Greater VampraCon (Full Version)

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Reyn Roadstorm -> Greater VampraCon (9/13/2008 3:45:55)

Greater VampraCon

Also see other breeds of Vampragons:Location: Gift Code received at DragonCon 2008.
Level: 70
Price: N/A
Sellback: 3,000 7,500 1308

Damage: 13-38
Training Difficulty: 94

Attack Rate at 0 CHA: 20%
Attack Rate at 94 CHA: 67%
Attack Rate at 160 CHA: 100%

Attack 1
Hits: 1
Damage: 50% Base and Random, 153% Stats
Element: Darkness
Attack Type: Melee
BtH: +0%
Attack Rate: 40% (When attacking)
Effect*: Heals the player's HP by 6-18 plus 153% Stat Bonus. The stat formula used is the player's CHA/15. This works the same way stat damage, and adds additional random healing as the player's CHA increases.
*The VampraCon heals you for (insert amount) health!

Attack 2
Hits: 3
Damage: 33.333% Base and Random, 100% Stats per hit
Element: Darkness
Attack Type: Magic
BtH: +0%
Attack Rate: 60% (When Attacking)

Description: From the depths of DragonCon 2008 comes-- this!


Image and some basic info from Llong Jjohn Killer. Update from Aelthai.

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