Ianthe -> Aria (2/18/2010 16:40:03)
Aria Guest Location: Insectozards! SnuggleFest 2012: Blackhawke's Black Heart Upkeep: 0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375*Level + 0.01125*Level^2) SP, rounded normally Damage: **Base: 1.14125 * 0.3 * (4 + 0.5*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage **Random: 1.14125 * 0.3 * (13 + 1.25*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage **Stat: [1.14125 * 1.875 * 0.6 * (100 + Level*4.4)] % BTH: [Level/4], rounded down ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]% Rate at -66 CHA: 67% Rate at 0 CHA: 100% ATTACK #1 Hits: 4 Type: Melee; Melee; Magic; Magic Element: Earth; Earth; Light; Light Damage: 12.5% Base, Random, and Stats damge each BTH: +0 plus Stats Effect: You heal HP and MP equal to 60% of the total damage done on all four attacks (as long as the total damage is greater than 0). Rate: 50% ATTACK #2 Hits: 4 Type: Ranged Element: Water Damage: 25% Base, Random, and Stats damage each BTH: +0 plus Stats Rate: 50% [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Pets-Guests/AriaGuest.jpg[/image] Image courtesy of Dragoon23.