RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (Full Version)

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MegaPoster404 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/22/2009 17:57:52)

:D Almost update time!

EDIT: Merry Christmas, your gift is this new page for your comments thread!

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/24/2009 18:41:12)

Merry X-mas to all TRR:CoT(funny thing) readers!

ringulreith -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/24/2009 21:30:43)


You know, trr-cot! sounds like something you could do to a moogle if they don't get their story out on time. I'm not thinking about anyone in particular, of course, because why would I want to stalk such a moogle and eat their pom-pom? I mean, if such a moogle existed. Not that I know any...

Gianna Glow -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/25/2009 16:30:08)

Please stay on-topic guys. I had to go through and delete some non-sensical posts.

ringulreith -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/25/2009 18:55:26)

*pokes around* Where'd he go?

Don't worry Pie, we won't kill you if you don't get it out today. Enjoy your christmas (or whatever you celebrate). Happy holidays!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/25/2009 21:39:39)

Bah, it'll have to be out tomorrow, I got writer's block today and too many video games today. You guys can have a happy Belated Crhistmas, or Boxing Day, whichever you'll accept :P

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2009 7:58:21)

-3 days later- I still dont see it.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2009 10:22:30)

Some1 reqlly should see how many days later than his release date he releases the chapters on average. would be interesting to see. i bet around a week.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2009 11:00:21)

I lurv to keep y'all guessing. New chapter is up. Next one will be up whenever I get some inspiration, right now I'm bloody braindead >.>

I know this ending sorta sucked, I appologise, but the chapter needed to be put up, and I've been sick for a while now. PLus, I'm just out of ideas at the moment <.< >.>

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2009 12:53:07)

um, im kinda confused. wouldnt the antimagic shield not allow jenkins in there or hows that work?

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2009 12:59:40)

^I second that kinda <,<... Doesn't make sense unless Jenkins was made into an Hologram like Grim always uses, then its possible.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2009 13:41:29)

It's magic!!! :O:

That will be explained in the next chapter :o

Shreder -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2009 22:28:47)

Yay new chapter! *runs off to read*.....................*comes back*

Not your best chapter, but still good. [;)]

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/29/2009 5:03:13)

@Pie: That is impossible. As you said in the chapter there was a anti magic barrier around it together with a magitech. Ha(Or something with those words before used in this sentence and this makes it longer with out any meaning.)

ringulreith -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/30/2009 0:16:32)

Can I, Pie?


I can't say that was your best chapter, but eh, still good

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/30/2009 20:01:41)

Not meh best chapter!!! D:

Great, now you people just got Grim and Necro to start up their own talk show at the start of the next chapter JUST to explain what happened. Thanks a whole bunch. :P

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/30/2009 20:59:11)

well, unless you do something about "when you create a staflan your "reviving" someone" or something like "your creating life/ a monster" then it dosent make sence, you had both barriers there >>

Gianna Glow -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/30/2009 20:59:53)

Well, it was ok, but kinda confusing actually. I had a hard time following. My advice, Pie, is to read it aloud and see if it makes sense another time around. dont be afraid of major editting to fix individual chapters if you're not happy.

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/1/2010 14:20:49)

@Pie: No problem at all! We all love you. Thats why we torture you by that stuff.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/1/2010 17:20:46)

Redo the chapter? Nonsense, I'm far too busy/lazy to redo an entire chapter, It's much easier to make up for it in the next chapter :D

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/1/2010 17:44:27)

Here's a preview of the coming chapter, i.e., the explination!


Chapter 28

“Hi everyone! This is everyone’s favorite Reaper, Grim! I’m here sitting in a studio type setting on a special director’s chair that you often see when actors come out to talk to the audience about an important issue!”

“And I’m Necro, also sitting in a similar chair! If you’re wondering why we’re telling you this, it’s because we’re doing this scene without the Narrator/Author knowing about it, so we don’t have any thing outside of quotes at our disposal right now, sorry for the inconvenience!”

“Now, some of you may know that this story was constructed one chapter at a time as part of an online ongoing story, so you may notice that some of the chapters are of better quality then others, isn’t that right Necro?”

“That’s right Grim! Well, we’ve gotten a few comments from certain readers that the last chapter just wasn’t as good as the other chapters. Since our Narrator/Author is far too busy/lazy to overhaul an entire chapter, we decided we would intervene to try to make up for certain things,”

“See, the last chapter, unlike previous chapters, was written sort of half and half. The first half was written at the start of November, but the Author didn’t get a chance to finish up the chapter until later after Christmas. Thus, you’ll notice a discontinuity in the chapter as the Author was in a different mindset during the second half then the first half.”

“Grim is indeed correct, however we’ll also admit that our Author somewhat hit a road block towards the end, but needed to get the chapter up anyways, so that explains why the shenanigans got shot to heck in a hand basket. You may completely blame him for that one… and Grim, cause Grim just failed there. And seriously Grim, what was up with Jenkins? There was an anti-magic field AND a tech inhibitor in the room!”

“Didn’t you people pay ANY attention to the anti-magic fields the Paladins were using? They had special devices that allow them to use magic inside anti-magic fields! Jenkins had such a device on him!”

“Doesn’t that negate the purpose of anti-magic…”

“WHAT ARE Y’ALL DOING??!!” a mysterious godly voice boomed.

“Crud, he’s awake, gotta run! See y’all later!!!” Grim and Necro said together as they vamoosed out of the studio room.

“I am terribly sorry about these hooligans messing up the story… rest assured that if I get around to revamping the previous chapter, these antics WILL be removed… and they will be punished severely… Please carry on with the story” the mysterious godly voice assured.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/1/2010 21:22:02)

Didnt u say ONLY the paladins had those antimagic/tech shield blocker thingies? not the reapers?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/1/2010 21:23:53)

The Paladins aquired their technology from.... outside sources. Grim managed to borrow one just for that occasion on loan from the FCPA.

Don't ask how he did it, it's a long story <.< >.>

Snake XZ -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/1/2010 21:31:51)

You said how he got the stuff. He's got connections all over the fictional omniverse. And yes, I knew how Jenkins operated in the field before this chapter since I payed attention to the badge part where they enable magic to work. Also, couldn't they just WALK OUT of the field, since the don't inhibit people from leaving?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/1/2010 21:37:08)

@Snake- The doors were locked. Apparantly I need to add more stuff to this intro then <.< >.>

*moogle goes and does so*

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