=Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Baron -> =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (4/4/2010 21:45:49)

Cross-Clan Communications: If you are from an opposing clan and you'd like to speak with diplomats from the home clan, please use this thread. WARNING: Be nice and respectful. Do not curse, flame, or antagonize one another.

Comprehensive Forum Rules and Clan Rules apply to each thread. Please see the Clan Rules and Information Thread for important information.


Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (4/12/2010 14:16:52)

Hola, friends of the Fire community.

As you perhaps know already, Nocturu is attacked by Kabak from Frostvale (Fusion result of Zorbak and Kabroz), and he plan on taking Nocturu for himself. I know we had no opportunity to really prove we are allies, but I would like our long friends from the Fire could help in this war. The Nocturans would be grateful if you help us, and would repay the favor.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (4/13/2010 20:48:08)


As you perhaps know already, Nocturu is attacked by Kabak from Frostvale (Fusion result of Zorbak and Kabroz), and he plan on taking Nocturu for himself. I know we had no opportunity to really prove we are allies, but I would like our long friends from the Fire could help in this war. The Nocturans would be grateful if you help us, and would repay the favor.

Of course we do...we're completely up to date in all Paxia related news *Look around*..."Guys, is the Frostvale event still going on? We're in April! I thought it had long ended..."

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (4/14/2010 13:39:07)

@Sacchi: Well, activity picks a a LITTLE bit down at the castle, because of the attack event. Otherwise, it's still as dead as before. All the good old Nocturans left except me.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (4/14/2010 15:06:08)

And you better not leave! Or I won't be able to recognize anybody from Nocturu at all. I miss Damani T_T

Balu -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/26/2010 15:26:48)

Hello to all Igneus clansmen out there! Stopped by to see how you are all doing and ask what are the current diplomatic relation between Geoto and Igneus, `cause me is curious. Oh yeah, I also made you a little something: http://i47.tinypic.com/28iaix3.jpg.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/26/2010 15:28:04)

*Millions of multitudes of Moogles mob Igneus with glee and joy and tiny torches*



the random warrior -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/26/2010 15:30:54)

w00t! Moogle party!! Hi UPP. [8D]

@Bal: ....That should be our mascot.

We're doing fine. Trying out best to raise activity levels. We're hoping that this new location will give us more freedom in which we can raise activity.


Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/27/2010 1:23:27)

This place seems to be better than before for recruiting and activity. It makes looks us more like clans than a different part of AQ (which could be true, but the old location was more making us look like so rather than clans).

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/27/2010 14:14:47)

IMO, it makes us look as we're no longer part of AQ. It's like they finally forgot us. And I think the Houses is worse than Paxia. I mean, I made a comment on all of their CCC's and I've only gotten a single post in reply, which I'm not sure if it's supposed to be serious or not. If they had done a post in Paxia to say hi, I bet we would have already answered them by now :P

The only one that came was Red Blizzard to say hi here.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/27/2010 16:04:30)

I haven't considered about this, but what you say makes sense. Perhaps the y finally got tired of us Paxians and dumped us somewhere else to be forgotten. A shame...

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/27/2010 16:33:23)

They haven't entirely forgotten about us, there are still the huge promises of Falerin.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/27/2010 16:56:31)

That's the word "Eventually" that I fear in his post.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/27/2010 17:12:20)

Hehe, same reaction here, I also stopped reading for a few seconds after reading "Eventually".

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 12:58:49)

I wonder if some of you guys play AQWorlds these days.

I thought of doing a clan named The Paxian Coalition in the game. Not sure if it could work though

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 16:29:51)

I haven't signed in in ages, but we all have accounts in AQW.

Maureu -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 16:59:10)

That sems to be where all the activity is these days.
AE is like a mack daddy with their games now, and AQ is definately the 50-year-old who wears too much make-up he's lost favour with.

Drell, I miss everyone. I really hoped we would get some activity while I was gone.
Ah, at least you guys seem to be faring better than us. *Tips hat* ...
Then again, isn't everyone?

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 17:11:58)

Heh, nah, I think Nautica is more dead than you guys.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 21:17:00)

Which surprises me much. We only got our CCC thread (revived by Maureu).

Maureu -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 21:37:44)

Ah, yes, thank you, thank you, you're too kind, hold the applause.

...I really want to go bug Nautica now, mainly because there is no one there to protest!
Oh, but Igneus actual has people. Er, Sacchi and FK. And Max.

the random warrior -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 21:44:48)

And me. Hey there.


Sarriya -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 1:40:19)

There's more people than them.
We're just quiet.
Or lazy.
Or away.
Or 'away'.

Poetic Melody -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 8:24:32)

We lurk.

I lurk, but I post occasionally. *shrug*

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 16:11:54)

My guess is you based the name list off of recent posts right?

Well, PM's right alot of us do lurk.


Maureu -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 20:56:25)

No, just the one's I saw yesterday. Two threads combined. :D
But yeah, sadly, I do that alot too. Especially to Glacian.

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