RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (Full Version)

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vezha -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/29/2008 18:43:53)

Too bad i dont know you. Knowing AKs is always cool.
Aha, you overlooked one detail. I'm not cool :0
Anyway, congratumalations!
Whats the best game that isnt an AE game?
Smash >:
What about your favourite book or series of books?
Don't have one.
If you don't say Inheritance, i think i might borrow the official Oblivion trout and beat something errr, make you a sandwich?
So no sandwich for me? D:
Waffles or pancakes?
Global Warming: Dangerous or natural?
Naturally dangerous
I will have nightmares for the rest of my days :(
Look! Teh Piez!
I sees no moogle!
*runs after pie, leaving you in the dust*
*takes you down with me*

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/29/2008 18:45:39)

Yays! fourth page! time for more tortu- questions!
I am positive we've never met before. p:
1. Will there be a war when cysero returns in AQ
Every single day
and thats the one question i can think of.... bye!
I sense we will be speaking again in the incredibly near future.
3. Everybody loves magical trevor!
He is ever so clever. Sad that the others aren't really as good.
4. Ever seen the halo machinma Red VS. Blue?
5. Bleep bloop
What are robots?
6.yeah yeah the cow is back!
And he's sawing a pigeon in half with a stick
7. yays! lucky numbuh seven!
Rumor has it that it's a cannibal. D:
8. What are your shackles made of?
Dreams and golden delight!
9. Favorite AE game?
10. Favorite DF class?
11. Favorite AQW class?
Pirate coupled with Undead Moglin :D
12. so.... how did you get your name?
Nickname :O
13. Oh noz! notz another thirteen!
I've built up an immunity for it now *looks away with pride*
14. whewz! itz gone!
But the image will be forever burned into your mind.
15. How many questions does it take to annoy you?
A maximum of 2, a minimum of 3
Thats all for now... mortal
Oooo, I'm sha-king. d:

speelman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/30/2008 10:54:38)

hey latedog
Hello speelman!
1# are you a alien kinda dog ?
2# if you are a dog how can you type
I use my nails :0
3# woof
Is what I say :D
4# fun things of being a dog ? that can type and type in english....
We're man's best friend. :)
5# good doggy
I can has doggie treat?
thanx for answering my questions if you do not no thanks lol
Pleasure :]

jordananddraco -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/30/2008 14:27:23)

how do you get sugglebear helm?
By finding it. :|

pjc -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/30/2008 16:17:53)

*finally gets round to posting*
*finally gets round to answering*
I hope you haven't lost interest by the time you reach this post. ._.
Nope, nope, nope
Anyway, this is an old question I posted in Circe's MtAK all the way back in January. We still don't really know the answer to it. "If I have five pieces of lettuce, and I throw them vigorously at a block of cheese wearing a pink and yellow Santa hat called John, then how many triangular bathtubs would it take to consume a jumping parrot's brain cells on Wednesday?"
I lost you at, "*finally...*".
Very philosophical, I'm sure you'll agree. Many a beard was stroked.
And let the beard-stroking continue.
And that's all I got. Srsly.
This is all from you? Srsly?
We need you on IRC. D:
Me thinks I got it working now. :]
bai, kthx

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/30/2008 17:07:27)

Hello, I am Drakkos and I play DF and AQW.
I play those too :O
What are your levels for DF and AQW? Mine are 50 for DF and 20 for AQW.
47; 19
Do you like the song Caramelldansen?
Basshunter overrules all
What do you think of my name?
I am epic. [8D]
Your level of epicness is off the charts! :O
Well abadeeabadeeabdadee that's all folks!
No, it's abadeeabadeebadee d:

mickey 209 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/30/2008 17:15:18)

1)Cheesy cheese?
The cheesiest.
Do I like to wear flashlights made of sofas?
3)Have you had a AK eat your hamster and brain slug?* shudders* All theses hamster-eating AKs......
4)If you had chance to eat GIR would you?
Who eats robots for breakfast? D:
5)GIR or Mini-Moose?
Gir ^__^
6)Why did you choose Latedog as you user name?
It was my calling.
7)Blue or Turquoise?
8)Would you rather have a turtle or brain slug on your head?
Turtle :3
9)Would you rather be slapped with a waffle by GIR or be hit by a cookie from a child?
I'd eat the waffle and dodge the cookie.
10)Will I be back?
Hard to say. no. :l

ZamuelNow -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/30/2008 19:16:35)

Sadly, since I don't know you I must ask: To avoid embarrassing myself, should I address you as sir or ma'am?
That's sir, yes sir to you.
What do you like the most about DF's gameplay?
Walk-around, traveling on foot is only the best. :D
What do you like the least?
Not enough walking-around in my eyes. D: Even little snippets while venturing into a different area would do. Like Oaklore :)

z3r099 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/31/2008 0:29:10)

Greetings Latedog i see we have something alike already
Congratz with your archknightsmenship
Thanks! Wouldn't that be great if it was actually called that ;P
Now for the pointless questions
1) If a cat and dog were to make friends would this mark the end of the world?..... Or the begenning of a new one?
The beginning of an old one.
2) If you could be any staff member would it be one who loves to slay the undead or one who has monster laundry
2 is any? d:
3) Do you expect us to get to question number 15
*looks down* No..
4)What is your favorite weapon in DF
Spider Slayer
5) If you could be any elemental what would you be
Ice. :)
6) Are all the cookies cake and other yummy things gonna ever end
The very thought hurts me D:
7)Favorite Food
Spam to go. mmm.
8)Did i actually read the other posts?
That would be inhuman :O
9) Do you ever read all the posts if the thread is more than 5 pages long
I usually skim through the first few.
10) OMG! 10 we're almost at 15!
It's coming to an end fast :(
11)Arctic Monkeys?
I am not :0
12)Sea Serpent Or Giant Dragon type thing
Which ever one is more deadly.
13) *Insert Most important question Here*
That's one important question!
14) Do you feel proud of yourself for answering the last question?
Maybe I should post in the accomplishments thread :P
16) HA we didn't get to number 15 because i skipped it, Caught you off guard didn't I??????
You're sneaky! :o
(Now For the actual #16) How are your shackles I-I-I mean AKship ?
Slow :I

marvin_the_robot -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/31/2008 1:50:18)

JUST noticed this thread. Hope you haven't decided to stop answering questions :]
No! :O
I usually don't frequent these parts, but I'm always happy to meet another AK.
Pleasure :]
Onto the Q's!
Let's do it to it.
1) Why did you decide to be an AK for the DF Pedia of all places?
Mainly that I know the pedia pretty well. Also because I lurve it. :3

2) What did you DO to become an AK?
Well first of all, I agreed. xD Pedia work, helping, the works.

3) Favorite band?
Basshunter counts?

4) Favorite movie?
Gran Torino by far <_<

5) Favorite TV Show?
Robot Chicken, maybe.

6) How are your shackles feeling down in the AK dungeon? Tight?
I've become paralyzed from the ankles down. D:

7) So, tried any escape attempts yet?

Heard what happened to the last guy that tried?

royce924 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/31/2008 2:42:12)

Grats on AKship latedog!
Do you know me(probably not)?
Do you happen to be, royce924?
How's the shackles AKship?
Like being in a cell. Wait..
Fav Food?
Sushi :D Especially halibut :3
Fav Book?
I need to read more.
: D
>: (
Who imprisoned you made you an AK?
I really need to look into that, but KickKat offered me.
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?
... *removes scouter*
How many licks does it take to reach the centre of a tootsie pop?
The world may never know.

DKnight321 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/31/2008 13:17:20)

1. lol,well anyway,hi
2. Congrats
As always, I thank you :)
3.Happy new year
Yes it is xP
4. Know me or remember me?
I know you or remember you
5. Remember Hunt for Latedog?
I'm guessing this hunt was unsuccessful?
6. No?
7. Soon
Should've told me sooner
8. Why so serious!?
9. Do you believe in God or Santa?
Do you believe in maaagic...
11. 42 or 24?
12. Sometimes or Never?
Sometimes never, but always sometimes
13. You are DOOMED!
It always leads up to the doom :p
Hm, forever's not good for me, how about at 8:00?
15. Anyway cya in hell!
Hey now :o

regiultima -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/31/2008 14:20:46)

1) how do you get sword of the archknight and what does it look like?
It's for the forum ArchKnights. Looks like glass.

Anonymus -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/31/2008 19:31:50)

YAY for you late(ness hot)dog!
But I want hot dog now :O
Hope your having fun in that cool dimesion!
Come on over to the AK-nut dimension whenever you're free!
(clears throat)1.why are you a ArchKnight?
I like the pedia. A lot. :l
2.Do you have awesome editing powers?
Yep, the power to edit my own posts :O
3.What is your favorite candy?
I hardly do ever eat candy. Buuuut, I'll just say, most things sour.
4.Why do you have a pie(with strawberry-lime taste) in your face?
Everybody eats pies off their own face, duh.
5.Do you jump when i say ``JUMP``?
In fact, I do backflips.
6.What your favorite song and whats the band/artist?
Who can it be now? - Men at Work (xP)
7.Whats my sister`s name(and do i HAVE a sister)?
*does a backflip*
8.Do you like manga?
There is a small chance I will say yes. But most likely no.
9.In that case which one????
10.Can i have that gigantic candy supply flying behind you?
Now if only we could get to it ...
11.Do you think my forum name is wierd(don`t care about the answer)?
But you know what they say about those who remain anonymous don't you?
12.OH NO A SUPER PWN MONSTER THAT CAN KILL EVERYTHING!......................Did you become scared now?
*super pwn backflips*
13.Whatamiwritingnow?thinkaboutheanswer *looksatthequestionnumber*
You're writing this question?
15.What do i see right now?
Not light.

Doubleoh4 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (12/31/2008 19:56:38)

Greeting and first of all Congratulations!
Thank you much, Agent 004.
1) How late of a dog are you?
So late my owner bought a new dog D;
2) What kind of punishment does a dog get when it is late?
No chasing furries for a whole week :(
3) Can a dog really become a Knight?
You saw it happen right here.
4) Do you like Asparagus?
Steamed makes it win. :D

All the best


PvP_Carebear -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/1/2009 14:51:28)

What is your name?
Late.. Latedog.
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What is your favourite vegetable of all time?
Mine are peas. Do you like peas?
No, really.
Should we all just give peas a chance?
Enslave them all!
Have you ever seen the movie Krull?
I've only seen movies I've heard of.
Blue or green?
Green and
Red or black?
Black makes orange. :l
Destiny or DOOM?
Doom isn't my destiny?
Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
I'd probably make a record time of 4.7 seconds.
What are the chances of the very clever and well-made (a work of pure genius, if I do say so myself; art in motion, no less) campaign for the elemental orb of silver I'm designing to ever be implemented?
I'll just say good luck x)
If above is very low, who do I need to bribe?
If above is not possible, who do I need to kidnap, brainwash and return to AE under my complete control?
Try 'n capture the moogle, sneaky.
You just lost the game.
I'm such a failure. ._.
How many 5-year-olds do you reckon you could take in an all-out fight, if they all attacked at once?
I'd manage to crawl out from underneath them all and leave unnoticed.
That's it, I'm done. Relieved to be finished?
Encore ;_;

mooneeve -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/1/2009 18:48:48)

I am back to ruin your day![;)]
Too bad it's night right now. ;_;
So how is "life"?
I tried to catch it, but it ran away.
Should I ask AE to get you a bigger pair of shackles with Version 5 security?
Any bigger and I'd be able to slip out. /:)
If you found a cookie on the floor what would you do?
Take it to the lost and found.
If you could be a cow what would you do?
Take it to the lost and found.
If I stopped making typoes what would happen?
A new millennium
If I said it was the end of the world would you believe meh >:)?
I'd probably look outside first.
What if ninja monkies stole this question?
Even worse, what if they stole my re
*This question has been stolen by ninja monkeys for certain reasons please do not panic*
Oh shoot, no question to answer?
Pirate or ninja? (you bettah say ninja)
Are you hungry?
Who gave you the impression that AKs/robots eat? :|
For pie?
Apparently they were correct O_o Hand me a slice :O
Ahhh tis the end of the world!
Can I check back with you on that in 5?
I gotta go stop a deranged lunatic chicken from takin over the world more tortue soon.[;)]
I have my doubts . . .

Myra -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/2/2009 6:44:11)

Hi latedog!
Hiya MR! :]

Umm ... I usually don't post in MtAKs, but since it looks like I will have to make a thread like this myself in the future, do you mind if I ask you something about this?
Well, since you and I are here..
Is it fun to answer all the questions?
You should know the answer by now. x) They can be.
And how much time does it take you to answer them, roughly?
Ranges around about an hour to two.
<.< >.> So, how are the chances of breaking out of here?
That's all I got. See you around!
'Round town :]

Vadar -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/2/2009 13:18:30)

Congratz latedawg!
Thank you! And dawg? That's a first. :o
Am I your father?
Dober Vadar?!
No more quest-ionz and again, congratz...all the best.
Catch you later!

Silver Phoenix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/2/2009 17:26:51)

Was that a question?
Was it a question?
How much woood can a woodchuck chuck?
They don't chuck, they flail and release.
How's your career as a punstually challenged canine?
Now wouldn't this be good for sharing on career day.
If you went back in time andkilled your grandfather, would your existence cease?
*Urk* Noo--
Is this a lie?
If it is, so is my answer..

lord ike -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/2/2009 23:26:55)

Your majesty
Did the wizard do it?
Oh those wizards!
How many "It's over 9000!" jokes are there on the internet?(this overdone dragonball z thing[:'(])
Did you read what time I posted this?
Too late now
Do you think im insane?
No surprises now D:
-Insert a question that your sick of answering.-
Did you notice my decent grammer?
That's awesome :O
Do you know what "viva el espaniol!!" means?
Short live dogs?
Gooood byyyye! and remember, always ,and I mean always, talk to the Vialamono!
I might be a few weeks late
Ha fooled you! Anyway, 1 last question, are you ever an early-dog or an on-time dog?
There has to be something furry running in that direction.

Lucario0708 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/3/2009 15:30:18)

why are u always late, dog?
It's the late night shows!
fear me
That aura, it fills me with fear.
fear zorbak
That ebil.. ebil.
/me runs
Dogs can run faster :D
what color are your shackles?
It's actually a ball and chain, aren't they purty?
/me appears before latedogs cell
*Begins to bark loudly*
i got past the snipers *falls in two* but not the chainsaw wielding armies of dorkness
I had that same problem just last week :[

j_dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/3/2009 15:52:28)

I am J_dragon the ex-X-guardian/dragonlord/starcaptain/adventurer
1. what game do u play the most(AE)?
2. what game do u play the most(non-AE)?
Minesweeper all the way
3. how did you become an ArchKnight?
I sent them a very well thought out PM. (No, not really)
4. have you ever played ArchKnight?
5. Can I be an ArchKnight?
Now everyone can!
6. what is your favorite smiley[:D]?
7. what is your favorite color?
Light greens
8. what kind of computer do you have?
Too old to tell
9. what would happen if an ArchKnight was caught hacking a game?
Very bad things, things that would make them cry.
10. do the ArchKnights ever come in direct contact with the creators?
I can say one thing, road trip.
11. ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight ArchKnight.
You don't expect me to say that 5 times fast.
12. Am i annoying you yet?
Nothing annoys me.. Darn fly! Shoo!
13.does this guy look like he's picking his nose or not?[:-]
[>:] He begs to differ
14.Yah, i added another one, AND WHAT"R U GONNA DO ABOUT IT?!?!?!
You really want to know?
These sites look familiar..
Forrest Gump:

....And that's all i hafta say about the war in Vietnam.

OleJ96 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/3/2009 16:01:12)

Hello latedog... My time to torture you with questions ask questions...
You don't seem to be up to anything, let's continue.
1: If I puts a poisoined pie in the front of the door of your house, hides in a bush, and uses magic to force you to eat it when you open the door, will you still be alive?
But I use the chimney when checking who's knocking.
2: Is the cheeseburger a lie?
Not according to my stomach.
3: This is the third question, never tought I can find on so many questions
Too many, I'm about to break down!
4: A late(dog) congratulations of being an AK
Do I even need to begin with how late I am?
5: You want a magic cookie that tastes whatever you want?
New undergarments flavor musn't taste too well.
6: MOHAHAHA!!!!!!! Beat that
7: Do you know about something more evil then a donkey and an ice cream in a cup? Who can imagine how much evil thing that can be made out of that!!!
A cherry on top.. *shiver*
8: Can I use your face as a punching ball?
How about one of those stress bags instead?
9: If no, why not?
If you don't want the stress bag, then you get nothing, ha.
10: Can you try to edit a DF picture?
This is what it came up as: A picture of The Scream
12: No question number 11, what you think about that :O
You win an 11!
13: Woho!!! Number 13, my lucky number
Time to go mirror smashing!
14: Will we ever get a battle with Sepulchure alone, without the impossible to beat Fluffy?
Tell him you have dinner reservations for 2. No pets.
15: Last question, your happy now, isnt you? Now the torture time question time is over... /sad face
You definitely weren't up to anything.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/3/2009 21:12:17)

'New' is right. You are NOT new. Especially since you have to be a minimum of 13 years of age. But, not new either.

Why the Pedia?

Do you play any instruments? If so, which/what?

What do you do in your spare (forum) time? Exclude helping around. That's a given.

Do you play other AE games?

How many fingers do I have on my hands?

Do you have any favorite people in this forum? (Don't answer this question)

Clementines or White Grapes?

Magic, Melee, Ranged, or Evoking?

Chaos or Order?

Destiny or Doom? you consider yourself a very nice, funny, inspiring person?

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