's not my real name. Though it was the name of my first pet. :P

Which power do you plan to abuse first?
The first power I use was the Lock power. :D

Who is your shacklemaster?

What do you do if Ninja Banana Rice Sheep attack you?
I claw em

Well I cant think of anything more, but Congratulations, and have fun answering the billions of questions.
Thanks and no problem.

Au Revoir!

Mo -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 16:20:41)

Ooooooo Clyde is finally an AK.
Uh huh.

I could have seen taht coming. Congrats.

So, if a tree falls in an empty forest, does it make a sound?
Depending on the tree yes or no. If the tree is new to falling it makes a sound.

If a woodpecker is in love with a cat, what is the baby?
The devil!

Komodo AKs are Clyde E in transfiguration form?
Maybe. <_<


If E=MC2 then what is Mo?
Mo=Most Obvious? Melon October? Mighty O?

Aaaaaa...I stink at giving hard questions...I'll leave you to dine in glory now
Sure. :)

SuperGuy 9000 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 17:06:53)


So your a AK now?
That I am.


Zorbak or Kabroz?

Am I cool?
Am I warm?

When are you gonna break out of Reen's Dungeon and take over? (Man, that was quick...)
Maybe, though she has minions...lots of minions...

Pie or Yoghurt?
Yogurt pretty sweet.

Seen any good films? Or books?
Last move I saw was Pineapple Express, it was pretty good.

When were you taken on as a AK then?
The 28th

Cool colur :) .

Do you like DragonForce?
Hahahaha no. ^_^

Byes! Hope you don't go mad... (Like some of the others...)
I'm mad? o:

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 17:11:00)

Congratulations on the AKship!

Just wanted to stop by...

Am I getting on your nerves?

How 'bout now?



If i'm not getting on you're nerves too much can I use my magical powers to make more than 2 posts?
Sure if you don't mind me deleting it. :o

First thing that comes to your mind when I say: Pie?

Another excuse to get up in the morning.

Shackles? o.@
No freeeeedom!

Well that's all for now, congrats on the Akship again...


void dragon master -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 17:34:10)

Hey Clyde E.

I'm going to make to Nice and Long!
I'm keeping count.

By the Way - Congrates

SNUGGLES x Infinity!
I can't accept that many. NEXT!

1. Why Blue?
Why not blue?

Why kitten? Cats are much better!
Depends on the cat. If they're dull and boring then Boo! D:

If you have a Cat and the Cat has Kittens How many Cats do you have?
As many as I want. :D

If you have a Kitten and the Kitten has Cats How many Kittens do you have?
see above

*Slams cage on top of Clyde* Now do me bidding!
Hmm your cage is too small to fit over my cage. :o

This is a secret Level find a way

You found it!
Whoops secret reveal!

Congratulations! You have passed the test now you may enter. The torture chamber! *Leads the way*
I'm still in my cage. D:

*Surprise AKship Party for Clyde in the Torture Chamber *
Looks like you're too late.

chaos oracle -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 17:38:30)

Greetings my kitten counterpart =P
Greetings my hooded red-eyed FI partner :o

Enjoying life in the Dungeon?
Only if my AE familee r there. D:

Anyway, time for questions =)

So, I always wanted to know...what's it like being an FI AK?
I dunno, sometimes it feels like Reens just wanted another coffee boy. ;_;

How are the new buttons working for you?
So many buttons, so little time....

What forum RaWkS harder then FI? (Totally a trick question ;) )
AE RaWkS. :D

What was your first lock like?
Well as frst I wuz lyk "Qustian answurd, lok requested" den I pressed the bottun and then it lockeded.

Catch you later, and be sure to leave some work for me =P
I can't make those promises.

ND Mallet -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 17:47:24)

Congrats on the akship.

i think you're the only forum member i've ever seen before they were archknighted or imprisoned which ever works.
Believe it or not all AKs started off as Forum Members, even most Staff. :p

Don't have many questions.(you can thank the last ak i questioned,LANDIS, i asked him 30 questions)
30 Total so that's what? 2 posts of 15 questions?

if you could have any super power what would it be?
The power to fly and shoot lasers with my eyes.

i'll be back later with more help you out i will grant you magic answering powers. BZZZZZZAP. i hope that didn't hurt to bad.*pokes with stick* oh dear. i think he might be dead.
You didn't breach the Admin Castle of Extreme Fortitude and sneaked yourself past the tower of Mod-liness then evaded your way into the Dungeon of forgotten AKs!

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 17:50:47)

Hey...*snugs* do I know you? >_>
^I haven't done that in a while.

So how's it like with your new interface?
I have an inner face? o:

What do Reens' boots taste like?
Well yesterday it tasted like alchemy and science. Today it tasted like donuts crumbs and coffee!

Are you in a deluxe or over-crowded cell?
I have my own cell next to Chaos Oracle. :o

That's all from me!

Enjoy your ArchKnighthood!
Thanks ^_^

^Also haven't done that in a while.

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 18:09:14)

hey congrats
Thanks and 'lo

will you be my friend
Long distance relationships never really work. D:

where do you live?
In the AK Dungeon

who do you like naruto or sasuke?
Hmm neither. Shino though, is ftw. :p

are you shock when you become an archknight
Who wasnt? :P

who's the moderator who pm you to let you know that your an AK
Admin Reens herself. :o

could we chat some other times
I'm on IRC. ;)

good luck

45cman -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 19:00:32)

OooOooO!An MtAK thread!
Ooooo a person?

Alright time to terrorize you with my many questions!Just kidding!I just like to be cliche and say I shall plunge an AK into infinite DOOM by asking questions.
The only one who can send me into DOOM is Reens and the Mods.

Soooo...your the Forum Issue's Shoe Licking Kitten?Or otherwise known as the Devious TruthSeeker of FI.Nice to meet you,I'm the Dragonfable GD Crazy Forumgoer.Hey I mean AKs get to have titles along with mods,administrators,helpful people,and people who win stuff.So I just made up my own,since I am none of the above.
The Shoe Licking Kitten came out of nowhere when I was looking for a new avvy. XD

Licked any shoes lately?
Yes, have you?

Alright then have a good AKshipnessishthing.

I'm not done ;D
Oh, I never would've guessed.

/me snugglewuggleglompcuddlerugglesnugtugbugglenugglehugglenugwugquggleduggleugglejugglepugglezuggles Clyde
/me snugs Clyde too

I'm usual ;D

*gets the milk and cookies*A toast to your AKshipness!*chugs*
*takes all the milk and cookies*

Have Fun [;)]
I'll try.

2k2ewyn -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 19:45:13)


Am I insane?
Only if you're not sane.

Why not?

Can your Shoes eat me?
I have no shoes. :D

Gimme your flies!

Am I a sycomaniac?
Only if you think so.

Bai Bai!

(I'll be back.... maybe....)

(You never saw anything)
*covers eyes* Sure.

SL -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 20:50:11)

You can't hide from me, Clyde.
Umm, ok?

Now, seriously.

How's the AK-ness going?
It goes.

Did you leave the curling iron on this morning?
Don't have one.

Do my cliche questions amuse you?
Meh not really.



Congrats though, man. ^^

Never saw this coming. :o
Take off the blind fold.

hooded figure -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 5:09:19)

I was wondering when you would become an AK.
Really? Who are you? >_>

How's the promotion so far?
It's pretty neat, but there's somethings you can't know. :o

So, do u ever get fed for being a good kittie?
Whoever said I wasn't a bad kitteh >:)

*leaves a bowl of milk*
*takes the carton of orange juice*

So, what size locks have you used today?
Haven't used any today. :o

well I hope you have fun with all the spam clean up(it must be caked on the walls these days).
The cake is a lie and there's hardly any spam. :p

*Leaves quietly after leaving a mysterious note on the ground*
*scribbles on note* "Bye."

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 5:33:59)

Yay, Clyde's an AK!

Do you know me?
Have I seen you around? Yes. Do I know on a Forum level? Maybe. Personal level? No.

You like cookies?
Who doesn't? :D

What's your favorite... anything?
Icecream: Mint :3

*snuggles shoe-licking kitten*

What's 1 million plus... oh wait, no math. Meh, too bad.

*Builds doghouse for kitten* No good?
Oh no, that certainly won't fit in my cage. :/

How large is your cardboard box?
I have a cardboard box!?!

You're not really a kitten... Are you?
You're not really a brave one are you?

Ummm................... I think I'm fleeing now. Byes! :D

PS: Can I be a kitten too? Please? Pretty please? Chocolat and fudge based pretty please with sugar on top? And candy?
No, now goodbye. D:<

Nicky -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 5:43:33)

So I hear this Clyde guy is extremely uncool and should never be considered for AKship.
OMGosh I've been hearing the same thing. :o

Oh, too late for that one.

Anyway- Clyde!! Congrats! And since this thread isn't my fault at all, I'm posting. Oh, and be sure to keep up the drawing in the gallery!
Thanks, I will. :)

But you have a lot of questions to answer, so I'll leave it at this. Enjoy the question answering and AKing ^_^. *snuggles*
Thanks Nicky! *snugs*

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 6:11:02)

I'm in a rush, but congratulation anyways. Maybe people asking irrelevant questions in FI would do my dirty work...
Thanks *readies the banning papers*

You didn't see that!
Ooooh sure. *signs the banning papers*

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 6:26:43)

Heh, I always thought Clyde was your name... but heh, congrats
Thanks. :o

1) You're fifteen, right?
If you think so.

2) What kind of pet was Clyde? A dog, cat, what?
A cat.

3) If not the FI, what forum would you want to "govern"?
If I was more active in those boards then probably all of AE. XD

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 6:39:01)

Congrats =D

No questions to ask actually. XD
It's ok man. I had no answers for you either. >:p

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 7:06:09)

OK, I get confused with all these new AK's, how new are you? Some weeks? A month?
Hmm like 4-5 days.

Batman VS Superman?

What do you think about if I say "Swimming pool"?
Death lagoon

Horse or lizard?

Most used thing in your house?
The door.

[:)]C. Ongrats (Yes, that's the smileys name)......really.


Amboo -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 7:20:24)

There once was an AK named Clyde,
The forums rules he would make people abide.
He patrols the Forum issues,
making spammers reach for their tissues!
I don't make them cry. ;_;

Hi Clyde!
Hey Amboo

Congrats :)

What's your favorite movie?
High Fidelity

Jimi Hendrix or Bob Dylan?
Hendrix ftw

Metallica or Guns N' Roses?
Ha. neither

Too hot or too cold?
Too hot.

To wet or Too dry?
Too dry.

Summer or winter?

Disipline or me?
Clyde E.

Did my trick work?
The pigs aren't flying.

See you later :)
See you later.

Pain Avatar -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 7:22:48)

Hello I will now be interogating asking you questions, but remember I was never here
You are and I have my scope on your forehead.

TEH SHUZ, nuuuuu you atez mah shuz will you give dem back or must I grovel for them I take them by force?
Haha too later and your force is weak.

Ive never seen you on teh 4umz before got any reason fo that?
You seem new.

Wrong answer *uses buzz baton on clyde who dodges it and turns it on me*
*hits with frying pan*


Z -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 8:25:00)


Do I know you?
Do I know you?

I only know a guy called Aq_Clyde_Df who used to help around in FI. Seen him lately?
Hmm I think he's dead.

Do you think he should be Aq_Mq_Clyde_Df_Aqw now?
Oh the horrors ;_;

Favorite book/genre/author/series?
I could have sworn I was asked this before. :o

Favorite console game?
Crash Bandit coot(sp?) for the PS1

What is the shape of your shackles? pactogonals! D:

Which AE game do you play most frequently?

Which forums do you frequent?
FI, L&L, and others. :o

That... is all. Good luck modding FI!
Thanks. =D

SuperGuy 9000 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 8:40:09)

Hi again!

Congrats again!


Will you continue writing?

If the square root of pi is yoghurt, what is 42 divided by minus 3?

Byes, you must find a way to survive without me for a while.
Oh trust me I'll survive.

Cerbero -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/30/2008 9:45:59)

Hello, and congratulations, Clyde.
Hey, thanks Nahuel.

Hm, I pop in from a sudden week absence and when I come back I see you have new shackles... now I can bother you from just an inch beyond the chains' reach...

And, as you sure know from a certain channel in Caelestia, I just HAVE to do this:

/me slaps Clyde in the face
/me slaps Cerbero in the face!

....Aah. So addicting. And I'm curious, Clyde, is your tongue dull from shoe licking yet, or do you have a special recipe? So please share if you do
It's made of pure steel! That fact that Reens is near doesn't have anything to do with this.

You may have noticed I'm a bit uninspired for questions today :P
We all have our days.

And one last question. I ask it to all my victims, you know.

Ever danced with the devil beneath the pale moonshine?
Maybe, with a bottle of moonshine. I mean - lol what?


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