Quest for the Dragon Blade! (Full Version)

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Koree -> Quest for the Dragon Blade! (6/20/2009 4:01:52)

Quest for the Dragon Blade! (Dragonkind Path)

Travel Map > Dragonstone > Quest for the Dragon Blade!
Travel Map > Dragonspine > DragonRiders!
Travel Map > Dragonspine > Dragons, Dragons Everywhere!
Travel Map > Dragonspine > Firespawn II - The Return of Limkragg!
Travel Map > Dragonspine > Fusion Dragons: Consequences
House > Earth Dragon Portrait ( via Dragonslayer Class Quest )
House > Dragon Eye ( via Dragonslayer Class Quest )

Galanoth: Although copies have been made, there are only three true Dragon Blades that have been forged in Lore's history.
Galanoth: One, I found in a frozen land far to the north and west, in my quest for revenge.
Galanoth: A second has been passed down through Grimweld's family; his ancestors have been true Guardians for generations upon generations.
Galanoth: His son now wields it while Grimweld trains adventurers in Battleon.
Galanoth: The third has been set into stone, and it can only be removed by a Guardian who has proved his bravery.
Galanoth: Any hero may use it, but it always returns to the stone when that person is done, so it may find another wielder.
Galanoth: The stone is never found in the exact same place twice. I can guide you to the area where it is normally found...and where it will test you.
Galanoth: Be warned, friend: it is most elusive. You may not find it on your first attempt. Stay resolute in your courage and you will prove your worth to the legendary weapon.
Galanoth: Do you wish to search for the Dragon Blade?
  • Yes I will!

      «If you are non-Guardian»

      Galanoth: I am sorry, my friend, but the Dragon Blade can only be withdrawn from its stone by a Guardian.
    • Guardian Info (opens new window)
    • Done
  • No, sorry.

    If you have the Dragon Blade on hand, but wish to take the quest again...

    Galanoth: You already have the Dragon Blade. If you wish to change its form, you must release it to it's stone and quest for it again. Are you sure you want to continue?
  • Yes (Give up Dragon Blade)
  • No (Keep current Dragon Blade)

    If you do not have the Dragon Blade on hand, you continue with the dialogue if you chose to quest for the Dragon Blade.

    Galanoth: Here we are. Beware: the Blade will not hold back when testing you. It seeks to be wielded by only the best, and will create the image of many fierce foes!
  • I am ready!

    The Dragon Blade's Challenge!
    Face the masses of dragonkind or face the very Essence of the Eight Elemental Dragons to gain the assistance of the Dragon Blade! The first challenge is easier - but may not convince the Dragon Blade you are worthy!
  • Dragonkind! (See below)
  • Essences! (See link or second post)
  • Leave

    2 BATTLES*

    A Ninja Cleric spins his way in and you receive a Full Heal.

    Ninja Cleric: Heal-ya!

    The Ninja Cleric spins away. You continue with your battles.

    Full Heal by Ninja Cleric
    Full Heal by Ninja Cleric

    *See below for encounter list.

    If you were lucky to find the Dragon Blade...

    Victory! The fabled Dragon Blade has deemed you a worthy wielder! As you grasp the hilt, what weapon form do you visualize and will it to take?
  • Blade
  • Spear
  • Scepter
  • Bow
  • Staff

    The Dragon [weapon] is yours!

    A message "The Dragon [weapon] glows in your hand as it powers up to match you! It deals #-## damage with +X to hit!" appears.

  • Close

    You return to Battleon.

    If you did not manage to find the Dragon Blade, a green moglin wearing a dragonslayer helm enters.

    Dragonslayer: I'm sorry, but the Dragon Blade is in another cas... er, clearing. Ahem. I offer you this prize instead.

    1 BATTLE
    Potion Treasure Chest

    Dragonslayer: Would you like your wounds healed?
  • Yes please! - You receive a Full Heal
  • No, thank you.

    Dragonslayer: Would you like to keep searching for the Dragonblade?
  • Yes I will! - You begin from the point where Galanoth warns you about the Blade's test.
  • No, sorry.

    «The chance to receive a Dragon Blade is 25%.»
    *Encounter List for Dragonkind

    Level 0-9
    Baby Dracolich (10)
    Baby Earth Dragon (6)
    Baby Energy Dragon (6)
    Baby Fire Dragon (5)
    Baby Ice Dragon (6)
    Baby Light Dragon (6)
    Baby Water Dragon (12)
    Baby WereDragon (11)
    Baby Wind Dragon (14)
    Baby Wind Dragon (6)
    Blue Wyvern Hatchling (7)
    DecepDragon (5)
    Dracomancer Soldier (10)
    Dracovamp (6)
    Dracovampiress (11)
    Dracowolf (6)
    Drag-O-Lantern (12)
    Drakath (15)
    Drakel Air Raider (5)
    Drakel Air Raider (5) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Captain (15)
    Drakel Caster (1)
    Drakel Caster (1) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Destroyer (6)
    Drakel Destroyer (6) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Enforcer (10)
    Drakel Ninja (5)
    Drakel Ninja (5) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (9)
    Drakel Ninja (9) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Power Scout (10)
    Drakel Warrior (2)
    Drakel Warrior (2) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Water Mage (4)
    Drakel Water Mage (4) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Water Raider (8)
    Drako (15)
    Dwakel (14)
    Fansarin (15)
    Female Void Dragon (10)
    Fire Drakel Warrior (4)
    Fire Drakel Warrior (4)
    Fire Drakel Wizard (10)
    Fundead Dragon Hatchling (10)
    General LepraKhan (12)
    Gravis (10)
    Imceer (15)
    Krenos the Dragon (10)
    Light Vampragon (10)
    Nightraider (3)
    Nightraider (10)
    Silari Warrior (9)
    Silari Warrior (9)
    Soralag (0)
    Undead Dragon (6)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (10)
    Undead Fansarin (15)
    Vartai Blade Master (9) [Fire]
    Vartai Blade Master (9) [Ice]
    Vartai Hunter (9) [Earth]
    Vartai Hunter (9) [Energy]
    Void Dragon (10)
    WereDragon (10)
    Wyvern Hatchling (4)
    Young Darkness Dragon (10)
    Young Energy Dragon (10)
    Young Water Dragon (10)

    Level 10-29
    Acidragon (20)
    Alpha Dracowolf (33)
    Baby Darkness Dragon (26)
    Baby Earth Dragon (16)
    Baby Energy Dragon (22)
    Baby Fire Dragon (24)
    Baby Ice Dragon (20)
    Baby Light Dragon (18)
    Baby Sand Dragon (28)
    Baby Void Dragon (28)
    Calladus, Dragon Master (25)
    Commander Kragg (30)
    Death Roller (30)
    Dracomancer (Half Dragon) (20)
    Dracovamp (22)
    Dracovamp Lord (33)
    Dracowolf (22)
    Dragon King (20)
    Dragoncat (25)
    Drakath (25)
    Drakath the Undead Dragon (30)
    Drakel Air Raider (23)
    Drakel Air Raider (23) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Bouncer (35)
    Drakel Captain (15) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Destroyer (35)
    Drakel Enforcer (10) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ice Mage (25)
    Drakel Ice Mage (25)
    Drakel Ninja (28)
    Drakel Ninja (28) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (33)
    Drakel Power Scout (10) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Water Raider (30)
    Drakelon Prototype (34)
    Drakelon Prototype (20)
    Drako (35)
    Dwakel (14)
    Fansarin (35)
    Fire Drakel Wizard (10) [Pack of 2]
    Fire Wyrm Dragon (28)
    General LepraKhan (24)
    Gravis (20)
    Half-Dragon Soldier (35)
    Ice Dragon (20)
    Krenos the Dragon (35)
    Light Vampragon (30)
    NightBane (25)
    Plasma Dragon Worker (19)
    ReignDragon (30)
    Silari Warrior (23)
    Silari Warrior (23) [Pack of 2]
    Soralag, Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (30)
    Soralag, Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (30)
    Undead Dragon (19)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (25)
    Undead Fansarin (35)
    Vartai Blade Master (34) [Fire]
    Vartai Blade Master (34) [Water]
    Vartai Hunter (34) [Earth]
    Vartai Hunter (34) [Wind]
    Void Dragon (35)
    Wyvern (34)
    Young Blue Wyvern (22)
    Young Darkness Dragon (18)
    Young Earth Dragon (19)
    Young Energy Dragon (19)
    Young Fire Dragon (18)
    Young Fundead Dragon (25)
    Young Ice Dragon (19)
    Young Light Dragon (30)
    Young Light Dragon (19)
    Young Water Dragon (19)
    Young Wind Dragon (19)
    Young Wyvern (17)

    Level 30-49:
    Blue Wyvern (41)
    Bronze Dragon (50)
    Calladus, Dragon Master (50)
    Damfeldork the Were-Dragon (40)
    DecepDragon (40)
    Dracomancer (Half Dragon) (40)
    Dracovampiress (44)
    Drakath (50)
    Drakel Bouncer (35) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Captain (40)
    Drakel Captain (40) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Destroyer (35) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (33) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (40)
    Drakel Ninja (40) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (50)
    Drakel Power Armor (36)
    Drakel Power Armor (44)
    Drakel War Party (55)
    Earth Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Fear Drake (dragon) (40)
    Female Void Dragon (40)
    Fundead Dragon (50)
    Galanothbane Dragon (50)
    General LepraKhan (48)
    Gravis (40)
    Guardian Dragon (40)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Ice Dragon (50)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Nightraider (40)
    Nith the Shadowdragon (50)
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Raydius Dragon (50)
    Red Dragon (38)
    RedNose ReignDragon (40)
    Silari Warrior (42)
    Silari Warrior (42) [Pack of 2]
    Undead Dragon (39)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (45)
    Water Dragon (39)
    WereDragon (40)
    Wind Dragon (39)
    Young Sand Dragon (45)
    Zombie Dragon (38)

    Level 50-69
    Acidragon (65)
    Akriloth the Fire Dragon (60)
    Alpha Dracowolf (66)
    Commander Kragg (60)
    Damfeldork the Were-Dragon (70)
    Darkness Dragon (65)
    Dracomancer (Half Dragon) (70)
    Dracovamp (55)
    Dracovamp Lord (66)
    Dracowolf (55)
    Drag-O-Lantern (60)
    Dragon King (60)
    Dragoncat (60)
    Dragoo (55)
    Drakath (70)
    Drakath the Undead Dragon (65)
    Drakel Air Raider (63)
    Drakel Air Raider (63) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Bouncer (65)
    Drakel Bouncer (65) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Captain (60)
    Drakel Captain (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Captain (75)
    Drakel Caster (60)
    Drakel Caster (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Destroyer (60)
    Drakel Destroyer (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Enforcer (60)
    Drakel Enforcer (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Freak (60)
    Drakel Freak (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ice Mage (60)
    Drakel Ice Mage (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (50) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (60)
    Drakel Ninja (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (75)
    Drakel Ninja (75) [Clone]
    Drakel Power Armor (60)
    Drakel Sentinel (60)
    Drakel Sentinel (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel SuperFreak (60)
    Drakel SuperFreak (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Swordmistress (60)
    Drakel Swordmistress (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Warrior (60)
    Drakel Warrior (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Water Mage (60)
    Drakel Water Mage (60) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Water Raider (60)
    Drakelon Steam Dragon (70)
    Drako (60)
    Earth Dragon (71)
    Energy Dragon (71)
    Fansarin (60)
    Fear Drake (dragon) (60)
    Female Void Dragon (65)
    Fire Drakel Warrior (60)
    Fire Drakel Warrior (60) [Pack of 2]
    Fire Drakel Wizard (60)
    Fire Drakel Wizard (60) [Pack of 2]
    Fire Wyrm Dragon (57)
    General LepraKhan (72)
    Giant Fundead Dragon (70)
    Gravis (60)
    Great Blue Wyvern (68)
    Great Wyvern (61)
    Half-Dragon Soldier (70)
    Ice Dragon (71)
    Imceer (60)
    Kian of the Eternal Flame (70)
    Krenos the Dragon (60)
    Light Dragon (71)
    Light Dragon (70)
    NightBane (60)
    Nightraider (70)
    Pirrelvag the Blizzard Dragon (69)
    ReignDragon (70)
    Sand Dragon (63)
    Serlissa the Water Dragon (70)
    Silari Warrior (61)
    Silari Warrior (61) [Pack of 2]
    Slayerbane the Vindicator (70)
    Slick the Drakel (60)
    Soralag, Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (60)
    Spirit of Kian (70)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (72)
    Undead Fansarin (60)
    Vartai Blade Master (69) [Ice]
    Vartai Blade Master (69) [Fire]
    Vartai Hunter (69) [Energy]
    Vartai Hunter (69) [Earth]
    Void Dragon (55)
    War Dragon (70)
    Water Dragon (71)
    Water Dragon (55)
    WereDragon (70)
    Wind Dragon (71)
    Zombie Dragon (70)

    Level 70-89
    Acidragon (65)
    Ancient Blue Wyvern (89)
    Ancient Wyvern (81)
    Calladus, Dragon Master (80)
    Calladus, Dragon Master (75)
    Commander Kragg (90)
    Dracolich Rider (75)
    Dracovamp Adept (88)
    Dracovampiress (88)
    Drakath (75)
    Drakel Bouncer (85)
    Drakel Bouncer (85) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Ninja (75) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Captain (75) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Captain (90)
    Drakel Militia Group (94)
    Drakel Ninja (75) [Clone] [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Swordmistress (79)
    Drakel Swordmistress (79) [Pack of 2]
    Drako (80)
    Duodragon (80)
    Earth Dragon (91)
    Edan the Fire Dragon (77)
    Elder Fundead Dragon (90)
    Energy Dragon (91)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    Fear Drake (dragon) (90)
    Female Void Dragon Wyrm (90)
    Fire Wyrm Dragon (76)
    Flame Dragon (90)
    Fulguris the Sand Dragon (79)
    Gold Dragon (90)
    Gravis (80)
    Guardian Dragon (80)
    Half-Dragon Soldier (90)
    Ice Dragon (91)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Krenos the Dragon (80)
    Light Dragon (91)
    Nith the Shadowdragon (80)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    RedNose ReignDragon (80)
    Silari Warrior (76)
    Silari Warrior (76) [Pack of 2]
    Soralag, Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (90)
    Trigoras (80)
    Undead Dragon (91)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (92)
    Undead Fansarin (92)
    Vartai Blade Master (84) [Water]
    Vartai Blade Master (84) [Fire]
    Vartai Hunter (84) [Wind]
    Vartai Hunter (84) [Earth]
    Void Dragon (75)
    Water Dragon (91)
    Wind Dragon (91)
    Ziragat, the Undead Dragon (95)

    Level 90-109
    Acidragon (65)
    Akriloth the Fire Dragon (100)
    Alpha Dracowolf (99)
    Calladus, Dragon Master (100)
    Dracovamp Lord (99)
    Dragon King (110)
    Dragoncat (110)
    Drakath (110)
    Drakath (100)
    Drakath the Undead Dragon (100)
    Drakel Bouncer (85) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Bouncer (105)
    Drakel Bouncer (105) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Captain (90) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Freak (100)
    Drakel Freak (100) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel SuperFreak (100)
    Drakel SuperFreak (100) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Swordmistress (79) [Pack of 2]
    Drako (100)
    General LepraKhan (96)
    Giind (Megdragon) (100)
    Gravis (100)
    Ice Dragon (100)
    Imceer (110)
    Isako the Sand Dragon (96)
    Krenos the Dragon (100)
    Nightraider (100)
    Raydius Dragon (100)
    Undead Dragon (111)
    Void Dragon (110)
    WereDragon (100)

    Level 110+
    Acidragon (65)
    Bruce the Soralag (118)
    Dire Shade Dweezel (119)
    Dracovamp Handmaiden (116)
    Drakel Bouncer (105) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Freak (120)
    Drakel Freak (120) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel SuperFreak (130)
    Drakel SuperFreak (130) [Pack of 2]
    Drakel Swordmistress (79) [Pack of 3]
    Drakelon Steam MegaDragon (150)
    Guardian Dragon (120)
    Monarch (130)
    NightBane (145)
    NightBane (140)
    Patriarch (130)
    RedNose ReignDragon (120)
    The Elder Void Wyrm (121)
    Ultra Akriloth, Dragon (120)
    Ultra Magma Akriloth (120)
    Uncle Wyvern (124)

    Thanks to whackybeanz. Monster list from Bratac, Billy Bob, and ShadowLurks. Probability of obtaining Dragon Blade by Valane. Typo thanks to 1stClassGenesis. Non-guardian dialogue and link fix thanks to Archlist.
    Note: there is a higher chance encountering monsters that are listed more than once.

  • BlackAces -> RE: Quest for the Dragon Blade! (1/20/2012 0:49:42)

    Quest for the Dragon Blade! (Essence Path)

    Travel Map > Dragonstone > Quest for the Dragon Blade!
    Travel Map > Dragonspine > DragonRiders!
    Travel Map > Dragonspine > Dragons, Dragons Everywhere!
    Travel Map > Dragonspine > Firespawn II - The Return of Linkragg!
    Travel Map > Dragonspine > Fusion Dragons: Consequences
    House > Earth Dragon Portrait ( via Dragonslayer Class Quest )
    House > Dragon Eye ( via Dragonslayer Class Quest )

    Galanoth: Although copies have been made, there are only three true Dragon Blades that have been forged in Lore's history.
    Galanoth: One, I found in a frozen land far to the north and west, in my quest for revenge.
    Galanoth: A second has been passed down through Grimweld's family; his ancestors have been true Guardians for generations upon generations.
    Galanoth: His son now wields it while Grimweld trains adventurers in Battleon.
    Galanoth: The third has been set into stone, and it can only be removed by a Guardian who has proved his bravery.
    Galanoth: Any hero may use it, but it always returns to the stone when that person is done, so it may find another wielder.
    Galanoth: The stone is never found in the exact same place twice. I can guide you to the area where it is normally found...and where it will test you.
    Galanoth: Do you wish to search for the Dragon Blade?
  • Yes I will!
  • No, sorry.

    If you have the Dragon Blade on hand, but wish to take the quest again...

    Galanoth: You already have the Dragon Blade. If you wish to change its form, you must release it to it's stone and quest for it again. Are you sure you want to continue?
  • Yes (Give up Dragon Blade)
  • No (Keep current Dragon Blade)

    If you do not have the Dragon Blade on hand, you continue with the dialogue if you chose to quest for the Dragon Blade.

    Galanoth: Here we are. Beware: the Blade will not hold back when testing you. It seeks to be wielded by only the best, and will create the image of many fierce foes!
  • I am ready!

    The Dragon Blade's Challenge!
    Face the masses of dragonkind or face the very Essence of the Eight Elemental Dragons to gain the assistance of the Dragon Blade! The first challenge is easier - but may not convince the Dragon Blade you are worthy!
  • Dragonkind!
  • Essences!
  • Leave

    8 BATTLES*
    Full Heal after each

    A Ninja Cleric spins his way in and you receive a Full Heal.

    Ninja Cleric: Heal-ya!

    The Ninja Cleric spins away. You continue with your battles.

    After each battle you receive a full heal. The order in which you face the dragons is random and you cannot encounter the same element more than once after you've defeated it.

    *See below for encounter list.

    After you defeat the 8 Essence Dragons you receive the Dragon Blade.

    Victory! The fabled Dragon Blade has deemed you a worthy wielder! As you grasp the hilt, what weapon form do you visualize and will it to take?
  • Blade
  • Spear
  • Scepter
  • Bow
  • Staff

    The Dragon [weapon] is yours!

    A message "The Dragon [weapon] glows in your hand as it powers up to match you! It deals #-## damage with +X to hit!" appears.

  • Close

    You return to Battleon.

    Encounter list for Essence

    Level 0-19
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (10)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (10)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (10)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (10)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (10)
    Essence of Light Dragon (10)
    Essence of Water Dragon (10)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (10)

    Level 20-39
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (30)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (30)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (30)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (30)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (30)
    Essence of Light Dragon (30)
    Essence of Water Dragon (30)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (30)

    Level 40-59
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (50)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (50)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (50)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (50)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (50)
    Essence of Light Dragon (50)
    Essence of Water Dragon (50)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (50)

    Level 60-79
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (70)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (70)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (70)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (70)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (70)
    Essence of Light Dragon (70)
    Essence of Water Dragon (70)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (70)

    Level 80-99
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (90)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (90)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (90)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (90)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (90)
    Essence of Light Dragon (90)
    Essence of Water Dragon (90)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (90)

    Level 100-119
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (110)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (110)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (110)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (110)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (110)
    Essence of Light Dragon (110)
    Essence of Water Dragon (110)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (110)

    Level 120-139
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (130)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (130)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (130)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (130)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (130)
    Essence of Light Dragon (130)
    Essence of Water Dragon (130)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (130)

    Level 140+
    Essence of Darkness Dragon (150)
    Essence of Earth Dragon (150)
    Essence of Energy Dragon (150)
    Essence of Fire Dragon (150)
    Essence of Ice Dragon (150)
    Essence of Light Dragon (150)
    Essence of Water Dragon (150)
    Essence of Wind Dragon (150)

  • Page: [1]

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