RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (Full Version)

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ultimata33 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 17:50:41)

1. hi, im back wth a few more questions xD
Hi again, ok :)

2. Du yew liek teh Mudkipz?
Don't know em :(
I have no idea what this is but I already dislike the name.

3. whats the longest word in the dictionary you know?
I'll tell you another time, when no one is looking.

4. ill save this question for a cookie parade =D
There are such things as cookie parades?? Do you get to eat the cookies??
who needs cookies anyway?

5. Nom nom nom or *burp* xD
Nom nom nom is somewhat more elegant so I'll go with that!
/me makes all cookies go poof!

Coffeestain -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 20:29:51)

Hi Angel!!
Hey coffeestain :)

Do you remember me? I'm Coffeestain, we met when there were like 5 other mods in Battleon-19 in the same area. And you asked what I thought of your outfit and I said it was great.
Yeah I think I do :). I always love getting compliments (even when I have to fish for them :P)

dxb105 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 21:36:30)

I WOV THESE but ive only been answered like one and that was on crimzon5's thing
Glad you enjoy :)
Cool! :D

1 Can i have a cookie
'Fraid not as I've eaten them ALL
/me steals one from Angel and gives one to you. :)

2 do mods have shackles
Only if they want them.
yes but we pretend they're bracelets instead of shackles.

3 if they do are they thicker
No but shinier.
Just rusty

4 can i have 10 bucks im broke
So am I :(
Me too!

5 whats your fav o_0 style emote
Hm I think this one @_@

6 dose my name sound neat
It sounds like a aeroplane model.

7 what lvl are in AQW cuse im lvl 13

8 whats your fav number mine is 13
I don't think I have one. But possibly 7

13 wait i skipped to 13
Yeah you did
Zomg!!! :O

10 can i be head mod or an AK of some sort
Maybe one day? :)
yay *sits in anticipation*

11 wait its agent the rulez to ask *slips 5 bucks in hop you forget*
Attempts at bribery isn't viewed with any great affection either >:/
Takes the five bucks and forgets about the five bucks and asks for five bucks again.
fine takes 5 bucks back

12 i should say bye
Ok then

13 wait 13 again
You love that number!
Friday will haunt you one day!
I do

Bye bye!
See you :9
good bye

*edited bye dxb105 for pure awesomeness*

killer V.2 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/29/2009 21:41:39)

Hello I am back O.o! I have thought of more questions to ask you guys.
Hello again and go right ahead.
You did? - oh and Hello!

So when people ask you if you remember them do u just say you do so you don’t hurt there feelings or do you really remember them?
I usually do remember them. :)
I remember most people and if I don't remember then it's just going to be embarrassing.

We should meet up in game some time because I think I have only met and talked to one mod and I have yet to see him again…. :( And if the other post have anything to do with it you guys most be uber-cool-sweet-awsome-nice-DOOMY-fantastic-super mods so I want to meet you but alas with my luck we shall never meet. (ps if you ever want to meet up my name is the deceiver lol)
I am no rare drop so I'm sure we will meet at some point :)
Just stand in Battleon-1 in any server and you will see mods pop up here and there.

Hmmmm un like my promise before my questions aren’t scary :( rest assured I will update this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/me quakes in her dainty angelboots!

erki97 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 2:32:31)

why didnt you answer my old question?

.*. .*. .*.
old message:


Danke Schön.

edit: AQ,MQ,AQW or DF?
AQ and AQW :)
AQ is the first game which I started to play and this is the one that I truly enjoy most of all AE Games.

< Message edited by erki97 -- 1/28/2009 21:30:26 > come you can write "ö" u have multi language keyboard? you are swedish,dutch,norway,danish,russian?

I'm from Sweden.

2.cereal or toast

3.monkey or gorilla

4.will i get a cookie?
I'll snatch one from Angelique

5.if i wont get a cookie then why?
Cookies is being sent to you.

6. if i got a cookie i want another 1!

7.if u gave me 1 more cookie i will now get 1 more!!!

8. if you didnt give me my second cookie your mean!
I know!

9. cya
See you :D

Tezkatlipoca -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 4:11:40)

Well hello there congratulations on your promotion! Ok Im not gonna ask you stuff you cant answer so lets hear some oppinions n stuff.
Thank you and thank you :D
Hello and thank you! :D

What is your favorite armor class?
I like sorcerer with Dark Acolyte worn over it :)
At the moment it's sorcerer.

Which pet is yor fave?
My FireFlies. Sooo pretty!
I love santa moglin.

Do you think that its important that aqw raise lvl cap?
Yeah as soon as the content permits I am sure that will happen.
I would rather see the 5th skill being implented, stats and attacking pets.

Is it possible the ae team will enable PVP in the future?
Anything is possible.
I guess so.

Is guilds even a possibility?
Who knows, anything is possible.
I think so.

How hard was it to become a aqw mod? by the way congrats again!!
It wasn't hard at all really. I was made an AK in May last year which came as a complete surprise and then I just did the work as best I could- and then out of the blue I got promoted. And thank you again:)
I never thought about being an AK, as a matter of fact I was about to leave the forums for good before eagle88 gave me a helpful title, then I was hanging around some again and suddenly I was asked by Scakk to join as an AK, the step from there to a mod wasn't even in my head so it was a big surprise when Reens asked me.
Thanks again! :D

Whats the real cause of the greenhouse effect?
I blame the fruitflies!
Human intelligence!

What is the best flavored cheese?
I have no idea but there's many cheese types that I like.

Do you like being a mod?
So far it's cool yes :)
It's nice.

How many hours a week do you play aqw?
One or maybe two. No where near as much as I would like :(
Not much, I'm spending most of my time here at the forum.

Shouldnt pets attack too?
Maybe one day they will. But then again my RL cat never would help fight off an intruder. I am sure of that. She is also quite useless with flies :/
I really hope so.

Maybe even armors should give a defense bonus... who knows?
Anything is possible.
Would be nice, and some shields as well.

Would it be nice to have another skill on the armor sets?
I like that armours have no skills other than being worn over classes.
well maybe the could have some special triggers against certain monsters?

I apreciate your time very much I am a true fan of AQW always have been!!! I wish you the best of luck and alot of good vibes!
You're welcome and thank you and I am always happy to meet another fan :)
Great to hear and hope to see you around

Maybe we might meet in the game one day. Until then... Tezkatlipoca
That would be fun! Bye till then :)
See you and enjoy AQW! :D

erich286 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 7:07:43)

Hello!Congratz on becoming the Co-Head Mod!
Thank you :)
Hello and thank you! :D

I want to ask you some questions:

1.Will AQW make a Level 10 Attack For classes?
It looks as if there is going to be something there in the future, doesn't it.
There will be stuff there someday but who knows when?

2.Will there be a 3D version of the game?
I personally hope not cause I love it the way it is.
I don't think so.

3.Will the Multi Target Attacks(like Pulsewave) attack multiple targets as said?
If it says so then it probably will one day.
Probably one day.

4.(This is not a question)Good Luck!!!
Thank you :)
Thanks :D

Mudkip -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 8:20:47)

Haiiiiiiiisssss!!! [:D]

1.Do you liek mudkipz?
I don't know what that is sorry. :(
I'll just say no for fun! >:D

2.Do you like my siggy? ~ Mudkip
It's cool but I reeeeaaallly want to swat that thing!
I've seen it before and it's nice.

nintenix -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 8:41:31)

hi and congratulations
Hi and thank you :)
Thank you :D

so what is ur favorite anime (if u watch)?
No I don't watch any
I'm don't anything about anime so, I'm clueless.

do u read manga?
Nope sorry.

how does it feel to be the co-head mod?
Pretty nice.

do u know when they will release the guardian armor in aq worlds ( or any other special armors if so can u tell me)?
Nothing has been announced yet as far as I know
I have no idea about such things.

do u get special treatment in the AE games?
Yeah ppl tend to flock around a golden name.
If you mean perks then yes we get some perks.

if so like what?
It usually revolves around asking how one becomes a mod and if I can tell them about things that aren't released yet or even announced yet.
custom weps and mod only info! XD

how did guys become mod?
First you have to be made a Forum AK by being very active, friendly and helpful - and lucky.
Then, if you are lucky again, you might get promoted to Mod by an Admin such as Reens.

Well Angelique answered that one so I can just eat white chocolate instead! :D

What server r u guys usually in
Any and all
All of them.

can you add me as a friend in aq worlds plsss I am level 16 but non mem...but beta player (if so I will usually be in nythera server)
Sorry my friends list is full
I get this question almost every time I login and I turn down most people, but who knows maybe I'm in a good mood? :)

and finally thank you very much and sorry if I was asking too much questions
That is quite alright
No problem. :)

P.S feel free to not answer any of them and also u guys are funny lol[:)]
Glad you think so :)
/me is innocent, Angel is clearly the one with humour!

w8...... my username is nintenix btw[:)][:)]
Nice to meet you nintenix
Cool and mine is Stardot.

Archmage Reginald -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 10:37:20)

Hi guys!
Hi there
Hello :D

So uhhh... You guys bored sometimes?
Yeah when I cannot sleep.
I have my ways to prevent it.

What do you guys do when you're bored?
I read or listen to an audiobook on my iPod
Do things I like, just listening to music or play the guitar cheers me up, though one thing that always cheers me up is my girlfriend! :D <3333

Well, whatever are your answers to my previous questions, I'll leave them be. Lets move to random stuff! Yay! [&:]

Fave pie?
Probably apricot

Do you guys watch Avatar: The Legend of Aang?
Never heard of it sorry
/me is clueless.

If so, did you guys see the ending episode? WAS IT EPIC?! (I would recommend you guys to say yes because I will tell my cousins here to throw a tantrum if you don't! [:-])
/me is clueless x 2

Warlic or Artix?
Warlic cause I love archmagey stuff but Artix too cause he's DA MAN!
Warlic because he creates music so he's the one!

Artix or Cysero?
Hmm, I'll say Artix.

Warlic or Cysero?

Fave type of cheese?
As long as it's salty or smoked then it's perfect fo rme! :D

Ok... I ran out of random questions to ask. (Which is odd because I'm the master of random questions! Lol...) Good luck on becoming AQWorlds mods!
Thank you :)
Thank you.

Peace out! - Archmage Reginald -
Peace to you too
See you. :)

Zeno Denotation -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 10:56:01)

here are my questions...

Can i one day be a mod?
Sure, why not.
Of course you can.

What do i have to study and wat type of college classes can i take to be a part of AE?\
I have no idea really. Working with the AE Games developing staff usually involves being creative and good at art and or coding etc.
I second that line.

How is it like at AE headquarters?
I have never been there. But I am sure it's much like a magical batcave.
I have no idea and I would b surprised if I ever found out.

How are all the people there?
Cool from what I can tell.

Well, thx for answering these questions if u get a chance[sm=xb9yx3.gif][sm=xb9yx3.gif]
You're welcome :)
Sure no problem.

Same to you!
You too!

SoulShatter -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 11:16:00)

Hi, Stardot and Angelique.
Hi SoulShatter

How are you?
Very well thank you

If you could pick a theme song, what would it be? (You can link it via Youtube)
Mine would be Danse Macabre by Saint-Saëns
Zoot Allures by Frank Zappa

Favorite animal?
All that belongs to the cat family.

Hot or cold? (COLD! PICK COLD[:D])
Yeah I'd rather be cold than hot

What is your favorite cookie?
Jammie Dodgers
I'm not to fond of cookies so I don't know?

Favorite donut? (Meh)
Anything that is brightly coloured and covered in sugar and shtuff!
The classic one.

What is your favorite weapon?
My custom staff
My custom sword.

Do you like waffles?
Yeah with maple syrup and vanilla ice cream YUMM!
Seriously who doesnt? :o

What do you think 'bout this vid?
hehe, I've seen it before.

Bye, and lots of fun!
Thanks same to you
see you! :D


locutus9888 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 15:02:17)

hey stardot and Angelique glad to meet you
Hey locutus9888 nice to meet you too
Hello! :D

hows it been so far since youve been mods for a few days now?
It's been great but we were made mods in October but only now co-head mods of AQW
Pretty nice. :D

i know many people have asked but what does your name mean .*..*..*. its driving me crazy trying to figuire it out
Pefect then my mission is accomplished! XD

why an angel of doom? i would think a demon of peace kinda also seems as interesting [:)]
Cause everyone expects an Angel to be the sweet light blond kind sitting on a cloud playing the harp. They tend to forget that there is another type too. My type :D

you probably wont have the time for mine so ill keep mines short [:D]
Thanks :)
hehe, thanks :)

Predatoree -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 15:27:48)

Torture Question time! (Hee hee hee!)
Wahh Ok :)


Bye now
sSee you!

Do I need to repeat that?
If you wish

Do you like pie?
Love it

Do you have any pets?
Yes a cat
Not any longer, I used to have 2 cats and one dog but they're gone now. ;_;

Do you want the torture questions to end?
So far I'm fine sorry :P
Please continue!

Fine. Bye. See you in AQWorlds blah blah blah.
Ok see you there. Bye!
See you blah blah! :P

Srsly bye!
Bye again.
/me does fake a bye!

Pikablu -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 15:50:37)

Pika wunts to ask questions O:
Go ahead
OK then!

1)Whut wud happen if we stalked yew guys in-game O:
You can try :P
Not much, just a waste of time in my humble opinion.

2)Do yew leik Pikablu :3
Adore him!
I don't know him yet so I'm neutral! :P

3)How do yew find so much time to answer our questions D:
By not sleeping or eating. :P
I actually dictate my AK's to come up with the answers for every single question and then I just copy and paste them, yes I'm smrt! :P

Aaronman99 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 16:26:11)

IMMMM BACK!!! *evil laughter*
COOL! *doomie laughter*
Oh noes! :P

Are u scared?
Heh no but you should be :P muahahaha
Yes if a tree feels lonely?

RAH! How bout now?
Not yet
/me is numb!

If u met a guy named Johny, would you plant a banana tree?
No but I could eat a banana if that helps
I would swing my ban hammer!

Do you want nothing but a good time?
That would be ideal but only if that would involve work and mullah too
Yes that's correct, but let me move to another planet first!

Did you get the reference from my last q?
I guess not
who knows?
Its a poison song. Now that u 2 have answered.

Do u like AC/DC?
Some of their songs are awesome yes
A few songs.

If I became leader of Canada, would u be scared?
No cause I am far away and safe that way :P
There's people in Canada? :O

Would you be mad if I asked for Canada?
You can always ask...
I would be happy!

Are either of u Dr. Feelgood?
Not me.
Yes I am!

Do you know that reference?
sounds familiar but no
I have no idea, you could mean lots of stuff with that.
Motley Crue song.

Alright, I think Ive run up my share of torture. I shall now leave this thread forever, or until you all answer. Goodbye.
Ok then bye (for now)
Wheeeeee! :D

Oh, 1 last thing. Can I meet you 2 in AQW some time? If so,plz Pm me or my character, Aarontheman.
I am sure we will one day :)
I'll see you one day in AQW! :D

::Raist:: -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 16:45:04)

Greetings Angelique and Stardot!
Hey there ::Raist::
Hello and nice dots you got there! :D

'Tis I, Cooloo40. I recently got a name change(Thanks Seahawk!).
I thought it was you :D

Congratulations to the both of you!
Thank you :)
Thank you :D

That's all I have to say, you two got off easy. :P
I'm duly grateful :)
Splendid and see you around. :)

wolfencreek -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 16:46:21)

can i have a name change plzs id like it changed to wolfencreek
You will have to pm Seahawk for that
/me is late again and just hides behind Angelique!

hi wazz up
All is well here thanks
Is all cool!

if you could be any monster from aq which one would you be
Safiria the Uber babe naturally

if you could be any superheroe who would you be
The Dark Knight (if I were male that is)

wanna team up in aqw sometime i can never find ppl to farm with :(
Aww sure. But you can also check the party thread and join one of them,
Sure thng.

whats your favourite film
I have too many but at a pinch I'd say Breakfast at Tiffany's
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Smalls -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 17:28:10)

Hehe, more? I'm liking this...

Did you know that I'm an Admin (like a mod) in another forum (that ~JW~ got his PM privilidges taken away for)? Editing is fun :D
I had no idea
Fun for you.

Do you like The Killers (if you've never heard of them, YOUTUBE THEM NOW, or better yet, I'll do it for you Hehe, the OOCers, hate mah obsession w/ TK) So if you don't like em, you have bad taste in music (in mah eyes), and probably should stay away from teh OOC, and YOU SHOULD LIKE THEM FOR BRANDON FLOWERS ATLEAST! (He's the hot guy, who's the lead singer)
Well I don't know them THAT well but as bill Bailey said when you think about it that song Ive got Soul but Im not a Soldier doesnt make loads of sense. Like I got Ham but Im not a Hamster type thing? Sorry.
Well in that case I have a very bad taste in music and will never recover from it, I have never heard of this so called band.
Le gasp! It's All these things that I've done, not I've got soul but I'm not a soldier!!! the famous line in it's I got soul but I'm not a soldier!

Do you like mah siggy?
Lovely and bloody.
As I already came to the conclusion that I have a very bad taste in music because of the not liking The Killers then I have a very bad taste in sigs as well. :P
And hotguyey *stares at teh hotness that is Brandon Flowers*

Are you getting tired of mah Killers talk?
Not yet

Am I wrong or am I right? (a cookie if you name the song, hint: it's by The Killers, and it's in Sam's Town) hehe

Do you want a cookie?
/me gives it to Angelique.

Can I have a cookie?
Not if I can get it first!
Too late, Angelique is the cookie monster!

Have you read mah L&L stories? If not READ THEM NOW! please?
I haven't but I shall now of course.
Nope and maybe I will.

nosey123 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 21:42:34)

Hello you 2 =D
hey nosey123
Hello! :D

Congrats. ^_^
Thanks :)
Thank you! :D

Captain Graarg -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/30/2009 22:16:36)

Hey Guys!
Hey there
Hello! :D

Quick! Ninja Monkeys are attacking, what do you do?
Step back'
Give them a gainomax!

Pie or Pi?

Potato or Patato?

Like my siggy?
Pretty cool yeah!
Is ok :)

1-10 (10 being the awesomenessest)
I'm 1 and Angelique is 9 which makes us two a 10! :D

Favorite song?
Map of the Problematique by Muse
I can't pick one, I'll say Zoot Allures by Frank Zappa.

Too many
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

TV Series?
None really unless QI counts
How it's made! XD

AQW Character? (trick question)

What is my name spelled backwards?
graarG niatpaC
This hurts my head!

Pepsi or Coke?
Diet Coke

Ready for a Challenge?

Well too bad... what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Love and addiction
Simple but fun.


aww, now I'm craving for chinese food! :D

I prefer Soccer.

/me chomps!

What - Angeligue!

with that
with mayonnaise

Well that is it for now. See ya!
See you!
See you! :D

ultimata33 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 3:32:29)

1. back yet again, :D

2. favorite Non-AE game?
Hmm - Castlevania! :D

mine is pac-man by the way xD
Nice D:

3. if you could put any 1 thing into AQW what would it be?
A completely black outfit for me to wear

mine would be a Paxia clans thing, would be cool multiplayer, hey?
Yes indeed
I guess that's a nice idea.

4. BOO!

5. Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down. BLEH!
/me bans!

6. Favorite movie of 2008?
None really sticks out but I rarely go to the cinema these days :(
I don't know so I'll take one from 2007 instead - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

7. Bye!
See you! :D

jonastai9 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 7:40:22)

What's your favorite boss in AQW?
Thrax I think
Great Pumpkin King

What's your favorite weapon in AQW?
My custom staff
My custom sword.

Have you ever met Artix in real life?
sadly no.

Do you like eating cheeseburgers?(I for 1 prefer them)
I do but I don't eat them cause they are fattening :(
Yes I love fast food!

What's your favorite AE game?(I used to like Dragonfable, but I thought I was equipping it but i actually was selling it lol. And then som1 hacked my account and deleted my character, so i prefer AQW and im a mem!)My characters name is my username in the forums, jonastai9[8D]
AQ and AQW are tied for me

Do you have a favorite boss?(In AQW)
You already asked that. I think mine is Thrax
That was your first question! XD.

Do we do anything in the Gaurdian tower in AQW i walked around and found nothing except that portal that transports you to the exact time and place.
At the moment that is all there is
That's about it for now.

Do you like slaying undead like Artix?
I just like slaying actually

Have you ever punted Twilly?
Yeah and I felt bad for it!
Yes I have and I can't get enough if it!

How about some pie???[;)]
/me chomps

Ok, nice meeeting you bye[:)]
Nice meeting you too. bye :)
Likewise and see you! :D

P.S. Do you have a favorite soccer team?
No I don't like soccer at all.
Not really but I like Barcelona.

Max 3 Smilies per post please - Burn

drakehello -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 12:30:10)


1. Is the cake a lie?
Mine isn't! /me munches
Yes but can you handle the truth?

2. how about the pie?
/me chomps!

3. what color is the sky?
Baby Blue! :D

4. are you annoyed yet?
Not even close.

5. there will be no six... MYSETRIOUS!
is it 6 feet under?

7. there ws no six... MYSETERIOUS!
Great! :D

Is that so?

I really didn't know that, thanks! :P

That's not how you spell my name! :P

I'll be glad to meet him then.
/me freaks out!

Razgriz -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 13:03:06)

me iz back, to torment u with moar kwestshuns
I loves the kwestshuns

time for questioning
/me gets ready
Oh noes!!!

here they are, random and funny =D

1. cookies or pie?
Both, always BOTH
Pie, always PIE!!!

2. if a cake is being thrown at your face, what would you do?
Lick my lips and wipe it off then stuff the rest into my mouth naturally
/me wipe it off and throw it Angelique! ...eeeeew!

3. If you're driving uphill in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes can you fit in a doghouse?
Depends on how greedy and fast the dog inside is
Well the basket must speak in 5 directions to help the poor vombat!

4. what do you do when you're bored?
Read or listen to an audiobook on my iPod
Ban people! XD - just joking, I usually play guitar or talk with my girlfriend.

5. do you like pancakes?
Love em.
/me chomps!

6. do you like waffles?
Love em.
/me chomps x 2!

7. do you like french toast?
What's that then?
I have no idea what this is but it sounds good!

/me covers his eyes ad ears!


10. No slacking on the job, or THIS will happen to you
Oh should be nicer to my AK's!

11. so if you are a StarPanther, why do you have a Lion Morph as head? (to both lol)
Cause I love my halo too much
Because the panther head isn't good looking to me, I shapeshift some! :P

Ah, there I am!


13. did you look behind you?

No sorry


14. if the answer to 13. is yes, who/what did you see?

I know it would be me so no need to look.

15. can i have a cookie please? =3 (i didn't get one from Versy and Reni [:(])
Sorry but I ate them all.
Why? :P

that was all, nice meeting you, and I'll see you in AQW [;)]
Nice meeting you too and yep see you in game :)
Bye and see you around :D

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