RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (Full Version)

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Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/31/2005 21:32:19)

okay thanks

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 21:55:36)

no problem

Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 22:27:53)

oh and dragon master if you want to be a better rpg person go to they know more stuff than you you can learn from them i just wanted you to know

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 22:57:17)

I know I go there alot for resources :P

independence quiad!! -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 23:01:53)

can you make me a basic battle system for Orthlint

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 23:02:55)

erm you game is flash rpgmakers is a ~-WAAAAAAY~- different concept

independence quiad!! -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 23:03:48)

im making one in RPG maker xp to

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 23:05:30)

oh well I'm jut learning scripting check creation assylum for some great scripts!

independence quiad!! -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/4/2005 23:43:26)

well wat can u do in RPG maker

Icedmind -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/5/2005 7:28:50)

Hey, i was just wandering how I can get a scene at the begining to show, as in like a background then alot of text, i can put the background and text in, but it only happens when i go onto an event...How can i get it so that it automatically does it at the beginning of a new game. If this concept is complex and you dont really know then i dont want you to go to the effort of posting a script, but if its easy to explain then I would be very greatful for any help

*thinks* Gotta learn scriptin!

Jormaz -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/5/2005 7:38:53)

I'm not sure what you mean but try to go at the event settings and select auto-start...[;)]

Icedmind -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/5/2005 8:54:14)

aaaaah i am enlightened!

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/5/2005 14:28:31)

if you mean where sprites walk around:tons of event....
If a animated pic with sound its probaly Impossible

hockeysamurai -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/5/2005 21:44:44)

ok this isnt really so much of an edit but a combination.... i was wondering if you could combine the dragon monster and the lancer with the spikey armor. let me look it up...

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/5/2005 23:34:43)

erm right now I'm not making sprites srry....

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/6/2005 11:18:02)

just outa question have any of u answered my previous question?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/6/2005 12:06:22)


ORIGINAL: dr.death.robot

how do u use timer operation like
EG you wait 1 miniute until the bomb explodes

DarkIfrit: if you have permisson and counts them in the credits then i don't see why not

Command wait and 1 minute after that make it explode using commands

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/6/2005 15:39:36)

All Sprites and Battlers that didn't come with RPG Maker XP have a White Backround. How do you get rid of it?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/7/2005 0:45:27)

when you upload left and right click on the white

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/7/2005 10:20:25)


Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/7/2005 11:51:28)


Jormaz -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/7/2005 12:31:50)

How can I show the value of Variable in message?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/7/2005 16:08:27)

like everyone else....

independence quiad!! -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/8/2005 7:58:44)

Xyiphis how do you make more maps

Icedmind -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (8/8/2005 8:13:43)

ahh now i can answer this, go to where you can select the map, right click and then new map[:)] if you do it on the map it will creat a map withing the map, if you create it from the folder you will get a totally new map.

Hope this is clear enough lol, if not pm me and ill explain better!

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