RE: Pets / Guest (Full Version)

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big E -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/6/2011 2:43:48)


The temporary Ramleoness guest (but not the one from the spell) also has a trigger that lets it deal full damage against other Ramleons (despite their Wind/Energy modifiers). This should be specified in the Encyclopedia entry.
It already is see the Ramleoness entry under the trigger section, this only applies to the guest in quest not the summons. ~Aces

kyogre40 -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/15/2011 5:28:13)


The Mummydas series' fear links are broken.

Fixed. In the future please remember to also provide the link of the item, or in this case pet, in question. Thank you. ~B

bassetbookworm -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/15/2011 14:39:20)


It looks like Lavistria has received an update. Now, on her first turn of the battle when you have enough SP, it says:

"Lavistria assesses her opponent's weaknesses."

Then, the next round, she attacks with their weakness and continues attacking with that element for every round after within that battle. It starts over at the next battle.

She costs SP now as well.
Seems to be taken care of. ~Koree

Khimera -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/15/2011 15:21:47)


Lord Barrius needs his BRS%'s halved, since its two hits. I suspect IMR overlooked it by accident.

Will see to it. Thank you. ~B

big E -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/20/2011 16:12:00)


Possessed Twig
Guardian Possessed Twig
Possessed Twig Z

NBM Water/Ice pet
50% chance of one hit Ranged Ice, 50% chance of two hits Ranged Water.

Level: 1G / 21 / 41 / 61G / 81 / 101 / 121Z
Price: 60 / 451 / 1806 / 6486 / 22657 / 78540 / 10100Z
Sellback: 30 / 225 / 903 / 3243 / 11328 / 39270 / 9890Z(5050Z)

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal!
(Guardian Only) - add to levels 1G and 61G
Added, thanks! ~Koree

dr jo -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/20/2011 16:41:40)


It says in the shop magic damage for twig not ranged
Taken care of. ~Koree

Karmakas -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/20/2011 17:58:22)

^ Yeah that's strange, all hits are Ranged though. Also the shop doesn't say whether he's a BM or non-BM Pet (but he is indeed non-BM He's BM)

@Below: Actually big E said "NBM" before me :p But yeah, you're welcome Phrixus. :)

Edit: Wait a second, I just noticed the "Sugggested Charisma: 134" part... So a level 101 BM multi-Elemental Pet is doing around half the damage of a level 105 BM Pet which has a damage penalty ( Scourge's Defender) and all that at 240 CHA? Something seems very wrong... Maybe Twig is ultra accurate...?

Edit 2: And further testing over 20 turns for each shows Twig has higher damage... It's probably his high random damage and my lack of luck. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Phrixus -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/20/2011 18:14:02)

Thanks for telling us Karmakas.

Paladen -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/20/2011 18:50:59)


You sure its a non BM pet? I got the lvl 81 one and the suggested charisma is 119 and it hasn't attacked yet lol
Taken care of. ~Koree

Ty Lee -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/21/2011 3:52:17)


Image for possessed twig.

Added, thanks! ~Koree

UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/21/2011 19:23:19)


/me is making the write-ups. Just wait patiently.

Guardian Possessed Twig

Level: 1G
Power Level: 11
CHA Level: 8
Location: Possessed!
Price: 60
Sellback: 30

Element: Ice
Damage: 2-8
Training Difficulty: -36
BTH: 2

Rate at -36 CHA: 66%
Rate at 30 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 105% Base and Random, and 135.92% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 52.5% Base and Random, and 67.96% Stats (Note: Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.)
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal! (Guardian Only)

Numbers thanks to IMR. Image thanks to Ty Lee. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Basic data thanks to big E.

Possessed Twig

Level: 21
Power Level: 21
CHA Level: 21
Location: Possessed!
Price: 451
Sellback: 250

Element: Ice
Damage: 4-11
Training Difficulty: -11
BTH: 5

Rate at -36 CHA: 66%
Rate at 55 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 105% Base and Random, and 187.9% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 52.5% Base and Random, and 93.95% Stats (Note: Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.)
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal!

Numbers thanks to IMR. Image thanks to Ty Lee. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Basic data thanks to big E.

Possessed Twig

Level: 41
Power Level: 41
CHA Level: 41
Location: Possessed!
Price: 1,806
Sellback: 903

Element: Ice
Damage: 7-21
Training Difficulty: 34
BTH: 16

Rate at 34 CHA: 66%
Rate at 100 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 105% Base and Random, and 416.59% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 52.5% Base and Random, and 208.29% Stats (Note: Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.)
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal!

Numbers thanks to IMR. Image thanks to Ty Lee. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Basic data thanks to big E.

Guardian Possessed Twig

Level: 61G
Power Level: 65
CHA Level: 64
Location: Possessed!
Price: 6,846
Sellback: 3,243

Element: Ice
Damage: 12-34
Training Difficulty: 84
BTH: 2

Rate at 84 CHA: 66%
Rate at 128 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 105% Base and Random, and 135.92% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 52.5% Base and Random, and 67.96% Stats (Note: Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.)
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal! (Guardian Only)

Numbers thanks to IMR. Image thanks to Ty Lee. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Basic data thanks to big E.

Possessed Twig

Level: 81
Power Level: 81
CHA Level: 81
Location: Possessed!
Price: 22,657
Sellback: 11,328

Element: Ice
Damage: 15-45
Training Difficulty: 119
BTH: 20

Rate at 119 CHA: 66%
Rate at 181 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 105% Base and Random, and 499.75% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 52.5% Base and Random, and 249.87% Stats (Note: Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.)
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal!

Numbers thanks to IMR. Image thanks to Ty Lee. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Basic data thanks to big E.

Possessed Twig

Level: 101
Power Level: 101
CHA Level: 101
Location: Possessed!
Price: 78,540
Sellback: 39,270

Element: Ice
Damage: 20-60
Training Difficulty: 134
BTH: 20

Rate at 134 CHA: 66%
Rate at 200 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 105% Base and Random, and 603.7% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 52.5% Base and Random, and 301.85% Stats (Note: Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.)
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal!

Numbers thanks to IMR. Image thanks to Ty Lee. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Basic data thanks to big E.

Possessed Twig Z

Level: 121Z
Power Level: 131
CHA Level: 128
Location: Possessed!
Price: 10,100 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 9,890 Z-Tokens for the first 48 house; else 5,050 Z-Tokens

Element: Ice
Damage: 29-86
Training Difficulty: 134
BTH: 20

Rate at 134 CHA: 66%
Rate at 200 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 105% Base and Random, and 759.62% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 52.5% Base and Random, and 379.81% Stats (Note: Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.)
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Taken over by the Ghost (!?!) of Zorbak, Twig is far less friendly than normal!

Numbers thanks to IMR. Image thanks to Ty Lee. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Basic data thanks to big E.

Added, thanks! ~Koree

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/24/2011 19:15:07)


Possessed Twig

BM pet.

All attacks do *1.05 damage, to compensate for the weird elements.

Attack #1 is one hit, Ranged Ice.
Attack #2 is two hits, Ranged Water. Instead of each hit dealing 50% damage, hit #1 does 25% damage and hit#2 does 75% damage.
Level	1G	21	41	61G	81	101	121Z
PowLvl	11	21	41	65	81	101	131
CHALvl	8	21	41	64	81	101	128
Base	2	4	7	12	15	20	29
Rand	6	7	14	22	30	40	57
Stat%	129.45	178.95	277.95	396.75	475.95	574.95	723.45
BTH	2	5	10	16	20	25	32
CHA	-36	-11	34	84	119	134	134
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Masada1962 -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/25/2011 10:06:41)

Looks BM to me...

Watashig -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/26/2011 0:59:05)



Here's a little table I made to make attack #2 to be more... "accurate," I suppose you could call it, akin to the attack of BBP. Note that this is all for attack 2; you got attack 1 formatted fine.
Level	1G	21	41	61G	81	101	121Z
H1 B/R%	26.25	26.25	26.25	26.25	26.25	26.25	26.25
H1 S%	33.98	46.97	72.96	104.14	124.93	150.92	189.90
H2 B/R%	78.75	78.75	78.75	78.75	78.75	78.75	78.75
H2 S%	101.94	140.92	218.88	312.44	374.81	452.77	569.71
@IMR: i be in ur info, stealin' ur formatz
Koree has pretty much already done the entry thanks anyway though. ~Aces

bszoke88 -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/27/2011 15:56:42)


Melee dark
d: This ... thing ... will protect you if it's the last thing it does!
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/27/2011 15:57:06)



BM Darkness pet.

Attack #1 occurs half of the time, and is one hit Melee Darkness.
Attack #2 occurs the other half of the time, and is three hits Ranged Darkness. All hits gain +5 BTH and deal *85/90 damage.
Level	10	50	85	110	130
Type	Z	-	Z	G	Z
PLvl	44	50	95	113	140

CHALvl	35	50	92	112	137
CHA	19	54	134	134	134

Base	7	9	19	23	32
Rand	16	16	36	47	62
Stat	293	323	545	634	768
BtH	11	12	23	28	35

Price	600	3230	7000	137298	11050
Sell	Z	1615	Z	68649	Z	
Added, thanks! ~Koree

UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/28/2011 5:53:26)


/me is making the write-up

Something Z

«Accurate Beastmaster pet. Attacks for Darkness damage.»

Level: 10Z
Power Level: 44
CHA Level: 35
Price: 600 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 540 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; else 300 Z-Tokens
Location: Today's Events » Mogloween 9 » Limited Time Mogloween Shop

Element: Darkness
Training Difficulty: 19

Rate at 0 CHA: 57.5%
Rate at 19 CHA: 67%
Rate at 85 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness
Damage: 6.61-21.72 plus 276.72% Stats
BTH: 16 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 2.2-7.24 plus 92.2407407% Stats
BTH: 16 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

This ... thing ... will protect you if it is the last thing it does!


Numbers thanks to IMR. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Image thanks in part to AVA.


«Accurate Beastmaster pet. Attacks for Darkness damage.»

Level: 50
Power Level: 50
CHA Level: 50
Price: 3,230
Sellback: 1,615
Location: Today's Events » Mogloween 9 » Limited Time Mogloween Shop

Element: Darkness
Training Difficulty: 54

Rate at 0 CHA: 39%
Rate at 54 CHA: 67%
Rate at 120 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness
Damage: 8.5-23.61 plus 305.06% Stats
BTH: 17 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 2.83-7.87 plus 101.69% Stats
BTH: 17 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

This ... thing ... will protect you if it is the last thing it does!


Numbers thanks to IMR. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Image thanks in part to AVA.

Something Z

«Accurate Beastmaster pet. Attacks for Darkness damage.»

Level: 85Z
Power Level: 95
CHA Level: 92
Price: 7,000 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 6,300 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; else 3,500 Z-Tokens
Location: Today's Events » Mogloween 9 » Limited Time Mogloween Shop

Element: Darkness
Training Difficulty: 134

Rate at 0 CHA: 0%
Rate at 134 CHA: 67%
Rate at 200 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness
Damage: 17.94-51.94 plus 514.72% Stats
BTH: 28 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 5.98-17.315 plus 171.57% Stats
BTH: 28 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

This ... thing ... will protect you if it is the last thing it does!


Numbers thanks to IMR. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Image thanks in part to AVA.

Guardian Something

«Accurate Beastmaster pet. Attacks for Darkness damage.»

Level: 110G
Power Level: 13
CHA Level: 112
Price: 137,298
Sellback: 68,649
Location: Today's Events » Mogloween 9 » Limited Time Mogloween Shop

Element: Darkness
Training Difficulty: 134

Rate at 0 CHA: 0%
Rate at 134 CHA: 67%
Rate at 200 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness
Damage: 21.72-66.11 plus 598.78% Stats
BTH: 33 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 7.24-22.037 plus 199.59% Stats
BTH: 33 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

This ... thing ... will protect you if it is the last thing it does!


Numbers thanks to IMR. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Image thanks in part to AVA.

Something Z

«Accurate Beastmaster pet. Attacks for Darkness damage.»

Level: 130Z
Power Level: 140
CHA Level: 137
Price: 11,050 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 9,945 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; else 5,525
Location: Today's Events » Mogloween 9 » Limited Time Mogloween Shop

Element: Darkness
Training Difficulty: 134

Rate at 0 CHA: 0%
Rate at 134 CHA: 67%
Rate at 200 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness
Damage: 30.22-88.78 plus 725.33% Stats
BTH: 40 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 10.07-29.59 plus 241.78% Stats
BTH: 40 plus Stats each
Rate: 50%

This ... thing ... will protect you if it is the last thing it does!


Numbers thanks to IMR. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Image thanks in part to AVA.
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/28/2011 7:24:23)


Image for the Something series


Your image appeared to be too big. Remember that 800x600 is the maximum screen size for screenshots. Thanks anyway. ~Koree

Watashig -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/2/2011 20:18:31)



ORIGINAL: Lavistria (Updated Version)

Once every five turns (starting with the first turn), she she doesn't attack: Lavistria assesses her opponent's weaknesses.

Repetition. Please fix.
Seems to be fixed. ~Koree

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/4/2011 2:20:45)


Eye Spy

MC Earth pet. It's a BM pet with nonBM TD.

Attack#1 occurs 2/3 of the time. It's one hit Melee Earth, and deals 80% damage.
Attack#2 occurs 1/3 of the time. It's two hits Ranged Earth, and deals a total of 140% damage.

All attacks deal 99% damage, +1% for each Morningstar Set item you have equipped (armour/misc/weapon).
Level	11Z	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
PLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
CHALvl	36	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
CHA	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66
Base	8	8	11	14	17	21	25	30
Rand	15	15	20	27	35	43	51	60
Stat	298	298	372	446	521	595	669	743
BtH	11	11	15	18	22	26	30	33
Price	715	2576	6699	17147	43627	110742	280844	711970
Added, thanks! ~Koree

UltraGuy -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/4/2011 2:32:10)




/me is doing the write-up. I already have the description so don't worry.
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Xrai -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/4/2011 4:21:30)

The Eye Spy is bugged? It's not doing the damage it's supposed to do.

lemoolscript -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/9/2011 1:33:12)

Pumpkin Golem

In the description, it says that the Pumpkin Golem will deal darkness damage, but in the hits listed, the 1st two attack are water.
Please clarify this

Sorry! haha my fault.. :P

Xrai -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/9/2011 10:48:21)


Malinius VI needs its ATTACK #1's BtH decrease by 2.

@below: *facepalm* I didn't notice that! However, I found another mistake in the ATTACK #2, according to the info. sub. post, it's supposed to have 1216.4% stats, instead of 1261.4%.
Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

bassetbookworm -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/9/2011 23:42:32)


Not just the bth. I think there's a mistake in Malinius VI:
Malinius VI (Quoted):
Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Fire
Damage: 38-108 plus 380.8% Stats damage each
BTH: 26 plus Stats each

Rate: 80%

From Dev's original submission, it looks like it should be 18-41 plus 415.2% Stats, and 24 bth.
Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

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