RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (Full Version)

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Paladin Crusader -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 10:00:25)

Hiyaz !! !![:D]
Hello :)
Hello :D

Bye :)
See you!

V -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 10:22:23)

Hello Star and Angel! Congratz on your promotion. All your had work really paid off!
Hello Vamparagon, I am glad you think we can make a difference :)
Hey Vamparagon and thank you! :D

So, when you get uber AK-ee missions, do you guys play secret agent music?
Yep I play Symphonie Fantastique by Berlioz
hmm, can I have a cookie instead? XD

Either of you guys Comic-Con-ers?
No sorry

Strudel or Cake?
Cake cause Strudel often has raisins in it and I hate raisins in cakes and things D:
Strudel :D

Salt Rocks, Turtles, or diced apples?
I assume all those things are names of food things and not ACTUAL salt rocks and turtles? Cause if they are then I'd have to go with apple and they never are my first choice...
what is the context? - oh well Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Favorite AQW item?
My custom staff.
My custom weapon.

Hmm, I can't think of anything else, and seeing that you have 5 pages of this I'm not gonna load you down with questions xD Congratz guys, you really deserved it.
Thank you very much :)
Oooh another hero saves my day! :D


JudgeMaster13 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 11:27:14)

Hiyas .*. .*. .*. and Angelique

Hi JudgeMaster13 :)
Hello JudgeMaster13 and this was quick! XD

waks -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 11:41:25)

Hey What's up? or down? or whatever...
It's all good :)
I feel great!

Gratz! with promotion!
Thanks :)
Thank you. :)

Moglin, Zard or Wolf?

favorite Colour?
Darkest blackest purple since black isn't a colour
Blue or Green, I need both to survive!

How cool is it to be a mod?(wish i was one...Would be awesome....[sm=bgking.gif] )
It is pretty cool even though it is lotsa work mostly
It's nice and lots of fun.

the only thing i got is Guardian, AQW founder and Star Captain...any of u mem on any games?
All of them :)
I'm a member in all AE games-

Thanks for answering my questions Cya! Battle on! [sm=YayImagaudian.jpg]
Youre welcome and battleon you too :)
Sure no problem, my fingers hurts like crazy now but what can I do? - see you :D

ajofk -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 15:47:26)

That is Awsome how Mods answer questions.
Glad you are enjoying it :)
Cool that you like it! :D

Well anyways i have but one question for this.

What is you guys most fav game that Artix entertainment has made?
My two favourite ones are AQ and AQW tied for first place
AQ is my favorite game but it's also the most developed game, who knows how AQW will look like in 2-3 years?

Don't say all cause if i had learned anything of my life, it is that you cannot love 2 or more things equally. And it is corny to say all. =D
Good thing I didn't then :P
I agree and I have only one fav game.

Thanks for answering em
You're welcome :)
Sure no problem :D

By Ajofk

Weary Knight -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 15:51:07)

Greetings, travelers!
Greetings to you too

Why did I just call you guys "travelers" instead of addressing you guys by your names?
Laziness :P
You're simply special!

Weird huh? Isn't that weird?
I have seen worse things! :P

Party at Zorbak's place? :o

Got milk?
Plenty since I drink milky tea by the gallons
Yeah but there's periods when I don't drink it at all.

Okay, I'm done here. :P
Ok :)
Amazing! :D

Saojun -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 19:14:30)

Congratulations to Stardot and teh Angelz of DOOM! :P
Thank you :)
Thanks :D

Happy modding the AQW forums.
Thanks again!
Yes Sir! :D

Good luck and congrats to teh both of you guys again! [:)]
And yet again thank you :D
Thank you and see you around :)

Lord Pwner -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 19:25:15)

Hallo stardot word things and angelique
hey Lord Pwner
Hello forum member Lord Pwner! :D

Do you like to hug people?
Not random people in the street but those I like, yes.
Yes I do! :D

How many times a day do u hug people?
Countless times
Not that often but it happens. :)

do you hug trees?
Not that often no.
Not yet! XD

do you know why i ask so many hug qeustions?
I'm thinking you either are very huggy yourself or not at all
I guess you're a hugglomaniac?

do you hug new players when they join?
Not as a rule but sometimes when they are nice sure
I guess I do.

Have you ever hugged me?
I am sure you would remember that awesome event! :P
I have no idea, though I guess no.

Chicken or cow or both?

Am i weird?
Not very.
Far from it.

Do u like to anwser hug questions?
I don't mind.
It was great.

mturf -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 19:43:02)

Round 2, ding ding! rules change, ever played jeopardy? no copying, looks like star gets a head start...
No I never have.
Nope and I'm ready!

This creature is lurking in your backyard?

The answer to everything!
Stardot's IQ?

Cuddly toy!
My old teddy bear
what is my razor?

To get to the other side
You cross
What did the tomato say to the other tomato?

That's a trick question bob
/me bobs
Who's Saget?

This is a yellow subumarine that's slightly bent and grows on trees?

Moglin Plushies
Not as cute as the in game ones
[bWhat is the name of your neighbour?]

A bucket of cold water
5 pages of Pedia subs :(
What do you need for waking up a bunny?

So's your face!
Gorgeous, beautiful and yet somewhat scary?
When you're old your teeth is fake and what else?

Is this a great question?

Definitely, trust me.
What do you call the classical gray zone between a hamburger and a pizza?

Yes, but i'm not meant to tell anyone
No but then again the secret is already out.
Does Angelique like pinecones?

Yummie AND makes your mouth black. What more can one ask of life?!
Another word for salmiac?

In my sleep
You dream of Banana Suits
What does a monkey do in?

Yes my kitty I will feed you NAO!
What is Stardot's nice rawring sound?


manny147 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 19:53:38)

I would like to work for artix company
Maybe one day?

it would be cool to make stuff and i have a new class to suggest it's archmage
Yeah I think it would be very cool to make stuff but right now AQW is not open to suggestions yet.
I would love to see that class.

ps. can beast warrior be non mem and some pets to i dont think its fair for all pets to be mem only
Sorry but that is not for us to decide.
Sorry but that's up to game staff.

but sereously please take these suggetions into tought thanx im a huge fan of all your games
Glad you like the games, I do too but as I said above, we do not decide on such things and player suggestions are just not taken yet
Great for you and see you around.

Suuichi -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 20:05:27)

So there I was, walking down the street, singing Doo wop diddie diddie dum diddie doo. What did I do next?
I hope you didn't have a great fall?
Then you stoppped and bought a donut.

PaperClip, he's a weird one alright. pjc is a loveable kitty. Agree or disagree?
Yes and no. I don't think Clippy is any weirder than any of us and although I am sure pjc is loveable I wasn't aware of the kitty bit...
Yes Paper is freaking me out and pjc is a cool cat.

Is AQW your favorite game or would you rather be moderating a different forum?
I love AQW and moding a new game like this is always exciting :)
AQ is my favorite but it's really nice to help out as a head mod in this huge forum.

Do you think it is easier to moderate the AQW forums since nobody can make their own topics?
perhaps marginally so
Not really, but I guess this forum will explode when it opens for all members, but I'm ready for them with my army!

Enough about work! Fun stuff now! :D

Favorite school subject, if you'd please. Saying you hate school and everything about it and want it to burn in a fiery pit of hell is an acceptable answer.
It's been a while since I left school but as far as I remember it was history and literature.
hmm I always liked chemistry, to mix stuff and create something new was always fun.

Ummm....Lover/Past Lover of Pokemon? You're lying if you say no, by the way.
I am not lying cause I don't know them at all.
Well I was never into Pokemon so I would lie if I say that I have any knowledge about them, so a no is a no! XD

Same as above. minus Pokemon, plus Yugioh. That one has no correct answer.
Again, totally alien to me
/me starts to whistle the twilight zone tune!

Here's an awesome joke. A guy walks into a bar. Ouch.
Where did it hit him?
and laughs! XD

How many tubas does it take to fulfill the dreams of a tutu wearing elephant seal in the arctic ocean where its only food is other seals but it only eats on tuesday and is on a diet, trying to watch its weight and is also fashioning high heeled shoes on its imaginary feet and stands on tippy flippers?
You need a guy called Tuba Gooding Jr to fulfill that dream!

Favorite pizza topping? Cheese is allowed. Some people do not like the cheese which I find very interesting and very stupid. Without the cheese, it is just pia. The cheese gives pizza its z's.
Cheese is a must!
a good tomato sauce and then some onion with lots of meat with either strong sauce or garlic sauce on it.

House fan? The show, not your home. Though you are allowed to comment on your home, which I am sure is beautiful and by beautiful, I mean rather average like every home.
I prefer him as Bertie Wooster and in A Bit of Fry and Laurie
He's cool but I'm not a fan.

Thoughts on Obama's presidency?
good luck and let's hope for the best!
I hope that he will be a positive force for USA and the rest of the world.

Last question; Are you a grammar freak?
A bit since English isn't my first language, so I am always worried about making mistakes.
Not really, English is not my first language and what can you expect from me? - I'm just a StarPanther.

Okay, one more. In court, when they person asks you "Do you swear?" I think the answer to be given should be no. Think about it and you'll realizing that swearing is frowned upon in most places. They should change the wording of the question. Do you agree or disagree?
I disagree since words can have several meanings.
But most people swear on a daily basis so yes is the correct answer! XD

One more, I promise. Why are the two of you having this MtM together? Much more fun to torture mods seperately. Alone, their will is weak and easily bent.
/me breaks a nail...ouch! ;_;

ultimata33 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 23:41:03)

1. Hi!
Good Evening!

2. Modsaywhat?

3. do you rekon they will ever improve the barber class?
I don't know but it's cute.
I think so but ask Floyd first.

4. Favourite Food =D?

5. what color is the ban hammer?
It takes the colours of our moods which in that moment is usually bristly electric blue or DOOM black!

6. how long have you played AQ and AQW?
AQ since the 3 of Jan 2007 and AQW from the day it first came out in alpha.
AQ November 2005 and I played AQW on the first day it was released.

Sano -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 0:02:19)

Whoa...Hi guys.
Wahay hey!
/me runs around in circles and waves at Sano!

I may not have known either of you very well, however, I was there when each of you had your AKship, and Angelique`s SoO/KoO-ship (I forget).
Never was a SoO or KoO, I was an AK
Cool and Cool! :D

In any case, I wanna congratulate the both of yous.
Thank you :)
Thanks :D

And may you have happy days of fighting evil ahead of you both.
We only fight in game and are never evil to anyone [sm=6r83v6.gif]
Thanks but I'm not really worried about the future. :)

Coyote -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 0:22:39)

Darf ich auf Deutsch fragen?
Na klar!

Werden Sie auf Deutsch antworten?
Ja, kein Problem
Sauerkraut mit kartoffel?

Okay, enough foreign languages for now. XP
Oh ok :P

Jazz fusion FTW! =D Ever heard of Don Ellis?
Not me.
Hmm, I don't seem to have heard of Don Ellis - /me feels ashamed! XD

Can you tell me what notes are in a C▲7sus°5/Bb chord? =P (That triangle should be the Greek capital 'Delta', but I couldn't find the alt code for it.)
Sorry I cannot help you
Well I was never good at notes as I improvise mostly and I hardly play in normal tune, but there should be a C and B in it! XD

Okay, I'm out of questions to ask. Angel, answer my previous questions so I have some basis for better questions to ask! =P
Haven't I?
[Great and good luck Angelique! XD/b]

Gandolph -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 0:33:40)

sup hommies
All good here :)
Feeling great.

wats it like to be a mod?
Hard but fun work :)
It's like a walnut, tough on the outside but delicious on the inside! XD

who's your idols?
My grandmother
My girlfriend and some family members of mine.

who's your carater in aqw?
My name in AQW is Angelique
I am Stardot.

what server do u go on.
Any and all
I have no favorite so all of them.

wats the fastest way to make gold in aqw?
I guess farming areas with drops that sell well
To play with lots of people at the best farming place.

may peace be with ya hommies.
Thanks and with you :)
Thanks and see you :)

latedog -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 1:42:13)

Stars and Angels, they just fit so nicely.
:) Just like a pub name isn't it lol
/me nibbles a cheese!

So I have this riddle:
One morning a man was leaving for a business trip and finds that he left some paperwork in his office. He runs to his office to get it and the night watchman stops him and says, "Sir, don't get on that plane. I had a dream last night that that plane would crash and everyone would die!" The man takes his word and cancels his trip. Sure enough the plane crashes and everyone dies. The next morning the man gives the watchman $1000 for saving his life and then fires him. Why did he fire the watchman that saved his life?
Other than that he was sleeping during the night when he should have nightwatched, I don't know.
Becuase the paperwork ended up on the plane! - yeah ignore me I'm just crazy!

That's all I really have for you guys, think carefully and congrats! ;P
Thank you :)
Thanks and see you around.

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 4:22:36)

Hi I'm back to TORTURE you two!*evil smile*
/me backs off slowly

What's your favourite food?

Tell coyote that i ate his head,both hands,and both legs.(A message for Speedy Fighters:I used 'legs',not 'foot'.)
Ok but he will just regrow them cause he is awesome like that
Aha! So THAT'S who's been eating my hands, legs, arms, tail, head, and half of my torso! D= ~Coyote
I want the recipe for coyote crépes, I'll do anything, really!!!

Just dropping by and asking you two a question....will edit this post later on.Keep an eye on it.Bye!
Oh ok will try. Bye!
Oh noes I have to look at it again? :o

Clazir -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 10:53:16)

Thank you :)

im from norway, what country do you come from?
I live in the UK but my grandmother is Norwegian :)
Cool, I'm from Sweden.

AQ and AQW

you enjoy to be mods?
I enjoy working for the community rather than just modness itself
Yes it's a nice hobby.

how long have you been mods?
Since October
Same as Angelique.

Can you guys send me a picture of you custom weapons?
You can see them when we meet in game :)
I second Angelique again, yes I'm a copycatpanther.

srinivas -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 11:05:16)

*snugglehuggletackles the mods*
/me snugglehuggleangelattacks the srinivas
.*.snugglepounces srinivas.*.

1. Favourite AE Game?
AQ and AQW are tied for me

2. Favourite boss (not the enemy, the admins :] )
Hmm difficult to pick one
I like the admins for different reasons, but Lady_Tomo is cool.

3. Cake or Pie?

Enough from me anyway, just dropping by to wish you good luck again.
Thank you :)
Thanks :)

and btw, Angels Can Never Be Trusted....
Hehehe my secret is out I guess
oh dear, I'm now afraid!

Peace out from,
Peace to you too :)
See you.


doommaster199679 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 15:13:42)

Well hello again.
Hi :)
Hello :D

1) Why only 2 posts?[sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif]
Cause if not then every forumite might post infinite times and then where would we be?
Angel is the domiant one, I just follow her lead! XD

2) 1+1=?
I know that one! :D
Clearly 11!

3) You do not like my questions right?
I don't mind them.
I'm speechless!

5) I will think of somthing else.
are you sure?

6) For Stardot: Cool i also play Guitar. How many songs can you play?
hehehe, I have no idea, I rather create my own music then to play the music of other artist, but I know a few tunes.

7) I want to meet you in AQW....
I am sure you will soon :)
The day will occur!

8) Supprised? I can think of more stuff now. lol
:O oh ok

9) Cats or Dogs?
Both but cats more so.

10) Manga or Comic?
Hmm, I don't know much about Manga but I do enjoy it, I guess I'll pick Comic as well.

11) Did you notice that 4 ist gone?
Now that you said it.
You banned the 4? :o

Well... Battle on. You will never see me again in this thred. *cries*
Aww /me patpats. Bye :)
Battle on and see you around. :)

Oliver Bell -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 15:44:08)

Congratulations on your new positions.
Thank you very much :)
Thank you :D

Just a few questions from me. Sorry if any are repeats I haven't read the whole thread.
I forgive you my son!

1. Are you looking forward to the Paxia update?
It is here now but I haven't had time to check it out. But any update to Paxia is excellent news!
Yes is do.

2. Do you think the clans in AQ will be added to AQW at some point?
Who knows?

3. Do you think you can keep up with editing the posts in this thread?
I hope so :)
Nope I type too slow! :P

4. If you play AQ which clan are you in/support?
Nocturu FTW!
I was in Aerodu but I'm not supporting any clan at the moment.

Ok that will do. See you around.
Ok. See you :)
See you :D

cohonn -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 15:55:54)

Hey :)

how are you
Very well thank you.
Great! :D

just wondering if any news u can give on what the new citadel monster will drop
No sorry I cannot. You will just have to wait and see :)
Well you could check the pedia for info.

but more importantly will the super bowl shop be open all Sunday or just at half time as i live in England and am afraid i will miss it as the half time will be at about 2am for me
I am sure it won't be so short that we Limeys will miss the best bits! Usually things stay for a while. Just think of the wedding. :)
I don't know but I suspect that all players will have a chance.

You're welcome.
No problem.

p.s it wud be great to see clan recognition when u view someone's name.
Sorry not sure what you mean.
Do you mean in AQW?

what was your farourite aqw moment?
Hmm difficult to say but probably the Frostval release.
When I was accused of being a hacker, and the time I was reported in game.

how did u become a moderator
Reens promoted me in October after I was AKd by Scakk in May
I second that line! :D

and good luck with the next year
Thank you, same to you.
Thank you! :D

kkutwar -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 16:13:42)

Party!?! :O Ö O:

which wholud u blow up? mars or venus?
Oh, neither!

which of these wholud u build a house out of? candy or 100 dollar bills?
Dollar bills compacted with mud and stuff
100 dollar bills.

if u saw a button that says "push and u get 1000000 DOLLARS!"wholud u push it or not and think it is a trap?
Depends where it is. If on the internet I would just laugh hollowly. If it was in Make Belief Land I'd totally push it!
/me can't resist a button!

which of these do u think wholud be a cool new pet for AQW?a were-dragon,a unicorn,a vampergon or a pet that u can customize?
A Unicorn sounds nice :)
a custom pet.

what do u think about customable weps for upgrades in AQW?(like...they can use parts from the weps they already have to make a custom wep..also they can charge its color)
Sounds like a coding nightmare :/
well I don't know anything about coding but I guess this would be too much to ask for.

thats it for this ready for PART 2 OF THIS POST!

[WARNING]u may need to be atleast 100 feet away from this so u don't go KA-BOOM!!!!!from these questions

do u ever cut out from whats going on around u and goto a little place in your mind that u rule and u r whatever u want to be and if u do...what do u do there and what r u?
a moderator! :P

if u got to make a new game for AE...what wholud it be called and wholud it be based on the other 4 games or not?
MusicQuest and you would kill bad musicians with high or low notes!

what is your fav TV show?if none....just pick the one u watch the must...ok,now say what u think wholud be cool for a new epsiode
How it's made.

if u were the king/queen of the world...what wholud be the 1st 5 things u wholud do?
1,move to an island with my girlfriend. 2, scrap money all around the world. 3, never grow up. 4, become a luthier. 5, go to the moon.

u know the hoildays,now what wholud be a cool new hoilday by u and what wholud it be about and called?
it would be called Life - and it would be about the days in your life and not to make one more day important than another.

[WARNING]if these questions r not that hard...BEWARE!I WILL BE BACK WITH VERY POWERFUL,PAINFUL,QUESTIONS THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!(i mean questions that r hard...not really blow up your mind hard)
I have no mind so be my guest.
P.S. can u and stardot asnwer my questions from my 1st post...also..where is stardot?he still got to answer my questions [:(]
Stardot is bizzy and does other things! XD

P.S.2 r my new questions bad?u didn't answer them...[:(]
They were fine.

thx dude![:D]

Lord Pwner -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 16:16:51)

Hi again people (Yay angelique remembers huggin me :D)
Hello again
Hello :D

Do you think chicken cow armor is awesome? cuz i sure do :P
It's ok but not my first choice of what to wear on a night out...
Not really.

Why do you think im posting about chicken cows now? because im weird or awesome?
I'm guessing you like them.
Because you're LOCO! :P

who crossed the road first? the chicken or the cow?
The chicken since they are somewhat more energetic than cows.
The Chicken.

Was there gum on cysero's shoe when you people invented chicken cow?
I had nothing to do with it so I couldn't say. Though personally I hate having gum on my shoes!
/me is innocent!

Does cap'n crunch really cut the roof of your mouth?
If it's anything like Crunchy Nuts then yes!
I guess so, I'm quite sensitive there.

Do you like raggae music? Seriously i wanna know :D
Some stuff yes.
is that so?

Why does this have to be my last post?
Cause it's your second one.
Failure! :P

Why isnt your name bob or somfin easier to spell?
Bob is a guys name and Im an angelic female :)
Because I like to make fun of all people! :P

do u have a nickname?
Most ppl just call me Angel.

why does this have to be my last post?
I don't remember but 'tis so.

Is this goodbye forever ever for real[:(]? Meh probably not i leik huggin mods :D
We will meet in game most likely. And mods are no different than other human beings (unless they aren't human beings but PaperClips or Panthers or so.)
See you around and don't forget the water?

Cya modditymodmodmoddity, (was that a big enuf word to confuse u?)
Bye and no I was just about able to cope with that one :P
See you Lord Pwner.

Minar -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 16:59:22)


Hello .*. .*. .*. and Angelique! :)
Hey Minar! :)
Hello Minar! :D

Congrats on becoming (co)Mods!
Thanks and congrats on AKship!
Thank you and congrats on the AKship.

Do the shackles stay on? :O?
ONly if like me you like em cause they are such lovely gothy accesssories :P
I gave them to Angelique.

If they do, have fun... being free.... aha.. *cries* D:
Aww don't cry! (Not so early on at any rate :P)
/me is free as a Panther!

I mean... congrats to both of you! :D
Thank you and to you!
Thank you! :D

Bwaywawa! That's right. Be afraid! D:< <:)
I am. Very!
Oh noes, not again!!!

[youveseenthisalreadybutseeitagain] Did you notice their was no number 3? [/youveseenthisalreadybutseeitagain] Or numbers at all? :D
No! O_o
I don't like numb3rs!

I'll be bock. Vith weapons!
/me is scared some more!
See you Terminator - oops I mean Minar! :P

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