RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (Full Version)

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liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 5:55:19)

congratz on just become archknight of warpforce

hehe what is the best sword do u think has high attack in warpforce
Sword? Not many of those but WarpGuardian blade. Other wise Hullscuffer Z is good.

in ae game what game do u play the most

give me a hi5
/Omni High-Fives!

gtg now see ya
Thanks for stopping by!See you around.


Black Arrow -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 6:58:17)

Eh.... first question immediately, do you think you'll get tired after answering my questions?


Test your answer then...

1-100 Let's go!

1.) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickle pepper, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
Roughly two dry gallons!

2.) aefaegaeg or agegaegeg?

3.) Arrakiss you?
.... No idea.

4.) WF or AQ?
Same game! WF is simply an expansion.

5.) DF or AQW?
DF! AQW needs stats before I become super interested.

6.) PT or DtET?
Depends on the acronyms.... Physichal Training?

7.)Thank Liang for directing me here?
Thanks for directing Lang!

8.) ^5 or v5 or -5?
^5 bigger is better and I don't consider myself a negative person.

9.) Die or Live?
Is this one of those slated hidden questions with a political agenda? Ehhh regardless . Life!

100.) Sniper or Tactician?
Tactical Sniper.

I'm done with you.
Really because I thought my thread brought you here? Maybe I'm done with you? [;)]

May your brain rest...

Indeed. Thanks I'm going to need it.

shadowultimate -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 7:02:00)

Congratz :D

I was wondering when you'd be made an Ak :P
Really alot of people think that? Someone should have given me a heads up.

Well, thats pretty much it, I wish you all the luck in...... a bowl of soup with your AK'ness
How do I get the luck without eating it? Unless it's chicken noodle it may have to stay there.

P.S Hope to still see you post in AQ GD regulary ;)
I still will post, but until I get a good feel of my AK Duties I will post somewhat reservedly.

See you around!

Ash -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 11:52:46)

Heya back!

Having fun yet?
Most certainly!

Is Space infinite and...dark?
Most likely and it's not always dark! Well outside of the cell anyway, windows are too thick to let light in.

What are you guarding?

No 2+2=4 not ?.

Well good luck, congrats, and see you on IRC.

Thanks and of course!

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 12:39:34)

I spy an Omni! :)
With your little eye of course!

Gratz on the AK-ship mate.

The cake isn't a lie. Or is it?
Nope not a lie the person who wrote that on the wall just wasn't good enough to earn it.

Do you play AQ Worlds?
Yep bet you can't guess my name!

That's all i can think of now :(
Hope you can think of more later!

Cya round!
Round? I thought I was Omni? Did someone hijack me and the thread?


ask13 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 13:08:23)

Hey Omni


I say the post telling you to check your inbox and your post after that and it was pretty funny also it makes a little more sense now...
Anyways on to the questions
Yeah I can't believe I looked over that somehow.... thank Falerin that Falerin was there to remind me!

What is your favorite AE game?
AQ and WF

What is your favorite game other than AE games?
I am a big fan of the Finaly Fantasy Games as well as Tower Defence Games.

If you could bring your character from AQ into WF but he would never be able to go back would you?
Nope! I am very happy with my drakel Xrathnic. The tail feature is incredible, if only we could get a race with wings!

If you could bring one item from AQ into WF for your character to use/buy in the future if it is a high leveled item what item would it be?
Hmmm tough one..... probably Kindred. Who doesn't like the idea of samurai's in space?

Why must the doom infect all of the AE games? It will drive us all insane! Run, run from the doom!
It is one of the things connected to my crazy theory of a massive Super Plot!

Alright sanity regained thats all the questions I have.
Phew thanks!

See you around

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 14:39:33)

1) Hiyas Omni!
Hey There!

2) Hm...

3) Do I know you?
Maybe, I would hope it would be a mutual knowing not just one sided.

4) I think I do, somewhere--OmniSpace!?!
Yep thats it!

5) Kk, well later then. Bai

See you later.

krataa Overlord -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 17:44:30)

Oh no, they got you too? D:


One, Two,?
Three! Mr. Owl!

What it the airspeed velocity of a flying Protean?
Protean's don't fly....

AQ or WF?
Same Game! AQ simply because they have more content.

Have fun being an AK!
I would but it's not in the contract!

popdaddy567 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 19:36:04)

hey do u think there will be a technomanser class?

I think there will be one day. Considering Magic is scarce in Space using Technology as a replacement is a good idea. Any more questions?

Xeonneo -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 20:11:43)

Hey, whats up?
Not much really just being an AK.

Gratz on making Archknight, person i've never heard of.
You must not be a big AQ Fan, or speculations, or see any of my poosts in pretty much every section. Ohh well we can't all be well posted.

Do you think i could become an Archknight? /hope
Not my call. Asking also isn't a great idea and likely doesn't improve your chances.

Do you think my character in WF could beat yours?
If you are a WG maybe if not I would think at least a 10 level difference would give me the upper hand as well as the WG only equipment.

... I've never done one of these before, so i don't know what else to ask...
Not a problem.

goodbye... We'll meet again... maby... probably not, but it might happen...
If you stick around here it most certainly will.

TW25 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 20:20:47)


Having fun?
Not in the contract....

Having fun not noticing important messages in your forums inbox? XD
.... xD

Being an OmniGuardian does that mean it is your goal to protect the Omniverse? Because that is an awfully large job.
Being omnipotent and omniscient helps.

If so how are you managing being an AK AND an OmniGuardian?
I consider myself more of an OmniKnight! Combining the powers of the OmniGuardian with the ArchKnight creates an unstoppable force!


Khelios -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/12/2009 20:24:31)

Do you have a rocket lawnchair?
Nope but I do fire my laxorz!

The OmniGuardian says: RAWR!

What did you say that for?
Expression of frustration to a point of Devouring People's Soul.

Are you an ominously omnipotent OmniGuardian?
Of course.

What do you think of the color Macaroni and Cheese?
It's great. The crayon tastes different though. So does banana.

Are you afraid of a mutant zombie vegetable invasion?
Now with lordtomato on my side. Unless he becomes one.......

That's about it. See ya around :)
Indeed you will.

Circe -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 0:47:54)

Oh noes, it's a guardian of omnis. I HAYT those.
.... /me snugglewhompscirce!

I mean haaaaaay how's it going? :D
Going well!

Having a good time?
Ohhh yes intergalactic domination is great fun I love helping out the forums!,

We're glad to have you aboard. Welcomewelcome! *snuggles* Have fun!
Thanks! Hooray for Circe!

Eukara Vox -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 1:01:42)

A. If you could be any mythical animal, which would you be and why?
Dragon, because I could eat your face post sweep in AQ!

B. If you could be any Greek god, which would you be and why?
Zeus, because I can throw me some thunderbolts plus I'm top dog.

If you could be any Egyptian god, which would you be and why?
Ra, God of the Sun = Having the Power of the Sun= I'm Sunny D?

If you could be any Norse god, which would you be and why?
Thor because I could hang out with Spiderman!

Describe the virtues of the colour green.
..... It's not Pink?

If you ponder the wonders of ChickenCows... discuss the merged creature that you would create and would find fascinating.
An OverPyre! A Dracopyric Vartai who is half void dragon! Thats one Overpowered Dracopyre hence he is OverPyred!

Which is your favorite biome?
Freshwater because who really likes Dolphins? I know there are some but if there is a Dolphin in a freshwater lake I would be astounded.

If you could have one all expense paid vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go? What would be the top things on your list while there?
The UnderGround Lab!Asking Artix if he thinks he looks like Mr.Fantastic. Asking Cysero if I can be a Mod xD (Love his Shirt), ask Zhoom about if we can add a The Force drop to all the games. Ask Warlic what War tastes like! Many other things!

If you could move to any state in the US, which would you move to and why?
I would move back to Florida.

What is your favourite ethnic food?
Hmmmm, Probably Cho Mein if it is what I think it is!

There! Thats all for this one!
No problem thanks for coming!PS: Omnipoints for having it set up already!

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 1:55:05)

.............Who I'm I?
Blue Katz:

Wut da u?

Ok, my brain work now! It's question time! U are ArchWarpKnight, I will test ur skill!

What will happen if the throw LordTomato to ur battle suit with v=3247 km/h
Ummm Splatter with tomato soup everywhere.

Will u taste the green liquid on the ship floor
Umm no, you should probably clean that.


Will u take over the space?
Of course........ I will not

There is 2 button, one will kill u, one will kill ur friend, u must hit one, which?
Hmmm I choose..... to not answer! [/u

What's black hole?
What I cast upon destructive Threads. [/u

Ok bye! Better do ur test right
Opinionated questions are hard to get wrong.... [/u

The Warrior Master -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 2:05:27)

Hiyaz Omni!

Do you need a hug? They're Free!

/me hugs Omni

So, how is it going with your new ArchKnightship?
We get a Ship!?!?!?!? Sweet!

If the Cake is a lie, then why is there one in the AQW House Items Shop?
It isn't a lie merely an inconvenient truth!

Does that mean the cake is the Truth?
Indeed it does.

OMG! I wuv cake! <3

That is still only 3 questions! >:D Im So Ebil!
Sounds somewhat like Zorbak.....

So, WF and AQ. Why?
Why not?

Everything I say is a lie.
Am I lying or telling the truth?
You are not lying or telling the truth you are The Warrior Master!

Well that will be all for now. Bye Omni! :D!


Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 2:20:30)

Oh wow! 10th or 11th Archknight deemed this week! Conspiracy I say! [:D]
Please keep your Conspiracies in the S@T board where they belong ;)

Well congratulations!

Onwards to the questions! [:D]

kamehameha! or....Rasengan?
Fire my Laxorz!

Pie or cake?
Apple pie or Ice Cream cake.... Does not COmpute 10101010101

Hugs or Handshakes or both?
Both depends on the person.

Favorite Board game?
Hmm Monopoly because I have the patience.

Favorite card game?
Go Fish!

done! Too short I know right?
Just Right!

Well Happy Aking!
Thanks! Happy membering!

final five -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 3:44:03)

Hiyas Omni. Congratz on Akness

Are you having fun invading and changing my post yet?
Yep that never gets old. I could change everything add questions and no one but you and I would know? The LoreMaster wants to insure his minions are also capable of Evil!

How are the chains?
Blue and tight as in not loose.

Are the chains long enough to catch you in space?
....Space? As in out of the cell? Forbidden.

Cake, cupcake or pancake?

Shouldn't your name have Warp in it now?
....WarpOmniGuardian. I have already changed it once and you only get one change!

Phoenix Angel -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 7:09:10)

Congratulations on AKship!
People keep talking about this ship but I can't find it. Is it a house item?

Will this board be protected well against the ever-raising spam wall?
I can assure you it won't be as chaotic as AQWGD. Also spam quickly gets Omninomnomed.

What do you think would happen if WF type items started appear in AQ and vise versa?
Well WF is bound to get some weapons that are effective against the Network and considering we already have a set that do that.....*

Again, congrats! You've always seemed to be quite intelligent and thoughtful in your posts in AQGD so I knew you would definitely be an AK someday!
Aid the community well with your new power (Warp)OmniGuardian aka WOG!
Well said and thanks!

oooh! bonus question! How does "Lancinate Laceration" sound to you as an attack name?
Sounds very laxorz-ish. I like it!

Fahniks -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 10:21:18)

(Gasp) You're an AK!
Is that a stab or a compliment?

Wait, I mean congrats.
Looks like a stab....

If you're wondering who I am, I used to be zeldafanatic.
That rings a bell. Or at least I think so.

Spiked gloves or gloved spikes?
Spiked Gloves.

Toy Story 3 - next year. Thoughts?
Been quite some time since I was interested in it. It will either be Epic Win or Fail.

I'm bored. Goodbye, and here's a bank bag.

vezha -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 14:52:24)

/You're an AK now, eh?

I have to admit, I was kinda surpised scrolling through AQGD and noticing your AKness. Grats, anyway.
Thanks for noticing!

What's with all the AKs being appointed recently, anyway?
Well when spaces need filled people become recruited. Also as a hint what would an inactive board where people can't make threads getting AK's likely lead to?

What's your favourite WF weapon? Armor
Sorry I'm plain but WarpGuardian Armor, WarpGuardian Blade.

Was that last one two questions, or just one?
It was one but now you wasted a question asking about it ;)

Eh, can't think of any more. Laters.
/rickrolls Omni
/Omni warps out of the Rickroll!
/firse the Omniseeking Rickroll Launcher (tm)
/Omni uses his Omnipotence to uncreate the RickRoll Launcher
Hey! I call hax! D:<

Velmur -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/13/2009 16:23:39)

Hiyas Omniguardian! Is it ok if I ask you some questions?
No I just made a thred allowing everyone to ask questions but you! JK

Cake, Pie, Or cookies?
Ice Cream Cake!

Favorite emote?

Is my username weird? If you said yes than how dare you!
No your username is Velmur, there are ways to change it though!

Are you having fun being an Arch Knight?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I like congraduating Arch Knights. Well, I'll leave ya alone so you don't need to be tortured! Bye!

No problem didn't even hit the maximum. Thanks for not torturing me!

~Velmur the forgettable~

......... Who?

Kaelin -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/14/2009 4:42:48)

Hi. Congrats.
Thanks. Lol!

ilikepizza123 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/14/2009 16:07:56)

Hi there.

Omniguardian Of Omnispace in Omnitopia watching Omni 1!
Been stalking me eh?

Scary laugh confirms.

ME has no questions......
Well it is a meet the AK not ask the AK questions.

Congratz tho:D
tho? I thought we met? It's (Warp)OmniGuardian ;)

Ok bai!


Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian of OmniSpace! (9/14/2009 17:10:35)

OMG an AK!
Yep! What gave it away?

What are your thoughts on Fried Twinkies?
Delicious and heart attack inducing.

Do you like eating them?
As much as I love heart attacks!

Fried Twinkies are a way of life... join the Fried Twinkie side!
Not in my contract. Sounds fun though.

Do you like anime, if so, which anime do you like?
I know I am going to be killed for this but....... not really. /Omni warps away.

Caramelldansen! :D!!!
/Omni Caramelldansens.

Fried Twinkies!

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