RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (Full Version)

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Double edge -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 11:56:45)

Hey. Congratulations on making ArchKnight-hood-ness.


1- Do you want to dance?
Can if you want.
2- Is there a question here?
Yep there's a ? mark.
3- Are you sure?
4- What is your favorite ingame class and subrace?
Mage! and.. Human Vampire.
5- Did you realize I've been poisoning your cookies?
I thought i had a funny cough.
6- Don't worry, it isn't fatal.
That's a relief.
7- I think.
Brilliant, do you want to double check them?
8- Do you have a favorite book? What is it?
I don't really read books. :/
9- Bow chika wow wow?
10- Well, that's that. I'll be back....for you soul. *Insert creepy music and lightning.*

Vein -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 13:45:48)

1)Hey, Digi became an AK!
I have!
2)Not that you recognize me anyways. I don't post much.
Seem to vaguely remember you.
3)I haven't asked a question yet.
Now's the time.
4)So here's one. What's your favorite saga/what saga would you like to see continued?
Bizarre Flecks definitely.
5)What do you think could use balancing the most in AQ? A class, an item, whatever, and does it need a buff or a nerf?
Draining weapons i'd say, even though two already have been done.
6)I love chocolate.
Me too!
7)That wasn't much of a question, was it?
A statement, but a good one.
8)I still love my Daimyo I got like a month after I joined AQ. I love him to death and still use him every now and then. I'm never gonna sell him. So what's your favorite rare pet?
I sold all my rare pets :( but it would of been the things from the Valentine Day event. With the hearts etc.
9)Do you watch anime? If so, what's your favorite(s)?
Not that much, i've only seen Elfin Lied.
10)Last question. Um, let's make this good...Dogs>Cats. Right?
No! Cats > Dogs. They're cuter imo.

Balu -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 14:05:04)

Back with more questions Digi!
Would you like me to hijack this thread?
No thanks.
If "Yes" then I will have to dissapoint you, `cause I am not sure what that means!

Ever watch an anime cartoon series?
Do you have a favourite anime tv show?
No favourites.
Is there a person on this planet you would like to crush his/her spirit. A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice.
Do you/have you ever play/played soccer?
Used to play it.
Is there a foreign country you would particularly like to visit someday?
America. Always seems so nice.
Is there a pc or console game hero you find annoing or pointless?
No one i can think of.
Can`t think of anything else to ask at the moment, so...bye! :-)

claus -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 14:33:25)

Hi Digi! Long time no see! ... that's if you remember me! :P
I do remember you :)
Congratulations on the AKness! To be honest: You really deserved it!
And now to the questions!

1) Do you like to travel?
Love it.
2) If yes, which locations do/did you enjoy the most?
Spain is the best so far.
3) Popsicle or soda pop?
Fizzy drinks! *soda pop. i think?
4) Lemon or Lime?
5)Which temperatures are your favourite?
Warm ones!
6) Ice Tea or Tea?
Normal tea.
7) Which staff member/ forum mod do you fear/ fears you the most?
I really don't know.. No one i can think of.
8) Does question 7 count as two?
Nah, i'll let you off.
9) Which are the most evil? Kitty or Hamster?
Hamsters. The cute looks is to fool you really.
Well, that's about it. But it's only half done without a kittysnugglepunchtackle! :D


Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 14:40:30)

=D Digi!
Feel like a group hug?
No more! :P
If so, lets go back to b-1 ;D
Maybe later.
Eh, Eh? I'm so funny <3 ._.
Anyways, what's up?
The ceiling!
How was your day?
Any problems in your life you'd like to discuss?
I put your tags in, do you like them?
Thanks, helps a lot.
I had to screenie your color, and zoom in far enough to use the eye dropper tool. *Yawn* Be grateful.
I am.
#990099, eh? ;P
Anyways, that's all.
Seeya, have a great day
You too.

SmashBrawlerX2 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 17:02:32)

If you've had one, how did you think you did in your first job interview?
Not good.
Have you considered changing your AQ character's name to Digital X too?
Maybe one day, but i quite like my current one.
Which of the AE games to you believe to be the most strategic? The least?
Most: AQ Least: MQ
Would you rather have found AQ as you did many years ago, or somehow found it after the Sweep was done?
Many years ago.
I Hope you have fun even as an ArchKnight
Being an AK doesn't derive us of the fun we have :P

turbowarrior23 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 18:08:28)

1. Time for interrogation!
2. If you could remake any AQ class, which would it be?
Erm, i think Fighter.
3. Do you have a favorite AQ weapon? If so, what is it?
Elite Ice Katana. I'm partial to Z Token items.
4. Which AQ NPC is your favorite?
Tie between Galanoth and Ael.
5. INT or STR?
6. Which do you like better, smashing your foe senseless, or slowly (and dramatically) defeating your foe?
The more dramatic, the better!
7. How long do you hope to answer questions?
As long as people have them? (about another few days.)
8. Have fun as an AK!
Will do.

gtkilla123 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 18:12:15)

1. congratulations its well deserved
Thanks gtkilla, i think so to :) 360 or ps3?
360, i feel the community is more friendly.
3. have fun as an AK
That's my plan.

e112 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 18:24:14)

Yay! You got Archknight-ed!
Yay i did!
How does it feel to have power in your hands?
*evil grin
Do you have Xbox live?
Would you become a chaos vampire with cool wings?
Am I on battleon forums or are you?
Do you believe in the 2012 theories?
I actually do.
Truth or Dare?
Are you mad Ubear hasnt posted a video in a while?
I noticed he hasn't made one in a while.

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 18:38:11)

Hiya tee flow! App. *cough
congratulations and welcome
and... that's about all
Aww, make sure to come back :)

sky222 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 18:53:19)

Hi Sky! (oh noes there's two skys i know!)
Tricky problem:Pizza x Pizza=?
A tasty meal?
Wrong.Answer is square pizza (get it)
How would you respond if the Devourer stood right in front of you?
Offer him a goat. (Probably just stop and stare tbh.)
Is it simple to figure out how to lock?

Double edge -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 19:55:20)

I've come back for you soul, Digital X.
Don't worry, that's been eaten :P
1: Are you scared?
2: Good.
3: I checked, that poison won't kill you.
Phew, that's good to hear.
4: Just make you sick...and have a craving for tofu.
Eww Tofu.
5: Is your soul tasty?
I wouldn't think so.
6: I hope it is.
You eat souls too? Gah!
7: Who is stronger, the Hulk or the Thing?
The Thing i'd say.
8: Really?
Ya rly.
9: Are you going to Rockxors Our Sockxors?
Sure am!
10: Well, bye again.

taz_td88 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 20:59:18)

Congratz, r ur chains comfortable?
Perfect fit.
Wat about your prisoner cell?
Not very ;)
I'm surprised Ras hasn't come and harassed u about shoe size, i'll do it for him, wat size shoe :P
um.... Kung Fu or Karate?
Katt Williams or Dave Chapelle?
Dave Chapelle, no idea who the other person is.
Are you a fan of Naruto?
Fave game system?
Xbox 360.
running out of questions... Heads or Tails?
Is Godzilla real?
*Harem Jutsu*
A what now?
*changes back* well bye seeya soon wit more random questions. *disappears in a cloud of smoke*
~Taz|The Defender

BoomBoomDoom -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 21:13:01)

Hi Hi!
Congratz on AK-ship :D
Wait...Darn...Missed my chance at First alot :O
By 4 pages XD
I Feelz da Force!!! Wanna Borrow some?
Of course!
It makes burning stuff Easier! :o
Yay for fire!
Its demented cuz its Funny and its funny becuz Its demented! :D
Noh, Itz be da NomNomNomNomNomNom...I bet you dont like cute stuff cuz u be a devil :P
That was cute ^_^
BaiBai and Congratz.
Bye, and thanks.

Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/24/2010 23:53:32)

Fancy running into you here!
What a coincedence!
How have you been?
Pretyt good thanks.
Most anticipated AE games release?
AQW. Not sure what though, just that game.
Name an unusual plant
Dracunculus vulgaris
If there were two people you wanted to meet, eat with and then never see again; who would they be?
Couldn't answer that.
Best place on earth?
Favorite smiley?
One pet peeve of yours?
No idea.
When (in your opinion), would be the best time to be alive?
When there's world peace is guess.
Thats all from me again
*goes to shake, Psyche! (or whatever you call it.)

Captain Kidd -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/25/2010 17:54:39)

I found this thread rather late, I've been looking for it in the OOC!
Wrong place :P
Congrats Digi!
Thanks Kidd.
Now down to business...
*adjusts tie.
What is your favorite:
a) movie Assassins.
b) food Fishcakes.
c) book I don't really read books.

Where is the coolest / most interesting place you've ever traveled to?
Rocamadour (sp?) in France.
Favorite video game for the 360? (Mine is Assassin's Creed 2)
Favorite school subject?
P.E. when i did go :P
Least favorite?
Favorite actor / actress?
Actor would be Bruce Willis.
Pirates or Ninjas??
That's all for now, congrats again Digi and see you around (:


Drew862 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/27/2010 1:42:52)

just saying hi and congrats on AKship again
Hi again Drew :)
can you give me a screen shot of the shiny buttons?
how are your chains?
A perfect fit!
edit-I also want to know when I edit a post thats say half a week old, no one has posted and if you have already read it, are you like going to notice the edit or not?
I guess you would.

cchris aka chris -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/27/2010 2:19:35)

1) Hi Digi!
Hi cchris.
2) When did you become AK?
Friday before last.
3) Congratz on being an AK!
4) Favorite item in whole game?
Kindred's Valiance. (now)
5) If you were to choose an event which one would you choose(it could be in the past)
Frostval '08.
6) Favorite rare?
Chocobunny is pretty good.
7) Is it hard being an AK?
It's not really hard, no.
8) How much do you play AQ? daily? and do you reach ure caps everyday?
4-5 hours per day, and no.
9) Do you still make videos on youtube?
Been meaning to make one, watch the subs :P
10) Well have a nice day and good luck.
Thanks again, you too!

Master in the wind -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/27/2010 7:11:34)

1) Yay nice job on becoming AK!
Thanks master.
2) You're using purple, the color of EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL(*cough* wyverns *cough*)! Well I suppose dark purple is pretty epic.
It sure is.
3) Any new release you looking forward too?
The one today :)
4) Have you caught many people breaking rules, or is life easy for now?
It's been pretty good so far, only a few.
5) Is being an AK taking up any of your time?
Not at all.
6) What's your favorite type of sandwich(mines is the ones that don't try to kill you, don't pick sandwitch)
Ham and Cucumber.
7) Got any cool video games?
8) Blue or Red?
9) Well that's all folks, good luck man.

Atham -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/27/2010 16:36:14)

Hey Digi, congratz in becoming an AK, you deserve it.
Thanks Atham!
1) How is life of an AK?
2) Are you going to make any new videos?
Soon i hope to.
3) How do you do all those cool effects (what program) *speaking to myself "Hope he tells me" :)
Sony Vegas 9.0, will try After Effects when i can remember how to use it better.
4) Dunno what to ask now.
Quick, think :O
5) Did you warn someobe already about breaking rules? *innocent look*
No warnings as of yet.
6) Did you celebrate?
7) Just kidding
Ahhh, i knew it!
Well emm... Good luck and enjoy!
~Dark Shadow

Hogo -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/28/2010 15:01:33)

They call me Hogo da Pengi, I'm back.. I'm back. Which song did I just Parody?
I don't know.
So... Did it hurt?
A little sting, but nothing more.
When they digitalized you into an AK.. :P
O I C wut u did thar.
Are conspiracy theories right?
Who pwns who, Tom or Jerry?
Jerry, little mouse can out escape a big cat.
Favourite book title(not actual book)?
None, really.
Beach or Mountains?
Favourite Ice Tea flavour?
Don't drink that kind of tea.
Colour or Colour?
Best birthday experience?
Rally Driving, the Red Letter Day event things.
Write a 3000 word essay on existentialism... and... GO!

You pass, you seem to grasp existentialism incredibly well!
Why thank you, and i didn't even have to type!
YAY!!!!! Congratz, I shall pester you no moar :)
Cya Hogo!

-Hogo, Elite Vampire Penguin Ruler of the Collected Penguin Army of Atlantis.
~Digi, Devilish AK of AQ GD, p.s. thank you so much for the colour tags!

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/29/2010 10:05:39)

Congrats man you earned it :)
Thanks mate.
'bout time you made your MtAK thread [;)]
I made it a week ago :P
So I guess the chances of TEEPOL returning is next to nothing huh? Shame, I miss the good ol' times :)
Possibly, i'll have to see what i can do.
You enjoying being an AK?
Loving it.
That's all I have really...
Congrats again, see you around [:)]

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/29/2010 21:30:10)

:O I knew someone was following meh.
MtAK still up, eh?
Yeah, for at least a few more days, then i'll lock it.
How be you?
Pretty good thanks!
Glass half empty or glass half full?
Depends if you're a pessimist or an optimist. I say half full.
Well, see you around ^^
Cya round Hay.

dragon123197 -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/29/2010 21:45:09)

hey digi
Hi Dragon
good or evil
Evil! >:D
morning or night?
Deffo a night.
up or down?
question mark or period?
Question mark.
digimon or pokemon?
More inclined for Digimon, it has my nickname in it :D
TV or computer?
TV for sure.
cookies or milk?
/wants both.
the fate of the world rests on your answer to this question:I have alot of gold.
And i have a bank account! in it goes ^_^
You answered the above question wrong.The world will now implode
Oh no *kaboom

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Digital X! (5/30/2010 3:14:44)

I see you followed me on Twitter. :3
Just one.. small.. question..
Woohoo a smiley! ;)

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