RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (Full Version)

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daehock -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (11/24/2005 14:10:48)

hey i got a q can u use rmxp on a cpu running windows 98?

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (11/24/2005 14:20:06)

Minimum System Requirements

Microsoft® Windows® 98/98SE/Me/XP/2000
PC with 800MHz Intel® Pentium® III equivalent or higher processor
At least 128 MB of system RAM
1024x768 or better video resolution in High Color mode
DirectSound-compatible sound card
At least 100 MB of available hard disk space

Recommended System Requirements

Microsoft® Windows® XP
PC with 1.5GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 equivalent or higher processor
At least 256 MB of system RAM
1024x768 or better video resolution in True Color mode
DirectSound-compatible sound card
At least 500 MB of available hard disk space

Hope this helped :)

daehock -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (11/24/2005 14:27:18)

yea thanks now i know why i cant run it lol i have almost no space left filled up with mp3's just barely got it to install thanx for the help!

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (11/28/2005 11:24:37)

this is just a tip. when you choose a graphic for your event, put the opacity down and it will fade the event

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (11/30/2005 2:47:52)

thats what im hear for

Servers -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/19/2005 15:36:00)

Can you help me to make a quest? Im making a game for my clan and I want to make a quest also a reward for it, do I need a script for it? I dont know how to make scripts

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/19/2005 17:12:45)

Make the areas where you want the place to be. Make a Conditional Branch for the King (make it if switch "Help King" is Off). Click on the <> above else handler and put another Conditional Branch. For this one put Switch Quest Taken is ON. Make another conditional branch above the else handler for this newest one. For this one have it Variable "Monsters Defeated" is < how many monsters you are having). Under the else handler of "Quest Taken" is ON, have the King ask if you can help him (use show choices saying yes and no). For Yes have him say Thank you and have it turn Switch "Quest Taken" On. Also turn a new switch, "Monsters", on. For No have a disapointed messenge.
Under the "Monsters Defeated" Variable Conditional Branch put "Go defeat them!" above else handler. Under else handler put the reward messenger for beating the quest, turn "Help King" On, and turn "Monsters" off. Under else handler of "Help King" is off put what you want him to say every time you see him later.
Go to where the monsters will be. Make their events. Under Preconditions click Switch and choose "Monsters". In the event choose Enemy Encounter and on it click Custom Defeat Handler. For Victory have Variable Operation: "Monsters Defeated" +1 (this makes the variable go up by one). Also have Erase Event. For Defeat have "You loose" and whatever happens to you when you die. Do the same for every monster.
Finally Test it out. If it doesn't work right look for what you did wrong. When it all works...

This is from a new tut I am making called "How to Make a Quest"

Servers -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/19/2005 17:41:57)

Thanks, it did help but I cant get the king part right. I dont know why

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/19/2005 17:47:10)

It takes some practice to get it right. I learnt most of the program myself so all my tuts are from my experience (inless they say something about inserting your character's name or inserting a variable amount).

Servers -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/19/2005 18:28:59)

Oh, well thanks, oh and how do i get a new character to like choose his name and gaphics and sprite?

Grodd -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/20/2005 9:48:17)

what are the files to allow someone without RMXp to play RMXP games?

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/20/2005 16:48:51)

Servers: In the begining of the game you make it so you ask what their name is. Then you click Enter Hero Name (page 3 in the event menu). You choose which Hero and how many letters they can have in their name.
For Character graphics you have a show choices and then different choices. For each choice press Change Hero Graphic (also on page 3). Then choose the hero and then the graphics.

Grodd: The RTP (all graphics and audio) and RGSS100Jll.dll. You will have to have the custom audio and graphics (the ones that didn't come with RMXP) downloadable so that the player will be able to copy them into the RTP. The download links for the RTP and RGSS100Jll.dll can be found on my game's website's download section which is here.

When this thread reaches page 20 I will make a new thread.

Grodd -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/21/2005 13:26:36)

but the RTP file is inactive so i cant use it

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/21/2005 14:36:21)

I'll have to upload it again.

Edit: New RTP link

Grodd -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/22/2005 7:34:10)

yay! thank you.

prince of YOU -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/22/2005 7:37:03)

u can also downloadrpgmake xp at simpletho

Darklord517 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/22/2005 11:04:14)

Where do you go to upload a game on to the forums?

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A ~moved~ (12/27/2005 15:51:36)

You upload it to an uploading service (some are listed in the sig and avatar maker's association) and then link them to the forums.

icehot2112 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (1/1/2006 21:28:16)

I need help, I have no idea how to place NPC's! Help!!!

How do I?

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (1/4/2006 18:34:02)

If you mean making them as a new event: Go to the event layer (3D box) and double click on a box in the grid where you want them to be.

If you mean moving them: Click and drag or cut & paste.

Rock God -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (1/7/2006 12:56:10)

Two questions:

1) How do you place random encounters with monsters?
2) How do you link one place (map) to another place (map) so that the character moves to different places?

shunted -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (1/8/2006 7:29:58)

do you know of any good tutorials for people who are beggining to use it and have barly any idea how? so any tutorials taht start from scratch

Rock God -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (1/8/2006 8:03:51)

does anyone know any really good sites where i can upload files?

Blade of Mythology -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (1/8/2006 12:49:39)



Two questions:

1) How do you place random encounters with monsters?
2) How do you link one place (map) to another place (map) so that the character moves to different places?


1. Double click on the map you want to place the monsters in. Then, click "Map Properties". You should see something called Troops. In Troops, select the monsters you want the character to fight in that area. And you're done.
2. On top, click the cubical thing that says "Events". Right click the space you want the character to go out of to get to the place. Then, in the Events, go to the 2nd page and find Transfer Player. Click on that and find the map your character is going to go to. Then, click the space your character is going to be in on that place.

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (1/9/2006 21:43:45)

Thanks Blade.

For the 2nd question you can go to Teleport (in the Event Menu) and choose a place on a map. After you click on Teleport the rest should be easy. If you need help with that then post again.

MegaUpload, HyperUpload, and Ripway are good uploading services.

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