RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (Full Version)

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Riptide0012 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/4/2009 2:43:59)

Congrats on getting the AK job! Its always an honour to get this position.

A few questions are followin up-

Is being an AK fun?

In DF, the Sword of the ArchKnight-what does it look like?

Again congrats-really a cool thing to be an AK. I know youre gonna be right for the job!

Watashig -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/4/2009 2:49:54)

Part one, the serious Q&As

1. How is AKing going?

2. Do you like the pedia?

3. Who are some of your favorite normal forumites?

4. Favorite AKs?

5. Do you have any hobbies?

6. What is the origin of your name?

Part two
7. This is not a question. Or is it?

8. ...?

9. Do you remember me? I is the character, Overpower on AQW!

10. How's the shackles and cage?

11. Is that a muffin?

12. What does spam taste like?

Goodbye for now~
Overpower, the Warlord

Infamous Zeru -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/8/2009 16:46:45)

1. hmm weren't you ak before?
2. gratzulations
3. 1+1=2 then whats behind my school? a dead rat
4. if x= 1x1 and if 6.0 on a richter school =x how strong is it?
5.see ya

OmegaBreak -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/13/2009 2:23:38)

Hai thar

I can has snugz ?

So, how 'bout Breaking Benjamin ?

Snickers or Hot Cheetos ?

That's all I got. Gratz on your AKship

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/13/2009 16:21:05)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!

Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!

Ready to play?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Does it make you look fat?

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!

Dragon1300 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/13/2009 17:20:48)

oooOOOoooOOOoooOOOoooOOOo-*destroys chanting machine*
*ahem* sorry bout that...anywayz...TORTURE er, QUESTION TIME![:D]

1. Cysero steals all your left socks. What do j00 dooz?

2. You just made...something. I don't know what. It's all slimy and's going to eat, what do you like to drink?


4. ?snoitseuq diputs ym gnirewsna ekil uoy oD

5. Secret of the above question?

6. And you have to answer it now! Yes, it DOES make a legible sentance...

7. AKship must be nice. Is it?

Yea...ill stop now...OR WILL I?

9. that counted as #8 XD will you answer me?

10. what does llorkcir mean?

11. Grats on AKship...or is it torture?

12. Rubber tree plants are impossible to have ants Sneevils knock them over...or is it??

13. Favorite book? NAO!

14. Did i offend you above? i hope i didn' offence!

15. little late above, huh?
Yea, im done now :)

allbeloved -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/14/2009 17:57:44)


I don't hang out here a lot, so..yeah.

I'm not putting numbers now, like, now.

Nice avatar.

What game site do you go on often?

What game are you good at?

That's all. Bye!

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/17/2009 8:41:31)

Oh em gee, not another AK!!! *runs but realizes she's on the top of a building* dang it...

Do you like The Killers? If not, youtube them NOW!

Do you want a cookie?

Can you fly?

Can I have a cookie?

Were my puns yesterday bad? bad Killers pun another bad Killers pun

Am I annoying you?

Since I can spell onomatopoeia, obwalden, ciborium, laudanum, and lawrencium, should I try out for the school spelling bee?

Do you like mah siggy? It's all thekillersy and *cough* hotguyy (lead singer for The Killers, Brandon Flowers)

Was it love, or was it just easy? (10 pts if you can name the song)

Well to save you from carpel tunnel, I will say good bye... For now

nightstalker1 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/19/2009 12:54:01)

Hey latedog! Sorry I wasn't here sooner, I've been kinda busy with schoolwork and all. But anyway, I do believe congrats are all in order.

Now it's question time...sounds like fun, no?

1) Favourite colour?

2) "Awesomest" animal ever?

3) Shackle colour?

4) Cell mates?

5) Bookworm or no?

6) Favourite class in DF?

7) Favourite school subject?

8) Do you think all AK's have the same sense of humour?

9) Are you getting a headache yet?

10) Do you like my sig?

Well, that's all...for now....
Good luck, and congratz!

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: latedog (1/21/2009 4:53:02)

Okay, "at least a week" is fine, but a month is kind of unnecessary ;)

I'll lock this now and let latedog answer the remaining questions before moving this to the archive :)


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