Scartiger -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery (7/2/2009 18:16:14)
And now! Can somebody please help do this puzzle... Gmkk wig mk kfq. Yzl, b pzeif zpf wtz omh. Yzjf wte ibimbh xa wvf wt. Zzpk uiw pnxf opbq f wtamlzo mh. Zzh uwa eiz mpre hw rw pzq az azp. If we work together well enough, we could solve it without even using a decrypter... So, I or a is either the letter F or B... There also seems to be a lot of W's... so w must be e, since it is the most common letter... Gmkk Eig mk kfq. Yzl, b pzeif zpf Etz omh. Yzjf Ete ibimbh xa Evf Et. Zzpk uiE pnxf opbq f Etamlzo mh. Zzh uEa eiz mpre hE rE pzq az azp. Of course, I could be wrong, which I probably am.