RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (Full Version)

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Dusknoir93 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 16:54:49)

1) Gratz on becoming an AK for AQ :o
Dusk! Hi :D and thanks.
2) Umm... this is actually my first post on the AQ Section >.>"
I always see you in AQW Forum :P Welcome to AQ Section!
3) Number 2 wasn't an actual question to you >.<"
4) Neither was 3 D:
:O :O
5) Anyways How are you?
Fine thank you.
5) When was the day when you became an AK?
Last Friday.
6) Have you ever played a game called "AQWorlds"? ;)
Hmm, no i don't think so. ;)
7) Whats your favorite color? :o
8) Did you no that I just made a face on Number 8?
I see :D (Oh look, so did i ! )
9) Ciao now! :D
Cya Dusk!
10) Its the final count down :O!, but now Ciao!!! >:D

PieLover31416 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 17:04:40)

Totally saw this coming.
You can see into the future!
1) [insert generic question here]
Erm, 42?
Well, buh-bye. Gotta go to a party, so I'll be here to pester you later. ;)
Ok, have fun! (bring meh some cake?)

GiddyPinata -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 17:18:56)

Hey Digi. I'm pretty sure I saw this promotion coming. Congratulations!
Two people can foresee the future! And thanks
Play any Pokemon?
I used too.
Live blissfully in ignorance or miserably enlightened?
Not quite sure.
Would you rather sit on a leather wheelchair for an hour in a blank room or have to have your blood sampled in a needle and have it injected back into you? (clean needle)
Probably the latter.
Minesweeper or Solitaire?
Solitaire, it's fun! (Do a certain degree)
Banana with whipped cream or spaghetti with ketchup?
Banana with whipped cream.
If you could only use three smileys for the rest of your life, what would they be?
^_^ O.o :D
Any movies you're looking forward to?
Continuation of the Saw series, also a "Joy Ride 2" if they ever continue from the first one.
Would you choose to live the rest of your life being forced to wear only green, or lose vision capabilities from one eye? If the latter, which?
Wear green.
Okay, I'm done. Have fun with your new responsibilities!

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/22/2010 19:35:13)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
I'm ready for them! and thanks :D
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
It was Scakk who stole my soul gave me the deadly task ;)
How the shackles.....what color are yours?
They're a little looser now, and they're rainbow colour!
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I'm good! (sitting on the floor so no worries about the chair :P )
Ready to play?
Am i ever!
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
I've seen you around a lot :) Oh teh noes! not the freeze D:
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
I'll send Daimyo after you! He's vicious.
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Not too much.
Does it make you look fat?
Quite a bit :O
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Pretty much just stared at the PM for a little bit [;)]
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Digi-lock! (I know, it's SO creative :P )
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQ community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Yep, i am! Cya later.

BlackAces -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 1:22:29)

I'll keep this short xD.
Fine with me!

Gratz on the AKship digi
Thanks BlackAces :)

And Why are you always so low on gold, always wanted to know that.
The real reason is i always use to buy things, and sell them when i didn't know what was better. I'm slowly learning NOT to do that now.

Anyway that's it from me. Enjoy being an AK.
I'm sure i will. Cya

oneandonlygammarai -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 3:15:13)

Gratz on thr AKship ;)
Remember my name! Gammarai!
Yes, i've seen you in AQW.
You'll see it in lights one day!
:O Hopefully as big as Blackpool illuminations?
Anywhoo, having fun AKing?
Nice shackles there? They comfy?
Very comfy.
Pink or Green?
Green! (There ya go GG, i said green :P )
Oooh. I always struggle with this is.. is it 3?
Wrong! Its window!
Pie, cake, or cookies?
Can i have all 3? :D
/e gives pie, cake and cookies
/e actually put crazy guy potion in it! Hahahahaha!
I'm already crazy!
Binary code:

I did study that at college, don't expect me to understand it now though :P

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 4:12:00)

I am back. Did you really think I would let you go that easy?
Nope! Not at all.

Music: Rock, pop, metal....?
Metal, and lots of it please.
Joy Ride.
Aq video creator?[;)] (lol)
Hmm. ;)
What is your style? (Mine evil and chaos)
Both i think, if you mean AQW.
I'll be back


Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 4:19:55)

Congratulations, Digital X! ^_^
Thanks Zy!
It was only a matter of time, to be honest. :P
I guess so!
Sorry I couldn't Post this earlier... ._.
That's ok, no worries.
Have fun power abusing, and good luck!
I will, and thanks
I'll probably speak to you some more soon. :)
Fine with me!

Equilibrium82 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 5:49:04)

1. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy!!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!
2. Nice AKship welldone!
3. Seems odd when i look at your name :)
You'll get used to it :)
4. Why "Devilish AK"?
Not sure really, i just thought the avatar and title suited ^_^
5. Battlefield or MW2?
Battlefield for sure, also MW2 is fun sometimes.
6. Where can I find a thread about the above (Q. 5) or something along those lines?
Try the Entertainment Forum.
7. Good luck!
8.Bye bye :AA:

Byesy Bye!

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 5:56:50)

Hiyas, Digi!
Hiya Silver!
Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight! ;D
No questions from me, just a congratulations and Good Luck!
That's appreciated!
See ya around. =)
You sure will.

turtledude -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 6:08:02)

Hey, Digital X!
Hi turtledude :)
Thankies ^_^
That is all.
Have fun.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 6:31:56)

Congrats Digital X!
Thanks Starry! :)
Just want to wish you luck!
By the way, did you encounter Scakk's extraordinary ninja haxxor skills yet?
There is a rumor floating around, that he is faster than his own shadow! *hides*
Knowing what Goof's like, i wouldn't be surprised :P
Once again good luck! :D
More luck? Awesome!

Black Arrow -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 6:32:57)

O. It's my first time. No not to meet an AK. TO post in an AQ forums. :O
Why X?
It sounded good?
Is pie allowed here?
Uh huh.
None of the above?
Hey look a lion!
Argh, where?
Blast, ya got me!
...No really. I hear a Lion coming.
Oh noes!
Oh look it's silver.
Eek, run!

Uh-oh. AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!(That means bye-bye. I am being chased by Silver Lion)
Oh ok, cya!
P.S. gamma-something's binary code means nothing. I hope. >_>



Please try not to page stretch, it's considered as spam. Spoiler edited

kipperkin -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 6:45:52)

Hey Digi X!
Remember me Monkey Boy? *Evil grin*
Yes >.> I'm not a monkey anymkore :P
Congratz AK!
I was too lazy to post anything on MtAKs because there are sooooo many these days.
Yep, that there are.
Enjoy AKing?
It's great thanks.
Are you gonna stop making videos now?
I have cut down recently, might make one soon.
Can I have your devil spear thing? I want it for my next video...
Noes, it's mine. *protects.

If you don't give I'll toture you with my thunder energy wave thing and my pet fox.....nah just joking...

Ok, here ya go, don't hurt meh!
What would you do if you were a rabbit?
Hop, and eat carrots.
That's all /me needs to ask you Mr. DigAK. Bye!
Ok, thanks for posting!

Dream King -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 8:40:19)

Hi Digi, gratz and stuff :)
Thanks Dream King!
You've probably seen me around here a few times
I have indeed
No need for questions, so enjoy your Akness and if you don't have fun I'll haunt you >:(
Aww ok, i will.!
Cya around,

Ranloth -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 8:55:45)

Digi =D
Hi Trans!
Gratz, seen that coming someday ^.^
3 future see-ers? Wow.
No problem (colour tags :P)
Makes it a lot easier, thanks.
I asked you before but wanna again, were you excited locking 1st thread ever? :L
The only thread i locked, needed to be deleted instead :P
How was (& still is) weekend? (;
Good so far
I had BBQ yesterday =D You?
Sadly, no.
Ok, 7th question already so time to say good-bye ;_;
PS. I'm counting on you (be a good AK) =3 xD
I will be, don't worry :)
Cya later on MSN, IRC or FB :D
MSN yes, FB yes, I'll try and come on IRC

Technomancer -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 8:59:59)

Digi! It's about time you put up a MtAK.
Techno! Yep, it's here now :)
Now, since I'm terrible at coming up with questions, I'm just going to say congrats again! :D
Fine with me, takes a while to colourise and italic every two lines :P
Edit: You could always colourise/italicize one line and then copy/paste those tags. XD

Postmaster General -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/23/2010 12:40:57)

Congrats X!
Thanks Sheriff!
Just want to wish you goodluck in you AK-ship!
Yay, luck! cheers.
Don't mess up! (I know you'll do good ;P)
I won't :)

KoibatlupeSnowager -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 2:03:37)

*shadows through a doorway appear, drawing closer, ever near. As you realise that one is alive, it is too late. It holds a blade to your throat*
Greetings. I speak in pink!
Greetings, i speak in purple!
I'm distracted easi-oooh, shiney!
Shiney! Where?
Do you like anime, if so, which ones?
Elfen Lied is the only one i've watched bits of.
What's 1+1?
Is three the answer to the universe?
That's 42.
Shiney shiney shiney, shiney. *cake appears*
Wow, magic cake?
*offers cake*
*nibbles at cake.
Caaaakkkeeee. Yu gi oh. Caaakkkeee. Brownies! Double chocolate brownies!
Brownies are better than cake :P
What was I doing, again?

*the shadow leaves, leaving you confused*

runer -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 4:51:09)

Well , congratulation -X ! you deserve it !
Cheers runer!
How is the position so far ?
Loving it, it's great to be able to help out and everything.
I know you are busy , and i just wanted to wish you luck [;)] have fun[:D] !
P.S. : 1 small question :
Go on..
No AK hijacked your thread ? Man , DF and AQW's AK's and Mods hijack every MtAK thread they can see , well , apparently you guys are more peaceful here [:D] .
Thread hi-jacking is frowned upon now, it shouldn't be done.
Have fun , and i hope to see you around MQ's section !\
I'm sure you will!

helloguy -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 10:22:11)

What took so long
Had to wait a week, that's all.
Will you get a personal item

Looks painful.
Hi again
Good luck
Thank you.

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 10:48:30)

DigitalX! :D
A Viking!
Welcome to the team! :D
How's the shackles? :o
They're looser now.
What color are they?
Who's your shackle-keeper? :o
Who are your cell-neighbors?
I have Armakuny on the right, and Etching on the left.
Who do you have winning the World Cup this summer?
England! *waves flag.
Any tips you could give Hay on axe-polishing? :o
Hmm. Lots of elbow grease!
Well that's all!
Congratulations! (:

Fisto -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 11:06:12)

Congrats Digi!
Cheers Fisto!
Since you're an AK now, maybe YOU can help me w/ my dilemma...
Go on..
Can I finally have my diamond covered, platinum plated Rolex that I've been ever so patiently waiting for?
Yes, here ya go *hands over.
That's it, make em proud Digi! [;)]

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 11:06:57)

@ V_J: My skills aren't good enough? D:
I'm sure they will be, WON'T they V_J?
Hiya Digi! Thought I would pay you a revisit. ^^
Fine with me!
How is AQ GD treating you so far?
Very good thanks, not really busy or in-active. Just perfect.
Want all the cakes/cookies from my MtAK? *unloads them into your cell* :D
Yay for perma Tercessuinotlim quest items? ;D
Absolutely. (Got them all this morning!)
So. Trajan vs. a Trojan... Who wins?
A Trojan. No idea what Trajan is.
Enough from me. Bye!
Cya Hay!
/vanishes into the night

DoubleS -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 11:08:44)

Thanks Double S
Who'd win Spider-Man or Batman?
Spiderman, he has a web.
How good are the secret AK weapons?

Promise to never warn me or delete my posts?
Only will if necessary.
Congrats again.
Thanks again.

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