Rolith's Question (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Rolith's Question (9/2/2010 21:45:52)

Rolith's Question

Location: Falconreach (Book 1) -> Rolith Says: *Gulp*!, Alina's Mana Potion Shop -> Alina -> Quests -> Rolith Says: *Gulp*!
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: September 2nd, 2010

Objective: Shhh, Do NOT tell Alina you have seen this...
Objective completed: Now let's see if she hates me for proposing ingame in meme, instead of the more traditional Sonnet!

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0




Rolith: Hello, friends.
Rolith: Look at your character.
Rolith: Now back to me.
Rolith: Now back at your character.
Rolith: Now back to me.
Rolith: Sadly, s/he isn't me.
Rolith: I'm me. And for you to be me, it'd be weird.
Rolith: As you know, we base a lot of our characters in game off of the people that help make them happen in real life.
Rolith: For example,in real life, I am the lead programmer.
Rolith: And Alina in Falconreach is really one of DF's quest creators and a very talented writer.
Rolith: Now, look down.
Rolith: Back up.
Rolith: Where are you?
Rolith: You're in a forest, watching me walk.
Rolith: I'm wrestling a bear.
Rolith: Look again.
Rolith: That's not a bear, that's a horse.
Rolith: So, why share this information today?
Rolith: Because, not too long ago, Alina and I fell in love in real life.
Rolith: And now, after more than three years of her being my best friend...
Rolith: Then my wonderful girlfriend, today is a very special day.
Rolith: And it just wouldn't be right for us to go through it without you, the players, being involved.
Rolith: What's in your backpack?
Rolith: Back at me.
Rolith: I have it.
Rolith: It's a box.
Rolith: A box containing my gratitude to you, the community, and these wonderful games. It is thanks to you that I have Alina in my life at all.
Rolith: That's not gratitude, that's a ring.
Rolith: So, now that we're here... I have a very important question for her.
Rolith: Alina...
Rolith: ...Will you marry me?
Alina: !!!

  • OMG! - completes quest.

    Other information
  • Quest was previously named 'What? Its Nothing!'.

    Thanks to
  • Baron Dante for permanent location link.
  • Peachii for correction.

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