War of the Clans! (Full Version)

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Scakk -> War of the Clans! (4/1/2010 9:16:37)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > War of the Clans!
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > War of the Clans!
Prerequisite: Level 54

War of the Clans!

Paxus: To Paxia you have come, and in chaos it has been thrown. The Clan Leaders have vanished into the mists.
Paxus: A shield have I found. May it be yours to protect you from harm in the comming struggle!

  • Get Shield
  • Skip

    If you choose 'Get Shield' a shop opens and you can buy Chaos/Unity Shield

    War Camp
    War Camp 2

  • One of the other clans did this! I will fight them!
    • Choose to allign yourself with chaos and battle the other clans!
      This choice will be remembered and affect your character in the future!

    • Go back
  • Only the Devourer could have done this! We must find and battle his forces!
    • Choose to allign yourself with the forces of Unity and join forces with other clans to battle the Devourer's Network!
      This choice will be remembered and affect your character in the future!

    • Go back
  • Battle for the Weapons of Salvation
    «Full heal after the second battle»

    Servant of The'Galin: Unity has actually won! Astonishing. None the less the confusion and division that this war has demonstrated has been most instructive. I thank you for your assistance.
    You: Who are you? What do you mean assistance? Where are our clan leaders?
    Servant of The'Galin: As to your assistance. Your assistance in annhilating your fellow man. We could hardly have done a better job then your own fighting among yourself has done.
    Servant of The'Galin: Do please continue your infighting. You and I will meet again. Of that you can be sure.

    The Clan leaders appear

    Geoto: We shall destroy you for imprisoning us.
    Servant of The'Galin: Will you now? ... as much as I would love to stay around for that, I do have business in other places. The`Galin's work is never done.

    The Servant of The'Galin disappears

    Paxus: This is precisely what I warned of.
    Negatus: It is why we exist as a duality.
    Paxus: The work of the calamity.
    Negatus: The agents of the Devourer are here.
    Noctros: It is clear to us that if we are to survive we must do something.
    Lucius: I cannot agree more, old friend.
    Aerodu: This is as I feared. My people barely survived the Devourer's LAST coming. I thought by joining like-minded others I could ensure my clan's survival.
    Glaciar: The key to such, I believe, is indeed a coming together - but it is more than we can accomplish alone. We need more than the like-minded.
    Dynamo: It seems that if we do not stand together we may never survive at all.
    Igneox: The problem is intractable. We cannot unite everyone. We cannot even unify within a single clan.
    Geoto: If I may be so bold ... I believe the answer lies in an obvious place. We leave it to our members to choose individually.
    Nautica: Will that not divide us from within even more dramatically??

    Falerin appears

    Paxus: He was here, Loremaster, just as you warned.
    Falerin: I am sorry to see that our warning did not arrive soon enough.
    Negatus: The clan leaders suggest allowing the individual to choose.
    Paxus: They are concerned that this may promote more division within the clans.
    Falerin: We cannot force an idea on people. Their course is indeed the wisest one. Yes, individually the clans may devide. However, the number of those who unify will hopefully be enough.
    Falerin: I have spoken to some on the matter and I believe that it shall be. It is bound to be better then the situation we have now.
    Paxus: Indeed.
    Negatus: The wisdom of this cannot be denied. The fact that people must always be free to choose is, after all, the nature of my presence.
    Falerin: I wish you luck in your efforts.
    You: I wish me luck too!

    Shop opens and you can buy Edge of Unity (5/15/30/45/60/70/80/90)

  • Replay
  • Return to Town

    Entry thanks to ZzlzhtT. Correction from Z.324.

  • Ianthe -> RE: War of the Clans! (6/27/2011 1:17:31)

    Monster Lists

    Path of Unity
    Fight for A Clan
    These all use the similar monster lists. However, you can't fight a monster of the same element that you're fighting for. (For example, you can't fight Earth monsters if you're fighting for Geoto.) For convenience's sake, the monster's elements are also listed.

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