=WF= A Final Mystery (Full Version)

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Falerin -> =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:32:46)

The final series of puzzles shall begin to be unveiled within the next thirty-six hours. There upon the countdown will begin to the release on July 17th and the final Quiz!

Once the quiz is in place. The first twenty five cryptonauts who provide the correct answers to all of the final puzzles, including the WF challenge quiz and supply me with their WarpForce Character ID will be the winners. Rules to the final quiz will be posted at that time, but one of the biggest rules among them will be that posting answers here will not be allowed.

Lets keep the spam to a minimum and the discussion topical.

The end of the beginning is at hand.

Balthier -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:35:19)

I'm confused whats the prize?

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:36:03)

Good luck to all!

The End of the Beginning. How ominous.

One more thing:

Is this correct? We need to post our WF ID and the correct answers to all (I wonder how many) of the final puzzles?

@Above: Don't be concerned about that until it's necessary, I would say.

Lord Asrius -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:37:52)

Moreover, this is the beginning of the end of the beginning.
And he said the final puzzles, meaning the next few he puts up.

TW25 -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:42:08)

I can't wait to attempt these puzzles I will never solve. [:D]

Good luck to everyone.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:44:39)

First twenty-five cryptonauts? Good, that's basically all of us. As long as we work together, no one can stop us!

Lord Asrius -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:54:39)

Don't say that or Fal will take it as a challenge.

kirisakiten -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 11:55:20)

me ether cant wait

omega zeron -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:02:42)

One question...
How do we know our character IDs if we cant make accounts yet?

But yeah, lets work together and do this!

final five -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:11:00)

Ok so ya I have the same question as Omega. We don't have our IDs yet so how can we post them?

Also I don't think more than 25 people have been doing this but I can't get on the chat thing so how many people have been doing it?

Lord Asrius -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:13:02)

Around fifteen, and some others not in the channel.
If you can't download IRC you can go to mibbit.com and use irc.caelestia.net as the server. Discussion is in #mystery

Scartiger -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:15:55)

Good luck to everybody! Falerin said, the first 25 to solve it lol that's probably not going to me!

Genoclysm -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:16:04)

I suspect not all the puzzles will be given or solvable before WF is released. Even if they are, I imagine you might be able to be one of the winners and wait to give the character ID for when the game is opened to all players. Falerin would have to confirm that to be sure, though.

tobi728822 -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:23:56)

alright, this time i'm going to help.

Scartiger -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:24:37)

Ah, perhaps you pm you're character ID to Falerin if you are announced a winner?

Lord Asrius -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:28:26)

I think we just have to wait for WF so we can get our IDs.

Scartiger -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:41:48)

Yea, we wait until WF comes out, then we pm Falerin our ID's if we won

Eldron -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:48:33)

If you are an AQ Guardian, you have access to WF Beta on Friday, I believe.

As far as a prize...........................................................

I would think the personal satisfaction of expanding your mind and accomplishing you goals against such
difficult obstacles, would be sufficient. [:)]

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:50:46)

Eldron, you scared me. I thought you came with the new puzzle. >.<

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:52:12)

Back in the first thread Falerin said that a pet would be the prize.

Eldron -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 12:58:52)

It Begins!


Good luck to all!

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 13:01:29)

Holy and Unholy Gods, you scare me.

And I don't appreciate these puns...

shadowultimate -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 13:02:04)

Hmmm, I doubt the colouring is anything to do with it, just the hands (Or more importantly, fingers).
I'll look through, and post the amount of fingers on each hand being shown so that people get it done quicker.

EDIT: Unless the fingers are a throw-off. Maybe its the way the hand has moved?

Scartiger -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 13:04:53)

Could it be sign language? Edit: Yes, it's sign language, there all numbers
Wait, Falerin, does that mean that only AQ Guardians can win?
I'm going to beat you to it!
333 333 33 333433 33303 53331 3433 314331 3343 3233353533 333334 3433 33 343330 3330323 433 - wrong... But I'll leave this here JUST IN CASE it ever comes in handy... don't ever throw anything away in mystery thingies!

Sir Dorigo III -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/1/2009 13:05:21)

I agree, shading doesnt look like it matters. but the number of fingers isnt as important as the positioning of the number of fingers. or so itt seems

and Scartiger: iy isnt sign language. or at least none of the basic forms. I think that would be too obvious.. :P

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