RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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masterwolfie -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 4:38:40)

On behalf of the Lucian clan as the Head of army.

It's my duty to inform you that if you want to renew our past treaty between our two clans, which was an Alliance between Lucian and Igneus. Then please post the treaty on either the public cross-clan communications thread or the private one located here. Failure to do so will leave our clans at a neutral standing.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 11:47:14)

Sigmund told me about this on the weekend. I basically replied that ever since the'Galin saga which said that alliances were all division and not sure what more, making alliances isn't worth it really. It'd just be a forum-only agreement, nothing more. It would be meaningless too, I'm not sure anything would really change if we say "Igneus and Lucian are allies now".

That's my opinion. Any other Igneis wanna give their opinions?

Maureu -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 15:01:44)

*Lights self on fire*
Yes, me! I agree, but it is nice to maintain out of courtesy and...if we...ever...get active....

Poetic Melody -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 16:04:56)

I agree, it won't help much. Still, the absolute tiny help can't hurt us.

So either way is fine with me.


masterwolfie -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 16:32:59)

If we take past events into question. The moment we made the Alliance there was less loss of points for both clans.
And actually a treaty on the forum still can turn the tides if we take events in the early days of this paxia war.

But I understand your point.

the random warrior -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 17:34:51)

Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but we no longer care about the war at the moment. We see no point in fighting a useless battle. This war has been going on for months and ever since it started, nothing changed. Unless there will be a reason for us to fight in the future, we have no cause to worry about it.


Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 19:14:21)

Months? More like a year and a half, IIRC.

Sarriya -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 20:01:04)

Basically way too long for most to care.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 21:00:58)

SI: Feels like a lot more than that.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 23:36:28)

Yes, only because after a few months Paxia was quickly forgotten about. So much for all the cool updates and revival huh?

I believe the war started the end of January 2009/February 2009.

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/4/2010 20:54:48)

Woo! More than one whole year of pointless killing!


Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/5/2010 0:55:16)

That's right. I think it's been almost a year since the fabled war counter reset was supposed to occur as well. Ha.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/5/2010 10:46:51)

Let us take a moment to remember every innocent creature we have killed, in vain, since it has not affected any result in this ever-lasting war.

Maureu -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/5/2010 20:59:47)

Those freaking light-bringers arn't innocent....

....But yes, let's remember the innocents. The good, the bad, the tasty...

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/6/2010 0:25:09)

*Thinks of how tasty those Sun Beams were*

Uh yeah, I'll give them a thought.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/20/2010 8:08:04)

Good work on the Igneus Defense. The Eternal flame is still burning....[:D]

Shadow Master37 -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 13:35:11)

I leave for a few months and look what happens to my beloved clan. *Sigh* Oh well I will start rebuilding.

Maureu -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/18/2011 21:53:57)

Aw man, this thread is so old. Do other clans just not love you anymore? Because I do. If the "you" that know me are still here...
...Aside from this thread, how are you all?

masterwolfie -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/19/2011 5:55:50)

Aww. Paxian love right there people.

Sarriya -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/20/2011 18:31:40)

Well, the reason that nobody posts here anymore is probably because none of the members here really care anymore. I get the feeling a lot of them ditched the place for greener pastures (although when I think about it Igneus' would probably be cruddy and burnt in it's prime-time anyways).

BWNocturne -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/21/2011 13:12:05)

Oh you're still alive Sarriya, haven't seen you on the PPF for a long time.
I'd rather think Igneus would be crispy in it's prime time.

Sarriya -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/22/2011 1:46:08)

Yeah, I got overwhelmed by my insecurities, kinda let things slip.

Better now for the most part. Busy but better.

BWNocturne -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (5/22/2011 7:25:33)

Glad to hear things are going better now.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (7/3/2013 2:38:13)

Wow its been over 2 years since anyone posted here, I am just here to congratulate Igneus on its revival efforts; it looks like a promising start.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (7/3/2013 2:44:55)

Thank you; I see you and your clanmates of Geoto managed to remain steadfast, unwavering, and unaffected by the passage of time you must impart upon us your secrets ;). Hopefully our spark will rage into the raging inferno that it once was, anyhow, we look forward to discussing our relations once our government has been settled.

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