RE: Is mechquest dying? (Full Version)

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icemaster 77 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 13:45:31)

There's only about 11 million players in Mechquest.When I type random users ID for 1-11 million,90% of the players are below lv 20,most of them have lv 1 mechs.I also fought against a founder who's lv 25.

I think Mechquest lv 30-40 players are about 5% of the total players in Mechquest,50% of them are below lv 5.So this means Mechquest is shrinking,not dying.

Terosin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 13:55:09)

I want to throw in Korin's posts:


In response to the small releases, we are a very small team. AQW is a very big team. Weapons for MQ are also more difficult to animate and design since in AQW and DF for example, all you need is the graphic of a new sword and blam. New weapon. We need a decent arm, and to animate the arm and the visual effects. Same for mechs. Hit, Miss, Sometimes Idle, Walk, Death, Melee, then a Body attack, head attack, 2 arms, and 2 shoulders. Not to mention taking the time to vectorize and color it.

It absolutely does take that long to accomplish.

At the same time though, while these releases are smaller, it's giving me time to slowly build up a bigger release of an updated intro shuttle in an attempt to keep the new players that sign up as we only get half the sign-ups of DF and AQ yet our conversion rates are just as high if not a little higher. Conversion rate means number of new players that support the game by paying.

Then there's quests and cutscenes in which our Animator and new artist are both part time and our main artist is leaving for a new game project in Artix and Thyton is also bombarded with projects which leaves me to fill in any design holes as well as animate big things like cutscenes and sometimes weapons or mechs (for instance, I shaded both weapons and animated the arm weapons because we were running behind).

It's not to say that out crew doesn't work hard it's just that we run very light.

I also have Minar but he's even more part time since he's still in school so I keep him very light with the exception of Yokai since it was during his summer.

Our bug testers are good though. I don't think there are any issues there. Just takes time to fix the bugs they find especially when you don't know the cause.

So yes. Small team = small releases = MQ. Large team = big releases = AQW.


In response to conversion rates, let's look at it this way.

MQ gets 5000 new users a day (not real numbers).

DF get around 10,000 a day.

1% of 10,000 means a lot of players spent money.

1% of 5,000 means that relatively a lot of players spent money but 1% of 5,000 is ultimately less players. I don't have the exact math formula and it's hard to figure it out manually since the payment history that I use doesn't show new customers from recurring.

Basically if we're getting half as many players as DF and AQ then we're making half as much.

Again, not real numbers. Just an example. That said, Artix is constantly surprised at the love MQ gets. He recognizes that the players of MQ are very dedicated. Our hardest issue is finding that audience.

The releases dropped significantly when Warlic had to go to team Strike Force because before that, he and I both were coding the quests and I was able to make more animations for it. However, it proved more profitable for him to move on to Strike Force which isn't a bad thing because I've seen a lot of what he's been making and it's awesome.

As for MQ, we just need to find our audience and hopefully reorganizing the Intro Shuttle will help boost the conversion rate which would solve the lack of new traffic and would possibly open the door to more crewmembers.

That said, we all work very hard on the releases. We don't mean to make them small but it's hard enough when I work for hours trying to cram as much as I can in a release only to get comments saying the releases are still super small so I decided to make several smaller releases in hopes that I could make one ridiculously long set of quests. The new planets should reflect this if we're capable.

This is probably a horrible thing to talk about on a PR level but I don't like lying to the loyal players so I try to be as honest as I can with this stuff when asked serious questions.

But now it's time for bed.

ForceConvince your friends to play.

I think we all understand, that less players mean less budget to get more staff members and that our current staff members aren't the problem.
All of them are doin a great job and try to provide awesome releases.

There's one problem I can see here:
DF get's more attention cause there are more players and we would get more attention too, if there were more members.
But with small releases, we just lose more and more members and the releases become smaller and smaller. There's no hope for more players.

Overall - I still like to compare DF and MQ, since... well... We only see the releases and can't talk about the income behind the games.

Hellsoarer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 14:24:50)

In my opinion MechQuest is better than all AE games because it's sort of like build-a-mech and then obliterate your foe and later buy some more giant mechas. Do any other games have giant explosions? [:)]

CleverUserName -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 14:31:34)

Terosin post, along with Korin's quotes pretty much summed up what I had to say, but I'll reiterate some of it just because I don't want my first post here in two weeks to be stupid.

Mechquest is a great game, but it's also more complicated than pretty much all of the other AE games to code.
As a result, releases are usually smaller, and therefore underappreciated.

But I think the truth is that there are really only two things wrong with Mechquest, the first obviously being the design team.
To the best I can tell, the few programmers MQ does have are all very proficient, if not indeed talented at what they do. Unfortunately, they lack a distinct advantage: They don't really have any of the older programmers from all the other games, like Warlic or Cysero.
Because of this, there isn't so much of a difference in quality as there is in overall experience.

Warlic knew all about what fans of AE wanted, because he had been around for a long time, so he knew what kinds of ideas we expected and would enjoy.
But now that Warlic is no longer working with the MQ team full time, the team is now mainly comprised of relatively newer programmmers.
Due to this, MQhas a lot of ideas which deviate from the normal AE "feel". These newer ideas are what makes MQ the great game that it is, but it's also the reason less open-minded plyers shun the game, simply because you actually have to think about what you do in battle.
I feel many problems would be solved if we could just get a few more programmers to work with the MQ team.

The second problem is advertising. Seriously, how often is it you see a MechQuest ad?
Sure, there are metric tons of adverts for AQW, DF and AQ, but hardly any, if any at all for Mechquest.
In fact, I know that some people who, when they start out playing AE games, have absolutely no idea MQ exists.
If we could get some actual advertising out, I guarantee you the MQ fanbase would increase significantly.

Hellsoarer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 14:46:38)


The second problem is advertising. Seriously, how often is it you see a MechQuest ad?
Sure, there are metric tons of adverts for AQW, DF and AQ, but hardly any, if any at all.
In fact, I know that some people who, when they start out playing AE games, have absolutely no idea MQ exists.
If we could get some actual advertising out, I guarantee you the MQ fanbase would increase significantly.

Yes, YES!!!
There needs to be more advertising for MechQuest so tons of more players will come and lots will become SCs and usually when they become SCs they won't stop playing they'll get the SCMMs and they will buy SC only mechs on Holidays and they'll play more.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 20:39:48)

The problem with more people signing up is that all it does is strain the server if they don't upgrade or stay. ;P
Which is likely, considering the abundance of equipment gaps and various other issues, such as a player not knowing which areas to head to and thus going to the place where they get killed the easiest (ex. If a player tries heading to the Police Station first, it's a good idea but the Rooster Booster and the other Chicken, AND the Werewolf enemies, all make things VERY tough, not to mention the sword fights are really annoying. To add on to that, if a player sees the sword fights, and doesn't know about the class, they may leave over that as well. Even if they do head to the class, it has to be one of the most irritating areas in MQ and may cause them to leave anyways.).

End long parenthetical statement. :P

stealthwings -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 21:02:33)

That would be solved by giving new players both a better starter mecha, and a better starter energy blade.

If that is done, and there is a bit more advertising, then it will be fine.

SparkNorkx -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 21:09:09)

First of all, I don't know why most people prefer Dragon Fable over than Mech Quest. That game is quite boring and it's like the usual fantasy RPG that I always play all the time. That's just my opinion.

Also, advertisements won't even help much and don't worry about the player population because it's just a one player game. The only thing we all have to worry about is the staff team and lack of updates.

The game itself is way behind than all the other AE games like the world is small, level cap, unbalanced, and much more.

trans205 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 21:15:15)

When I'm web surfing, I often see AQ and AQW ads, but not once a MQ ad. It will help if there're more ads for this game.

I ensure you that DF is better than MQ; seeing that you're level 6, you don't know very much about it. Sorry, MQ forumites.

Hellsoarer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 21:17:07)

I think MQ has moar rares so that is one of the reasons I like it the best.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 21:36:26)

That was one of the slightly better scenarios. :P
Worst-case is that they go buy a HM after saving up for an impossibly long time, end up grabbing the RH HM, lose in Tibattleonia when trying Warlic's quests, think it'll get easier if they try another place, and find out it's not true.
Even worse is if a player finally gets flight clearance and tries going to Necryptos.
And there are quite a few in-between scenarios. A better starting mech and a better default energy blade can only go so far (not to mention that regardless of how useful an energy blade is, the current system is still very boring.).

I actually find that one of the reasons it's not quite as popular.
After all, many gaps are filled...but only by now unobtainable rares. Which means new players are out of luck.
Which may be another reason why there aren't many players.

Valnos -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 22:37:09)

One thing that MQ really needs to do is just drop the SCMM project. There are too many other, more important game aspects that require attention. [>:]

Also, this Quibble guy is just going to be another wasted concept if all he does is sell rares. Remind me... HOW much time is wasted on "limited time availability" artwork/animations/etc.?

Hellsoarer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 22:45:07)

SCMMs are one of the main points of becoming an SC.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 23:29:55)

Which should change.
More non-rare content is much higher priority, IMO.

Ashari -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/12/2010 23:30:57)

One problem I see is the concentration put into rares. While it's a nice addition for players that have been around for a while to have all these rares, they do nothing to attract or keep new players playing.

Granted, I joined MechQuest 3 years ago, but only recently did I decide to sit down and start playing through the storyline. The first thing that surprised me was when I checked out the encyclopedia: I found 233 rare Mechas out of a total of 361 just from level 1-20. Now this is only Mecha Bases, but the driving force to continue leveling and grinding through content for many is to get cool new & shiny Mechas.

That is TWO-THIRDS of the "content" developed that is no longer available to new players. The reason the MQ world feels so small is that such a big percent of content is rares. When a new player joins, they don't care about the games past and how full of events and powerful mechas it was. They care about what is going on now and what they can do and attain in game.

I'm not bashing rares here. They have been a central concept behind all the AE games, and they serve as an integral part of rewarding long-time players and collectors; the problem is that rares have become too dominant and permanent content is scarce.

Hellsoarer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 0:13:44)

Now this thread seems like it should be named "Too many rares?"
In my opinion I think it is fine the way it is right nao but I only get rares.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 0:25:27)

Because of 2 posts from me and 1 post from Ashari? ;P
You're an older player; you can survive easier.
Newer players are lost at *cough* levels 15-18, or at other prominent gaps, or they're finished as soon as they purchase a level 8 Ghost Hunter, wear out their motivation in the Energy Blades Class, or when they buy a level 8 Police Mecha.
I've been in every single one of those situations. It was not fun.

SparkNorkx -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 0:34:01)

trans205 : Dragon Fable is boring. No matter what level I am, it's still boring. Their basically using the usual "fantasy RPG elements". It's also basically you running around and grind instead of pressing the battle random monster button at your home town. Even if they added humor, it's still boring. I don't know about you, but I rather play real console RPGs besides Mech Quest. The only thing interesting is in Mech Quest because it's not the usual theme RPG you see everyday.

Hellsoarer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 0:36:18)

When I started playing MQ again I used my Frankenmecha (lvl 5) and beat the knife and spork challenge when they were lvl 15 [:)]

trans205 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 0:56:43)

@Spark: Too bad, because I find that running around searching for quests has more logic, instead of pressing a button at the hometown and immediately getting a battle. Also, you haven't even reached level 10 out of a possible 60, how would you know? Well, everyone has their own opinions.

And yes, MQ would be much more successful if the staff cut the rare content in half, which is still a lot. AQ didn't even have 20 rares this year, and it's already making heaps of progress.

Calogero -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 6:20:04)

these are my opinions

WAY to much rares

Make the Monthly makes to 3 monthly mechs or something.
that Copy of Quibble, Every 4-5 months or something.

That way, Sc still get their Precious SC only mechs but on the other hand Lowers the rate of which Mech inventory is filled.
(Make the mech avaiable for 1 month only)

Same with Quibble guy but with the Normal inventory

and That way aswell gives the staff +2 months to think of an original Sc mech while Progressing the Story line and adding non rare mechs

Knight_Hawk -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 8:39:56)


I think we all understand, that less players mean less budget to get more staff members and that our current staff members aren't the problem.
All of them are doin a great job and try to provide awesome releases.

There's one problem I can see here:
DF get's more attention cause there are more players and we would get more attention too, if there were more members.
But with small releases, we just lose more and more members and the releases become smaller and smaller. There's no hope for more players.

Overall - I still like to compare DF and MQ, since... well... We only see the releases and can't talk about the income behind the games.

Personally, while the size of the releases affect the game, I think for now, focus should be on the quality of the release. Look at Steve Skysplitter, a mecha that broke tradition of the SCMMs. It did everything I could do with a BAM and didnt do it all that well. Then the traveling salesman, which didnt have all that many weapons TO sell. Then theres the SOON list. If staff would focus one or two things, instead of promising the world to us, releases, even if small, would go faster and turn out cleaner. Maybe, just maybe, the quality of releases will pull back some of the vets of the game and in return, the game will start to grow.


these are my opinions

WAY to much rares

Make the Monthly makes to 3 monthly mechs or something.
that Copy of Quibble, Every 4-5 months or something.

That way, Sc still get their Precious SC only mechs but on the other hand Lowers the rate of which Mech inventory is filled.
(Make the mech avaiable for 1 month only)

Same with Quibble guy but with the Normal inventory

and That way aswell gives the staff +2 months to think of an original Sc mech while Progressing the Story line and adding non rare mechs

Yeah, that would help. There are too many rare hunters in the game. Its really polluting the population of "rare" mechas. Personally, I wouldnt even mind having SCMMs become once or twice a year. I also wouldnt mind having all these side quests, such as Yokai and Nyph, waited on until the main story is complete. Surely, its easier to think of story compared to having to think of random things for a new planet every month.

Really though, yes, I hate to say it but, MQ is laying on the ground, bleeding out quickly and Nurse Helia is no where to be seen yet.

Calogero -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 8:47:12)

@ Knight_Hawk

You should see my Inventory...
Practicly all are Rare only... and to add my inventory practicly full...
Only have 3 space or something left of which 1/3 are ScMM

I know the MQ staff wants to give the Sc what they deserve but djeez, Know to make a Limit or something

17 of my 46 mechs are SCMM
I got like 3 non rare and 1 doom sell
that means practicly +40 mechs that are rare

EinhanderX01 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 21:59:55)

Just as a reminder, the moment this thread just becomes a list of complaints and grievances is the moment this thread gets locked.

Please post constructively, or don't post at all. Posts that don't contribute to the general discussion is considered spam.

Further posts after this not related to the topic will be deleted and the poster warned. ~Ein

AQ Madness -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/13/2010 22:23:52)

Yes it is dying. It's not very appealing anymore. Alot of it is recycled stuff. They need to come up with something huge and epic. Like a mini expansion. They need new and fresh ideas. Make MechQuest a bad-arse game with huge robots, please. It's basically a fighting game now.

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