RE: Pets / Guest (Full Version)

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The Forgotten -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/26/2011 2:15:32)


Typo in the Hybee entries:


Starts out as a standard guest.
  • Attack 1 gets +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.
  • Attack 2 takes -3 BTH and deals *85/72 damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

  • Should be *85/82; this mistake seems to be present in all entries.
    Oops. Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

    Lectrix -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/27/2011 21:01:54)


    Not sure if this is a mistake, but the adult EgGobblers (Guests) seem to have the same image as the EgGobbler Jr. series (Pets). With a different background, of course. But I'm pretty sure that one of EgGobblers is still in its shell...

    Fixed. Thank you. Reminder: in the future, please remember to also provide a link to the pet/guest in question.

    Windy -> RE: Pets / Guest (5/5/2011 10:52:23)


    The following guests are now rare (they were summoned by the old wizard robes, level 6 skill):
    Lava Rock

    Got it. Thanks ~D

    UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (5/31/2011 4:29:56)

    Effect: If the hit connects, it attempts to inflict fear upon the enemy at a +20 save bonus (easy save). If the enemy fails the roll, there will be a 10% chance that it will not attack, this lasts 4 turns. Certain type monsters are immune to this*:

    Should be:
    "Effect: If the hit connects, it attempts to inflict fear upon the enemy at a +20 save bonus (easy save). If the enemy fails the roll, there will be a 10% chance that it will not attack, this lasts 4 turns. Certain types of monsters are immune to this*:"

    Watashig -> RE: Pets / Guest (6/12/2011 21:00:58)


    picture for terror aranacabra:
    i dug up an archive; not sure if this one will work. anyways; it and its variants are missing pictures.
    It's quite small. I got my own picture. Thanks! ~Koree

    Dev -> RE: Pets / Guest (6/16/2011 19:20:22)


    Guardian Spirit (Light guest)

    Level	5	25	45	65	85	105	125
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
    PLvl	5	25	45	65	85	105	125
    MPLvl	5	25	45	65	85	105	125
    Base	2	6	11	17	24	32	40
    Rand	5	13	23	35	48	63	80
    Bth	1	6	11	16	21	26	31
    Stat	150	298	447	595	744	892	1041
    SP w/	6	11	18	25	34	42	53
    SP w/o	8	17	26	37	50	64	79

    SP w/ and w/o is SP with and without the misc, respectively. With the misc equipped, cost is *0.8, without, cost is *1.2 (already factored in).

    80% of the time, he attacks with his sword. It does one hit, Melee Light, +5 BTH, 90*85/90 % damage
    20% of the time, he does his bird swarm attack. It does four hits, Ranged Light, -10 BTH, 140*85/75 % damage

    ~In Media Res

    Done. Thanks. ~Aces

    Gold -> RE: Pets / Guest (6/16/2011 19:29:33)


    ^No element?

    Taken care of. ~Aces

    Rorshach -> RE: Pets / Guest (6/16/2011 21:17:42)


    Element's Light.

    It does one hit, Melee Light, +5 BTH, 90*85/90 % damage


    It does four hits, Ranged Light, -10 BTH, 140*85/75 % damage

    Taken care of. ~Aces

    infuturity -> RE: Pets / Guest (6/19/2011 11:39:12)

    Are the numbers for the 20% attack the *total* damage, or per hit damage. If its per-hit damage, that's insane

    Total. .8*90 = 72, .2*140 = 28. 72+28 = 100% average damage. ~Dev

    ugauga -> RE: Pets / Guest (6/19/2011 14:32:44)

    I'd prefer less damage and more accuracy [:)].

    Dev -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/28/2011 16:37:08)


    Summon Malinius guests:

    Malinus Guest:
    -80% chance of a 2 hit Melee attack (-2 bth, *85/83 and deals *10/11 total damage)
    -20% chance of a 1 hit Ranged attack (deals *15/11 damage)
    -Base lean so:
    Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
    Rand = (StandardRand*.8)

    Level	5	25	45	65	85	105	125
    Type	-	G	-	-	Z	-	G
    PLvl	5	32	45	65	95	105	128
    MPLvl	5	30	45	65	92	105	127
    MPCost	9	21	29	42	61	71	90
    Price	400	1550	6000	23150	7000	104900	177500
    Sell	200	775	3000	11575	Z	52450	88750


    Lvl	Plvl	Dmg	Stat
    5	5	3-7	150
    25G	32	10-23	350
    45	45	13-31	447
    65	65	21-49	595
    85Z	95	34-79	818
    105	105	38-88	892
    125G	128	50-116	1063

    Numbers per hit, with all the stuff factored in:
    Lvl	Plvl		Dmg1	Stat1	BTH1		Dmg2	Stat2	BTH2
    5	5		1-3	69.8	-1		4-10	204.6	1
    25G	32		5-11	169.9	6		14-31	477.3	8
    45	45		6-14	208.1	9		18-42	609.6	11
    65	65		10-23	277.0	14		29-67	811.4	16
    85Z	95		16-37	380.8	21		46-108	1115.5	23
    105	105		18-41	415.2	24		52-120	1216.4	26
    125G	128		23-54	494.8	30		68-158	1449.6	32
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    Traveler -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/28/2011 16:42:57)

    Dev, can you clarify the element of Malinius, please? Logically it should be Fire, but I would like to have official confirmation.

    Edit: Thanks for the info, RC.

    Mortarion -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/28/2011 16:56:34)

    and a link to a picture

    Sir Perfect Socks -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/28/2011 17:37:25)


    it's pure Fire! [:)]
    i don't know how to put a Pic here... so.. Here's a Link for the Picture ^_^
    my opinion: Great guest!

    I used the image of your that UltraGuy posted. Thanks! ~Koree

    Karmakas -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/28/2011 18:13:30)


    If you don't have enough MP, Malinius attacksbounces ("The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana.([MP Cost]MP required or it will vanish next turn)") and vanishes on the next turn ("The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: [MP Cost]MP required)")

    I think he's just supposed to bounce on that one turn, not attack, so it might be a bug.
    Edit: Fixed by Kalanyr.
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/28/2011 18:20:49)


    @Relentless: Do not use ImageShack and do remember to convert the picture to jpg.

    jpg version of the image
    This is incorrect. ImageShack is perfectly fine, as are .png files. ~In Media Res
    ImageShack is sometimes unreliable because it doesn't show the image if you do not have an account. As for .png files, I know that they are allowed.


    I used this image as it had smaller file size. Thanks! ~Koree

    Rorshach -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/29/2011 0:31:17)


    No BTH?

    Added an appendix with BTH in it. ~Koree

    UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/29/2011 20:46:19)


    Malinius I

    Level: 5
    Power Level: 5
    MP Level: 5
    Location: Summon Malinius I
    Upkeep: 9 MP

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 1-3 plus 69.8% Stats damage
    BTH: -1 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 4-10 plus 204.6% Stats damage each
    BTH: 1 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image thanks to UltraGuy and Relentless Chaos. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Traveler.


    Starts out as a standard guest.

    • Base heavy, so:
      • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
      • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)
    • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
    • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.

    Guardian Malinius II

    Level: 25
    Power Level: 32
    MP Level: 30
    Location: Guardian Summon Malinius II
    Upkeep: 21 MP

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 5-11 plus 169.9% Stats damage
    BTH: 14 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 14-31 plus 477.3% Stats damage each
    BTH: 16 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image thanks to UltraGuy and Relentless Chaos. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Traveler.


    Starts out as a standard guest.

    • Base heavy, so:
      • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
      • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)
    • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
    • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.

    Malinius III

    Level: 45
    Power Level: 45
    MP Level: 45
    Location: Summon Malinius III
    Upkeep: 29 MP

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 6-14 plus 208.1% Stats damage
    BTH: 9 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 18-42 plus 609.6% Stats damage each
    BTH: 11 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image thanks to UltraGuy and Relentless Chaos. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Traveler.


    Starts out as a standard guest.

    • Base heavy, so:
      • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
      • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)
    • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
    • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.

    Malinius IV

    Level: 65
    Power Level: 65
    MP Level: 65
    Location: Summon Malinius IV
    Upkeep: 42 MP

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 10-23 plus 277.0% Stats damage
    BTH: 14 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 29-67 plus 811.4% Stats damage each
    BTH: 16 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image thanks to UltraGuy and Relentless Chaos. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Traveler.


    Starts out as a standard guest.

    • Base heavy, so:
      • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
      • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)

    • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
    • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.

    Malinius V Z

    Level: 85
    Power Level: 95
    MP Level: 92
    Location: Summon Malinius V Z
    Upkeep: 61 MP

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 16-37 plus 380.8% Stats damage
    BTH: 21 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 46-108 plus 1,115.5% Stats damage each
    BTH: 23 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image thanks to UltraGuy and Relentless Chaos. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Traveler.


    Starts out as a standard guest.

    • Base heavy, so:
      • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
      • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)

    • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
    • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.

    Malinius VI

    Level: 105
    Power Level: 105
    MP Level: 105
    Location: Summon Malinius VI
    Upkeep: 71 MP

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 38-108 plus 380.8% Stats damage
    BTH: 26 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 52-120 plus 1,261.4% Stats damage each
    BTH: 26 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image thanks to UltraGuy and Relentless Chaos. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Traveler.


    Starts out as a standard guest.

    • Base heavy, so:
      • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
      • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)

    • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
    • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.

    Malinius VII

    Level: 125
    Power Level: 128
    MP Level: 127
    Location: Summon Malinius VII
    Upkeep: 90 MP

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 23-54 plus 494.8% Stats damage
    BTH: 30 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 68-158 plus 1,449.6% Stats damage each
    BTH: 32 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image thanks to UltraGuy and Relentless Chaos. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Traveler.


    Starts out as a standard guest.

    • Base heavy, so:
      • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
      • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)
    • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
    • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    Traveler -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/29/2011 20:54:19)


    Ultraguy, you have the element as Light instead of Fire on all the entries [;)]
    Taken care of. ~Koree

    UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (7/29/2011 20:56:46)


    Dev -> RE: Pets / Guest (8/2/2011 23:45:12)


    Don't know where you got your Analysis numbers. Should be:

    Starts out as a standard guest.

  • Base heavy, so:
    • Base = StandardBase + (StandardRand*.2)/2
    • Rand = (StandardRand*.8)

  • Attack 1 occurs 80% of the time, dealing *10/11 damage. It also gets -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage to compensate. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.
  • Attack 2 occurs 20% of the time, dealing *15/11 damage.
  • Taken care of. ~Koree

    Kalanyr -> RE: Pets / Guest (8/12/2011 5:20:02)


    Vephoma guest's Attack1 is incorrectly listed as Type: Energy Element: Wind its Type: Magic Element: Energy
    Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

    Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (8/18/2011 15:43:23)



    Has a 50% chance of a two-hit Melee Wind attack, and a 50% chance of a one-hit Melee Energy attack.

    All attacks do *1.1 damage, to account for the weird elements. (This hasn't been factored into the table.)

    Level	PowLvl	MPLvl	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	MP
    2	12	9	4-12	202	3	11
    22	29	27	7-22	328	7	19
    42	47	45	12-36	461	11	29
    62	66	65	18-53	603	16	42
    82	85	84	24-72	744	21	55
    102	105	104	32-95	892	26	71
    122	125	124	40-120	1041	31	88
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (8/21/2011 5:08:37)


    Image of the Ramleoness Guest

    Can someone tell me Ramleoness's lines when it is about to leave? Thanks.

    Ramleoness I

    Level: 2G
    Power Level: 12
    MP Level: 9
    Location: Summon Ramleoness I
    Upkeep: 11 MP. If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage: 2-13 plus 111% Stats damage
    BTH: 3 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 4-13 plus 222% Stats damage each
    BTH: 3 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (11 MP required or she will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 11MP required)

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Additional information thanks to Karmakas.

    Ramleoness II

    Level: 22G
    Power Level: 29
    MP Level: 27
    Location: Summon Ramleoness II
    Upkeep: 19 MP. If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage: 4-12. plus 180% Stats damage
    BTH: 7 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 8-24. plus 361% Stats damage each
    BTH: 7 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (19 MP required or she will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 19 MP required)

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Additional information thanks to Karmakas.

    Ramleoness III

    Level: 42G
    Power Level: 47
    MP Level: 45
    Location: Summon Ramleoness III
    Upkeep: 29 MP. If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage: 7-20 plus 254% Stats damage
    BTH: 11 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 13-24 plus 508% Stats damage each
    BTH: 11 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (29 MP required or she will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 29 MP required)

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Additional information thanks to Karmakas.

    Ramleoness IV

    Level: 62G
    Power Level: 66
    MP Level: 65
    Location: Summon Ramleoness IV
    Upkeep: 42 MP. If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage: 10-58 plus 332% Stats damage
    BTH: 16 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 20-58 plus 663% Stats damage each
    BTH: 12 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (42 MP required or she will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 42 MP required)

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Additional information thanks to Karmakas.

    Ramleoness V

    Level: 82G
    Power Level: 85
    MP Level: 84
    Location: Summon Ramleoness V
    Upkeep: 55 MP. If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage: 13-40 plus 409% Stats damage
    BTH: 21 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 26-79 plus 819% Stats damage each
    BTH: 21 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (55 MP required or she will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 55 MP required)

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Additional information thanks to Karmakas.

    Ramleoness VI

    Level: 102G
    Power Level: 105
    MP Level: 104
    Location: Summon Ramleoness VI
    Upkeep: 71 MP. If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage: 18-52 plus 491% Stats damage
    BTH: 26 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 35-105 plus 981% Stats damage each
    BTH: 26 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (71 MP required or she will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 71 MP required)

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Additional information thanks to Karmakas.

    Ramleoness VI

    Level: 122G
    Power Level: 125
    MP Level: 125
    Location: Summon Ramleoness VI
    Upkeep: 71 MP. If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage: 22-66 plus 573% Stats damage
    BTH: 31 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 44-130 plus 1145% Stats damage each
    BTH: 31 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (88 MP required or she will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 88 MP required)

    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Additional information thanks to Karmakas.
    Sorry, but I had already got the image and made the write-up, I just hadn't posted them yet. Thanks anyway. ~Koree

    Karmakas -> RE: Pets / Guest (8/21/2011 6:27:17)


    As requested:

    "The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana.([MP Cost]MP required or it will vanish next turn)" - bounces on the turn you obtain if you don't have enough mana
    "The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: [MP Cost]MP required)" - leaves on any other turn if you don't have mana

    Edit: Nicely done UltraGuy! But it should be:

    If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then she does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then she leaves**.

    And there's no space after the bolded parts:

    *The simulacrum flickers requiring Mana. (71 MP required or it will vanish next turn)
    **The simulacrum vanishes. (Not enough MP: 71 MP required)

    Also, copy/paste error: the highest Level Ramleoness has a MP cost of 88, not 71.
    Added and taken care of. Thanks! ~Koree

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