RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (Full Version)

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chadrizard -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 4:31:25)

Cloud! (what Stroud?!)
Clouds, yay!
Thanks :)
How did you get into that position?
Forum Support > FAQ has the answers :P
Kisses Feet.
Am i a king? Awesome!
Casts OBLIVION! (7001 Damage! Hack above the limit!)
Jealousy setting in.
Sowwy :(
Well, happy birthday Pacman!
Yep, Happy bday to him!
and, again, congratulations [;)]

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 4:58:11)

Hullo too!
Are you Chinese?
Not last time i checked.
Do you like lions?
I do actually. they're rawrific.
Fancy potatoes for your meal?
Yes please!
Chocolate for dessert?
Click on my sig to read my story. Tell me what you think of it?
Very good! :D

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 5:19:32)

Hi Drakeh.
Yay! thanks
its time for questions....
Awesome, bring them on.
Awww :'(

Infinite Shadow -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 7:51:19)

You have your own thread now? :P
Yep! Nice isn't it.
Congrats on getting AK-ship, it must be soooo borrringggg :o
Thanks, boring? no no no. Lots of fun :D
Anyways, what do you mainly do in AQGD?
Browse topics, check for rule breaking and make sure everything is good!
Favourite sport?
If you were to have a pet turtle or a pet clownfish what would it beee?
A clownfish!!! they're awesome.

Asatsu -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 8:04:07)

Jello Digi! (no typos on this line)
Jello! Woo!
You're an AK now and are happy. True or False or Partially True and/or False?
100% true. I love having the responsibility and opportunity that this gives.
Accuracy or Power?
Accuracy. Love my Ranged weapons <3
Are you jelious of Mystical Warrior's victories and "One-Man-Army" power in AQ wars?
A little yes ;)
Favorite pizza toppings?
Ham and Pineapple or Pepperoni.
Pick one: Cookie, Cake, or Pie?
Cake :D
Squareroot of Pi?
I couldn't tell you.
Pi squared?
Isn't that the same thing as above?
<<Deletes over 9000 other impossible impractical math problems and other weird strange questions>>
Well, you said 10 lines so this is the 10th. Congratz & Good luck at being an AK... stay sane now [;)]
Thanks! Sane, haha! I lost it ages ago.
~Asatsu (yes, its an 11th line, but it has no question)

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 8:14:40)

Hey digital x is your aqw name called same too becasue if i not wrong on mythsong few day ago i saw you
digitalx is my in-game name, so yes you could of possibly seen me then.
anyway congratz on your title no question
got to go now bye!
Cya later liang.

necrolich66 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 8:24:27)

i am a bit late [>:][:D]
Better late than never.
congrats again for AKship
i hope you'll have fun with your AKship
I am already :P

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 8:31:02)

I leave for 5 days and they recruit another one?!
I know, lots of new AK's recently.
Well, congratulations with being ArchKnighted Digital X.
What is your favourite forum?
I think my title says it all :D
What is your favourite AE game?
Tie between AQ and AQWorlds.
Will you promise not to abuse your powers and only use them in a responsible way?
Of course.
Who promoted you?
Scakk offered the position, and Elnaith did the "Archknighting" if you can call it that.
Good luck!


JoeSkippy -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 8:32:01)

I've never seen so many Arcknights in one thread! It's like an army has been unleashed!
Loads of us! AK Army gooo!

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 8:51:34)

Hi Digi.
Hiya robo.
I like Pie.
Me too! Aweome!
Ready for some Q&A?
Yep, as allways.
Will this answer to this be No? <That be the Question
Yes/No. ;)

Khimera -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 8:52:44)

Hey Digi ^_^
Khimera, yay!
I can't think of any questions, so I'll just say congratulations.
That's fine with me! and thanks.
Oh, also, have a cookie *gives Digi a cookie*
For me? Wow! *Slowly noms the cookie.

Raven Mac Drake -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 9:31:42)

Yippie ya yo Digi!
Hello there!
Gratz and have fun [:D]
Thanks and i will do!

Balu -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 9:42:21)

Hello there Digi. Congrats on your AKship!
Hi balu, thanks!
Is it keeping you busy?
It sure is.
Is this new power intoxicating?
I'm coping fine, little overwhelming to start.
Do you like the rain?
I do, actually.
Favorite music?
Metallica! \m/
Of what should a rainbow taste like?
Do you like chocolate?
Like any quotes in particular?
None come to mind :/
I am happy to see you an AK and keep up the good work!
Will do, thanks again!

Aryes Twin -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 10:05:15)

Hi Digital X :D
Hi Ayres!
How did you discover Adventure Quest?
From a mate at school.
Do you play MechQuest too and what do you think about it?
Play it few times a week, and i think it's quite good.
Whats your favourite food and drink?
A Subway and a Sprite!
Ohhh I see you like Metallica too, nice. :D
Whats your favourite song from Metallica?
Thats all I had hf Digital :)

CommanderHawke -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 10:15:34)

Greetings And Salutations!
Hi Jacob5.
SIDRAT! It sounds funny.
2. Is it better to play IRL sports, or Wii Sports?
Both if you enjoy it.
3. Is it better : Matt Smith or David Tennant
David Tennant, never heard of Matt Smith.
4. Nintendo Wii or Playstation?
Wii for sure.
5. Best Thingy ever made on Planet earth of the Solarius Systemius
6. Simpsons or Two and a half men
Two and half men, it's great.
7. Blahh or Gahh?
8. What is best Number
9. Google or B.I.N.G (bing is not google) XD
Google. Bing annoys me..
10. Flahh or Pahh?

Aussenseiter -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 10:18:49)

Hi digidigi-chan!
Firs of all, congrats!
Thanks a lot!
Second, official mtak thread!
Sorry for being so rough on you on earlier times. :(
Hey, it's ok. Let by gones be by gones :)
Yay! I'm cool [8D]
Well, good luck, and have a good time being an AK.
Will do thanks.
I would offer cookies, but it's so passé. Haha xD.

Artimus -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 10:59:27)

Digi, well-deserved, i might say! congratulations on being an AK!
Thank you!
you realise im afraid of you now? O_o
:O Am i that scary?
square root of pie or cake?
steak or ribs(pork or beef, doesn't matter :P)?
Steak :P
how do you get your war wins? sheesh!
I'm tempted to ask Mystical the same thing, even I don't know!
You are like the demi0god when it comes to war wins!
that's all for now, bye!
*insert randomly funny farewell here*

Langste Nacht -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 11:07:55)

It's been a week already?
Yep it has, which i why i made this :)
Gotten anymore stuff to do aside from that signature removal yet?
Quotes, siggys and a few deletions.
I don't think I'm following rule number 4 yet! What are you gonna do about it? >:D
I'm going to MAKE you have fun!
Well, I'll add to this when I have more to say...
*Thinking motion...this is how I think...*

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 11:17:05)

:O!, its Digital X!
:O It's Tokijin!
Congratulation on your Archknightesisinisingnessiss.
So, want a cookie?
I'm full from the others, you have it ^_^
Well too bad, I haz ate it already.
That was quick..
But wait, I haz another in my pocket!
*Yoink. wait, why do you have a cookie in your pocket? XD
Here you go! /gives cookie, but no nomnomnominng!
Fine, i shall.. peck at it instead! *peckpeckpeck.
Wait, yes you can nom.
I pecked it already :O
Ok I'm done, mission complete.
Well done! Report to Q for further missions.
Bye for now!
Cya, *hands Tokijin a bunny.

Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 11:19:07)

Well hello there!
Shire!! Hi.
I won't say congratulations. I will shake your hand ^_^
*shakeshake SNAP. Woops. Sorry!
Best day of your life?
No idea..
Biggest hope?
To own a company of some sort.
Favorite country?
Doctor Who? (Google if you must)
Don't like it :(
They're comfy! :D
Most difficult sport?
Hardest thing you have done?
Not sure to be honest.
Least favorite books?
Terry Pratchett.
Your most memorable 'wait; what?!' moment?
Not sure on that either :P
Alright, I'm done :D Remember Digital X, with moderate powers comes moderate accountability. No wait...

Phlox Lover -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 11:27:46)

I'll look forward to it.
(how do u become AK/?)
Forum Support FAQ holds the answer!
lets see how u match up to ME....
Lady Gaga?
Not even slightly :/
Guitar Hero?
Yes! Love it.
Really bad metaphoric screamo?
A what now? O.o
It takes great!
Being above lvl 100?
Uh huh.
Not my favourite i must say.
Yay! *snuggles
Big n' nasty creatures! *hides

Spy -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 11:39:06)

First off, congratulations on the promotion!
Thanks Spy!
Hopefully the new shackles don't hurt too bad ;s
They're a little tight, someone needs to losen them.
Finally good luck on all your endeavors.
Thanks again!

ringulreith -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 13:04:34)


*supersnuggletackles Digi for good measure*
*snuggles back too.

Well, congratulations again!

How're all those shiny buttons?
Confsuing at first, but i'm getting more used to them.

What colour be dem shackles?
Rainbow :O

You don't like Pratchet's books? o.O Why?
Just could never really follow them well or understand it.

What browser do you use?
Google Crome/I.E. 8 depends what PC i'm using.

Well, that's all for now. Grats again!
Cya around. P.S. cheers for the colour and italics tags!

Shiny shin -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 13:06:02)

Lol Remember me :-)
Kind of, but no not really. Got the same avatar as "waz up" had.
I wonder what happened to our teepol forums?
Probably got lost in the world wide intawebz
Any sports?
Im a Ninja[sm=costumed-smiley-049.gif] How bout you?
@@@ :) I'm Marge Simpson. (Kind of works.)
Well BYE!!!

Sephiroth -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 13:37:22)

Hello hello hello heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllloooooooooooooo!!! Digi :P
Hi hi hi hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!! Seph :P
Grats on becoming a AK i only saw this thread naw lols.
Thanks! Didn't make it that long ago, so that's why :P
Anyways....Doom or Flowers?
Can i have Doom flowers?
Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry or....God of War?
Final Fantasy, it's astonishing.
Undead Bananas vs Artix! who would win?
Undead Bananas would easily beat Artix, YARLY!
Kitties or Puppies?
Kitties! *nawww, snuggles.
I am Sephiroth! the God of Lifestream!
I am Digi, the God of.. myself?
Evil or Good?
Evil! Mehehe.
Pizza or Apple?
Pizaa is yummier ^_^ But i still would eat an apple.
What are you exactly? a evil demon? there are good demons <_<
A devil making some broth i guess.
Well there's nothin else from me! see ya Digital X and have fun!
See you later Seph!

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