=AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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King Richard -> =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/3/2009 3:44:41)

Latest Housing Updates:


One more storage slot per item category added to Darkovia and Forest Mansion Estates.
(=Forest and Darkovia Mansion Estates now have 7 extra slots (67 house item slots).




The features for the Museum won't be ready until probably November.
I'm really sorry for all the delays!
I have a huge high priority web site project to complete first, and then I will attempt to focus my attention on the House Estate stuff.

In order to reward the loyal players that have suffered these long delays:

When the _______ function of the Museum is finally released, everyone that has owned a Museum will receive a ______ item for every day that they have owned the Museum.
Even if you bought one and sold it already, you will receive a ______ item for each day that you did own it.

And I can confirm that Museum owners will not automatically be getting a pile of free z-tokens.


* Storage Buildings can now be leveled up to level 15. The gold upgrade costs are relatively cheap, but the upgrade time is longer than other buildings.
* The Museum hourly energy, food, and stone costs (resource consumption) have been cut in half. (-4/0/-2/-4 at level 10 now)


I'm still ridiculously busy working on ballyhoo, payment system integration, and other "boring" marketing stuff.
So, I won't have any time to work on AQ housing until after August.


The original house value weekly increase rate was 5%
Almost exactly a year ago this was reduced to 3% a week.
Starting tomorrow, house values will only increase 1% of their original buying cost each week.
Plenty of Z-Tokens can be obtained through battles and especially Ballyhoo to upgrade the lower priced houses.


I've increased the rewards from using the guard tower and MWP some.
The higher level buildings will give an even larger amount now.


The timing of the buildings getting attacked has changed...
NOTE: The new times seem to be (all times ET): 2:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 8:00 PM.

I think I tweaked the invasion odds a bit. Higher level buildings are more likely to get attacked.

Somewhere on my to-do list is allowing visitors to defend other player's estates.
When that's finally in place, I think I'll increase the invasion odds even higher.


I forgot to mention that the latest update to the shop system included increasing the number of buyable 'house items' you can purchase.
The larger your house, the more of an increase you will get.

DME/FME = +6 extra slots (61 total slots)


I want to let everyone know that I'm very busy working on WarpForce right now.
Along with all my normal duties (ballyhoo ads, payment system integration, etc)

So, I won't have any time to work on AQ housing until late July or August.


I just now added level 85 and 105 versions of the Drakel Bouncer guard.
Oh, and I tweaked some of the guard prices.
Major change is lowering the cost of the nerf kitten guard to 10,000 z-tokens.
Sorry, no refunds on existing players that own it.
I think i've given out enough free tokens this week!

Price changes:

Nerfkitten Scion (130) 15000 now 10000
Mutant Dracolich!! (92) 1100 1300
MeGogg (92) 2000 1800
Ferocious BURP (90) 1000 1300
Wolf Brain Spider (90) 3,000 2500
Dragoncat Guard (110) 1500 2000


New "Storage Building 2"
Works exactly like the regular storage building, and you can have both on your estate.
Same exact leveling costs, and gives same 200 extra resource capacity as the original building.
Only difference is that this one costs 2000 z-tokens.

I saw a concern earlier that if the storage building was under attack, that it would not count towards total "storage capacity".
I just confirmed in the game database code, that as long as the warehouse is built on the estate, and Level 1 or higher, it will provide storage, even if under attack.
The in-game screen might report otherwise, but I'm sure you won't lose resources if the storage building is under attack.


I knew that some of you have way too many guards, and so I added the 1/2 and 1/4 army options.
There's currently no difference between sending 1/2 twice and full once. The total cost and average rewards are about the same.

* Small increase in the Gold/XP rewards that you get when deploying armies.
* Reduced the # of waves defeated when using the Mega Portal and Guard Tower to fight in wars.
This does not affect the rewards, just the amount of waves defeated.
* Less overall randomness in the # of waves defeated. (it's a bell curve now, for those of you that are stats scholars)

Guard Tower or Mega World Portal War Kill Formula:
Please do not ask staff for the formulas behind the new Tower/Portal combat system.
We have decided not to reveal the exact formula, and we can't (and won't) reveal it if asked.

The rewards are sort of like Ballyhoo, except you get Gold and XP.
The larger the army, and the higher your estate buildings (guard tower or world portal) the better the prize.
Oh, and the rewards do count towards your daily cap amounts, but like ballyhoo if you are already at your caps, you can still get rewards from armies.
The level of your Tower or Portal do have pretty strong effects on the rewards, but don't underestimate your Guard level or your Reputation.

Currently, the attack power of the guards for war deployment uses the same formula for the "power" of the guards for defending your estate.
Total Attack Power = Sum(GuardLevel^1.5)
The estate resource costs are based directly on the amount of Attack Power, so that's easy enough to calculate.
The Gold/XP rewards are the most complicated formula, and I don't want to give out any details on that yet.
And the reward formula might change before the next war event.

At a Level 10 Portal, Trescol and Kairula have 1000 Attack Power.
Power: (Reputation - 6)*200 (Always positive)

Trescol costs:
Full army: 550 Energy and 200 Food
Half Army: 275 Energy and 100 Food

Kairula costs:
Full army: Energy 500 and 250 Food
half army: Energy 250 and 125 Food


New Lower Prices on large estates:
Forest Mansion Estate (15000 tokens)
Darkovia Mansion Estate (16000 tokens)

Players that already owned these houses will not lose the current value of their homes.
(wouldn't that be nice in the real world? [sm=icon_confused.gif])
The weekly +3% house value is based on the price you originally bought your house for.


I also increased by 1 extra storage slot for the Tiki with Beach Estate and Frostvale Cottage Estate houses.
It was only 3 extras, and now it's 4 extra.


Guard stuff:
For calculating how effective Guards are at protecting your house estate buildings from random invaders,
higher level guards are now proportionately more effective.

As a quick comparison, each guard level is worth a certain amount of virtual 'guard' points.
Level 10 = 6
Level 25 = 25
Level 45 = 60
Level 75 = 130
Level 100 = 200

For the players that have *tons* of guards, you'll find that if you lots of Level 60+ guards, that you no longer need to keep all your Level 25 guards.
Your estate is very safe now.

Guard Power Formula:
(Level^1.5) / 5.0 (rounded off)
Guard Power Charts

When the Guard Tower is "starving for resources" the tower's level is not calculated into defending your estate.
However, all your guards are still able to defend your estate at their full ability.
They hang out in the little guard house next to the main house, and defend the estate from there.


New House available for buying now:

Forest Log Cabin Estate
Cost: 3100 Z-Tokens
Includes 7 plots of estate land

This will be the lowest cost "starter" home that comes with an estate.

Houses Removed from Shop:
Forest Log Cabin
Forest Log House

The portal system is basically the last expansion stage in the housing system.
There will not likely be any larger houses to upgrade to.
There will be new "stuff" to buy to add on to existing houses.

I doubt we'll ever have any higher priced homes.
Unless we totally get rid of the % value increase, which could happen eventually, but not any time soon.


* Almost all of the house paintings ("Small Portals") now link to somewhere in game, like towns, old special quests, or class quest areas.

Portal Paintings Destinations:

Aquella Portrait
Aquella's Light
Captain Rhubarb Portrait
Trobble at Night
Devourer Saga
Temple of Hope Inside
Temple of Hope Outside
The Eternal
Culak and Kendrel
Nightbane's Last Stand
Dragon's Eye
Earth Dragon
The Nautican Bard
The Nautican Thinker
Frostval, Rise of the Frost Kingdom
The Frost King
Chilly and Robina
Zorbak's Hideout
Nightmare Family
Nightmare Town
No teleport
Twilly Portrait
Mother's Love
Robina Portrait
Krovesport Painting
Artix - Paladin Quest
Old Boog - Boog's Tavern
Drakonnan Portrait - Rip in the Sky
Thalia - Thalia
Eselgee Portrait - Berserker Class
Mercuria - Doomquake Caverns
Pae the Gecko - Isle d'Oriens
Witches Portrait - Granemor

Twig Fishing Game - Twig fishing minigame
Thanks zarqueam [:)]

* The two new alien world portal paintings link you to the actual alien worlds to explore.
Portal to Trescol (1500 tokens)
Portal to Kairula (1500 tokens)

Alien Worlds
Using one of the world portal paintings you can visit another alien world.
On the alien worlds, read all the information you can.
You can earn the trust of the alien factions and gain access to special shops and guests.
You can visit both worlds, and earn reputation on both of them.

How do I use a painting (also called "Small Portal") ?
To use your paintings, go to your house, and click a painting to zoom in the view.
Then scroll left/right using the on-screen arrows to select a painting.
If the 'teleport' button is visible, click it to go to that painting's destination.
If the button is not visible it means that the painting just doesn't have any destination area yet.

How do I use the Mega World Portal?
Mega World Portal estate item (4500 tokens)
When the next big war event starts up, access your Mega portal from your House Estate.
There will be options to send your army from the alien planets where you've gained their trust and earned favorable reputation with them.
Your army will instant auto-battle the foes in the big war event, and you'll earn a pile of gold and XP, and also earn "army wins" for that war's battle counter.
You can choose which alien world to send forces from.
Sending an army will cost Energy and Food estate resources. If you have plenty, you can send armies over and over till you run out.
When the Museum features are eventually added to the game, there may be special artifacts found by your armies as they do their battles.

We haven't decided on the final exact numbers yet, but the higher level mega portal will also be more "accurate" in how it send armies and guards.
More accuracy means better reward outcomes, and less chances of anything "really bad" from happening when messing with worm hole generators.

Similar to the trade hut, the Mega World Portal will be "offline" when upgrading, and can't be used to send armies in that mode.
The portal will only work when it's on your estate, has its worker setup, is not under attack, not upgrading, and not starving for resources (if it ever gets changed to require resources per hour)

War Counters
Army "wins" in wars will count towards the total war goal and also to the player's personal "army wins" counter.
Soon, we'll have on our character sheets some sort of personal war counters like, Wins:17, Guard Wins:20, Army Wins:137
Special war reward shops could limit access by the personal amounts, but no decisions have been made for that yet.


When you view your guards from your character web page, or from inside your guard house, the guards will now be sorted from highest-to-lowest level.
If you have more than 12 guards, the lowest level ones will not appear in the display.
When you visit other people's houses in-game, you will get attacked by their guards in random shuffled order.
(like shuffling a deck and drawing them one at a time)


2/6: All the houses now have an up-close painting viewer.


Upcoming Updates:

Museum update
The special Museum features are not enabled yet, but you can start upgrading the building now for when the features are active.

Higher level museums will offer more interesting "features", such as:
- Displaying all your paintings on screen at once in a virtual art gallery.
- Owning a museum will add the ability for your character to find random "artifact" drops from monsters.
- Use artifacts and other [TOP SECRET] knowledge and items to [TOP SECRET] your inventory weapons.

Kingdom project
A few things that are definite regarding the "kingdoms" project:

- It is not going to be a larger house.
- Owners of any size house can participate in some way
- Owners of estates will have more options
- Real PVP type stuff is not likely to happen for AQ "kingdoms"
- Some sort of cross-game (AQ/DF/MQ/AQW) PVP thing is coming eventually... Hard to say right now exactly what that will end up as.

Everyone can own their own kingdom.
The plan right now, is that the kingdom will be on one of the alien planets. (you have to pick just one)

The future kingdoms stuff will not require selling your existing estate.
There could be other kinds of estates someday, like a farmland terrain estate with massive food production (and less production of the other resources, of course)
But those estates would be the same sizes as the existing ones.

Things could change, but for now, if you own a Mega World Portal, you effectively own the key to a new kingdom.

I started off thinking each character could eventually own more than one house, but the game code got too complicated, and it became easier to manage with the assumption that 1 character = 1 house.
A lot of players will buy different houses for their other characters on their user account, to try out different combination of buildings.
I'm going to attempt to allow each character to own more than one 'kingdom'. One per alien planet.

I'm thinking about someday adding a "Library" estate building which a player would used to research something that would be used to upgrade/enchance/craft magic weapons.
The existing Magic Trainer buildings would turn into the Library building, so both functions would be in the same building.
Something similar could be done with a "Forge" building for doing Melee/Ranged weapon research along with the Combat trainer tied into it.

The animal barn is not yet released.
We haven't decided on what all it will do yet.

On my todo list of things to make estates more useful:

An "armory" section inside the Guard Tower where you can put weapons/armor/shields from your character inventory into the Guard Tower.
Your guards will then use the items you give them to increase the defense value of your estate.
And you free up some inventory storage slots.
You can swap items anytime, they're not stuck in the guard tower.
I think to be fair though, there should be a very small z-token fee to swapping items. A training cost for your guards to learn to use the cool stuff you give them.


Organizing Pain's ideas into categories:

Stuff that Houses may get someday:
Custom paintings. Paint-your-own-painting.
Buy better steeds and mounts for your house.
Custom colors/designs on your house ... graffiti, class symbols, NPC faces etc.
Quests to get respect from fractions or races. e.g. moglins, vampires, werewolves. And then buying guards of them.
Portal paintings to the past to fight old bosses in extreme mode.
Library inside houses. (like the one in the rip in the sky, but smaller, like a book self)

Stuff that House Estates may get someday:
Armory ... petting zoo to get guests from your house.
Maintenance and upkeep on buildings.
Breeding nerfkittens, trobbles, truffles and selling for profit.
Quests to establish transport routes to make more money from your businesses.
Quests to protect your stock when it is attacked by bandits.
Library buildings.
Custom gardens with plants and statues (of your favorite NPC) you can buy and add.
Having an underground dungeon.
Look out posts. Barracks. Farms. Windmills. Workshop (builds catapults).

Features coming (eventually) to the Alien world "kingdoms" expansion:
Recruiting builders, soldiers, clerics, expanding your house with stone (building a kingdom up in small stages).
Employ archers on large buildings ... using gold for different kinds of employees.
Forming an army of guardians (not real players) and having flanks of archers, pike men, spear men, warriors, ninjas ... cyborgs.
Making friends and enemies with different legions and races.
Becoming a king/queen of a place no one has even heard of. Throne room. Palace. Royal Guards.
Diplomats. War Generals. Employees.
Wars over land.
Wars over resources.

PVP Type stuff that just isn't likely to get implemented into AQ, since the focus of AQ has never been PVP:
Forming alliances with other players ... waging war against other players ... fighting mini wars with/against other players ...
Protecting or harming shipments and convoys of other people's homes
Stealing small amounts of resources or gold from other players at random by sending guards or fighting another persons guards.
Yeah, let's stop debating on whether stealing resources is good or bad, since we're not going to add that feature.
We could add other stuff, like the fun prank ideas.

Stuff that would be awesome, but the existing house artwork is too limiting.
Buying placeable and movable furniture for houses.
Choosing time of day for your house.
Setting traps in your house. (Fun things for visitors to click.)
House appearances based on alignment (good/unity = gold, evil/chaos = black, neutral = green)
Garden gnomes and flamingos.

Previous housing thread
The Estate System Guide
AQ Estate Building List
Guard Power Charts
Guide to House Guard Purchase

Hagen -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/10/2008 8:05:37)

OK returning to the discussion about power of home guards when their overall power counts...

There are 3 options considered by now:

[sm=Vorpal.gif] As it is now - the total power of guards is sum of their appropriate levels.
For: very simple
Against: unfair towards high level guards (they are vastly underpowered)

[sm=Vorpal.gif] The square proposal: the power is the sum of squares of the guards' levels.
For: Much more balanced
Against: not so elegant, still the lower level guards seem too powerful compared with the higher level ones.

[sm=Vorpal.gif] The cost proposal: the power is the sum of all the guards' costs.
For: simple, and quite balanced
Against: Some reward or rare guards may be cheaper because of their rarity, or the length of the quest to reach them, they would be underpowered then. Besides Nerfkitten Scion would be overpowered. It would be stronger than 7 next guards taken together.

Among these three the middle one seems most fair to me. Yet I have another one:

The power is the sum of geometric averages of level and cost of the guards [i.e. power(guard)=sqrt(level(guard)*cost(guard))]
For: balances costs and levels
Against: may be difficult to understand at first.

A few power benchmarks for the proposed system:
Candy Golem (15): 19
Guard Dog (25): 50
BURP (40): 89
Undead Ninja (50): 158
War Dragon (70): 205
Giant Deadwood (80): 310
Wolf BS (90): 520
Guard Dog (100): 387
Dragoncat (110): 406
Nerfkitten Scion (130): 1396

3 smilies per post. Thanks. ~Alexandrite

Minion of Poelala -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/10/2008 12:10:34)

Captain Rhubarb@
You once mentioned that we maybe could get a chance to fight our own guards (or maybe you just commented on the idea - I don't remember exactly). What do you think about that - is it something that will be implemented (the rewards could be 0, so it wouldn't turn into a farming spot).
You also mentioned that you could switch the guard house to show our top 12 guards instead of our 12 lowest level guards. I would personally like that, but maybe you could make a vote about it?:-)

Other ideas I would like to see implemented to the house system some day:
- A name-book (yeah it has been mentioned many times by many people [but I was the first:-P]) - so you could see who has made it through your house guards (and who didn't made it).
- Buttoms in the guard house so you could go trough all your guards (12 per page as it is currently).
- ID-search to houses, maybe with a limit so you could visit a certain player only (just throwing a random number out now) 2 times a month.

Feel free to comment on the ideas and share your thoughts on the future of the house/estate system:-)


Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/10/2008 18:35:19)

home guards should be able to defend against invaders for their apporpate level. Higher level players can (if they have enought gold/z-tokens buy higher levels guards conversly their estates are more likley to be attacked by higher level monsters

There are plenty of Darkovia and forest houses, however there are only two beach houese and now only one frostvale houes. I would like to see more house for those locations and houes in other locations (not sure at the moment) or even houses with a class theme instead of a location theme

Mage's Tower
Rogue's hide out
Scholar's library
Fighter's Armory (not really sure about that one)

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/10/2008 19:24:48)

All of those buildings are on my to-do list.

I'd also at some point like to have underground plots, like a "lair entrance" estate item, which unlocks a bunch of special underground-only plots to place buildings, including a Rogue's hide out.

kakarot1123 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/10/2008 19:37:48)

Ooh, that's a very cool idea, Captain Rhubarb. It'd take us back to our RPing roots. =DD

Are there any plans on estate plots giving other features? It was said there was the possibility of mana collectors reducing the cost of spells. Perhaps graveyards could increase the effectiveness of the Necromancer class.

Maybe certain plots could pull up a random encounter list of monsters in said environment. For example:
graveyard- undead
stonepit/rock quarry- golems and rock monsters
forest- woodland creatures
fishing pond- water monsters
fishing pier- fish

ask13 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/10/2008 19:41:51)

Ohhh so could we make a "dungeon" in the underground? It could be like a mini quest (no rewards of course to limit farmability). We could make a path like a maze and maybe have people fight random dark/earth monsters.

Crimzon5 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/28/2008 7:31:39)

The evolution of the museum: http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/Deus_Ex_Machina_Eh/AQ/Encyclopaedia/Museum.gif

1 - simple building
2 - added windows
3 - added statue
4 - removed statue and added anotehr room... making the added window useless
5 - added more windows
6 - added statue
7- added another room
8 - added window on the third room... but not visible cause it's facin' the other side... and a staircase
9 - removed statue and added more steps
10 - returned statue

Okay... weird... oh well... cant wait for its uses

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (12/28/2008 18:26:26)

When making the new estate buildings, the artists give me the final "level 10" form of the buildings.
Then I create multiple levels for each building by taking stuff away, moving stuff around, etc.

I think the missing statue at level 9 was by mistake.

Oh, well. Maybe the statue needs cleaning between level 8 and 10? [;)]

BexnDan -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/26/2009 15:11:10)


To answer the criticisms that existed in the deleted thread (mainly that guards serve little to no purpose). Well, neither to paintings, but people like them. Not to mention I like having my little corner of the internet and trying to make it accessible only to me, yet with the tantalizing opportunity for someone to TRY to get in. :D

I would love to try and break into Sugar's house.

I have had a couple of really challenging and enjoyable visits to neighbours when I have managed to find houses belonging to high level players with lots of strong guards. The Bishop Finch (90), Nerfkitten(90), Megogg, Nerfkitton Scion combination springs to mind.
The problem is that 90% of the houses you visit have no guards or just some combination of ice dragons, fire dragons and dragoncats. It soon gets boring looking for a challenging house.

I'd like to see an "Extreme Mode Neighbour" option, whereby you only visit houses where the total guard level adds up to say 400.
There would be 2 benefits to this:
1. A challenging area for high level players who occasionally moan about the game being too easy.
2. Z token sales as people buy more guard to get on the Extreme Neighbour list

One other suggestion to make guards more relevant would be to display "Visitor Success Rate" alongside the Number of Visits counter. Some players would buy more guards if they knew that it was keeping unwanted visitors out! There could even be some kind of top list of the best defended houses. Everyone loves getting their name on AQ lists.

etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/26/2009 16:19:44)

>I believe that if all of your buildings are invaded, then you don't get Z-tokens. Or then it may be like what Sugar said.

In the past, I've had all buildings invaded on my main for a number of weeks,
and that doesn't appear to affect the interest. For me, anyway...I just calculated it out, and it looks right on the nose...

>wait. was their a official post saying that your don't gain the interest for the day if you don't visit your house that week???

I rarely visit my secondary's house and that doesn't appear to affect the interest either for me...
Calculated it out and it's right where it should be...

Now, if you don't play the character period, that may be a different story, but I don't know about that...

xanth642 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/26/2009 17:28:30)

I can clear up the house value increase bit. Shortly after houses came out, I bought the Tiki Hut (value of 1000 tokens). I then took about 2 years off, never logging in. When I returned, my tiki hut was worth about 5500 tokens, so it kept increasing even though I never logged in.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/4/2009 13:28:24)

Sneak peek:
Something new for houses that is definitely coming out by March:

- Many of the house Paintings will act as teleporters to certain destinations throughout the game.

Revewent Wabbit -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/5/2009 21:10:28)

Multiple Painting locations anyone else?

Sun Wind:
It was fun sharing the top of the lists with you after Christmas! For whatever reason, the last time I checked, you only have to defeat around 1/2 of our guards to gain access to another's house. It can be 1 of 2 guards, or 13 of 24, and this may have changed recently, but your post is correct otherwise.

concerning Bratac's insecurity from previous page,
No, your Guard Tower doesn't boost protection from visitations. And if we have an AID function for Estates then there's a positive reason for us to visit each other. I don't need to invade you, I'd be happy to vanquish a monster invading 1 of your buildings, and MoP's Guest Book idea would let you know I came by and helped.

from the Wabbit of Redundancy:
this is where AQ can explore player interaction, and I really hope they do so!

Sun Wind -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/5/2009 22:21:35)


re. top of the list, likewise
re. our house guards. Really?! When did this change happened, or why for that matter. I had no idea, it's been so long since I visited a neighbor. There's only so many ice and flame dragons that one can take before getting the urge to brain oneself against the nearest hard suface. [:-]

ETA: hey whoa, does that mean visitors never have to face our top guards?!?! O_O

Revewent Wabbit -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/5/2009 23:06:32)

When & Why?
No clue, but I think it's always been this way.
Sugar started a cool thread last year where we listed visitations and guards, and that's when I noticed it. I posted the observation at some point, and I don't think anyone replied.

Tonight I visited kei, defeated his Nightraider and Red Dragon, then ran away from his Ice Dragon (also his last guard), and got to go into his Log Cabin to see his Mother's Day painting. It's a lot easier to observe this 50% guard phenom. with the basic gold guard lineup, but I seem to remember this occuring with token guards too.

I'll edit this if I can discover any better details.

edit: Etching, no - I thought that might be the case too, but you get sent back to your own House if you do that. 50% is just my guesstimate; meanwhile I defeated 8 of 9 guards at Ale's cabin, went inside for rest. Ran away from a Nerfkitten at a DME (it was too fluffy) and got to go inside anyway.

Honestly, it's not like we do anything noticeable when visiting each other right now, but it would be interesting to have staggered guard opposition allowing various access. Defeat 25% and be able to refill potions and Aid Estate, defeat 50% and have access to 1 of the owners rare items from their stored inventory on a temporary basis (or perhaps visit Museum for this), defeat all the guards to Harm Estate.
For every time I read here "Estates don't do anything" I can think of more things they might do! Given time, the AE staff works wonders. Peace on Earth and Kill Monsters to all,

etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/5/2009 23:10:42)

>Tonight I visited kei, defeated his Nightraider and Red Dragon, then ran away from his Ice Dragon (also his last guard), and got to go into his Log Cabin to see his Mother's Day painting.

Perhaps simply fleeing the first battle is all you need to do rather than fighting 50% of the guards?

dann -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/5/2009 23:39:22)

^^ Just tried it out, fleeing the first battle worked for me if the house owner had only one guard, Ice Dragon in this case. With other houses, it sent me back to my own house.

Glimmer -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/6/2009 14:03:16)

Well there goes my theory on the museum having some sort of Art Gallery...

*{"Jeeves! Unpackage all of my paintings. The collection wont be displayed altogether, in all its glory, in the museum. Put them all back in that magic, revolving/cycling picture frame thingy please."}*

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/6/2009 14:20:09)

The museum may still get a gallery.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/6/2009 20:42:18)

Stage one of the painting project is complete.

All the houses now have an up-close painting viewer.
The teleport feature is NOT turned on yet.

Guns Bovolt -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/6/2009 20:55:18)

Hey Captain, didn't all houses have that picture zoom in the past, like when they first came out? Why was it taken out only to be put back in?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/6/2009 20:55:25)

Re-login to the game to fix the Left arrow.
It's not a serious problem, since you can keep clicking the right arrow to cycle the paintings.

Guns Bovolt,
Before now, only a few of the houses ever had the up-close mode.
The teleport feature is going to be used in that mode, and we decided all of the houses should be able to use paintings, even the Tents.

Noirin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/6/2009 21:32:50)

I really like this. Now, to celebrate the Captain's latest brainstorm, I'm going to go buy his picture for my collection.

Really hoping that, now that pics will have a function, we'll be seeing more of them in event shops. Always thought that, when the rewards at the end of a difficult quest or war were aimed towards a particular build, it would be so nice if there was just a picture there, too. Just so that there was something for everyone else to keep as a memento if they felt like buying it.

Rowan the Dashing -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/7/2009 0:34:17)

Hey thanks Cap'n the painting proj turned out awesome. Its pretty cool how we can cycle through them.


Wish there were pics available of all their NPCs. Cant think of anything more that I would want in my gallery.

QFT... Me too!! [sm=Floyd.gif]

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