RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (7/3/2013 2:48:23)

Well we took an active role in the Paxia ultimate conquest game, which gave us something to do and discuss as a clan, other than that what held the few remaining Geotians together is sheer determination. I wouldn't say we were unaffected by the passage of time though.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (8/3/2013 5:07:53)

Hello, Igneus, the clan of my favourite element and my 2nd favourite clan! I'm from Aerodu clan to send greetings to this clan! Looks like Igneus and Aerodu are unofficially becoming allies, atleast according to the 8/8/8 clan thread.

Hollow Knight -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (8/3/2013 11:46:47)

Hello! Well that's all fine and great but at this time it remains unofficial since it was no made by the clans official diplomats if they would like pursue a official alliance that would be great and we would be all for it.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (8/4/2013 14:45:57)

We probably could try to make it official during of before the next war. Well, if enough people agree.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (8/5/2013 14:20:39)

@Frost Moglin, I hate to sound mean but you are not in a position in your clan to be attempting to create treaties with other clans; I would recommend consulting your Diplomatic Council and Clan Head before trying to form "official" alliances.

xXHaWkZXx -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (12/21/2013 5:58:25)

Hello people of the igneus clan! This is hello from your polar opposites Glacius.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (12/23/2013 23:40:42)

Greetings Hawk, from the sole remaining survivor of the Igneus clan.

Seth Hydra -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (12/24/2013 5:05:58)

I wouldnt say Sole... Hey there Hawkz!! :)

Hollow Knight -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (12/26/2013 0:02:24)

We're around. Hello Hawkz

Seth Hydra -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (11/5/2015 16:06:06)

Any Igneus clansmen still exist? Or am I the only one?

The Last Swordsman of Igneus. Gotta admit its got a ring to it!

SIGMUND -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (11/27/2015 7:59:03)

Hello Last Swordsman of Igneus.
I'm not Igneus, but maybe I am the Last Guardian of Lucian?
Unfortunately The Paxia Clans are fairly quiet now. There was supposed to be an official revival sometime two years ago, but The staff never finished the in-game stuff properly.

A restart of the Clan Defense numbers each month would have given us something to do and could have kept us going.
But new Paxia content is unlikely now that Flash is being replaced.

I think the staff have more profitabe things to work on now.
AQ 3D being the obvious one. [;)]

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (10/8/2019 20:20:26)

Last post 2015, I guess nostalgia is all that runs around here.

(Email me if you want to talk)

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (10/15/2023 6:17:33)

Wasn’t expecting my comment from 2019 to be the last one 🙈

Kilvakar -> RE: =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications (10/27/2023 19:09:07)

I know the feeling, lol!

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