RE: rpg? (Full Version)

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VampireSlayer2 -> RE: rpg? (8/20/2005 20:33:37)


Vromere -> RE: rpg? (8/20/2005 23:36:05)

Will somone help me out?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: rpg? (8/21/2005 8:20:50)

yea whats your question?

Swordhunter -> RE: rpg? (8/21/2005 11:04:15)

I have a question, does anyone know the script to put in face sets?

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: rpg? (8/21/2005 11:46:24)

Vromere: Do you mean Charamaker 1999?

Vromere -> RE: rpg? (8/21/2005 14:43:43)

yes, I can't really figure it out...

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/21/2005 15:43:57)

Open Paint. Open each part you want and copy them seperatly and paste them into Paint (make sure that you click the 2nd button when pasting, the one that makes pasted white transparent). Save it and open it in Photo Editor. Use Tools-Set Transparent color. Choose any white space in the picture and white will be transparent.
I hope this helped.

Vromere -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/21/2005 16:19:31)

Thank you! Now I just need to find stuff to add to the editor...

Spellcaster -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/21/2005 17:30:14)

can someone tell me what rtp is

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/21/2005 19:11:19)

A File you can get if you don't have an RPG Maker and you want to play the games (there is different ones for each RPG Maker). They are graphic and animation files.

blahblah94 -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/21/2005 19:14:53)

Where can I download Tile Sets?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/21/2005 19:18:01)

creation asylum or they got the best

Spartan -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/23/2005 12:32:14)

Problem when i test my game a menu with switches comes up when i try and close it it comes up again what do i do

Jormaz -> RE: RPG Maker XP Q&A (8/23/2005 13:25:29)

Have you changed scripts of your game or have you made an paraller progress or auto-start event what has ''open main menu'' command in it..

Spartan -> RE: rpg? (8/23/2005 13:47:55)

no i uninstalled it then installed it and it still won't work :(

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: rpg? (8/26/2005 10:11:45)

When I try to talk to a Potion Maker in my game it always says that Game.exe had problems and had to close no matter where I put the potion maker or how they look. Why?

Jormaz -> RE: rpg? (8/26/2005 10:15:43)

Hey vampireslayer your PM has been full for long time.. and what is potion maker?

EDIT: It can be that you need RGSS100j.ddl

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: rpg? (8/26/2005 10:17:13)

An NPC I put in my game.
I'll make some space.

Now it says the same thing for my first NPC too.

Jormaz -> RE: rpg? (8/26/2005 10:20:17)

It really can be that you need rgss100j.dll in your game folder..

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: rpg? (8/26/2005 10:21:28)

I'll try that.
Still won't work.

Jormaz -> RE: rpg? (8/26/2005 10:24:38)

then I dunno.. Never happened to me.

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: rpg? (8/27/2005 8:17:05)

it happend to me I had to start a new game [:(]

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: rpg? (8/27/2005 20:10:04)

I made a new game and copied everything into it, but it still has the same problem. Was I suppose to recreate everything in the new game?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: rpg? (8/27/2005 22:39:26)

I dunno I can't remember what I did I think I had to unistall it and reinstall it on another acount .....

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: rpg? (8/28/2005 13:43:06)

Will it delete my games? What do you mean another account? Won't it work again on the same account?

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