No Gain Without Loss (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> No Gain Without Loss (6/18/2010 21:23:46)

No Gain Without Loss

Other name: No Loss, No Gain

Location: Warlic's Zone -> Nythera -> Quests -> Rise of the DragonMage -> No Loss, No Gain
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Into the Void
Release Date: June 18th, 2010

Objective: After exploring the Void, can you REALLY hope to master the forces that control it?
Objective completed: What else will Elucidas be able to teach you?

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(3) Boulder Elemental
(3) Clawkin Wanderer
(2) Deft Minx Fairy
(3) Forest Fury

Decadere Dragon

Elucidas' Silver Sword
Elucidas' Platinum Sword
Elucidas' Mithril Sword

Elucidas' Silver Staff
Elucidas' Platinum Staff
Elucidas' Mithril Staff

Elucidas' Silver Dagger
Elucidas' Platinum Dagger
Elucidas' Mithril Dagger

Nythera: If Warlic won't help me get my magics back, I'll find someone who WILL!

Loads Elemental Nythera

Nythera: If Warlic won't help me, maybe someone in Sunbreeze Grove will!

Nythera: Who are YOU? Where's Lady C? I need to speak with her. It's urgent!
Elysia: Hello, Nythera. I'm Elysia, the Lady's apprentice. She told me much about you, and your mentor, Warlic.
Nythera: Ugh, don't mention him. I just came from him, and he's a stodgy old magic-muffler.
Nythera: I need Lady C's help with some... business.
Elysia: Regaining your magic, possibly?
Nythera: Exactly! How'd you know?
Elysia: I said, I was told much about the recent events that have affected the realm.
Elysia: Unfortunately, she's... gone now.
Elysia: I've been left here to watch and practice my Dragon magic, and to "make myself useful to visitors."
Elysia: I suppose that includes you! So, how can I help?
Nythera: You know Dragon magic? Are you any good? You look awfully young.
Elysia: Well, so do you! And I'm learning fast. I know more than I did a month ago, that's for sure!
Elysia: *thinking* I won't go into the... mishaps along the way. No one needs to know about turning that baby dracolich's bones pink.
Elysia: *thinking* Or the time I grew wings and a tail, but in reverse order. No, NO one needs to know about THAT!
Nythera: Well, could you help ME learn my Dragon magic?
Elysia: Well, I could teach you a few basics. How long have you had your magic?
Nythera: ... That's the thing. I don't HAVE my magic!
Nythera: Warlic kept saying he'd give it back, but then he wouldn't, and now I'm trying to regain it on my own.
Elysia: That IS a problem. I can't help you with that, but...
Elysia: I think I know someone who can!
Elysia: Welcome to Clarionwood, the home of the Creatioux.
Nythera: The who?!
Elucidas: *cough*

*The air shimmers*

Elucidas: Ahem. Thank you, young priestess, for bringing her. You've done exactly right in bringing this one here.
Nythera: I'm RIGHT HERE. Don't talk around me, talk TO me!
Elucidas: Easy, child, easy. You are in a restful place; anger and impatience have no place here.
Nythera: Well, where IS here?
Elucidas: As Elysia said, this is Clarionwood,and we are the Creatioux.
Elucidas: I am the Eldest, Elucidas.
Elucidas: We are a species of Void dragons, and, as such, are the perfect creatures to assist you in your search.
Nythera: You already know what I want?
Elucidas: You can sense it, your magics, can't you?

*Nythera nods*

Elucidas: If you are here and seeking knowledge, then the time has come to tell you of them.
Nythera: Yes! Finally, someone who sees things the right way!
Elucidas: Don't be overhasty, dragon-child. Hear what I have to say before celebrating.
Elucidas: Your Dragon and Void magics- and you have plenty of both, which I am sure you can sense buried inside of you- have been locked away.
Nythera: Yes! My parents blocked my dragon magic because of some piffling little experimenting I was doing when I was younger. SO not fair.
Elucidas: Be that as it may-
Nythera: And Warlic only just mentioned that there was such a thing as Void magic!
Nythera: Why didn't I know about this before now?
Nythera: And so you are Void dragons? Like the Void element Warlic told me about?
Elucidas: Not exactly, little one. Warlic, great as he is, must have received misinformation in his travels.
Elucidas: The Void, though element-related, is not AN element. The Void, as a place, LACKS all elements. It is indeed a Void.
Elucidas: But there ARE mysterious forces in the Void. It is these forces you will wield with your magic.
Elucidas: You were kept from the knowledge because you have the potential to be...
Elucidas: ... one of the greatest mages of our world, as great as Warlic...
Elucidas: ... If your path is guided correctly.
Elysia: So, you see, we HAD to block your knowledge and access to your magic until you were of an age to understand and respect the power you'll control.
Nythera: It's my magic, I have a RIGHT to know! I can't learn to use it responsibly if I'm prevented from accessing it, after all.
Nythera: Everyone says "Be responsible, Nythera, Grow UP, Nythera!" But how can I when I'm kept sheltered like a child?
Nythera: No one believes in me! They don't see just how good I can be! I- I just want to LEARN!

*Nythera walks away hastily*

Elysia: Nythera, wait! Don't go off by yourse-
Elysia: Oh boy...

Nythera: Nobody ever listens to me!
Nythera: I just want to learn.
Nythera: I just want...
Nythera: !!!
???: Aaaah, the dragon-child has found her way back to us.
???: Eeeexcellent.
Nythera: You- you're the one with the voice!
Nythera: ... Who is "us"?
Decadere Dragon: Child, WE are the Decadere, and WE are denizens of the Void.
Decadere Dragon: *sniff* *sniff*
Decadere Dragon: You smell like you've come from our brethren.
Decadere Dragon: And have they filled your head with twisted tales of us?
Decadere Dragon: How we've become misshapen by the Void we make our home, that keeps us and protects us?
Nythera: Um... no. They didn't mention you at all, actually.
Nythera: And I think I know why...
Nythera: You sound a bit crazy.
Decadere Dragon: We are the Virtuosos of the Void, Manipulators of its Magic, Defilers of the Dark, Tyrants of its Terrain! And you-
Nythera: Are getting bored of all your made-up titles.
Decadere Dragon: Will be our slave!
Decadere Dragon: What?!
Elysia: Nythera!
Nythera: El- Elysia?

  • Complete Quest

    Thanks to
    -- Peachii for link.
    -- Stephen Nix for correction.
    -- Leon ShadowHart for corrections.

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