=AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (Full Version)

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Captain Rhubarb -> =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (5/19/2010 14:12:36)

The payment system for SMS mobile phone payments for Artix Points is available now.

The amount of Points you get for payments is matched to the amount of money for the payment minus some of the fees that the phone carriers charge us.

The currency exchange rates between local currencies, Euros, and US dollars also affect the Points.

For the full list of countries and Cell Phone carriers:

We have very limited control over the exact pricing tiers that are available for each country for phone and SMS payments.
We are just able to give a fair amount of Points for the amount of money that you spend.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Mobile Phone SMS (5/19/2010 18:04:10)

Allopass also has a payment system which allows buying Points using a regular "land line" telephone. (not a mobile phone)

You call a "premium" pay-per call phone number.
In the U.S. these are called 900 numbers.

The amount of Points you get depends on the payment cost, currencies exchanges, etc.

IMPORTANT: You must be age 18 or older to use this method of payment.
So please get your parents to call if you are under 18.
(or even better, ask them to pay using a credit card or PayPal instead of using the 900 phone method)

"Pay by Home Phone" Available in the following countries:

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (5/23/2010 15:37:34)

In the Philippines:

If you have Globe GCASH phone, try using PayMo.

If you can not use PayMo, try this:

* Setup an account at www.CherryCredits.com
* Use LoadCentral to add money to your CherryCredits wallet using your mobile phone.
* Use the CherryCredits payment method to buy BattleOn Points using your cherry credits wallet.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (11/17/2010 16:40:27)

We have added PayMo to our cell phone payment options.

List of countries for PayMo:

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (11/26/2010 17:21:17)

The mobile phone companies set the limits, and they are different limits around the world.

They also each set how much of a fee they collect for every SMS message.

In Indonesia, they collect 33% of the money you pay.
And also 33% goes to local government for taxes.

Captain Rhubarb left this post in AEGD on Sept 7, 2012 (The quoted post can be found below this colored text~Dnw

Bad news:
The Allopass SMS Mobile payment option is no longer available for several countries.
This affects the payment system on our Artix Points "Portal" web site.

Good news:
We are working on exclusive deals with BOKU SMS payments.
The new deals will help increase the amount of Artix Points you get when purchasing using Boku.

If you have been using Allopass, please try using Boku now.

If you have problems with Boku, please let us know, and what exact problems you have.

If Allopass was the ONLY way you could pay for Artix Points, please let us know of other Pay Systems that do work for you.
What good pay systems are we missing?

Kosefira -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/12/2010 7:56:53)

I have just deleted a lot of double posts, spam, off topic chat and all capital posts.

Double posting is now allowed
Spam is not allowed
Off topic chat is not allowed
Posting in all capitals is not allowed

Refer to the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules for more information.

runer -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/23/2010 8:17:00)

If anyone can give me a quick answer , i would appreciate it :

Well , as many might know , i am from Palestine (AKA : Palestinian Territories , Occupied) . Anyway , I wish to buy BP using Mobile SMS's , but it says the service is NOT available for Palestine , so i checked with Captain Rhubarb , who told me that the service might be available for Palestine next year .

The issue here is , i am capable of using Israeli based Mobile phones , and thus i can buy BP , but can someone tell me WHICH Israeli Cell Phone provider companies are capable of using "PayMo" ?

I don't wish to spend credits here and there trying to figure out the correct list .

So my question is basically : "What Israeli Cell Phone company provider allows PayMo?" Like in the US , Version , AT&T and those guys.

Thanks alot :D .

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/23/2010 14:38:44)

You can try using PayMo, and select Israel as your country.
When you enter in your cell phone number, it will check to make sure that number belongs to a cell provider that is compatible.

iSiix -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/25/2010 8:25:54)

Can I use cherry credits? for getting a membership acc? i am in the philippines

and is cherry creditss more easier than gcash?

runer -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/25/2010 13:01:26)

@Captain Rhubarb :

So there is no way to check which Service providers are acceptable ? I mean , i was planning onto buying a fully new SIM card , and filling it with credit , since my parents lost the old chip .

I just don't want to pay 10$ for a SIM , and another 20$ for enough credits to buy a 20$ package of BP , and then ending up using the wrong service provider .

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/25/2010 17:16:54)

I can not find an official list of providers compatible with Israel.
You can 'request support' from here for more info:

You can buy BattleOn Game Points using Cherry Credits, and then spend the BattleOn Points to buy ANY artix game upgrade.

squall leonharts,
I am really sorry about the price change for Venezuela.
The amount of coins was way too much compared to how much players were paying for them.
Try to find another way to pay.
SMS is just not a good way to pay. The cell phone and governments collect too much taxes.

devilking5 -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/5/2011 6:56:06)

I Live in Dubai and for my region I have to spend AED20.00 for 960 BP's.I have used this feature twice,first time it went perfectly but the second time I received the normal amount of BP's but i spent AED40.00,twice the amount.I noticed this when i tried to buy BP's for the third,it showed me I don't have enough money in my mobile.I really don't care if I do not get the money back but I would like to at least get the points.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/5/2011 11:26:47)

I think what happens is that PayMo does two sets of AED10.00 to make one AED20.00 purchase.
Check your phone account web site to see what you actually paid.
If you still think there is a problem, contact PayMo.

devilking5 -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/6/2011 10:26:04)

Thnx Cap,it worked I contacted paymo and got the points.

Gibby -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (2/16/2011 5:28:01)

I just thought it worth mentioning that with the paymo system you do get charged for the SMS you send to the company to confirm, so make sure you allow for that. In saying that I used to use allopass and would get 800 points for AU$5. I get 920 points for AU$5.25. so no complaints about the new option.[:)]

Lanisaaurr -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (2/24/2011 16:13:20)

New Zealand
Hmm, I've used Paymo a lot of times before.
Suddenly it isn't available to my country.. This is really annoying since my Mom won't let me use her card.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (2/28/2011 10:33:04)

For New Zealand,
Do you have an "EB Games" store near you?
If yes, check to see if they have any Ultimate Game Cards for sale.
Those can be used for getting BattleOn Points.

Kafei -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/19/2011 1:23:22)

I personally do not like the new Battleon Points system, usually when I paid AU$3.00 I would get 600 AC and that was fine as just a top up to my AC levels. However, now, I get 920 BP's. I'm not complaining that that isn't enough, it just isn't a good system as now I have to repeat it at least 3 times in order to get enough BP's to buy an AC pack. I don't want to be buying so many AC's for that much money. I'd prefer to be able to pay $3.00 to get some AC's to use as opposed to spending $15 dollars to get a lot more.

Basically; I want to be able to spend a little chunk in order to get a few AC's as opposed to paying over and over to get enough BP's to buy an AC pack. If you follow...

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/19/2011 3:39:47)

I understand your concern. We may someday have a simple 1:1 conversion of BP to AC available for any amount.

But for now, did you know that currently you can spend just 500 BP to get 500 AdventureCoins?
Or 1000 BP to get 1000 AC ?

amazinggrace -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/19/2011 11:05:54)

since im planning to purchase an upgrade in the near future
im planning to use this pay mo option(G Cash) in the Philippines
so heres my concern since im planning to buy 4580 Battle points = P1000($20 more or less)
and since its an international transaction do i have to pay for the taxes and other fees involve?..

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/19/2011 14:11:48)

The price shown for PayMo usually includes the taxes and fees.

IceCold -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/19/2011 15:27:56)

In my country, Estonia, this is the only way appearentely. Thanks to this I got my favorite armors:P THANKS AE:D

Kafei -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/19/2011 17:49:03)

@Captain Rhubarb: I didn't actually, I realise now and ended up using that method, however it wasn't listed so I wasn't aware that that was a possibility. It only had the three main options to choose from. Thanks Cap'n.

Tiago X -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (4/9/2011 18:14:45)

@ Cap Rhubard: In Portugal, I used to pay 2/sms for 500AC's. Now I can only buy BP's through sms? That sucks.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (4/10/2011 10:21:32)

You can buy 500 AC's for 500 Points.
Or save up your Points and get a larger AC package.

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