RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (Full Version)

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WA -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 21:20:29)

How you doin'?
I feel great!
Good but tired.

How do the shackles fit?
I gave them to Angelique!
I love them! They are soo decorative and go with all my outfits!

How many links does it take to make a shackle/
That depends on how tight you want them to be

How many links does it take to rickroll someone?
usually one!
One is plenty!

How many links does it take to save Hyrule?
The one and only Link can save it!
All the King's horses, And all the King's men Couldn't put Hyrule together again!

What is your favorite area?
I meant in AQW.
In general I would say the bed.
I don't have one (since we cannot say the bed now it seems)

Do you ever go on a specific world that you consider to be yours alone?
Once again, I meant in AQW.
Yes when I play guitar then I'm not reachable at all, because my mind is posioned with guitar notes!
Yeah the one I retire to in my mind and repeatedly sing Crazy to myself. Ah in that case no, I don't

Is it possible for two forumites to share power if one only contains letters and the other isn't a single figure alphanumeric?
Time will tell! :o
I think so :)

sweetgirl16 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 22:34:23)

2+8=steak everyone knows that, but wat is 8x4 IF u r doing a headstand in exactly 15 degrees at 2:47 on a Wednesday in the year of 2800 in the forest wearing a pair of size 9 fuzzy slippers on ur left hand and right foot?
is that the secret recipe of ebil moglin soup?
I think I know!

[sm=icon_mrgreen.gif] Congratulations on ur new modliness and have lots of fun trying to figure out my question, which took me a while to do after i made it[sm=twill11a.gif]
Thanks and the answer is already there! :D
Thank you and well done!

Enzeru -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 22:38:35)

Hello :D

Can I have a cookie?
No I already ate em all

What do they feed mods? Is it different from what they feed Ak's?
Diesel and plastic marbles.
/me O_o's Star's answer. Really? I only ever get fresh blood orange juice

Are mods naturally evil or does it come with the job?
It's in our DNA!
Naturally evil yes.

What happened to Waldo?
I have no clue who Waldo is, though I know who Wallo is and he's busy at the moment.
Emerson? I think he died from pneumonia after suffering from aphasia for some years

Do you know yourselves?
I have a little manual to read in case I forget, though it's soo hard to remember where I put oven mitten?
I'm getting to. So far I'm more fascinating than LoTR even, I tell you!

Are my questions getting annoying?
Easy as pie!
Not at all

Don't kill me.
Time will tell! :o
You may live... for now :P

srinivas -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 22:42:11)

Angel! :D and Stardot too!
Yay I was mentioned! :D
Hey srinivas :)


..... oh well I got nothing.
Awww.../me cries!

congratulations, and peace from,
Thanks you :)
Thanks :)


hooded figure -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 22:59:50)

Please welcome: The Star Mods of Doom!
Thank you!
Yeah cause one of these days I shall recruit them all to my DOOMiness muahaha

Soo.. the Star Panther and the Angel of Doom are the bosses now... nice promotion!
Thanks :)

Now all they need are a Rolls Royce and few simple command buttons to tighten the chains.
and some souls!!!
Can I has a Bentley instead?

Favorite Food?

Favorite Car?
Jaguar E-type

Favorite Hobby?
Music/ play guitar.
I made mine into my job and now I hate my job and my hobby :(

Favorite AE Admin?
Hmm...I'll pick Lady_Tomo
I cannot pick!

Favorite online game of all time?
AQ and AQW tied

Favorite country?
Any place warm so definitely not Sweden.

Ideal vacation spot?
Tropical island.
Normandy, France

Favorite Movie?
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Oh golly I have sooooo many!

Favorite Sport(note: does not have to be olympic)?
Oh none! But if I HAVE to choose then golf

Hopefully you guys don't cause too much trouble in the control room.. later
/me pours water on the electric gadgets!
/me watches and claps her hands while jumping up and down!

CD -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 23:17:09)

Hello :)
Hi :)

Favorites NPCs?
I don't think I have one but I like Kalanyr, Beleqwaya and Xyphos.
Safiria cause she is a babe and I wish my char looked like her!

Cookie, or pie?

Do you have any pets?
Not any longer, I did have 2 cats and one dog.
I have a cat

What upcoming class in AQ are you most excited about? Shadow Slayer, new Dragonslayer, Assassin, or Archmage?
Archmage for sure.
Yep Archmage.

Favorite meme?
I don't think I have one.

Favorite author?
I don't read too much so I'll just say C.S Lewis
Terry Pratchett

And a late congratz =D
Thank you! :D
Thank you :)

Coyote -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 23:42:50)

Heya! Congrats on being the new head mods! =D
Hello and thank you! :D
Hey and thanks :D

Who's your favorite AQW AK? =P
Obviously you! :P
Need you even ask?

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would that be?
Oh dear I don't think it possible but I think I would pick a song by John McLaughlin which is over 20 minutes long though I can't remember the title of it, though I'm quite sure I would hate this song after a while.
A waltz by Tchaikovsky, I could never get tired of them!

If you were to be a Disney princess, which one would you be?
Sleeping Beauty (though I'd rather be Maleficent!)

If your name was a sound, what would it be?

"Classical", jazz, or rock?

Prog rock or fusion jazz?
Jazzfusion for the win!
Prog Rock I guess

Do either of you play a musical instrument?
I play the guitar now and I have for many years, I started to play the piano at age of 2 and that's when my passion started for music.
I was forced to play the recorder as a child but my soul yearned for a chello! But my laziness forbade that outright! So no.

What is your opinion on the sport of coyote-hunting?
This is terrible but who cares really? XD
I personally like to hunt Coyote across Blurdut and back! :D

Do you like coyotes?
Handsome animals. :)
Lovely animals and cool AKs :)

Whatabout angels? Whatabout stardots? =O
Nope not really! :P

Well, that's it for tonight. Bye!
Thanks and see you! :)
Thanks and night night!

ask13 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 0:33:55)

Hello and congrats to both of you.
Hello and thank you! :D
Hi and thanks :)

What is your favorite item in each game? (all 4)
AQ: Amalie Greatstaff, DF: Dragon Head Staff, MQ: The seppy armour, AQW: my custom sword.
AQ: LR, DF: My baby Dragon, MQ: Seppy Armour, AQW: my custom staff.

If you could bring one of those items into real life which one and why?
Dragon Head Staff so I could heal myself when feeling bad.
My baby dragon cause he is sooo sweet!

Do either of you know who I am?
Your forum name is familiar. :)
Yeah your name is familiar.

If you know who I am what do you think of me?
A superb guy.

Have you ever seen me in AQW (name: Krazick)?
I don't think so?
Not sure.

Do you like pie? (if yes what kind?)
ANY (as long as they are sweet.)

Do you like pi?
yes if it's a lie!
It does things to me... :(

What do you do for fun (besides play AE games and go on forums)?
I play guitar and try to spend as much time as possible with girlfriend.
I like to stand in the rain and laugh at the thunder

Favorite Video Game System? (and game for that system?)
Super Nintendo, Castlevania IV because of the awesome music.
I have none.

Well thats all for now, I may edit more in latter ;)
Oh noes make a new post instead!
Yeah make a new post instead or we might not see the new q's.


Edit: wow an AK on both sides of my post...must resist urge to do something stupid...
You better behave! :P
yeah you better! :o

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 1:22:21)

just stopped by to say hi and...
Hi AgWing! :D
Hey Ag!

*falls off chair :O* no fair tickling!

/me cannot compete so settles for an angelsnuggle

:D keep up the great work! we're lucky to have you!
Thanks and we're lucky to have you AK's! :D
Thank you and what Star says!

Pink_Star -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 2:07:00)

.*. .*. .*.

Hiya Stardot! =D
Helloooo! :D

Why did you create such a forum name?
Many reasons behind it but one of them was because I didn't want to use letters.

How are you today?
I feel great.

Hmm... Correct me if I'm wrong... But I thought you were a Moderator some time back already? Why did this only come out now? <.>
I was modded in late October 2008, I was only a general moderator without any board but now I have one! :D

Which AE Game do you play most often?

Do you play any games besides AE ones?
I used to play scrabble online but not very often now.


Who promoted you to become a Moderator?
Reens :D

How did you find out about AE?
My brother showed me AQ and I was hooked right away.

When did you start playing AE Games?
In November 2005.

Do you like Stars? (Me luv PinkStars! =P)
Oooooh yes! :d

Good Luck and have fun being a Moderator!
Thanks and I'll do my best.


Hi Angelique! :D
Hi Pink_Star :)

Oh noes! DOOM! *runs away*
Not to worry, Doom is wonderful :D

*comes back* Cookie/Pie?
Both please!

In which part of the Earth do you live in?
The uK

Yay a post after Silverwing! ^.^
/me sneaks in to say hi :D

Yay! /me waves at Ag :D

Favourite food?

If you could be Artix for a day, what would you do?
Admire my own awesomness :D

Do you like Stars? =]
Yeah especially the brilliant and the pink ones :)

Have fun being a Moderator! ;)
Thank you :)

demonblast219 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 2:56:14)


Gratz on getting to be mods.

1.Arrrre there any servers and places u specifically like to be in?
I have no favorite server.
Any of them

2.Can i meet you (in game of course, im living on the other side of the world in the unpredictable NZ)
Of course you can but when I don't know?
Yeah if we are on at the same time

3.Are u like tomix with specially customized weapons?
I only have one custom weapon.
Yeah me too.

4.Can i has your cookie?
/me throws one gazillion cookies at you! :D
I usually eat them before anyone can even blink! :(

5.Can i has your pie also?
Sure just take everything I own! :(
Too late again!

6.Do you like beta berzerker?
Not my fav but yeah its cool

7.And i thought angelique was already a mod somewhere, and so is stardot, or was it because u were AK's
Iv'e been a mod since October 2008 and it's just now that I have a specific board, before that I was a general moderator.
Star and I were modded on the same day but were general mods. Now we are specifically assigned to head-mod AQW

8.Whats the difference between an ak and a mod?
An AK is like a lesser mod with mod powers in specific boards while all moderators have powers in every board, moderators can ban people and we can steal people to become AK's.
What Star said

9.Do you get to test things?
We have our perks. :)
Yep we do have our perks :)
/me envy's the perks.

10.How many fingers am i holding up?
I'm guessing 7?
my guess is 11
No your wrong, im holding 13,.... wait.. no.. wait.. 12.. or was it 11... guess i have to draw a pic..
||||. |||||||| errr... how much is that?

11. Do you know of a guy called Jonas Altberg or Basshunter?
Yes I know him and lets say that I despise his music.
Never heard either of those names.

12. Can i bee'z an AK? (jk :O)
Maybe one day? :o
que sera sera not to be impolite, but ..err is that french? i have no idea what that is

13.Whats your opinion of Barack Obama getting elected for president?
I have no idea, as I don't live in America but hopefully this will be a positive thing for America and the rest of the world as well.
Yeah let's hope this will be good.

14. Am i dead?
Not yet, I'll wake you up when you're here in hell with me! :P
And I'll be the one to accompany you there :D

15. Can i be banned (the BANNED title, the BANNED title!!!*)
Haha, could change it but only if you're banned for real.

Thats all, for i have edited it from 10 to 15 questions mauahahahahaa
sooooo evil!
Aha! Sneeeaaakyyy! lol

*the banned title, formerly obtained by Coyote i think, not that their actually banned, but the tiny little sentence under your avvy.
yes the toast is ready now.
Who would want that though when they can have toast?
me no likey toast, me like fresh blood
i mean.. errr.. orange juice?
Edit : I have exceeded the question limit, i have a question to ask, do u have any uberific name for your custom weapons?

nukefission -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 3:42:40)

this is for both of u ak mod people
Great! :D
Ok :)

1.who pmed u that u were an ak-mod
Scakk PMed me first and asked me and when I said yes then Reens AKed me, I was asked by Reens to become a mod.

2.what was your reaction chain reaction
I was shocked and very grateful for being chosen. :D
I thought it was a joke

3.favorite food?

5.favorite AE game?
AQ and AQW tied

6.what levels in AE games?
AQ: lvl130, lvl123, lvl98 and lvl65, DF: 3 lvl50 characters, MQ: 1 lvl30 and AQW: lvl20
AQ: 130 and 105, DF: 43, MQ 23 and AQW: 16

7.*breaks rules*
.*.sends warning.*.
/me lets Star take care of it

8.chicken or cow
Both many dollars is 7 euros times 8 pounds?
1M Pesetas?

10.can i be a potato
Only if you can crawl backwards in a grocery store and sing, "I will always love you"
Or if you stand in the middle of a field during an electric storm and sing My Heart Will Go On u think im crazy?
You're not even close! :P
Nope, 'fraid not.

12.i can has fishtank pc?
Have one!

Yumm steak! am i crazy?
Nope you're just normal!
Not yet.

15. for some reason u remind me of angelina jolie
O_o thanks (I think)

15.looky a shooting star

ok thats all enjoy you akship


p.s pweeeeeeeeeeese dont band me

Thanks and I'll try to enjoy modship! XD - I'll call you if I want to create a band! :P
Thanks and yeah AKship was great. And so far modship has been fun too.

Gibby -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 4:34:45)

You're probably tired from answering so many questions, so I'll do my usual bit...
I am?
Seeing your name always perks me up though :)

<.< or >.>?

Noughts or Crosses?
Crosses :)

Red or Yellow?

Black or Gold?

Snow or Sand?

Circles or Squares?

Evens or Odds?
Even Steven is a odd character so Odd.

Hat or Helmet?
Hat (so much more fetching on females!)

Have you ever sung Karaoke?
Yes I have and it went ok but I'm not too fond to hear my own voice.
I am not that cruel!

de dododo or de dadada?
De dododo
Hm tough choice there

Salt or Pepper?

Did you answer "C" to any of the above questions?
Oh noes!
Yes :(

If so, do you find that a little odd?
No I'm used to it :(

Congrats (again).
Thank you! :D
Thank you :)

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 4:36:10)

For .*. .*. .*.:
Hello! :D

Your name is dang hard to spell.
I haven't noticed! :P

Remember me?You removed my siggy for MORE than one month.....can you return it to me?
Yes I remember you and it will soon come back to you.

For both:

Shotguns or Rockets?

he said it.

It has not begun yet!
You ain't seen nothin' yet!

k enough jokes./me prepares my shotgun.(man out of ammo)
Tough luck! :P

For Angelique:(did i spell your name wrong?)
No I think that is correct

For both:

Can you two do a favour for me?
It depends?
Yeah depends

If yes,go get a venus fly trap and put your fingers inside it.Observe and don't move for 365 years days.
I rather pass on that! XD
I need all my fingers! D:

That's all bye!
[See you! :D/b]
Bye then

Ace Caesar -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 5:34:18)

i have a question

how to be a moderator?
Taken from

7) "How can I become a Moderator or ArchKnight?" "How can I join the Artix Entertainment staff?"
Thank you for your interest! However, we do not accept applications for these positions. The best thing you can do is try to be helpful and courteous with your fellow forumites, or do some really cool artwork or something. Whatever your schtick is. When we need additional people we will select them based on the skills they have displayed.

Yeah there you go

StormCrow -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 6:04:58)

Hi there


First of all, Congratulations on becoming New Co-Head Moderators of AqWorld Forums.
Thank you! :D
Thank you :)

To Angelique: Is your avatar a picture of a statue? If so, were you the one who took it?
It is the picture of a grave angel and no I did not

To StarDot : I like your name, very unique… How did you come up with it?
Thank you, I'll never reveal the truth but lets say that I was tired of letters so I created a name with a specific pattern instead.

To StarDot: Are you a WerePanther of um, Stars ?
hmm I guess I could be a WerePanther :)

To Angelique: How did you get infected with DOOM ?
I was born to it.

Have a Cookie!!
/me gobbles

It was poisoned!! *gasp*
LIEZ! ;_;
Never mind I'm immune to poison

Favorite book?
Hmm I know that I have said the Cosmic Trilogy but I actually remember another book called The Perfume which is quite entertaining.
Anything Discworld related by Terry Pratchett

Do you have a pet? [If not you must go adopt a creature, now! (What would it be?)]
I did have 2 cats and one dog but they're gone now, I'm not ready for a pet yet.
I have a cat

Angelique : I was going to say “is the Dark Wolf in your encyclopedia really founders only?” But instead I will say, Angelique
Yeah it would be the 3rd entry.

What is it like being the new Co-Head Moderators of AqWorld?
It's quite nice :)
So far it's cool

Um, why do you answer these questions? Curious…
So people get to know us or maybe I just confuse them! XD
To confuse em!

Zorbak is.....

Declare something random!!
Income tax! :(

Thirteen questions over (That means I get two more if I ask again! Meh heh heh) Thank you for your time ! ^-^
Thank you and see you around! :d
Thanks :)

jazlovely_017 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 7:35:23)

Hiyas Two Mods!!!
Hello! :)
Hi there

Are you Stardot? xD i really don't know..
I have no idea?
I am not but he may be.

Thanks MODS.,
Pleasure to chat with you guys..
Likewise, it was really interesting! :P
Pleasure was all mine :)

C ya..
See you! :D

Atriax -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 7:37:31)

Do you ever get abused for being a mod?
Not so far.

@Angel Where are you originally from? (I'm English but live in Switzerland, so my languages are somewhat opposite to yours.)
That is a long story but I was born in Switzerland.

Have you at any point wished just to be a normal member? If so, why?
I have my ups and downs but I can handle most situations.
Sometimes in game when I get asked 10 times in the space of 10 minutes how one gets to be a mod.

Have you ever entered an AE Contest?
I think so and I failed so Ive stopped with such foolish things.
Only once

Have you ever banned anyone for personal reasons?
Nope, and the day I do that is most likely my last day as a moderator.
I would never do that but if I did then I hope that doom will swallow me for good!

Are you obliged to answer these questions?
Not really but it would be rude if I didn't do it.
No but since we invited questions, why not answer them

What is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything? (R.I.P Douglas Adams)

rjgwapo -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 8:10:13)

to .*. .*. .*.:
how did you get the "stardot". its very far from .*. .*. .*.
Star=*, dot=.--'tis simple. :P~Reni i now get it, thanks Reni
It was Reens that named me Stardot and I've kept this nickname ever since that day. :) oh, really?

to Angelique:
why doom? why not teh uber good guy?[:D]
Many reasons but one of em is that I am a gal :P

mturf -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 8:11:20)

what do you smell like?
Like a StarPanther!
Like jasmine

how much of a burden are us idiots that post in the pedia thread?
No burden at all, without you guys there would be a poor pedia so I'm very grateful for all your help! :D
Indeed we rely on your subs or we would be lost!

do ya think i'm pretty?
Top model!
You are gorgeous!

why dont undead vampragons exist?
Because no one ever thought of this brilliant idea.
Who says they don't? Maybe we just haven't met one yet.

whats your favourite... something?
As always: Desserts!

i can haz joke plix?
/me looks at Angelique because she's obviously the funny one!
/me backs away

why is my computer making a horrid noise?
Because you're not supposed to have a drill as your CPU fan.
Because it can?

can u have a nice day?
I hope so! :)
Sometimes I can yes :)

Good Bye?

Ebil Nix . Raul -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 8:31:01)

ok .. I'm here again
Welcome Back!
Hey again

1. So you two like cats .. now choose: a lion or a tiger? ^^

2. Who is more beautiful : Stardot or Anelique?
hehehe...well I'm not too fond of my own looks so I'll say Angelique!

3. Do you like chickencows?
Not overly

4. What is your favorite smiley?

5. If you could fly where would you go?
To my girlfriend.
High high above the sky.

6. Do you want to go with me on the moon? ^^
Sure why not?
Only if you let me dance among the stars

7. Do you ever heard about the country Romania?
Yes I have and I hope to visit Transylvania one day as I have heard it's supposed to be quite a beautiful place with lots of forest.
Yeah that is where my father's family is from

8. Do you like Naruto? >.>
I have never seen Naruto so I guess my answer is nope.
Same as Star

9. Do you use AE themed wallpapers?
No my current one is of Wolverine :P

10. Left or Right? 0_o

11. Favorite AQ NPC?
aww...just one, oh well Kalanyr.

12. Day or Night?
Day but I'm more creative at night when it comes to music.

13. Do you have Twilly or Zorbak plushies?
No :(

14. Will you answer my 15th question? ^^
Yes :)

15. Ok .. here we go .. have you ever visited the secret underground lab of AE? >.<
Sorry I have not been there.
Sadly no

Thanks for answering and good luck with your Mod-ship .
Thanks and see you around. :)
Thanks and see you :)

Aaronman99 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 9:09:18)

Here I go:

1. For both: If Canada ruled the world, what flavor would it be?
Maple syrup
Definitely what Star said

2. Hows the cells?
Great though I'm a bit tired of the lolcats!
Cozy and dark :D

3. Is it true there is a mods only forum where you all make fun of us?
hehe now wouldn't that be cruel?
That would be extremely cruel yes

4. For .*..*..*.: what does your name mean?
According to Icemaster Yeti it means RRR in morse code.

5. For Angelique: What is your picture actually of?
Of a grave angel, you know, the kind that sits on graves.

6. Oh, forgot to say: CONGRATS!
Thank you! :D
Thanks :)

7. Are you all goin to become corrupt with the surge in power?
I don't think so.
No the workload keeps us modest and in check

8. Am I alive?
Not yet, though I'll call you when you're born!
Not yet but wait till the next electric storm!

9. Are you all getting tired of me?
not a chance!
Nope, still wide awake!

10. I think Im done.
really? :P

11. Not.
Thought not.

12. 1 last question now
is this it?
This is a question?

13. What question am I thinking of?
What question am I thinking of?
Number 11?
Alright, thats all I got. goodbye, FOR NOW! *dun dun duuuuuuuuun*

Oooopps, forgot 1: Will you all reeducate us through labor or make us go off the rails on a crazy train?
crazy train sounds great to me! XD
That is my choice too! Always and forever!

BadHulk -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 9:14:12)

=o! Congratz you both =D
Thank you! :D
Thank you :)

You guys know me? =o
Yes from AQGD
Yep same :)

*passes cookies from the AK's*
/me gives them to Angelique!
/me greedily gobbles

That was all.

See you :)

P.S I want both of you to edit this =P

Crazy Gamer 007 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 11:30:42)

First you need to know that i havent read all of the other posts so if some of my questions are asked before set some kind of sign that they are k? Good lets start! Btw im not sure if my questions are made for both but they are.

Gratz co-head forums mods!!!
Thank you :)

When you go on AQW then do you get alot of questions from other players in there?
I don't think there's a single mod that's able to escape them! XD
Veritable floods sometimes

If you had to chose between your computer and (if you have one) a gf / bf what would you chose?
no doubts that I would pick my Girlfriend! :D
My man

Do you like anwsering my questions?
So far it's going good :D
Loving it.

Do you want more? (you will get anyways[:D])
oh noes!

Whats your favorite food?

Do you 2 live long away from work?
my location is never the same so you could say both yes and no to that question.
No I work from home.

Thats it for now. Thanks for taking time to anwser all of my questions.
Sure no problem
You're welcome.

Bye bye for now!
See you! :D
Bye then :)

kkutwar -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 13:31:53)


what wholud u guys think wholud be cool for AQW's 1st war?
A battle via sea against another continent would be cool.
I want Undeads!

...that wholud be cool..i like that

which u guys think r cooler?cats or dogs
Cats. They are the epitome of cool!

how u guys became mods?(did u guys played the games 1st then became mods or something esle?)
I was a normal member just like you, and one day I received a helpful title but eagle88 then about one month later I was asked by Scakk to join as an ArchKnight in AQGD and in October 2008 Reens modded me and now Aelthai handed over AQWGD to me and Angelique.
Same as Star except that I went from normal member directly to AK and never had a helpful title.

if u guys wholud remember 1 ramdom player..who wholud it be?
Well if I can pick anyone from any AE game then it would be SSJ Overlord.
His millions do stick in the mind don't they?! But I tend to remember my friends and clan mates most :)

which game u guys think sholud get a big update in,AQ,DF,MQ or AQW?
Well I love AQ so I wouldn't mind seeing a huge update like Kingdoms or something along those lines.
That would rock!

well...i just wanted to ask those(i stoped thinking for more)
okies :)
Ok :)


what things do u think is most found in all 4 games?(they can't be common...un-common and higher...i mean like items,not people)

which u belive is better?Wii or PS3?
No idea since I have neither

which do u think wholud be cooler for a new armor/class for AQ,DF and AQW?a Hero of ages armor/class,a lore master armor/class or a singing robotic mokey armor/class
Hm Lore master class I guess since that's the only one that means something to me
yep lore master sounds good to me.

if u had to pick one of the 4 games to be shut down(FOREVER!!!!)which wholud it be?ok...let me re-do that...if AE was short on money and if they didn't shut down one of the games...they wholud be shut down(HAHA!!got u there,didn't i?)
Oh none none!! :(
I don't want any game to be shut down but I'm going to be honest with you, at the moment MQ doesn't attract me that much, though the last updates been great so this will probably change and some people will haunt me for the rest of their lifes just because of my answer to this question! :P /me hides!

if u made a contest...what wholud it be?
Not sure but the reward of one's own NPC in game definitely would rock
A music contest.

if mario was in link's world,link was in kirby's world,sonic was in mario's world and kirby was in sonic's whould each of them beat the big bad main boss of that world?(mario's is browser,kirby's King DeDeDe,sonic's is Dr.Eggman(he use powerful Robot) and link's is Gannondolf,if u played Super Smash Bros. Brawl...and had mario beat up Gannondolf,Link beat up King DeDeDe and had sonic beat browser...that may help with answering this..)
None of these mean anything to me :(
tMagic? u got any other custom items than your custom wep..if so...wholud u ever give me one..plz on top...wait do your custom items have stars on them?
I only have one and sorry I don't have any access to give out weapons to other players, there's no stars on it but it would be cool. :)

also...can i do this to all the players in AQW and basicly doom them...(read sig)
Uh no we love the players!

thats all for now!
Ok bye now :)
See you! :D

..i was hopeing for stardot...[:(]
/me is here! :D

how wholud u feel about a NPC for AQ,DF,MQ and AQW that is based on u
It would be a huge honour to get one NPC, I would love it to be a druid, I would shapeshift from Panther to Human.

if u were fired for something u don't wholud u feel?(and i mean fired from AE)
I would be sad but life goes on no matter what. :)

cya in my next post!(sorry if i added a extra question)
See you :D

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