=MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (Full Version)

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Omni -> =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 18:13:27)

I do indeed suppose it is my duty to have one of these. Hmmm may need a name change to WarpOmniGuardian [;)].
A few limits just to insure insanity is still a viable option.

1: Too Personal Questions will be ignored. There is a line between asking if I have a pet and asking for my Social Security Number.

2: 10 Questions max 2 posts per person.

3: No Spam.Spam is only good to eat not to post as such questions of that nature will be eaten and complete posts of spam devoured.

4: Questions answering not required. I reserve the rights or copyright them depending on the situation, the right to not answer any question I choose not to.

Enjoy asking questions!

Also my Edits will look like this. Yes Doom in WarpForce!

Just couldn't resist >.> Omnitopia got hijacked ! :D ~Dimension---Neither could I MUAHAHUAHUAHUAHU~ Omni

*trespasses into OmniGuardian territory* ~User

I'm in your thread. ~Shadow

:o Ur colur is leik mah colur! Oh teh noes! =P ~TLH~

Dis ish mah thread!!12!1!! Nao! >:D ~Icy

I need to work on my thread Guarding.... ~Omni

xD ~Perso

Tomato invasion!!! Chaaaarge! P.S. HI! ..LT

I know it is late but I didn't want to miss out...*Hijacks Omni's thread* :o ~Baron

:D ~V_J

Mega cool50 -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:15:19)

Hi there.
Hi There back!

Gratz on youre AK-ship.

Cake or Pie?
The cake is a lie and Pie is a rather good AK.

AQ or WF?
Both. Same game really considering it is an expansion right?

See you later!

drDOT -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:16:59)

Omni ! :D

How is the new cage ? :3
Beyond the cramped, cold, tetanus filled rust, and awkward blue paint chips it's great!

Falerin can make good cookies, you know ? :o
Of course ironically some of his favorites are made by much less skilled cooks.... Girl Scouts.

I'll let your thread free of any dimensional hijack :D or not ..
Thanks! Not quite used to my space and time travel powers yet but I'm working on them!

Well, congrats again xD
Thanks again!

Do you think tomatoes are fruits ? O_o
I think tomatoes are red and occasionally fried green.

Nightly -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:17:13)

Hey OmniGuardian!
Hey to you too!

Baron -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:19:15)

Hiya OmniGuardian & congratulations on the well deserved AKship!
Thanks, to be honest it caught me by surprise.

Favourite food?
Steak and Potatoes. I am an........ Omnivore.

Favourite Drink?
Virgin Pina Colada otherwise I drink flavored water daily!

Hope you have fun & I'm sure you'll do your job well!
I sure hope so.

What did you do when you got promoted & how did you feel?
I realized if it wasn't for Falerin telling me in a thread to check my inbox that I would have overlooked it and missed out on a fantastic opportunity to help the community! I've never done it before but I think I was close to hyperventilating.

Here is 50 Thin Mint cookies as a congratulations gift!

How's those shackles going & what colour are they?
Good besides the rust and like the cell they are blue! Seems to be some sort of them but I just can't tell from where.

Who's your cellmate?
Lord Tomato!

That is all for me, see ya!
See you around!

/me congratulationsgoodbyesnugglepouncesteh OmniGuardian!

That's the fifth time already. I need to get used to this.

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:26:37)

Congratz OG, you don't mind if I call you that? [8D]
It's fine as long as I don't get confused for the other meaning. Yo!

I heard they will let you out of the cage on good behavior?
Really thats news to me.... I'll have to look into that.

Naw I'm just joking they will never let you out. [:-]
Getting my hopes up just to crush them? Sounds like one of those outcellers.....

Anyways make us proud!
I didn't see that as a requirement but I'll try.

Zai Jian!
Zai Jian back...... I think.

Greystar -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:26:50)

Is the Omni for Omniscient? Omnivorous? Omnipotent?
It stands for the Omni-omni. The entire all of all.

What are you Guarding us from! I demand to know!
Sadly in most cases yourselves.

Which goes first in your alphabet: 1, 0, or A?
? As in the option after A!

Alright, well I'll keep it short haha
Clever :)

Good luck with the job!
Job? I get payed? More like a volunteer job that turned into free rent in a cell.

gems360 -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:27:27)

love the name!
Me too!

is there a story behind your name or did you just find it to be an epic win?
Epic Win! Took a few hours and then Lorithia inspired it.

fav color?
Doom Red!

fav book/series?
Ohhh so many to choose from, I think I enjoy the Xanth series mainkly because of the myriads of books and puns!

fav movie?
First and seconds rules say I can't talk about it ;)

fav AE game ever?(including ebilgames)
Adventure Quest and it's expansion WarpForce. Just can't find the battle complexity anywhere else.

Do you plan to start WIII
As in World War 3? No but I do have plans for Intergalactic Worlds War 1. Someone else can start 2.

If yes:
We strike at midnight
I'll get the bombs
or we could assassinate the entire country of russia

We bake cookies?
We do?

Randomnity -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:36:14)

Huh. Somehow, i knew this day was coming. You deserve it! On to the questions!

How's the AK feel?
The Arch Knight? Or my position as one? It feels great!

Did you ever think that you would get the AK position?
Didn't even think of it to tell the truth.

Twilly, Zorbak, or Twig?
Twilly for healing, Zorbak for necromancy, and Twig for....... fish?

Again, congratulations on the new position.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:42:06)

Heyy (Warp)OmniGuardian... Congrates(again)... [:)]

Is it possible to see your WarpGuardian character page?
Yep one moment.

Your welcome preliminarily.

And good luck!

Icy -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/11/2009 18:49:46)

ohaider OmniGuardian! :D
Hai der whuts up?

Welcome and congrats! :D
Thanks and Thanks.

So, now teh questions!
Ohh dear here we go. Well I suppose you aren't going but you get the point.

Where do you most want to visit: Bahamas, Hawaii, or Antarctica?
Bahamas! Great weather and not one of the 50 States.

Of the three above, where do you least want to visit?
Antartica, below freezing cold, awful weather,and little to no internet.

Do you like sushi?
I usually like my food cooked and fish isn't one of my favorites. So I would think no but I honestly haven't had it.

Favorite way to Travel?
Airplane no doubt.

'Tis all. Good luck! :D
Thanks again!

Also bonus points for you for setting up my replies! They aren't redeemable for anything but hey makes you feel like you earned something.

PD -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 18:55:42)

You Started this Party without ME! Meanie! XD
Calling me a meanie? I am already upset you didn't have a surprise party for me.

Now for Your share of the MTAK Torture! >:D

Who gave you the Chains? (Coyote and I have a Leash)
Falerin has his Adobe apply them automatically, maybe SeaHawk I'm not entirely sure.

Where's your cell?
In my pocket. Wait ohhhh, the Guardian tower has a basement and so does the WarpGuardian Tower.

Since you are a WF GD AK, should we call you Omni-Warp instead?
It works but I prefer WarpOmniGuardian ;)

Favorite Color?
Doom Red!

You play MQ? DF?
Both Avidly

Isn't Daimyo awesome? (You'd better say yes!)
Biased questioning, but yes I do.

Well, my Pomeranians have tortured you enough, My Pomeranian Minions and I will be back again! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not again!

frogboy52295 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 20:11:19)


I had forseen this day coming..... but i thought it would be for S&T or AQGD
Really? Caught me by surpirse?

Im not gunna waste you time.
If I didn't wish to be asked questions I certainly wouldn't have a MtAK Thread. Ask Away!


tflo -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 20:12:05)


Glad I gave you color tags?
The thought is nice but my style includes a few more variables.

How's your pink finger?
Ummmm I don't quite understand the question...

If you are scared half to death twice, what happens?
I learn from the mistake I made twice.

If they call it tourist season, why can't we shoot at them?
Simply because you don't have the proper tags.

Dragonfly's or the Zerg?
The Zergonfly!

MonsterEnergy -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 20:13:42)

Yes Please. Rawr!

Omni... Why?
Because it's the chance of a lifetime?

So how is the Shackles?
Flaky blue, rusty, and somewhat tighter than I expected.

lol I always ask all the Mtak's how is the shackles
Glad to join that group!

want a cookie?
I thought I did but then I saw the next sentence..... to answer the question, Yes!

great, you don't get any
Somehow I didn't see that coming.

ok, well Good Luck :D

Verlyrus -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 20:31:09)

Hallo, cell buddy!
Hey there!

Are you READY to take over all of space and fruitveggies for the EXTREME AKing??
Of course I am. Who wouldn't want to conquer the Galaxy help AK the board?

Hehe. Byye!
You act as if we aren't in the same cell. See you when I look that way ;)

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 20:33:11)


Are you a Omniman or a Omnibot?
Does not compute...... I mean of course I am an OmniMan!

In real life, do you love jam or cravings?
Do I love a jelly like substence or having urges for certain foods? I am most find of my cravings for jam!

(77*9^2)*.09 is what?

Do you think you can warp yourself?
Not only can I warp I can also.... well that would be telling. MUAHAHAHUAH

Well, Go ahead on Warpforce!
Waaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppppp Foooooooooorrrrrrrrcccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

User -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 21:10:05)

Hey Omni! :D
Hey User!

Congrats on the AK-Ship!
Thanks you too!

I hope you and LordTomato don't have too much fun AK-ing here. :P
Well I don't see having fun in the contract.

You two better not party too loud! The AQW GD is right next door! :O
Hmmm seems like the pot calling his much smaller younger brother a pot....

Anyway, thats all for now! See you and good luck!
See you around as well!

legomaster00156 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 21:30:13)

Hi! I get to torture three new AK's in a single day? I'm a lucky guy! >:D
...... Sigh nto another one ;)

The cake is not a lie, no matter what Artix tells you!
Ironically the cake wasn't a lie according to the games ending...

Opinion on cheeseburgers?
I tend to find them good with multiple things on top of them.

I can haz one, nao? Plz?
I suppose you could go cook or buy one if you so desired.

I is lolcat, lololololol.
Interesting, I'll keep that in mind.

Wrong answer! /me opens trap door
/me uses Jetpack in WarpGuardian Armor.

Wrong answer! /me opens another trap door
/pack runs out of fuel and /me plummets.

Ok, I'm done with the trap doors, now.
Hey open up!

/me opens one more trap door
Thanks. /me uses Guardian Armor triple Attack to bounce of off the walls out of the trap door.

Sorry, couldn't resist! Go ahead and have fun AKing. And watch out for the Spam Beast. It's been reported to be around this area, and lordtomato sandwich already has the Blade of Deleteness. Well, good luck, and bye![:)]
Thanks for the heads up but I have a tool as well to devour spam. The Omninomnomnom!

Saint Kilda -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 21:34:08)

Queee!!! Omni!!

How are the chains?

What are your opinions on cows and alleyways?

What does your cell smell like?

Is it messy?


To answer your questions I will have to use the same format as you!

Chains are rusty, blue, and rather tight.

Cows are fine and so are alleyways but putting them together is a generally bad idea.

My cell smells like tomatoes.......

It is rather full of small bugs and leftover pieces of tomatoes.


Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 21:40:16)

Guardian Omni!!!
Uoy knaht!

Congratulations! :D

What color are the shackles?

Who is your cell-partner/neighbor (depending on the circumstances)? :o
lordtomato! At least he naturally produces food. Too bad magic is scarce in space.

Who's your favorite Viking? ;D
Canute the Great!

Well, congratulations, and I'm glad you're on the team! :D


nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 21:44:06)

...when did you get the AK-ship?! It's so...so sudden :o

Congrats, you deserve it. [:D]\
Thank you!

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 23:01:48)

Hi Omni.. Congratulations on the Knighthood. :D

Just one question: What prompted you to hop ship from AQ to WF? :P
WarpForce is an extension of AQ and being offered any sort of AK was impossible for me to refuse especially for my favorite Expansion!

That's all for now. Enjoy them new buttons. :)
Thanks! I most definetly will.

Points for trying to put the color in but missed the different font style as well as the size difference. It is the thought that counts though.

RagingMagma -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/11/2009 23:27:13)

Oh hello there, OmniGuardian. I never saw you posting, but they, today is a day to celebrate!

Ok, now that you are an AK now, i will start swarming you with questions [;)]

Here goes:

Seriously, there they are!:

OMG, now , now:

1. What where your exact feelings when you received a message that told you: You Haz Been Chosen!?
Is this real? Wow!

2. Will you be OmniPresent in all forums? Te-he-he
I tend to post a little bit of everywhere.

3. Will you, sacrificing yourself, check for spam and leet?
Of course. Spam will be Omninomnomed.

4. SSppaamm like this one? (kept spam minimal to your pleasure[:)])

5. l337 l1k3 th1s on3?

6. Do you whack something when you get angry? Hope it isnt human [;)]
Not usually.

7. Ill give you a <insert lotsa candies and cakes and biscuits> for your sucess!
Thanks. No gravy on the biscuits though.

8. You have entered my Infinite Castle of Dooooooommm!. How will you get out??
Using my Time Traveling abillity to undo my entry and not make the same mistake.

9. Me releases a horrible SpamBeast to track you down and fill you with spam
Omninonomed down to size... 1

10. Congratulations, you have slain the beast and earned this Good Luck!
I don't have room for that in my inventory so I'll drop my leftover Spam Beast Misc to take that Good Luck.

PD - I love writing this pun questions [:D]

PieLover31416 -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (9/12/2009 0:24:50)

I knew you were going to be an AK. Just not in the WFGD subforum. [8D]
Thanks for believing in me! I didn't even see this coming.

You still leading RROB? (Probably won't meet the requirement this time, since of school, but always remember that I made it when we had the NR vs GF war. ;)
I might have to forgo it due to my new AK position and RL is a little pressing as of now.

Well, congratz. I'll see ya later, kk?
See you later.


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