RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (Full Version)

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Des Stergin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/22/2008 13:17:39)

Ok home dog, I got some questions, you got some answers, here we go.
Here we go
1. Up is to down as Cysero is to....?
A blank sheet of paper
2. Whats your Dragons name?
Gjen :o
3. Would you pwn me in a game of snowball?
You would dominate me. D:
4. How long have you been playing?
AE games? Since '06
5. Do you think you can keep up with the DFpedia?
It's a massive pile of work.. maybe. :p
6. Are you happy to be an Archknight?
Wearing shackles, submitting your soul, and getting punished just for being here? Heck yes.
7. Do you get an archknight weapon?
8. Are ya inta sports?
I wouldn't suppose so
9. Think you will need any help in the DFpedia?
I most certainly will
10. If so, can I help?
Go ahead.
11. Where were you New Years morning?
12. Do you know Merca and Bella?
No, I do not
13. Did you know that I do?
No, I did not
14 Cookies and...?
milk create a delicous duo?
15. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEHIND YOU!!!!!
It's.. It's!! Oh, it's just a zombie.
Whoops, looks like you shot a man in Reno just to watch him die! Then he respawned right behind you and things got ugly....
Was I brainwashed?
Good luck and have fun as an AK!!!!
Thanks! When's the fun start? <_>

Alixander Fey -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/22/2008 14:16:49)

I only have one question.
Alrighty then
Can I ask two more?
Tricks :O

Really? Thanks! Okay, first:
Well.. I didn't say no. ¬¬
Can I scratch you behind your ears?
Okay, but I'm not scratching behind your's. :l
And finally....
The suspense :0

he11ix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/22/2008 15:13:30)

Hey. Say a simple greeting, get a simple greeting. ;P
What were you late for?
My appointment
Why are you wasting time answering questions when you should be going to whatever you're late to?
I'm here aren't I?
Are you really a dog?
The name's really misleading. I'm actually a tiger/hawk hybrid.
How can you type with those paws?
yes, vrey wll oto
Is dog food any good?
It's good, but that stuff humans eat is even greater.
Why chase cats when you can chase little girls off cliffs?
Cats are our natural enemy *chews on stuffed cat animal*
What is the square route of CHERRY pie?
8 something
Which is funnier: Someone about to do something, then a train randomly coming out of nowhere and running them over. Or, someone randomly blowing up.
Gotta be the train.
Are you annoyed by my questions?

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/22/2008 17:25:40)

A cat?!
DO you play DF? What level you're in? I'm in 19!
Yep, I'm level 47. You're doing good yourself :)
What's your fav music?
Can't say, I like a lot of them.

ultrashadowlord -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/24/2008 5:29:11)

Hello again Latedoggy, here's some doggy treats since I am not too sure you are being well fed. Yes more questions, poor you.
How thoughtful!
1: Who's the poor soul that has to give you a flea bath?
This here canine is 100% flea free.
2: Since you are in a cold dark and lonely dungeon, how often is it cleaned up since most dogs are rather bad at bathroom breaks.
It's always being trailed out by shoes.
3: What do you do for exercise while being shackled?
You know, the shackle-up.
4: Would you be an ally to the Princess_Hallie and ultrashadowlord to rule over all of lore?
*distant voice* Don't do it!
5: Are you given any pillows, blankets or anything of comfort?
I can nab some, but it'll cost me dearly.
6: Since we all know that archknights are mere robots, how often are you given a tune up?
A robo-pup, now that would be some magic.
7: Zomgz, there's a virus coming right for you!
*places banana on floor for slipping*
8: Do you get any sleep or well being that you are a robot, do you get to recharge?
Sleep or recharging is for the weak.
9: Did you know that Rolith and Alac are robots too just like the rest of AE Team?
They are not. I had a discussion with them and they only said things like: "I am a robot." and "Robots we are."
10: So why is cake a lie, pie truth, banana fudge a contradiction?
You have no proof :o
11: Do you like randomness?
A car walked up a chimney branch.
12: Feliz Navidad y feliz ano nuevo...Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Ah, fun.
13: Which version are you? Since Alac is version 2.0, Rolith 1.2, Artix 1.5, Cy 3.0 and the great Warlic 5.0.
Version won.oh
14: Oh look there is a box with your name on it, what could it be? I keep hearing some meowing coming from the box.
Send to: France
15: Did you know that Armakuny and Circe are the only archknights that are humans?
But Circe is a mod. Conspiracy :O
Now get back to work before you burst into flames.
Aha! but I used special flame-bursting resistant shampoo.

Andy8 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/24/2008 6:30:19)

Thanks Andy! :] I'll be there when you get yours up. :o
Sorry for late not come DF GD quite often...[:)]
It's not too bad. :P

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/24/2008 14:14:40)

Hiyas AGAIN!
It's one giant deja vu! :O
1. when do choclate bunnies come out to rule the worlds
They're hibernating. Do you have any idea how long they hibernate?
2. bleep bloop!
Boo bop bleep?
3. Why does Gray Earl tea taste so delicious?
I'm not into tea.
5. there is no four. MYSTERIOUS!
Because 7 8 4? :/
7. there is no six ALSO MYSTERIOUS!
No! Not 6 too!
8. youz likez maz sig?
It's.. interesting.
9. So how are the shackles Alac gave you?
They're holding up to chainsaws, unfortunately.
10. is your cot nice and warm?
That would be the day.
11. how about the demon in the corner that ever hungers for you soul?
I will eat his soul FIRST!
12. The Gray Earl tea?
The Earl Grey tea?
So the 4 and 6 went, but not the 13?!
14. oh goodz! it gonez
Awesome :o

Draconian Rogue -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/26/2008 7:23:58)

Hi there
Hi :D
How do you do?
I'm doin' swell.
What's your favourite anime?
Don't really watch anime.
If you had 3 wishes,what would they be?
1. Gingerbread house. 2. Live in it. 3. Unable to be hurt physically

Dragons or Draconians?
Do you think Zorbak deserved to be punted rather than poor Twilly?
I take no part in this decision :P

Defaults or Build-a-mecha?
Neither, I don't play MQ much.
Which DF class you like?
Hehe, warrior.

sphinx801 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/26/2008 11:43:42)

Congrats on akship latedog!
Many thanks!
just one question
I'm listening.
1. Leeroy!?

diva77677 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/26/2008 12:27:24)

First, congratz!
Why thank you :)
Now, am I allowed to spam questions? Yes? No? Oh well, you shaking your head left to right, I take as a yes.
I take it you mean no.
1) There are 10 birds on a tree. You shoot one. How many are left?
None, the others fly away upon hearing the shot.
2) Did you like Q1?
3) 1 plus 1 equals?
I forget, what comes after the number R?
4) Do you know me? *waits patiently.... expecting the answer no* [:(]
Not closely, but I know a face when I see one.
5) What's the 35th decimal of pi?
From sheer knowledge, 8. No lie.
6) Are you wondering why up to now, 3/7 of my questions are math-related?
Not until you brought it up just now. D:
7) If you had Cysero's real Kill You Stick Thingy (Sorry Cy) what would you do first?
Break it in half and have 2 sticks. :D

And that's all for now!
You wouldn't lie to me, would you?
8) Hi...
Is this a trick question?
9) Do you have an appointment?
oo, am I late am I late??
10) If you just swam a mile and beat Michael Phelps, how would you feel?
Dazed and confused, probably exhausted.
11) XYZ
Yep, those are the first three numbers in a pair of socks.
12) Do you have an email? If so, what do you use? (yahoo, gmail, etc.)
I use yahoo and gmail.
13) Oh no! It's the dreaded 13!
Behold! The new invention called 'Backspace' :O
14) I like pie :)
15) I threw you into a 20 feet tall and 90 feet wide tub of beans, pigs, and milk. What do you do? (Do NOT tell me eat)
If worst comes to worst, fly.
Haha... I found where you got your previous avatar
Not exactly, but that is it. :)

Until... the next page... [sm=6r83v6.gif] Bwahahahahahahaha!!! I mean... uh... *searches for excuse* uhh.... hi!
Have we met before?

Goldstein -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/26/2008 23:35:59)

1. Ten dollars says you don't know me
I agreed to nothing.
2. Congrats! I was feel good when one of us formuites rises to the ranks of grandeur.
3. *whispers* Put in a good word for me to Reens, will you?
*whispers back* .. What was your name again?
4. Don't mean to get personal, but what country are you from?
You be breakin' the law. However, I can tell you that I was born in the US.
Signing off, and once again, congrats on the promotion!
It's more like a DE-motion.

exodus74 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 0:35:44)

hi. and congrats on joining the all powerful forum-nerfers (AKs)
Nerfaged latedog says, "Thanks! but we don't nerf the forums D:"
do you play DF? if so what lv?
Yes, 7+4=47
what about MQ? same as above.
I rarely play, lvl 19.
what is your IQ?
what is MY IQ?
*mumbles some more*
what is the answer to this question?
Owt Y trof!
favorite AE game?
Punt twilly :D
most awesomest (tm) uberly powerful AE game player ever? (better be me)
Me of course
if i make you mad, is that black hole-like picture thingy of yours going to come to life and eat me?
No no no, you shall be dematerialized by it.
what do you think about all these togacide quests in DF?
I enjoy them :]
when do you think AE went insane?
The second when Artix said, "We just went insane! Please, hold your applause!"
good LUK on being a AK
My CHA is higher like no other. I think that can replace my LUK.

SDF -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 0:46:07)

1. Do you know me? Do I know you?
Yes and no, but which way around is it? O_o
2. How'd you become an AK?
You know, helping out and accepting the offer. :0
P.S thanks for helping me on togicide[:)]
You're absolutely welcome :D
Congrats on becoming a AK
Thank you lots!

ajjunioryankee -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 7:22:37)

Hey back again..forgot to say congrat :( but also have more questions
Thanks :o
Peter piper picked a peck of pickled many peppers did peter piper pick??
A lot
Your in a room...small and dark..theres a candle thats lit ..but no window to see..there a bear out side what color is it??
Green with extra blue
Whens the month of my cheating by going to ma profile...(hiny hint jk jk)
Using my ESP powers.. November is it not!?
Starwars saga or Lord of the rings trilogy extended edition(never try to watch lotr extended edition and star wars in one day..i did it it was tiring)
Star Wars
Have u ever been out of the usa
Sadly, no ._.
can u get me a puppy no [:@]...plz [:(][:o]
Maybe since you said please.
can monkeys fly
Only in our dreams
What name would a chiuhaha(spelt that wrong) and a golden retriever put together have here my thoughts.. a chiahiever but idk im random
Bob O.o
Ash and me arte in a small dark room with a knife in the middle...wut happens
You play cards with Ash

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 10:15:33)

Yo latedog!
Yo WoTiFe

1.Are you always late?
By the looks of it, yes.

2.Shotguns...or Rockets?

3.Why is the cat always early and the dog always late?
Prove it :o

4.Favourite moglin in DF?
I'm going to have to go with Chilly

5.May i have a chocolate chip cookie please?
Su-- Hey, you ate them all D:

6.[:D][:D][:D]<-----What if i add one more smiley?
The worst happens.

7.What will you do if i bomb up your house?
You'll have to catch my house first

8./me stares at latedog's dog snack.
/me chomps them all

9.Do you play Ebilgames FireSpawn?
I've played it before.

10.How many marks could a marker mark if a marker could mark marks?
Ask Mr. Owl

11.What will you do if you found a bone outside your house?
1.Bomb it.
2.Burn it.
3.Crush it.
4.Err.....send it to the Bone Tester?
Rebury it before the other dog comes D;

12.Favourite Food?
Anything edible

13.What do you prefer:Yo,Hi,wellow,I wuv Fish and wice-cweam,or Twig FTW?
A nice and easy, Where's the money.

14./me aims a Rocket Launcher at Latedog.

15.Solve this in 0.1 Sec without using a calculator and working.(999x999)Divide by 999)+999-999.

That's all for now bye.Oh yeah and how do you think about my siggy?
It's very... subtle.

Sir Real -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 12:03:58)

Like everyone else is saying, hello and congratulations.
Hello and thank you
1. What is the point of these "Meet the ArchKnight" threads?
Ask meh questions
2. Where did people get the idea you are in a cell?
Ha, idea?
3. Why are you in a cell?
They used the power of reason D:
4. Are you late as in not on time, or late as in dead?
*Points at graveyard-themed clock*
5. Do you like Gary Larson's The Far Side?
Never even heard of it.
6. Have you ever read same?
7. Did you answer yes to 5 and no to 6? Because if you did, that's wierd.
8. What will be your answer to the question below this one?
9. Why did you answer the question above this one the way you did?
I knew this question was coming.
10. If your answer to 1 was "So you can meet the ArchKnight", do you think asking all these silly questions is really the best way to do that?
If they're asking questions that actually let them know a few things about me, then yes. Then again, they can't be too personal.
11. Do you like answering these questions?
Most certainly
12. Will you answer this question in the negative?

Moglin Crazed09 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 20:08:09)

Meheheh...I'm Back...*Is draging Zorbak*
The horror magnificence!
Twig Said to Sya Hi
Twilly said to say hiyas
Want to punt twilly some time?
Pass! ;P
Spider-Man or Yoda?
Man-Spider I choose
Luke or Aniken?
Am I not the Droid Your Looking For?
No, it's down the hall to the left
Super Smash bros. Brawl Or Acrade mario?
Pepsi or Dr.Pepper
Isdid Is upside down pepsi!:D
Shouldn't the second 'i' be an upside-down ә? :P
How much would could a Super Sayin Blow up if a Super Sayin Blew Up Wood?
Too epic of an amount.
May teh Force Be with you!(And the twilly puntign boots)
I has teh power :o
Oh and notice your Thread is late and your Name is Late... :D
The connection is unbelievable :O

Dil -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 20:19:55)

Thanks so much!
Do like the DB trilgy? (DB DBZ DBGT?)
Don't really watch it, so not too much opinion here.

speedy fighters -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/27/2008 22:04:12)

ah, another one........
Tell me about it :p
how can i torment this one
Decisions, decisions
immediatly spams by typing this
who are you
I am ... who I am.
who am i
You are what you eat.
It be you. :O
dracolich or giant mecha
Dracolich :)
D.F. or M.Q.
if 1=2 and 2=3 then what is 1+2+3?
who put the shackles on you?
The pet rats the mods carry with them. *shivers*
what color were they?
The color of, evil.
i am planning a mass breakout soon, i got past the snipers, im in the clear now, right?
Behind you!!
do you know what question this is?
One that I will be answering?
railroadcrossing railroadcrossing, how do you spell that without any r's?
this is question thirteen you know......
Ah, time does fly by.
Party at my place! :P
um......latedog.......I AM YOUR FATHER
Quick, what's my father's name?!
happy frostvale to all
Hehe, hope you had a good one.

Suuichi -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/28/2008 13:25:10)

Heya, latedog. Congrats and bla bla bla. Just wanted to say good luck.
Hillo Suuichi. Thanks and yadayada. (d:)
You so did not see this edit.
You got that right.
Happy New Year!
To one and all! Thank yas

~AFTR ( A Fish That's Raw)

tayo19 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/28/2008 14:30:19)

Weren't you already a ArchKnight???
Maybe you were thinking of my Helpful title, or it could be that I just made a late MtAK. :p
Well any way congrats on the promotion
Thank you, tayo. :]

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/29/2008 2:49:30)

......why hasn't he been answering our questions?
I've been having some technical problems is all.

Z -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/29/2008 8:28:17)

Hi latedog, congratulations on AKship.
Thanks Z ;)
1. Do you have a favorite author/series? Why is the author/series your favorite?
If I had one, I'd tell you. :/
2. If you couldn't choose to work in the DF Pedia, where would you moderate?
Erm .. Nothing else really suits me. xD
3. Do you have a favorite item in DF?
But of course, Spider Slayer Sword.
That's all. Good luck!
Thank you for sparing me :o

blaneblaneman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/29/2008 11:46:17)

Ahem... it's deading time >:)
Not the deading!
1. HI!!
Herro :)

2. Have you seen me around?
Why yes

3. Favorite vegetable? (RaNdoM~!)
Cucumbers, but it's technically a fruit, so broccs.

4. Does =MTAK= happen right after the AK promotion? (Curious...)
Whenever the AK has the bravery to make their's.

5. So you're the 2nd newest AK, huh?
Was.. <.<

6. Does #5 even count as a question?
Looks all right to me

7. Do you hear questions like #6 a lot?
None I recall

8. Anyway that I could.............. bribe you?? >:)
Nope, but you are free to donate to the latedog fund. All donations benefit yours truly.

9. Do you really believe the Global Warming junk?
I'm not going to give you a long answer, but I find that it's plausible. It has hard evidence, so I do believe that Global Warming is there.

10. Did I offend you with question 9?
No problems here.

11. Who made you AK? (I don't know why this wasn't question #3...)
I'll get back to you on that, even I don't know. :l

12. You answer stuff pretty fast! How do you do it?
You saw nuh'ting.

That's it!! Lucky I stopped at 12, because I'm allergic to #13!! *pats epi-pen in my pocket*.
Oh, but does it hold up against, Monday mornings?

Bye!! And Good Luck!
Thanks, but wait, there's more!

EDIT: Gasp! Here's #13!!
...and here come the Monday mornings :o
13. Why did it take you sooooooo long to answer up to me? I've waited for SO LONG!! [&o]
I'll make it up to you, ice cream on me. :]

007 midget -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/29/2008 17:00:05)

Thanks :)
could i become an AK?
Of course you're able to.
do you know who Nate Dogg is?
Not really
If yes then well done if not then O.o
ever been to Wales?
Do you know where that is?
You're up
Do you like waffles?
Do you have any?
Do you like this vid?
Heh, I don't have volume .-.
Did you suscribe?(i know i did)
I didn't
Whats your youtube account if you have one?
Well keep doing your AK stuff and have fun
I will, thank you.
(subliminal message says make me an AK[8|])
Must.. resist!
edit: pwned u in PvP
Nooo :o
edit: while taking a break watch this =P
*points at broken speakers*

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