RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (Full Version)

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Dark Sergio -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/26/2009 20:39:11)

Hi Omni it is me again >.<

>=D Pudding?
Yes please.


Do you want punch?

Thanks I love fruit punch!

Ops.. gtg :o

*pawnch* Bye Omni see you later *pawnch*
Pawnch? Anyway by!


BlackFlameWarrior -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/27/2009 11:46:10)

/e brings out question revolver

Time for more Ak Torture! /e loads revolver

1:How many AKs and Mods does it take to hijack one question?
Just one.

2: If a dude is inside a dude inside a she inside a dude, what does it make?
A very awkward situation.

3: What's your AQW name so I can stalk you know.

4: Favorite anime?

5: If someone posts more then twice, do they get banzorz?
Nope they get the second post deleted and edited into the first post and then me telling them so. A warning is then issued if appropriate.

6: Who would win a band brawl, Boys like girls vs Cobra Starship vs All American Rejects?
I would hope for a tie.

7: Have you chosen a pokemon/digimon for yourself yet?

hotzoo -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/30/2009 17:08:12)

Hello omni.
Hello hotzoo.

Hows you?
I'm fine, thanks for asking.

Do you play aqworlds?
Yes I do.

If so what server you usually go on?
Normally Sir-Ver

Whats is your warpforce character number?
Here is my Character.

Sweet dreams.

Lotanubs -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/30/2009 17:52:39)

Will you go to Homecoming with me, Omni? [:)]
Hmmmmm, I think I'm busy that day.

Desmodus -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/30/2009 21:21:38)

Jenaab OmniGuardian!

What build is your character in WF? My guy is an Annihilator Hybrid (will be a true Annihilator if untraining comes out).
Leaning towards Lucky Tank Striker (A.K.A) Heavy Striker.

Is it cold in there?
Not quite, we don't open many windows aboard the LSS Alteon.

You play AQW, how did you find the Friday 13th Un-Live Event?
I participated in it when it first released.

What is your favorite monster in WF? I like Maws.
Hmmm, I am inclined to say Shearhide. He's such a beast.

I think-- *Hanson enters* What are you doing here? I told you to keep watch over the new brood of Dracoliches! *Hanson talks in a way only I can understand* Yikes! I have to go. Glabbus jibbly fellow WarpForcer!
Hmmm dracoliches in space is unlikely, unless Zorboz is involved!

Lotanubs -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/30/2009 21:39:27)

I'm hurt. Are you sure you'll be busy?
Yes, I'm sure, sorry about that.

I even spiked the punch, just for you.
Using spikes on liquid has what effect?I know it makes meat tender but liquids?

Kai59 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/30/2009 22:54:51)

congrats on the AK lol. I remember back then, a loooong time ago, like during the first frostvale in aq, i would see you post a lot, and i would always think "Dang, this guy is so helpful" and now look at you, 4 years later, and your an ak. =P Gratz again

Thanks, I truly do appreciate the congratulations. I can hardly remember what my posts we like around the beginning of my adventures here but glad to see I've stayed true to my generally helpful nature! Glad to have some long time devotees as part of our WF community which is shaping up very nicely!

Sir Dorigo III -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/1/2009 8:53:34)

Hai Omniboy!
... Hey!

How you been?
Just fine thanks.

You liking your new powers?
With great power comes great responsibility.

Who're you sharing your cell with?
Lordtomato, he's a good friend of mine now I would say.

Wat've you thought of the games as of late?
They are all progressing rather nicely.

Oh well...

Gotta go to school
Have fun! You're probably back now though xD

See ya at UL!
If people bother to get on ;)


liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/3/2009 15:06:03)

hey omniguardian do u remember me

i post in the front side
Page 2 first post.

what is u favourite food

is it hamburger

yummy delicous right hehe
They are good.

woah some thing to tell u. u are ready the guardian protector of the warpforce town ,because u have a guardian name

Glad to be of service.

KingWolfy -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/3/2009 19:43:59)

Haaaaai *waves*

Whuts is you be doin!
Right now I'm responding to your question!

Sounds pretty awesome, do you like apple juice?

sunumbrella -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/8/2009 21:51:59)

Greetings OmniGuardian! Congrats on your new position. Just reading other people's posts, I can see you already have lots of fans - a good sign.
Thank you and I agree it is a good thing.

I've asked lordtomato this, but I'll ask you too (multiple points of view can be very useful):

I'm new to WF, played a few times, but don't really understand what is going on. I haven't played AQ much for a few years. How much AQ do I need to play to get the gist of things, or, which AQ quests/sagas will be most useful to help my understanding?
There is one area that will help explain things to you but it will also bring up a few questions. It is called the Devourer Saga and parts of it unlock based on level. The main gist of things though is this: The Tester of Creation (The'Galin) has a group of followers throughought the Universe. Over time they lost interest in his goals and now work under their own direction but under his name. They are completely evil and simply wish to rule and destroy the Universe, this is why we must stop them.

Good luck, I wish you well on your mission, and I look forward to what you have to say.
I also hope I do well, and I do hope to provide posts that are worth reading as should all WF GD Forumites.


EDIT: Thanks for those comments, they're a big help. All the best.

regina1997 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/10/2009 13:47:00)

Err.... yeah... sorry for the suggestive comment.
Things have been cleared up.

hey... *Jabs burai in back* APOLOGIZE TO HIM!
Apology Accepted.

*Both of us hand you a box*

*Regina's box contains 27 thin mints*

*Burai's box contains 27 chocolate chip cookies. and... a lit frag grenade*
Even Yummier. We were just practicing surviving kersplosions from your stomach in my AK Training Class.

Stop trying to kill him!
Force of habit, lol
Not a problem. Thanks!

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/10/2009 16:36:50)

Ohaider OmniOmni!

How do I get to OmniSpace? O.o
A better question is how to get out.

And of course Spam Omninomnommed.
XD. ~Zyrain

There's a dead Python on your foot. -_-
Of course there is Space CowBoys need Python Boots!

Pet Hates?
Shedding is the worst.

How cool am I? ^_^
As cool as you want to be!

Well. That's all for now.

Thanks for stopping by.


Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/10/2009 18:07:56)

Hello Omni again!

Like my font color and font?[8D]I personally love it.

ICookies or Cake or Brownies or Muffins or Chicken!?
All of the above.

Well, I just came back to say congratulations on your AK status again

Bye again! for now...Mwhahaa

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/11/2009 4:53:26)


Are you Chinese?
Not that it matters but no I'm not.

Do you like lions?
And tigers,and bears, Ohhh MY!

Want some potatoes?

I hate prawns! Your thoughts on them?
Prawns will be prawns.

Would you like to read my story? It's in my sig and do tell me what you think of it.
I'll have to check that out.

See you around!
Indeed you will.

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/11/2009 5:30:20)


Congratulations on becoming an AK!

Two men, known here as 1 and 2, are playing a strange game. First, both men are put their empty pitchers on the table. Next, a judge brings a picther full of viniger and places it in either Spot A or Spot B. The judge then stars shifting the vineger from one pitcher to any adjacent pitcher. over and over. after moving the liquid 55 times, the owner of the viniger filled pitcher must drink it in one. If you were the judge and secretly wanted 2 to drink the vineger, would you place the pitcher in Spot A or Spot B? If you can be bothered, please give reasoning. MUHAHAHAHAHA!
I would out it in Spot C the sink and then have hot water run until the horrible stench goes away. No one should have to smell that stuff let alone drink it.

That was a puzzle from Professor Layton and Pandora's Box. Have you ever played any game in the Layton series and if so, what do you think of it?
I have not but they look fun.

Also, have you ever wacthed Doctor Who and if so, what do you think of it?
It is interesting, me and the Doctor have a few similarities.

If you have seen Doctor WHo, who is your favorite villien?
The Master of course.\

And, just because I am evil, here is one more Puzzle before I leave.

"This Vase holds 101 stones, each identical in size and feel. There are 50 black stones and 51 white stones. Now, put on this blindfold, reach in, and pull out as meny stones as you like. When you are finished, if you have removed an equal amount of black and white stones, you will receive a number of gold coins equal to the amout of stones you pulled out." How many stones should you pull out to give yourself the best chance of getting the most money possible? Please give reasoning if you can.
I would take off the blindfold and then empty out the vase and put one white stone back in! Directions never said I couldn't ;)


Hay -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/12/2009 7:04:52)

Hello :)

Congratulations on the AKship! (Though you probably hear this a lot)
I still appreciate it.

Favourite aspect of WF?
The fact that it is expanding on one of the most epic storyline's ever.

First thing that comes to your mind when I say: Someone raking their nails down a chalkboard.
Using chalk to draw smiley faces.

So OmniSpace = An alternate outer-space world that is governed by OmniGuardian, in which only a select few are granted access?
There is a portion of OmniSpace for that, but in essence OmniSpace is all space everywhere.

Is it normal for me to fail at WF?
Every so often you should lose but not regularly.

Favourite word?
Probably phantasmagorical.

Okay, I'm out of steam... already :P
I could turn the heat up and put some more water in!

Have fun and bye!
Almost have that part allowed, not quite. Later.

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/14/2009 3:04:52)

hey omniguardian i am back hehe

which game is better aq ir warpforce
WF is connected to AQ therefore I saw AQ and all of it's expansions.

do u have a account in aqw

u know right that there is good vs evil?

inside for now
i finally turn into evil
and on evil side
congratz me
I refuse to congratulate Evil choices!

hehe but sure to be more fun defeating good
But they aren't fighting right now.

but iam not that very evil because i train light before
Light != Good. Darkness != Evil

gtg now see ya next time bye!


Mazic -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/14/2009 13:46:41)

Hey Omni. Hows it going?
Pretty good.

Congrats on AK!

Cya around!
That you will.


Dark Tyreal -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/14/2009 22:16:45)

hm, cant think of anything to ask atm >.<
Sad, I thought we were at least somewhat friends from back in the day.

excellent work on becoming AK
Thanks. My goal is to ensure the LoreMaster his choice was a good one.

uhh.... bye!

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/14/2009 23:08:06)

Congratulations on making AK Omni. =]
Thanks! See your around.



xehanort -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (10/17/2009 7:15:20)

Hello Omniguardian.

1: Do you know what a Nimmy is
I know a definition of that word but it probably (hopefully) isn't your definition.

2: What would you believe was going on if the sky suddenly disappeared? (As in it went completely white blank)
I would probably believe that something happened to the Ocean.

3: There's a angry Minotaur charging at you, what do you do?
I would use my powers of Time and Space to freeze time and then turn him around.

4: If you had a Gunblade what would you do with it?
My RP Character is a Dual Gun-Blade Wielder. He reeks havoc to say the least.

5: There's something in the water...something BIG O_O
Sorry left my pet turtwhale in there.

6: Do you know who Spike is? (Not the vampire from Buffy, i'm talking about another Spike)
Dog from Rugrats?

7: Best mad scientist?

8: Punthulu rises, now what?
I summon Cthulhu to defeat his Punny counterpart!

That's all for me, cya!

Lord Hades -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (10/17/2009 14:09:08)

Hewwo omni!

Robo0000100 -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (10/18/2009 1:38:33)

Hi OmniGuardian !

How is your level in WarpForce ? [:D]
Pretty low, saving up a few releases to play later.

How is your character page in AQWorlds ?
Level 20!

Bye !
Bye! Sorry I was late.

KingWolfy -> RE: MtAK OmniGuardian (11/1/2009 1:22:33)



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