RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (Full Version)

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Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/23/2009 14:23:54)

@Pumpkin: That is for Atilla to decide... At the time of the slash Farsith where "controlling" them with his mind, and his only thought was for them to kill Karl...
As he was already involved (deeply) in the fight with both of them, close up and all, it would most likely hit the soldiers if the slash hit Karl...
But that, as said, will be for Atilla to decide... :D

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/23/2009 20:39:55)

I am incredibly disappointed in activity this year and the prevalence of Idle. I'm apparently going to have to be lenient, compared to the Finals and usual practice of last year, which idle-cuts every three days. So, after noon tomorrow, there will be a purge every 4 days of the Dropoffs at noon. Next purge will be the 28th at noon, and last warnings on the 27th by 9PM. Consistent warnings will not be tolerated. These two arenas have been a bit better about it but still...

The following competitors from Fountain is cut due to Non-Posting:
Kiramie Kimerra as played by Aeschie - Did I miss/overlook a resign notice? I do not have a PM logged with one.

The following have until noon tomorrow to post or PM myself with reasons or be cut as part of the Idle-Dead:
None, shockingly enough!

The following should try to get posts up ASAP, given issues stated in *recent* OOC activity revolving around IC actions-reactions which are known:

The following have resigned already:
Meru as played by Zxblqcktptydfkjsplkn

Silvannen Aurus as played by .Discipline

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/25/2009 14:56:39)

So, Frozt, you're delagating responsibility of the soldiers to Atilla?

I can't just have auto-hit them?

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/25/2009 20:17:50)

@Pumpkin: As said, if you hit Attila you would have Auto-hit the two soldiers figting him... And both of the soldiers, as said, is trying of all their might to kill him and both of them is melee fighters, which means that they are as close to him as possible... So i think it would be hard to hit one and not the other... :/

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/25/2009 23:04:21)

For the curious, Tel'rion has minor damage to the vision and speech centers of his brain, which explains his behavior somewhat.

@Frozt: I don't expect any of that to hit, unless Farsith is following right behind Tel'rion. He ran far enough first so that if your character stands still he won't get hit by anything, unless you really feel like it. :-P

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/26/2009 15:23:46)

@GoN: Heh, i don't think acidic things in the eyes is a good thing for a man that is already more than dead... :P
Not to mention that Farsith is both too exhausted to run, and his left foot is litteraly a lump of dead meat... :P

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/27/2009 8:45:15)

En garde, Ekiru.

Shadowy Mist -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/27/2009 20:40:16)

I won't be able to post because I'll be on vacation Aug.1-4.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/28/2009 23:49:01)

Given PERSISTENT issues regarding Idle competitors, I will be cutting the EC Dropoffs on Saturday, the 1st of August. This activity rate is particularly dismal, more so in certain arenas than others. It is in your best interests to get your competitors to post as swiftly as possible, or get inventive to be able to post without further delays from the idle. This decree is being made instead of a mass cut of the idle, and how you react may prove to be in your favor during the judging process.

Idle will NOT be tolerated in the Finals outside of all previously registered concerns. Finals will start on Monday, August 3rd. Postings of Finalists will be on Sunday, August 2nd.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/29/2009 12:58:08)

@ Frozt.


*Poke poke, poke poke poke poke.*

You heard the man, only a few more days in the Dropoffs. If you want to put my stumbling, brain-damaged character out of his misery, now is the time to do so.

I have a post I can make without you, assuming that you don't make one... I will attempt to time that early on the 1st if I don't hear from you, but I'd much rather do another back and forth before the Finals selection is made.

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/29/2009 16:03:02)

Will have a post up shortly *pokes GoN back*
Post is up...

Farsith has left the arena to look for another body...
The body he had used is completely dead, and all traces of Farsith's presence in the body is gone...

Thanks for a nice challenge Attila and GoN, i hope to see you next year... :D

Poetic Melody -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/29/2009 16:34:31)

I'll get a post up soon, I hope. I'm on a roadtrip atm and am hoping to keep getting good internet on my laptop. Which also means that replying might take a tiny bit longer then it used too, I'll still be on time to time but I won't know how much.

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/29/2009 16:46:10)

Ekiru, I am on a tight schedule. Without a response from you, I will be forced to abandon our fight.

Also -- Dammit, Frozt, you could have saved yourself for me (heh, heh...).

Frozt -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/29/2009 16:50:46)

Meh, you can still hack away at the body... *evil grin*

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/29/2009 19:44:42)

I posted. As a note, I've gotten sick recently, so you if you have any questions about my post, then feel free to ask. *sniff* I probably missed it with all of the trips I need to blow my nose.

And its hard to post when you can't quite think straight either.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/30/2009 20:41:28)

Advisory warning: There remains a little over twenty-four hours of valid posting time until the end of the Dropoffs.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/30/2009 20:56:39)

And Gub's stuck in limbo...Awesome. Hmmmm, let's say Recar doesn't post before dropoffs and Gub doesn't make it to the Finals, could I idle-kill Recar's character?

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/30/2009 23:46:43)

Get inventive and form up a post anyway. The idle don't deserve mercy.

Krey -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/31/2009 0:07:12)

This new tendril strike will vanish after it has done its thing, Apoc. The tendrils will fade away, much like what happened with Kell's character, hit or miss.

As for the shadow barrier... I'm not saying what will happen in regards to that. As the post says, it'll stop a raging bull. I leave it to you whether you hit it and how you respond immediately to that.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/31/2009 1:01:43)

Krey: Appreciate the info. I'll get a post up early tomorrow(or today, by my time zone).

EDIT: Post up. Just so you know, the wall is balanced horizontally on Grey's shield. And if something should disturb it(without it being too major), Angelo would use his magic to keep it balanced on top of Grey.

Geddesmck -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/31/2009 6:54:52)

Sorry beebote, I know you have reasons for not posting, but I literally have no time left. I'll be posting shortly and hopefully should involve myself in the action somehow.

Oops, well, this is unexpected. I've been roped into looking after a stray cat for a few hours, so my post will be delayed. By looking after it, I mean, 'stopping my own cats tearing it to pieces until we can bring it to an animal shelter'. Hopefully I'll post in the next couple of hours.

Okay, posted. I doubt I'll have time to post again before the dropoffs are over. I think the post is clear, but I'll clarify some points.

* Lots of rocks and rubble is flying directly towards Angelo at high speed, I doubt he'd dodge it all if he was caught unaware, although I concede that he probably saw it coming.

*The 'black ball' is Krey's character Jon/Shade.

*One of the wall's fountains (and they are in the walls Kenzoku, read the opening post) is damaged, which I assume would let more water in and decrease the pressure as it escapes (so it wouldn't shoot out as much). I did this because, as an earth competitor, it is my duty to do as much damage to the arena as possible.

*Zenz is cold, tired and weak. Although I didn't say it in my post, there's no chance he'll use another spell.

I made assumptions as to the locations of characters, because otherwise my post would be impossible and that would be a shame. :)

Krey -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/31/2009 11:59:07)

Alright, well... I had a post all set before Ged posted, I just hadn't posted it yet. :P I edited it a bit to include your post, Ged.

As best I could understand of the timeline, Zenz would have to have burst out about the time that Grey's shadow cage was forming, since it was only a few seconds between the rock wall coming down on the barrier and Jon starting to create the cage. And then about 3 more seconds for the cage to fully form before solidifying. Yell at me if this seems wrong.

Geddesmck -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/31/2009 12:30:19)

Ha. I made enough assumptions and liberties with location that I think you're entitled to decide the timeline.

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/31/2009 13:45:25)


The idle don't deserve mercy.

I'm interpreting this as being allowed to kill the idle.


Okay, so I bunnied and auto-hit Ekiru, but he isn't dead -- just badly wounded. Just thought he might get back in the game with a late post.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Fountain and Cellar Arenas (7/31/2009 16:19:27)

Okay, I think I have a grasp on the current timeline, so I'll be posting real soon. Have to cram for that drop-off!

EDIT: If I mess up the timing, PM me ASAP so I can fix it.

Double-EDIT: Posted. Angelo was aimed between two of the pillars, so he wouldn't have any feet trouble.

And another thing: Rawr.

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