RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (Full Version)

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wolfencreek -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 14:08:01)

whats your favourite element mine is air
Darkness ftw!
I think in AQ I like Ice but in real life it's Light! :D

do you like pokemon
couldn't say, never watched it
I have no clue, never saw a single episode of it.

if you had to choose between being artix or cysero which would you be
Artix cause he is DA MAN!

do you like pie
Yes! :D
Love it!

do you have any pie
Not at the moment! >_>;
Sadly no.

if so do you have any cherry pie
Nope sorry! :(
No and I don't like cherries unless on their own and fresh.

if not got any cookies
Nope I give them to Angelique, in fact she's the cookie monster of doom, the Angel stuff is just a poor cover! :P
Meh don't give away my secrets!

if so got any blueberry
I wish!
Blueberry cookies? Never heard of that so, no sadly

if not then im going to go reclaim my left sock from cysero
OK but be sure it doesn't smell funky!
I guess you can try but I doubt you'll get it back, evah.

Torryn -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 14:40:02)

Hey there.

should i asks you a question?
If you want to?
Up to you.

what is the meaning of life?
Music and love!

favourite aqw class (clue:alpha pirate)
At the moment it's sorcerer but this will change at some point.
Sorcerer for me too

shoop da....

try to say the letters b-b-z-n-o-t quick.
/me dies trying and is immediately re-undeaded

/me pounces!
/me glares

is editing other peoples posts awsome?
Sometimes it's fun to do it but I rather delete them and send a notice! XD
It can be.

can you edit everyway you want?
Well as long as I follow the rules.
Yeah within the rules

draw a sword!
/me draws a staff instead

See you! :D
Bye :)

zezimaowns -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 15:41:44)

Hello :)

time for some questions and there good ones
Excellent! you like fanta tango or water?
Water in that case bleh

2.want some cheesecake?
Yes please! :D
Oh yes please!!!

4.look at the wall and stare for 1 hour
This happens to me sometimes before I fall asleep!
No time for fun right now sorry!

5. if you did question 4 was it fun
I was laughing backwards!
I am sure it would have been :(

6. do you play any card games
Yes, I like Canasta and I know how to play poker but I was never good at it.
I play solitaire sometimes and I used to play rummy with my mum

7. where is aqw do you hang out
Where you least expect me to.
Either battleon or where ever the fancy takes me :)

8. favirote non ae ONLINE game

9. NEW boss IS KWL wat do you think about it
/me nods
I agree :D

10. how do you make a custom wepon on aqw
I asked Reens and she modified the star sword for me! :D
Only creatively inclined staff members can. Reens made mine too :D

and my questions are done so
Great and see you around! :D
Thanks and see you around!

devil_may_cry64 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 16:41:30)

1. Who is the devourer?
The one that makes all shiver with fear!

2.what is your favorite spell in AQ?
This is tough, damage wise it's sharpened lawn darts because it's so unpredictable, but animation wise it's 5th Day of Frostval
Mine is Nightbane's Apotheosis.

3.What lvl are you in AQW?

Edit: 4.Do you REALLY like rolith`s togcidics?
Of course! :P
I must have missed something there... you think Artix plays halo 3? (lol cuz he has 2 H3 related helms)
I wouldn't be surprised if he tried it at some point.
Yeah he might well have tried it.

well Battleon and cya in AQW.
Battle On and see you around! :D
Yep see you around and battleon you too :)

dangangsta -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 18:08:41)

Didn't i suggest this meet the staff thread thing like 3 months ago on the "suggest a thread" thread...
but anyways congratulations on your new position stardot... good times[:D]
Thank you and a MtM or MtAK thread is something that's been done for ages at this forum, so your suggestion had nothing to do with it, see you :)

and you too angelique although I have never had the pleasure of meeting you on aqw, I'm sure it will happen someday
I am sure it will and thank you! :)

Blakedude -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 18:11:35)

It's me again (creepy voice shouts DOOOOOOM)
/me looks at the fridge!

what kind of question's do you prefer? random and annoying or serious and logical
Yeah random sounds good.

heheheh more people to choose
Yay indeed.

Twilly Zorbak Twig or......VASALKAR (rawr)

What do you think of Heath Ledger? (i think he's awesome and will get the oscar)
I have no opinions about him.
He probably will for that role yeah. But I prefer that other Aussie Hugh Jackman over all :P

angelique what is your fave boss either then thrax?
Maybe Wisteria since I can take her down on my own

.*..*..*. (i hope i actually got it right >.<) what is your fave class in aqw?
Nope you didn't get it right it's: .*. .*. .*. and at the moment I like the sorcerer class.

have you met any of the other mod's (such as Galanoth Artix or Warlic?)
I have met and played with Artix and Galanoth, Warlic is the rare one even in this forum.
Same as Star

waffles or pancakes? :o
Waffles and I predict that Angelique will write: BOTH!
I am kinda obvious huh

ok bye for now hope we meet in aqw
See you and you will one day. :)
Bye for now and I am sure we will :)

Dathomir2 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 18:15:48)

Yay! My first MtM/MTAK thread!


If you could have either, which would you have: A dragon or a goose that lays platinum eggs?
Haha a goose because they rock! XD
A dragon!

Did you have any stock?
Yeah always.

If yes what was it?
/me takes a sip of tea.
I have beef, chicken and pork flavoured oxo cubes. Here, have some!

Favorite Pie?

Favorite AQW server?
All or none, you pick.
Twilly hehehe

Favorite book?
Cosmic Trilogy, it's actually three books but they can be read separately but then it doesn't make any sense and it's written by C.S Lewis.
Anything discworld by Terry Pratchett

Favorite fellow forumite?
Brilliancy! :D <333

Do you like Grafh?
I have actually never spoken to Graph but I have snugged him! ;D
Sadly I do not know him :(

Should I stop asking questions? (I wont)
That's up to you.

fire or ice?
I like heat so fire!
Ice like the blood in mah veins!

If y= 17x and x=19 what is y? (NO CALCULATORS!)
That's too easy and Angelique loves math!
/me dies. Again!

Who's cooler? THe Pillsbury Dough Boy or Winnie The Pooh?
Winnie! :D

Cardinals or Steelers?
The one that will lose! :P
Monkey butlers bearing platters of pies with legs.

Uber thankies.
You're welcome. :)
You're most welcome :)

darklordpilien -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/31/2009 21:16:17)

Hi and gratz on being co-head mods for the AQW section
Hello and thank you! :D
Hey and thanks :)

1. What do you think came first the chicken or the egg
The Omlette!
The egg. Always eggs first.

2. What is the square root of pie
whipped cream.
1.13 cherries

3. 7x13=?
Angelique loves math so she will solve this tricky calculation.
/me kills the downletting brainy Star

4. What if you had your brain washed and got turned into a corporate warrior.
Then I would team up with Conan the Barbarian!
I'd invent legs on pies.

5. if you can have any superpower which one you'd you chose? (chose only 1 power)
The ability to fly!
Yep to fly would be my choice too.

Me too! :D
Me too!

7. Did you vote for Obama?
Nope because I live in Sweden.
No I live in the UK.

8. What if you had a Monkey-Squirrel?
Then I would raise an army of them, well actaully the AK's could be considered as monkey-squirrels, they swing around the forums in a rapid way and goes nuts sometimes.
I'd train it to be my butler

9. Are you Ebil?
I am according to my girlfriend.
That would be telling...

10. have you learned any form of martial arts?
Yes I used to know some moves from Judo, Karate, Ninjutsu and Ju Jitsu and I have forgotten most of them.
No but I throw a mean punch!

11. Whats your favorite number?

12. Who's your favorite co-worker?
All of them I can't pick just one.
Al my lil souls :P

13. Are you accident prone?
I'm quite unlucky but I'm used to it.
I cause accidents for others :P

14. Who's your role model?
My girlfriend and some members in my family.
My grandmother.

15. I ran out of questions (not really I have a LOT more I just don't want to annoy you guys)
OK then :)
You're not annoying me. :)

Thank you for answering my completed unrelated, totally random questions! (Don't leave your socks drying outside during the rain Cysero might steal your left sock)
You're welcome and I'll put a rat trap in my left sock, so look out Cysero!
That's ok since Angels do not wear socks anyway :)

Protego -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/1/2009 0:05:11)

Am I a god to you?
Not today.
No today I bow to Fish and Chips crisps.

Who owns your soul (bet it's me or Artix)?

Favorite class?
I guess you mean AQW so I'll pick the sorcerer.
Sorcerer for me too.

Are mods members for free?
I don't know because I upgraded before I was modded but it's not that expensive.
Yeah I upgraded before too.

Favorite armor?
Some unreleased stuff! XD
The one my char looks prettiest and doomiest in.

Favorite weapon?
My custom sword.
My custom staff.

Do me a favor and jump into lava.
Ooh niice and comfy for the StarPanther! :)
Ok but my undeadly iceness will just freeze it over. It frequently does that to the Other place too :P

Rkkxkiejfokaehklsnhaknmlnn dmkilllhys an dloi jlhmxkln sknslmkls dmha?
Yeah it's terrible that it happened but you have to move on at some point, just get over it! :P
You have my condolences

Hello! :D
Hey. :)

Favorite monster?
Great Pumpkin King

How many questions has it been?
I don't know? :O
Don't make me count!

A pack of angry villagers is coming a you, what do you do?
Give them some enchilladas!
Slay em!

Angry moglins are coming at you with doom sticks, what do you do?
/me bans!
/me greats her minions.

Would you rather kick a moglin, or kick a baby dragon?
Hm Moglin then

If you are biking an your paddle falls off, your wheel then drops on the dog and be barfs, how many zards can you fit in a dog house?
It will always depend on the fact some people like to talk louder than others, also if a snail will sneeze 4,63 times in 18 hours then the chance is that a spammer controls a flower called Åke!

How many questions has it been?
Too many!
Far too many!

What would you do if I asked a question thrice?
Ignore it!
You'd better not... :P

DrewyGold -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/1/2009 11:47:46)

Hi thanks for ur time
Hello and no problem :)
Hi and you're welcome

so how dose it feel to bet a mod now
It's nice.

do u think u'll get mod weps and only items u can get such as a cape witch is called diamon cape and it has jewels all over it
Maybe if I ask nice, but it's really not necessary. :)
Possibly but I am more than happy with just my staff.

where do u usually hang owt
In all servers.
Battleon or where ever my fancy takes me.

wats ur favourite smiley

do u wish they'll make a 2 year memship account
Well it's not a bad idea, so I guess they could do it.
Maybe they will but 2 years is a long time to pay in advance.

wen ur a mod r u a mem forevs if u r ur lucky mods
If you mean member in AQW then I don't know, I paid for my membership before I was modded but I think we pay for our membership as well.
I have no idea. I paid for my membership before being modded. But I don't mind paying anyway cause I like to support the game as much as I can. :)

Soon would u like to have an armour dedicated to u
Yes I would like a shapeshifter armour, it would be a hybrid between StarMan and StarPanther.
I' love that actually. One that would be all pure black!

how did u become a mod !!!!!!
I was asked by Reens.
Reens asked me if I would like to be and I said yes :)

do u eva think ull be frends wit me
Why not? :)
Yeah why not :)

/goto drewygold
I'll try to remember that one day.
Ok maybe one day I will.

Plz can u lvl me up ur a staff so u no my password
I can't level you up and I don't have any access to your account so that's a no.
Definitely not, even if I could. Just play the game and enjoy getting there by yourself.

fank u for ur time bye
You're welcome and see you :)
You're welcome and bye :).

takeneshiro -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/1/2009 13:07:09)


Congratulations.Do u have a favorite movie?or book?
Thanks and I like the movie called One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and I enjoy the cosmic trilogy by C.S Lewis.
Thanks. I like most discworld novels by Terry Pratchett and have so many fav movies that I find it hard to name just one.

AQ MQ or DF?

Favorite Song?
I can't pick one but I'll chose Zoot Allures by Frank Zappa.
Map of the Problematique by Muse

Of course!
Sure thing.

Battle On!
Battle On!

Peeler -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/1/2009 13:55:34)

Hello! :D

do u no me from aqw?~Citadel with scakk
Was your name Peeler? I can only remember one time being in the Citadel with Scakk and lots of members around us.
Yeah I know your name.

what lvl are you?

do you like cheese?
Love it.

do you like being a mod?
It's nice.
It's cool so far.

See you! :D
Bye now.

Snake XZ -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/1/2009 14:17:33)

0. Who would win in a fight of Chuck Norris, Freddy Krueger, and Bob Barker?
All I can say is---->Beware of Chuck Norris roundkick!---->swoooooooosh!------>Kapoooow!

1. Hi!

2. What is you favorite day of the year? Be specific.
When I feel good and the one's I love feel good, I know that the happiest day in my life this year will be when I move to my girlfriend.
Christmas Eve when I'm with my family

3. What is your least favorite day of the year? Be specific.
All days when you have to celebrate pointless stuff.
My birthday.

5. What is missing here?
an answer! :P
your q

6. Guess who's behind you...[;)]
My neighbour! :P
I know who is behind me. It's me.

jimmyrg -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/1/2009 22:51:00)

1: Grats, hi, all that SOOO ORIGANAL stuff [:D]
Hello and thank you.
Hi and thank you.

2: Warlic or Xan?

3: Artix, Robina, or Zhoom?

4: DragonFable or MechQuest (personally i like DragonFable)

5: If it is March 3rd and we're playing online with rice pudding and Twig's fish ice cream from Warlic's Funeral and it's raining outside, WHAT DO WE DO?!?!
Enjoy the fact that we still can think clearly.

6: How are you still reading my pointless questions?
I'm immune! :P

7: How will I know when you respond?
When there's an answer from both of us.
You wil have to check and see if we have both answered.

8: Who did you want to win, Cardinals or Stealers?
The one that will lose should really win.
I know neither of them

10: The Avatars or Nythera? I beat them with her by the way [:)]
The Avatars.
I missed something there I think.

11: How long did it take you to notice that there was no "Question 9"?
I didn't notice! :P
Me neither.

12: Did you look up to check if there was a "Question 9"?
Yes, I'm that easy to manipulate! :P
Only now.

13: Are you now laughing at how I am predicting everything you do?
/me shivers with fear.
Yeah very creepy

14: Are you now thinking about sending this to your friends?
I already forgot about it!
Sending what to whom?

15: I'd like to meet (and stalk- i mean play) with you on AQW. Any ideas for a time/place/place number/ server?
I'll pop up here and there on any server so who knows really?
No I never know before when I have time to play.

Gorzan the Green Mage -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/2/2009 10:32:48)

Here I have the challenge of asking you questions that haven't been asked on the previous six pages. I can either:
a) Think of some very unusual intellectual questions.
b) Think of some very unusual random questions.
c) A little from Column A, a little from Column B

1. What do you think of my cute widdle green moglin :3?
Which one? XD
He looks wise

2. RAWRD00MK1773R9999says: "do u m33t a lot of n00bs on aqw"? Not necessarily n00bs per se (cause thats not nice to say D=), but do you encounter any troublemakers/having-a-hernia-because-they-saw-a-mod type people on aqw?
Most people calm down when I'm around but I guess there's always some players that dislikes mods.
The golden name seems to be alluring to newbies and oldies alike at times.

3. Do you wear shackles, or are they just for AKs?
I gave them to Angelique, she collects them for a secret army of DOOM!
Yep I collect them. I had a special shelf carved for them into one of the walls in my crypt.

4. Do you have any pets?
Not any longer, I had 2 cats and one dog, but they're all gone now. ;_;
I have a cat.

5. If you answered the above question with in-game pets, then it's sign#557 that you play too much AEgames.
Zomg!!! - I guess I'm still normal to some degree! :o
I am loathe to agree here that I am obviously more normal than I thought.

6. There's a lot of conflict in these games, really. Dslayers and dragons, pirates and ninjas, paladins and undead...Tell me, who would YOU support in a zardman-on-Orc war?
I'll support the Zardman.
Yeah Zardmen for me too

7. Do you like X-box? :3
Yes though I haven't played it very much.
Don't have one so couldn't say.

8. I noticed your edits are always in synch, one after the other. Does Angelique just always get there first, or sneakily put the edit in before .*..*..*.?
Angel types a lot faster than me! :P
Well this time Star got there first. :)

9. Is that edit colour teal? I like teal >:E
I'm getting spammy now (Ah noes!) so I'd better stop. So: Gratzilificitationes! I'm sure you'll do a great job, for some reason <:D
It's not teal but very close to it and thank you! :D
Mine is purplish and thanks. :)

10. Who is your favourite green-designated mage who's name rhymes with blorzan and starts with G? (please don't say Guforzan. I hate that guy >:|)
Goran the Jugoslavian Archmage also known as Kermit.

11. Give it up! I know that the server on aqw all of you mods continually use is...
Angelique: Egads! How did you figure out it was server [insert number here]
.*..*..*.: Gasp!
Me: *explains how I tricked you into telling me, good times are had by all*
Sorry for making you say stuff. Please don't take mod-power-fuelled vengence v.v
/me blames Vanilla Ice!
Egads! How did you figure out it was server [insert number here]???

EDIT: Faith and Begorra! I meant to say "last seven pages". Silly ol' me *invents and uses a roll eyes smiley*
Gosh and golly!

cohonn -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/2/2009 11:06:28)

Hey there :)

1) how are you
Very well thank you.

2)mmmmmm or ahhhhhh?

3)ummm or eh

4)eh or WHAT!!!!!!


6)reens or captain ruhbarb?
Reens the goddess of answers!, Captain for being the most awesome coder
Reens for being a good boss and Captain for being the Builder of Dreams

7)cohon or cohon
Tough choice, I pick number 18.

8)fish mace or treeant log?
Treeant log
Treenant log yeah

9)printer ink or cardboard face?
printer ink
Cardboard face.

10)that was a bit random?
Only in your mind.
Not at all. Most logical.


12)wat is was ur favorite 1 of my qwestions?
This one.
Yeah I have to go with this one too


Could be SSJ Overlord's goal for gold in AQ?
Isn't that the sum he already has?

thank you bye?
Thank you and see you?
Thanks and see you!

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (2/2/2009 12:02:04)

A week travels in high speed at this board, thanks for all your questions.
We will leave this up until all questions is answered, then it will be moved to Meet the Mods Archive.

See you around! :D

~Lock Ness~

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