RE: Classes/Abilities (Full Version)

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RamDF -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/27/2013 19:24:47)

There's a mistake in the entry about the Pyromancer armour. It says that the first hit after Enkindle does 125% more damage. This is wrong. I tested it with Baconated Shank of Doom and it did exactly the same amount of damage (25% increase) as when I used it on the 3rd turn of Enkindle. Repeated it twice and got the same results. Please change this, thanks.

EDIT: Found another mistake. Paper Cannon does 6 hits of 20% and not 5.

Done by Leon, thanks. ~Voodoo

FallenAngel -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/30/2013 10:09:52)

Nearly all damage percentages for the skills in the Cryptic entry are off, sometimes wildly so.

All following damage numbers were tested with equipped and then unequipped base weapon to obtain a 0-0 damage range, with 24 damage from stats, for a fixed damage range of 24-24. Occurances of damage numbers for crits(or higher amounts of charges for Final) being one point off(or one per hit for multiple hit attacks) are a result of DF's engine always rounding fractions up.

Normal Attack 18+18(36+36 crit) 2 hits of 75% for 150% total (pedia claims 2 hits of 25% for 50% total)

Aimed 42(84 crit) 175% (pedia claims 30%)

Kick 24(48 crit) 100% (pedia claims 135%)

Throw 66(132 crit) 275% (pedia claims 150%)

Cage 44(87 crit) 180% (pedia claims 65%)

Rapid 42+42(84+84 crit) 2 hits of 175% for 350% total (pedia claims 2 hits of 150% for 300% total)

Backstab 60(120 crit) 250% (pedia claims 150%)

Crush 11+11+11+11(21+21+21+21 crit) 4 hits of 45% for 180% total (pedia claims 4 hits of 30% for 120% total)

Mind 12+12+12(23+23+23 crit) 3 hits of 50% for 150% total (pedia actually has this one right, 150% total as well)

Wild 34(68 crit) 140% (pedia claims 130%)

Blind 12+12+12(24+24+24 crit) 3 hits of 50% for 150% total (pedia actually has this one right, 150 total% as well)

The Final attack info is not only off on the damage(pedia claims 1 hit of 200% that always crits for an effective 400%), but also missing the damage boost it gains from consuming charges from the Paranoia passive:

Final 0 charges 120(autocrit) 250% theoretical base -> 500% effectively due to always critting
Final 1 charge 128(autocrit) 265% -> 530%
Final 2 charges 135(autocrit) 280% -> 560%
Final 3 charges 142(autocrit) 295% -> 590%
Final 4 charges 149(autocrit) 310% -> 620%
Final 5 charges 156(autocrit) 325% -> 650%

Done, thank you very much! ~Voodoo

Saojun -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/11/2013 14:07:07)

So I accidentally borked them img links when re-sorting my old photobucket albums. Since I did throw most of them into a different album.

Affected img links are (but, not limited to):
DmK Skills Animations links
(I'll finish the links at a later time)

Necro Skills Animations links
(I'll finish the links at a later time)

Roktoru Gem - Done
Attack Sequence:

Chi Bomb - Done

Medewwsa's Stare - Done

+plus others in Weapons/Accessories.

From what I've observed given Photobucket's sorting feature, the difference in linkages should just be: (Example)
Old link:
New link:
Sub album: /Old%20DragonFable%20Uploads/ --------------------------^
Given I did move them wholesale into a different album.

Sorry for the mess. :<

You should edit all entries which you own, and we should edit the rest ( search link). [Niki]

Edit: Ahh, I see. Forgotten that. Thanks, I'll get to it.

All Done!

Galez -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/1/2013 1:48:25)

Male image for the Zardbie armor


Done, thanks. [Niki]

DarkDevil -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/2/2013 10:30:47)

in the guardian armor the guardian rage skill

(from this list: Darkness, Light, Fire, Water, Wind, Stone or none)

just tested it its not none its bacon.
rose monsters have 50 resistance against bacon and it did do half what it used to do on other elements or monsters.

bacon hit (the text is visual bug in guardian dragon)
other element hit
both non-crict and both same weapon.

Fixed. ~Leon

SonicTbear -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/10/2013 17:42:10)

I have pics for Ascendant for when it's 'pedia page is up:


Done by owner. [Niki]

DragonlordKhan -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/25/2013 11:02:49)

For the Ascendant Armor's page, the Effects of the skillsThe Book - Chapter 1 and Ageisk's Fury should be swapped, as well as the image.

Done. The effects are fine as they are. ~Leon

Galez -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/27/2013 5:29:33)

Left side Skill appearance for Ascendant

Tolm's Wrath 1, 2
Break Concentration
Aksal's Light!
The Hammer 1, 2, 3
The Book – Chapter 2
Thorny Shield

Attack 1, 2

I will try to do the right side later if i got the time

Images are good in general; try replacing those “Miss” images with ones showing the element and damage figures. You may also include the “Ageisk – Lost Chapter Boost” popup message.

Edit: Okay all Fixed.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Galez -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/30/2013 8:17:06)

Sorry about the delay. Photobucket didn't load properly for me in the last few days DX

well here it is the right side skill for Ascendant

The Staff
The Wand 1, 2
The Scythe 1, 2
The Dagger 1, 2
The Book – Chapter 1 1, 2, 3
Ageisk's Fury
Ascension 1, 2, 3

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Niki -> RE: Classes/Abilities (10/28/2013 17:39:38)

2013-10-28: *bump*

kuanwu -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/12/2013 12:43:10)

I just made an (kinda ugly) image for the shadow hunter class combos and thought maybe it would be useful. Was informed by a mod that this belonged here. So here it is:

Here is the link if u all do need it:

Oh yea just a note: For all skills on the second row the action depends on what actions u did before. So if u click S > G or G > S both will go to "stun part 2" but the actions during stun part 2 would be different. If u did S > G the character would use sword first and then gun for stun part 2, if G > S, then the order of action during stun part 2 would reverse.

The above only apply for actions on the second row (and in particular stun part 2 and blind part 2). All ending actions are the same no matter how u arrive at it. All starting actions are obviously the same.

Mr G W -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/12/2013 22:29:26)

Putting the above in a different way:

Sword Combo
Use Sword at least once during the combo and finish with Sword
Any + Sword + Sword
Sword + Any + Sword

Sword + Sword + Gun

Damage Buff
Sword + Sword + Magic

Use Sword + Non-Sword in any order during the combo and finish with Gun
Gun/Magic + Sword + Gun
Sword + Gun/Magic + Gun
Magic + Magic + Sword + Gun

Use Sword + Non-Sword in any order during the combo and finish with Magic
Gun/Magic + Sword + Magic
Sword + Gun/Magic + Magic
Magic + Magic + Sword + Magic

Shotgun (multi target)
Gun + Gun

Gun + Magic

Magic + Gun
Magic + Magic + Gun

Magic + Magic + Magic

Use Gun during the combo to activate Stun
Gun + Sword + Stun
Sword + Gun + Stun
Gun + Stun

Use Magic during the combo to activate Blind
Magic + Sword + Blind
Sword + Magic + Blind
Magic + Blind
Magic + Magic + Sword + Blind

Magic + Magic + Heal

Magic + Magic works exactly like Magic start except that it Heals instead of Blinds and can finish with Fizzle.
This means any combos Magic + Sword/Gun combos can be done by using Magic + Magic + Sword/Gun instead.

Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/13/2013 5:33:37)

To the above 2:
Make sure to check the existing entry if anything needs to be changed:
A complete list of all combo's has been given so a list itself might only need editing if anything is missing.

A diagram like yours kuanwu might be useful.

Mr G W -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/13/2013 8:57:23)

The combo list on the entry doesn't list all possible combos.

For example the "Weaken" combo has 4 (5 if you count using Magic twice before Sword and Gun) possible ways to do, while the current entry only shows 2 of those possibilities.

It is also a bit more confusing to read as it focuses on the start of the combo rather than the end of the combo, making it harder to find the desired effects.

The list i posted is simply a interpretation of the diagram, with focus on the effects and all possible combinations on how to reach them.


Did some testing with doom knight armor:

Doom Blast skill seems to actually hit for 25% damage and the DoTs to around 10% instead of 20% per hit and 9% per dot.

Tested it using a 32-32 damage weapon, level 64 and 174 total STR
That makes it 54-54 total damage, with DoomKnight damage bonus ends up at 166-166 damage

Normal Attack: 166 damage per hit
Doom blast expected damage: 33 per hit
Doom blast actual damage: 42 per hit
- 42 is approximately 25% of 166

Expected DoT: 15-15
Actual DoT: 17-17
- 17 is 10% of 166, rounded up.

I tested using the same setup with different levels and stats and results were similar

Alder Peacemaker -> RE: Classes/Abilities (12/14/2013 23:11:20)

There's a few little errors in the Shadow Hunter page, the short blind combo gives only 2 turns of blind, not five, the total damage of the crit combo is 500% (this one might not be an error, its just written a little awkwardly), and the magic-sword-sword combo deals the same damage as the sword-sword-sword combo on the last hit (600%), while the entry says it deals half (the second hit also deals 300% damage while the entry says 200%).

RamDF -> RE: Classes/Abilities (12/27/2013 20:04:02)

2 mistakes in the section on Cryptic, pertaining to cooldowns. It says that "Throw" has a cooldown of 3 and "Rapid Attack" has a cooldown of 4 but both only have a cooldown of 2 each. Please change. Thanks.

EDIT: It also says that Illusion takes effect for 3 turns. Actually, Illusion applies for 4 turns.

RamDF -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/14/2014 4:41:40)

Also, in the Cryptic section, it says that the Blind skill reduces opponent's hit by 60 for 3 turns. It does so for 5 turns actually. Thanks for updating the previous ones, please update this one too.

This and the last two posts are done. ~Leon

*bump* [Niki]

Ithraen -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/15/2014 20:04:54)

For Cryptic, Riftwalker, and Ascendant, the entries say there's no level requirement for abilities. I've recently gotten each class first thing, and they all get their abilities at the same levels their rogue, warrior, and mage counterparts do. If you need a list of when each ability is gotten, I can compile one, but since they all line up correctly I thought it would be more simple to just let the individual entry owners reference the base class 'pedia entries.

Dread97 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/21/2014 16:59:24)

Correction to Envy, Spikes skill: The "Spikes" effect only effects the monster's MP not MP and HP

Done by the owner. ~Leon

Voodoo Master -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/12/2014 11:05:55)


The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/12/2014 11:09:41)

Addition to Necromancer (new) regarding Fear Aura

At the start of any battle where an action is performed (except Potion):
"Your enemy is unable to defend against your aura of fear!"

Subsequent rounds:
"Your aura strengthens as your enemy trembles before you!"

Round 20 and higher:
"Your aura is at its full strength as your enemy trembles before you!"

Added, thanks! ~pjc

Dread97 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/27/2014 15:51:34)

It should be noted that the Mirror Eye skill can only be used once the character takes damage.

Added. Thanks! ~pjc

vishal -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/11/2014 23:24:04)


Decrease Dmg for 10 turns.

Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom to train

Effect: 2 hits of 50% damage, -30 boost to enemy.

Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 10
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

Shouldn't this be 100%

Soul Slice
Applies Banishment DOT!

Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom to train, DA

Effect: 2 hits of 100% damage. If foes HP is below 15% at the start of the turn, Annihilation effect will kill it.

Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 5
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

This as i use the armor feels like 50% damage each.

Same for me too. Fixed the entry, thanks. ~pjc

oldmanjenkins -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/11/2014 23:46:38)

Soul slice has the correct damage, slash does not.
If soul slice only does 50% damage per hit for you, make sure you are using soulweaver and not the master soulweaver tomix gives.

Edit: You're right, the damage got changed when the MSW preview got added, used to be 2 hits of 100%, now it's 50%.

vishal -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/11/2014 23:59:08)

Definitely using Soulweaver as, I am using it for the modified skills the Artifact gives me.
These skills work the same even without the Artifact( I Checked)

Soul slice does the same damage as the attack button in Soulweaver.

So either the entry is incorrect or it is a bug.

Armor and entry got a few transitions, Should be fixed now. [Niki]

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