RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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Sugar -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/13/2009 7:52:59)

@ Captain,

Well now that you made guards all randomized, they are a lot less fun. You could at least roughly control encounter order before and make a custom challenge to get into your home, now with just a random pool, it kinds stinks.

I used to like the lower level guards to make clusters of increasing dificulty "waves" (except of course that there were no heals).

/me shrugs.

that is why I would prefer you gave us the ability to determine the order of our guard encounters. Just let us move the order in our inventories! It would be so much nicer. :D

Uberdog -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/13/2009 12:47:49)

since when will Ztoken items get a nerf...this wasnt part of the deal, first we get signals, that you need lots of guards to be save for attacks, and now we get them all nerfed [&:]...this should be done with utmost carefullness...maybe we should opt that its possible to upgrade guards as well ;)

Bratac -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/14/2009 12:44:50)


I keep changing the system to make the really low level guards worthless.

This is getting better by the minute [:@]. Sorry Capitan but there is absolutely no logic behind it. Level and prices of guards are the cupid here.
If .... for example one level 70 guard that cost 2000 tokens would have equally attack/defend power as two lvl 35 guards that cost 1000 tokens each than obviously guard owners would prefer to have first one in order to save one house inventory slot. The truth is and ironically I think it was Capitan who suggested it that for guard savvy buyers it is much better to have many lower lvl guards then few high lvl ones (Hagen's cost efficiency list confirms this). Beside I've been telling for very long time that we badly need more high lvl guards. It is very easy to screw guard owners but I would think that balancing and providing ligher lvl verison of guards would be much better solution.

Ubear -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/14/2009 17:07:06)

I think that there should be an extra addition to the sending of guards and armies to wars.
Because as of right now (again) the first option that you can send armies and guards through the war is winning.

When deciding on where to send your guards/armies, maybe an option that says "Attack:" or something different?
If a character does not choose a sub-section under the "Attack:" menu, then an error message would pop-up saying "Please choose a side you wish to fight for".
The purpose of this is because the first option in the attack menu at the minute is "Attack Slugwrath", I bet you they will win.
Also on the Pirates VS Ninjas War, the first option was "Attack the pirates". They lost severly.
This will happen on pretty much every qar in the fuure if things carry on the way they are...

Just a thought.

Augustus -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 9:27:26)

I have a question for Captain Rhubarb.

Captain, if you are reading this post..

At one point (a while back) I think you had said that you might able to fix the character pages, for people (such as myself) who (due to a bug) had House Guards that initially fought on the wrong side, during the recent Pirates vs Nina War.

My character fought exclusively for the Pirates (killing 548 waves of Ninjas) but due to the bug my House Guards had racked up 375 waves against the Pirate cause at the start of the war.

I was just wondering, (if you have time and it is not too hard/time consuming to do), if you might be able to look into fixing the amounts displayed on the pages somehow, for myself and for any others affected by this bug.

Again I don't know how hard or time consuming this might be, but I just thought I would ask.

And since this thread concerns Houses I figured I would ask here.


Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 14:21:39)

I'll work on that now.

To everyone,
Does anyone else want to have more than one of any type of building?
Storage building? Resource generators?
I can make that possible.

tjd 07 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 14:29:25)


To everyone,
Does anyone else want to have more than one of any type of building?
Storage building? Resource generators?
I can make that possible.

more resource generators would be nice.
the people who just start the estate struggle alot if they buy a few resource consuming buildings before they upgrade their resource production buildings.
things like the graveyard are great too (things that generate small amounts of 2 resources)
i don't mind about storage though. it would be great to go with extra resource production if that happens though.[:)]
it'd be pretty cool to have some mini-games to do with the estate buildings (like farming!) where you earn some extra resources, only the amount you would gain per hour though. (so the extra resources doubles the amount produced for that hour).

adultswim3 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 14:44:37)

I wouldn't have a problem with it either way.

Being able to buy more then one of each building could allow some people to earn a lot of gold and xp from sending armies/guards.

But, it's also annoying only getting 9 wood an hour so it would be nice to get another wood cutter shack. Maybe increase the max level of the basic rescource gathering buildings (the ones that can go on every estate type) to 15.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 14:45:22)

New "Storage Building 2"

Works exactly like the regular storage building, and you can have both on your estate.
Same exact leveling costs, and gives same 200 extra resource capacity as the original building.

Only difference is that this one costs 2000 z-tokens.

EDIT: And now it's available in the Estate Shop.

Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 14:58:23)

Captain, I want to ask you something :)
I don't know, but it will be hard to code that if we buy the Storage 2 building, we don't need another construct slot? I mean... somehow... "upgrade" the original one... (basicly, adding a second tier level to the bulding, with 2 separete upgrade button (upgrade 1 and upgrade 2))
So, if someone buy the Storage 1 building, he can upgrade it to level 10.
If you want to buy the Storage 2, you need the 1 first (any level)
When you bout the Storage 2, you see 2 separete upgrade button when you click on the building.
Upgrade 1 upgrades the Storage 1, Upgrade 2 upgrades the Storage 2.

It saves a building slot and worth the price :)

Someone can has a level 5 Storage 1 and a level 2 Storage 2, it will count as a level 7 storage. As now, but in ONE building :)

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 15:08:40)


We could accomplish what you're wanting by increasing the max levels allowed for the storage building,
but for right now, having two separate storage buildings will be part of the estate 'strategy'

Someday, when there's more uses for resources, we can raise the max upgrade level limit of most all of the buildings.

Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 15:14:06)


I see:) But with the "upgradeing" option, the players want a "level 20" Storage, the player needs to buy the "plan" for the next 10 level :) Not just upgradeing it, but they need spend Tokens for the next 10 level ;) Its a little Token-sink option.

But I agree with you, owning estate need strategy, specialy when the Kingdoms are close;) Adding a second storage means the kingdoms are very close?;)

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 16:11:42)


ORIGINAL: Augustus
Captain, if you are reading this post..
At one point (a while back) I think you had said that you might able to fix the character pages, for people (such as myself) who (due to a bug) had House Guards that initially fought on the wrong side, during the recent Pirates vs Nina War.
My character fought exclusively for the Pirates (killing 548 waves of Ninjas) but due to the bug my House Guards had racked up 375 waves against the Pirate cause at the start of the war.
I was just wondering, (if you have time and it is not too hard/time consuming to do), if you might be able to look into fixing the amounts displayed on the pages somehow, for myself and for any others affected by this bug.

This is taken care of now.
I adjusted about 100 player's stats to fix their Guard win numbers.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 16:23:03)


I don't want to seem pushy but is there any chance of having more/buyable house slots? It's ok if the answer is no.

I promise, next time I update the shop interface, I'll increase the amount of house item (guards/paintings/estates) slots.
And this will be a free upgrade.

Bratac -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 16:49:46)

I have 2 more questions to Capitan:

1. Any chance for more high level guards in the future?

2. Concept of courage/morale = the more your character fights in the war, the stronger (more couragous) your guards become and gain more XP/points.
This has been outlined some time ago by gopats and if I remember you liked that idea.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 17:39:40)


1. Any chance for more high level guards in the future?

I just now added level 85 and 105 versions of the Drakel Bouncer guard.

Oh, and I tweaked some of the guard prices.
Major change is lowering the cost of the nerf kitten guard to 10,000 z-tokens.
Sorry, no refunds on existing players that own it.
I think i've given out enough free tokens this week!

etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/15/2009 18:07:52)

Price changes:

Nerfkitten Scion (130) 15000 now 10000
Mutant Dracolich!! (92) 1100 1300
MeGogg (92) 2000 1800
Ferocious BURP (90) 1000 1300
Wolf Brain Spider (90) 3,000 2500
Dragoncat Guard (110) 1500 2000

Hagen -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/18/2009 2:41:09)

Here goes the updated Z-token guard effectiveness table with two new guards added, new prices for high-level guards introduced and one error corrected:
Guard                Flag  Cost Level Power Effectiveness
Candy Golem             R   100    45    60        603
Candy Golem             R    25    15    11        464
Guard sheep                 500    75   129        259
Bishop Finch                200    40    50        252
BURP                        200    40    50        252
Fluffy Guard Sheep          100    25    25        250
Guard dog                   100    25    25        250
Guard dog                   300    50    70        235
Gogg                        500    67   109        219
Dragoncat               G   500    65   104        209
Mutant Dracolich!           600    72   122        203
Earth Dragon                600    71   119        199
Energy Dragon               600    71   119        199
Ice Dragon                  600    71   119        199
Wind Dragon                 600    71   119        199
War Dragon                  600    70   117        195
Blue Moglinster         R   225    35    41        184
Green Moglinster        R   210    32    36        172
Death Worms                 300    40    50        168
Guard dog                  1200   100   200        166
Crystal Hound               200    30    32        164
Red Moglinster          R   200    30    32        164
Earth Dragon                300    39    48        162
Energy Dragon               300    39    48        162
Wind Dragon                 300    39    48        162
Bigfoot                     600    60    92        154
Dragoncat               G  1500   110   230        153
Bunyip                      800    70   117        146
Nefarius                    900    75   129        144
Undead Ninja                500    50    70        141
Mutant Dracolich!!         1300    92   176        135
Ferocious BURP             1300    90   170        131
Bunyip                      200    25    25        125
Bishop Finch               1200    80   143        119
Death Worms                1200    80   143        119
Giant Deadwood             1200    80   143        119
Drakel Bouncer             1800   105   215        119
Drakel Bouncer             1500    85   156        104
Jumping BS                  500    40    50        101
MeGogg                     1800    92   176         98
Tarantula BS               1000    60    92         92
Nerfkitten                 2000    90   170         85
Phoenix                     315    26    26         84
Mutant Dracolich            300    25    25         83
Black Widow BS             2000    80   143         71
Nightraider Z              2000    75   129         64
Wolf BS                    3000    90   170         56
Bigfoot                     200    10     6         31
Nerfkitten Scion          10000   130   296         29

Power = level^1.5 / 5
Effectiveness = power / cost * 1000

Answering popular demand to introduce guards that gold can buy to the table I decided to write a separate one.
A new column is added here: Z-cost. It is the actual gold cost converted to a Z-token one using the in-game conversion rate 200Z=->3000g i.e 1/15.
The rest is calculated exactly as above.

Warning: direct cross-table comparison of the effectiveness of a gold guard and a token one should be handled with deep understanding what's going on.
I recommend not to get any easy conclusions from such a comparison.
Guard           Flag   Cost  Z-Cost   Level   Power  Effectiveness
Dragoncat          G    800      53      25      25        468
Nightraider            1600     106      35      41        388
Master of Evil         4000     266      60      92        348
Ice Dragon             2200     146      39      48        332
Red Dragon             2200     146      38      46        319
Nightraider             300      20       8       4        226
Nightraider           12000     800      65     104        131

OnuaNuva -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/18/2009 22:58:09)

Is it just me, or is the guard attack system broken.

I see no benefit to owning more guards. I believe that you keep a steady power:resource cost ratio, right? That means that buying more guards won't lower your resource cost, meaning that it would be more effective to own less guards, as then you would be able to spend resources in smaller amounts, while still getting a few wins.

Come to think of it, if you are guaranteed a single win by your guards' attacks, using the level 7/8 nightraider would cost minimum resources, and get out a constant amount of kills.

Hagen -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/19/2009 3:21:42)


Is it just me, or is the guard attack system broken.
I see no benefit to owning more guards. I believe that you keep a steady power:resource cost ratio, right?

I think that the guards deserve another way of attacking than the armies have.
Something like:
wood/stone cost = 100 (always)
food cost = sqrt(total_guard_power)
after an attack guards have to recover (35-guard_tower_level) hours

maikiejj -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/20/2009 9:12:05)

Captain Rubarb.

If you read this could you please reply. .

Is there a chance in the future that we will be able to have 2 houses/estates ?
And have multiple buildings of the same type ?

I hope you can reply soon.
because i would love those 2 options.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/20/2009 13:42:31)

I started off thinking each character could eventually own more than one house, but the game code got too complicated, and it became easier to manage with the assumption that 1 character = 1 house.

A lot of players will buy different houses for their other characters on their user account, to try out different combination of buildings.

I'm going to attempt to allow each character to own more than one 'kingdom'. One per alien planet.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/21/2009 14:39:59)


wasn't it Captin Rhubarb who said something along the lines that Guards and Guard towers help reduce the chance of being invaded but it doesn't reduce the chance to 0%

That estimate is based on a player owning a "reasonable" number of guards.
A player owning practically *all* the guards, would likely never get attacked.

Ghengis -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/21/2009 17:43:32)


A player owning practically *all* the guards, would likely never get attacked.

oO So I have to buy all the guards so that I would likely never get attacked... So it still isn't a 100% chance of not getting attacked (-_-) even with all the guards... That's just sad...

Fisto -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/21/2009 21:40:27)


oO So I have to buy all the guards so that I would likely never get attacked... So it still isn't a 100% chance of not getting attacked (-_-) even with all the guards... That's just sad...

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure none of this includes the Guard Tower into the equation. A level 15 Guard Tower counts as 3000 levels of guards and if you add the guards themselves into this, then it really adds up. I'm telling you from experience that I haven't been attacked in a very long time, well before I had what I have now.

To top it off, just think of all the extra XP and Gold you'll make from your guards sending them into wars. Lord knows I've enjoyed it.

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