RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (Full Version)

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Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 13:15:50)

"Up the stakes?"

Hahaha! That was totally by accident too!

Anyways, I'll be able to post later. And I'll PM Kenzoku to see where he is...

kenzoku -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 14:29:30)

I thought for sure that when Kell said he charged at the mage he was talking about Jon. This meshes with the note of trickery in his post.

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 14:36:54)

Wait, so Farsith screams in rage at the man who destroyed his life, and then proceeds to try and atack someone else?

Also, Jom, who are you waving at?

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 14:41:13)

@Pumpkin: He IS mad... :P
And remember that while screaming at the man who destroyed his life, someone destroyed his revenge by destroying his foot... :P

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 15:45:30)

I wonder how much longer Farsith can last. He's lost a foot, which means he's been running around (ridiculously effectively, I might add) on a bloody, bony STUMP, has been poisoned, lost his breakfast, which was actually an unsalted dinner, and is burning up energy at a massive rate given how much adrenaline must be pumping in order for him to ignore the epic amounts of pain he's in.

I give him, like, three more minutes before he collapses. Or something.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 15:49:55)

Kenzoku: No, he referred to Jon as the unarmed one. Angelo is anything but unarmed with all of his blades.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 15:57:32)

I must wonder why you all continue to refer to Jon as a mage when he's done nothing but fight with physical means.

Poetic Melody -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 16:04:29)

@Pumpkin, Elnaith/Kysi.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 16:54:07)

Angelo calls him that because of the Shredder incident.

I'll get a post up later tonight, though I need to "get" a few things first.

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 17:46:35)

@TD: Actually, he's been running around on a foot pierced by the remains of Tel'rion's staff, his foot were'nt shredded to pieces when he ran on it...
And yes the chances of him surviving much longer is very slim... Sad to see gim go so early in the EC's, but that's life for you... :P

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 19:11:46)

How did the incident with the Shredders in anyway indicate that Grey is a mage? No one could see what happened when Angelo fell on Grey, for all you know Grey might have armor plates under his pants that protected him...

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 19:14:11)

@Frozt: More pincushioned than just pierced, actually. The bottom half of a staff is a LOT of not-very-small shards, and the left foot is a small area. All of which have been digging away at your flesh with every running step, since tendons and muscles move when used. :-P

I also have a question about Farsith's ability to turn into a shadow and flit around the arena in two dimensions. Here's the description from your bio, emphasis added by yours truly.


Shadow Shape~He transforms his body into a shadow, enabling him to either sneak up on someone, or get away from somwone. Takes a lot of effort though.

Farsith currently has three out of his maximum of five shadow warriors in play, and has fired off two beams of darkness. His leg is, by now at least, shredded beyond recognition, an injury which should be causing him pretty significant pain. He's also losing a lot of blood through it, barring abnormal physiology of which I'm not aware, and that tends to make one rather dizzy. He's vomitted twice, which also doesn't help, and he should still be suffering from fever, nausia, and the shakes due to the Dragonsalt in his system, though the vomiting did help that a bit...

In addition, Farsith is fighting a battle on three different fronts, focussing on his own actions and on the actions of his underlings. How is he able to concentrate on turning his stolen body into shadow, flitting it across the arena, and reforming into flesh?

I also need to know how fast the shadow shape ability is on both ends, in addition to any other details you might like to provide.

Shadowy Mist -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 20:13:30)

@jominomer Yes, the shield goes on, until I stop it or it's limit is reached. Mind, not the shield's limit, but my character's energy. Though, that might take a while.

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 21:27:12)

@GoN: The only thing driving Farsith on at the moment is his madness, which is why he is enduring the large amount of pain...
About the underlings: As stated during my latest post, the underlings are'nt fully under his control anymore... All they have is the command to kill Karl, and that is what they will try to do... This is'nt quite as efective, of course, as Farsith is not aware of them in any way other than the summoning... So they are basically trying to kill someone without thinking about what they do... Meh, thought i clarified it in my earlier post in the OOC... Another sign that i should'nt be thinking when tired...
About the shadow shape: As said it does require a lot of effort, usually shown in the form of fatigue... The two attacks directed towards Tel'rion's back is as much effort he can put into any attack at the moment, as his foot can't be used anymore and some of his power was already used in the beams and the fighters...
About the movement: As it is purely shadow the movement is far beyond that which Farsith can reach through normal means, and it's max speed is somewhere around 30 mph in total darkness, while it's is considerably less in full daylight... As stated it is for either ambush or escape, so it's not really something he can use over great distances... And, also as stated in an earlier post, the transformation takes some time (although not much) when he is transforming into the shadow, but it takes nearly no time at all when he is returning to his human form...

Farsith is trying to take at least one other contestant with him as he dies, although at this point it is highly unlikely...
You could call him a walking dead man in more than one sense now ^^

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 21:40:30)

@Kell: But Angelo would have sensed the extra weight of armor, if not the very metal essence of them in the first place. If that wasn't enough, all of Jon's quick maneuvers would have been much more difficult if he had been wearing armor. Thus, in Angelo's mind, the only real solution would have been that Jon was a mage.

AttilaTheHun -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 22:00:14)

@Frozt: So how many soldiers do I have attacking me currently? There were two initially, but you sent more if I read your last post correctly. Also, will it be necessary to let you kill them, or may I kill them in my own posts.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 23:19:04)

Very well. However, your latest post raises a new question:

"The knight had raised his shield as if he was to bash Angelo, but the way he handled his sword behind it told quite a different story." How can you tell how Elian is holding his sword when it was behind his shield? You wouldn't be able to see the strike until the sword came over the top of the shield to initiate the attack.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 23:21:11)

You wouldn't be able to see the strike...

Is a certain someone forgetting that Angelo is blind and uses other methods for his 'vision'?

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 23:22:44)

The question is, how does he differentiate the metal of the sword from the metal of the shield? How does he do this through what you only described as a form of tremorsense? You didn't mention an ability to detect things like METAL, you only said you could detect positioning from vibrations through the earth... or something of that nature.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 23:40:36)

Blarrghh...technicalities will be the death of me!

Anyways, the pressure on the earth produces a unique signature. The signature changes with the placement of the object, along with the weight, height, density, ect of said object. By miniscule changes in the signature, it is possible to tell if an object is moving, changing shape, or other things. For people, this can help him learn the positions of limbs, body parts, and help tell him what equipment the person is carrying.(This was harnessed only after nineteen years of training, where this was the only way he could 'see' for his entire life, so he got very good at it)

Further more, he senses vibrations within the earthen elements(including metal) and so can tell when one is armored...or at least, can tell immediately if the boots are made of metal. If not, he will search for other various signatures to tell him why the person is heavy, but in the situation of a fight, wearing armor is the simplest solution. Technically, to Angelo, Eli appears to have an extraordinarily blunt hand and a long, sharp arm, but common sense dictates that these are not his actual body parts, but a sword and shield.(Unless Eli's boots are made of metal, in which case he would know the basic outline of metal components that are touching)

And remember, you always have to calculate magic into the equation.[:D]

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/22/2009 23:54:37)

Indeed. Would the water that everyone is calf-deep in distort this at all? considering it has it's own pressure, and that, too, would change as people splash through it, and you'd likely get echoes...

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/23/2009 0:01:03)

Unless Angelo has had experience/training in fighting/being in areas with water levels so that he may "tone it out", if you will.(I'll give you a hint: He did, as he wanted his 'sight' to be as perfect as possible.)

What is presented in my post is not every little vibration that Angelo senses, but rather the ideal outlook he has received.

Anyways, good night to one and all.

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/23/2009 0:30:08)

@Attila: There is currently two soldiers attacking you, and another one running towards you... You can kill them, and you propably would'nt have a hard time doing so...
Was that clarification enough?

AttilaTheHun -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/23/2009 1:57:38)

Yes, thanks. I'll get a post up by tomorrow.

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/23/2009 6:55:12)

Actually, that's not the whole truth, as I slashed at both the two soldiers and Attila, which has not yet been resolved. If your clones are no longer under your control, Frozt, does that make them NPCs? Because if so, I'll have auto-hit them, and Attila will only have to worry about the one soldier running at him, and, if he so chooses, the deep black gash I have inflicted.

tl;dr Frozt, Attila, decide whether I hit or not already.

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