RE: Monsters (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Monsters (7/31/2009 19:34:54)

New locations for:

Seeing Eye Sluggy

[link=]Never Say Dye[/link]

Deadwood has a new image:


Done, thanks! ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (8/7/2009 2:42:15)

hmmm we need a few pictures in the pedia I see....

first off a bigger picture than the one you got from Arch Magus...

and also I have the better image of Snugvil so I'll post it as well!

Both done, thanks! ~TLH~

Hikaru6818 -> RE: Monsters (8/8/2009 11:26:02)

i see there's no image for Swamp Shambler so i decided to post one


Added, Thanks! ~TLH~

Hikaru6818 -> RE: Monsters (8/9/2009 13:34:36)

Cyklon Centurion

Location (if applicable): Popsprocket War

Level: Scaled
Element: Metal
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Scaled

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR 0 , INT 0 , DEX 0 , END 0 , CHA 0 , LUK 0
Defenses: Melee 5 , Range 5 , Magic 5 , Parry 0 , Dodge 0 , Block 0
Offenses: Crit 2 , Bonus 0 , Boost 0%

Water: -15
Metal: 150
Immobility: 50
Energy: 70

Attack type 1 - Comes near you and a gun comes out of his head and shoots you ^_^
Attack type 2 - Hist you with his creepy hands

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled


There is already an entry for him. Your picture is better so I'm going to use it as the main though, Thanks! ~TLH~

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Monsters (8/16/2009 6:56:54)

A correction for Jorhath: His Damage Type is Magic, not Melee, which means that the two attack descriptions below should also have the words "Melee" changed to "Magic".

Yes, now I see that the thread owner has changed it. :)

He has indeed. :P Thanks! ~PaperClip

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Monsters (8/17/2009 9:07:14)

Johart staff attack is 6 times not five, and his attack now dealing about 20 to 25% damage

Poster got it, thanks though! ~TLH~

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Monsters (8/18/2009 7:38:28)

I think Irismancer should have a War tag and retired..until he return.
Typos fix:<Character Name>: What's that? You say that your name is Jimyy The Eye and Warlic sent you to rescue me?
I think the Jimyy should fix into Jimmy and the lines are from the Ancient Eyedol quest
sorry for wrong thread post
Ancient Eyedol link from here:

The Irismancer already has a rare tag and "Retired" after his name, been like that for a while. Typo fixed. ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (8/18/2009 12:54:26)

ok some monsters need another location.... allow me!

Ice Gems is another location needed for these guys.....

Ursice Savage
Killy Willy
Frost Goblin

also another place for monsters to have a location
BattleOn Burns!

Inferno Elemental
Fire Ray

finally another place I just found also is this one....
DragonLord Defense

Inferno Elemental
Fire Ray
Lava Glob

All added, thanks! ~TLH~

Karika -> RE: Monsters (8/20/2009 11:47:33)

2 Ninja Turtledoves, Blowheart need [image][/image] images

Akriloth War Boss's category has been changed to Dragon

Boggabus's main image is broken

TLH got it but didn't edit for some reason. ~ILmaster

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Monsters (8/21/2009 8:36:30)

General Varax attack number one is 4 hit not three and the damage is 50-70%

Done thanks. ~TLH~

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Monsters (8/21/2009 9:09:20)

Sunwarrior need new location
Xan's Volcanic Fortress

Done. It's a bit helpful if you can just snag the two links to them instead of me having to dig for them. You can just copy+paste the URL next to them atleast. ~TLH~

Karika -> RE: Monsters (8/21/2009 15:02:19)

Deathwidow, DOOM Dradle, the Fallen series, Fire Lord, Fire Minion, Fire Spider (Retired), Frost Mummy, Giant Pink Widow, Gingerdead Man, Gorgok (Retired), Heart of Odium, Hugrantula, Ice Tarantula, Icemaster Yeti need [image][/image] images

All added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Karika -> RE: Monsters (8/21/2009 16:49:45)

Love Bug, Mae Pi, Mega Techno Turkey, Moglinster, Moglinster Twig, Opticlops (Retired), RAWRGOBBLE, Red Eye, Risen Guardian, Slicesicle, Slushroom, Slushroom Fminion, Sneevilchaun, Snowy Tog, Snugvil, Snugvil Stack Attack, Snulk, Spidermancer, Techno-Turkey, Irismancer, Titan Zorbak, Tog-Bot, Treasure Golem, X-304, Xanta Claus, XXL-304, and Zorbak Moglinster need [image][/image] images

Paindeer need a RARE image, also its picture is broken (the word "gained" is in the link where it should be after "Experience")

Splashy's location is The Pure Pool

HuffPuff does his KO attack after 5 turns, much like the Sheleton.

All done, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Paindeer still needs a [image][/image] image

It does now. ~TLH~

Hikaru6818 -> RE: Monsters (8/21/2009 19:47:09)

Fire Mantix

Location (if applicable): Attack on Drakonnan!

Level: Scaled
Element: Fire
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type:

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR 7, INT 5, DEX 6, END 3, CHA 4, LUK 2
Defenses: Melee 0, Range 0, Magic 0, Parry 0, Dodge 0, Block 0
Offenses: Crit 2, Bonus 0, Boost 0%

Immobility: 10
Ice: -30
Water: -20
Fire: 40

Attack type 1 - Hits with it's hands
Attack type 2 - Heats it's hands and performs a double attack

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled


was a bit too late...

It's alright, thanks anyway. :) ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (8/21/2009 22:37:20)

well...... I wonder are those monsters in Attack on Drakonnan! the pvp guys actually considered monsters?

also here's some links for certain monsters! new locations for the following places with these monsters....

To The SandSea-------
Anubis Knight

To Amityvale-------
Red Spectre
Darkness Elemental

To the Light Elemental Cave-------
Light Elemental
Minx Fairy
Illuminatur and Brilliata

To Oaklore-------
Vurrman Hoarder

To Propsprocket-------
Trash Kompaktor v1.0
LED Kleen Masheen
Ratchety and Clanksy

To The Islands-------
Shadow Monkey
Shogun Monkey
Shadowblade Master

To Dragsvard-------
Frost Drake
Polar Dravir
Ice Elf Warrior
Frozard and Chillxy

To the Water Elemental Cave-------
Water Elemental
Aqavius and Liquinar

All done, Thanks! ~TLH~

Hikaru6818 -> RE: Monsters (8/21/2009 23:13:18)


Location (if applicable): Spirits in the Inn

Level: 14
Element: Darkness
Damage: 10-17
Damage Type: Melee

HP: 260
MP: 0

Stats: STR 0, INT 0, DEX 0, END 0, CHA 0, LUK 0
Defenses: Melee 0, Range 0, Magic 0, Parry 0, Dodge 2, Block 0
Offenses: Crit 2, Bonus 0, Boost 0%

Light: -10
Darkness: 200

Attack 1 - "Spirit Curse" (2 Hits / Melee / Darkness)
Attack 2 - "Ghost Throw" (1 Hit / Melee / Darkness)

Gold gained: 260
Experience gained: 13


this time i checked twice and this monster is missing (finally) ^_^

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: Monsters (8/22/2009 2:47:58)

@Above - Soulkeeper and Spirit Guards < It's right there. :P Always check the actual list, and not just the indexes. [;)]

Karika -> RE: Monsters (8/28/2009 10:00:18)

The Event Planner's attack #1 (lightning from head) inflicts Blind (-10 to Bonus) for 2 turns.

The [ Imperial Fungus's HP is scaled.

All done, Thanks!

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (8/28/2009 21:37:12)

ok and monsters need to have this new location....

Head in the Clouds


Xan has a Plan

Shake Spear
Giant Spider

All added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (9/5/2009 13:35:53)

ok and here are more locations......

Under the Sea

Water Elemental

Final Battle!

Fire Ray
Lava Glob

All done, thanks! ~ILmaster

Karika -> RE: Monsters (9/5/2009 15:08:51)

Aqueevil needs It's a Wash in its locations.

Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Jokester -> RE: Monsters (9/11/2009 19:01:58)

Here's an image for the Present Samurai

Done by Karika, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Karika -> RE: Monsters (9/11/2009 21:24:33)

Forest Fury now has resistances -- Fire: -10, Immobility: 20

Clawkin Wanderer now has resistances (replacing old ones) -- Fire: -10, Immobility: 35, Nature: 20, Metal: 30

Deft Minx Fairy now has additional resistance -- Immobility: 20

Boveox now has resistances -- Water: -10, Immobility: 45

New locations for Death by Chocolate, King Burger, and Devildog: A DragonLord's Birthday!

All added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

drDOT -> RE: Monsters (9/12/2009 4:01:51)


Image for Balloon Mage.

Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (9/12/2009 12:20:07)

I shall do the same.....


Image for Present Samurai

Done by the owner, Thanks! ~IL

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