Poisonous Chimeran Spear (Full Version)

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Koree -> Poisonous Chimeran Spear (9/21/2010 11:12:51)

Poisonous Chimeran Spear

«Accurate 20% proc Ranged Earth spear. Mastercraft; does increased damage against poisoned monsters.»

Related items:Location: The Chimeran Set
Level	90
PowLvl	90 MC

Price	46217
Sell	23108
Type: Ranged
Element: Earth
Damage	9-38
BTH	11
Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Earth
BR%	340.31
LS%	218.48
+BTH	43
Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks gain +3 BTH and deal *85/88 damage.
  • Against poisoned monsters, all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal *1.1 damage.

  • If you have the weapon, armour and shield of the set equipped, then at the end of your turn, there's a (2.5/7) * [hits connected] / [hits attempted] chance of Paralysing* the monster on all normal player attacks and weapon specials. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus**:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourDEX vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    **The poison in your foe's veins intensifies, paralyzing them with Toxic Shock!
    **Your foe struggles against the poison surge and fights off the paralysis.

    Designed to be used by one who has tamed a chimera, this spear deals extra damage to those who have been poisoned - and may paralyze a poisoned foe when used with the Full Set!


    Old numbers from JMill. Status numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to balubamboto. Full set bonus details from nachoman. New numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    Special starts out with:
    Level	90
    PowLvl	90
    BR%	1081
    LS%	694
    +BTH	38
    Special gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored in to the above numbers.


    August 26, 2010: The weapon was released.
    June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	121000
    Sell	80700
    February 20, 2014: Weapon was updated. Old stats were:
    Level	90
    PowLvl	90
    Price	46217
    Sell	30811
    Damage	9-37
    BTH	11
    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth
    BR%	360
    LS%	231
    +BTH	38
    While you have a weapon, shield, and armour of the Set, the monster is poisoned, and at least 2 hits of the Special connect, the Weapon attempts to Paralyze* the monster.
    The monster takes +10 to its save** (if all hits connect) or +15 to its save (if only two connect).
    Level: 90 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: 200 vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLuck vs MonsterLuck

  • Carandor -> Poisonous Chimeran Spear Z (5/31/2016 16:36:21)

    Poisonous Chimeran Spear Z

    «Accurate 20% proc Ranged Earth spear. Mastercraft; does increased damage against poisoned monsters.»

    Related items:Location: The Chimeran Set
    Type	Z
    Level	80
    PowLvl	90 MC
    Price	7315
    S <48h	6583
      >48h	3657
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Earth
    Damage	9-38
    BTH	11
    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth
    BR%	340.31
    LS%	218.48
    +BTH	43
    Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks gain +3 BTH and deal *85/88 damage.
  • Against poisoned monsters, all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal *1.1 damage.

  • If you have the weapon, armour and shield of the set equipped, then at the end of your turn, there's a (2.5/7) * [hits connected] / [hits attempted] chance of Paralysing* the monster on all normal player attacks and weapon specials. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus**:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourDEX vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    **The poison in your foe's veins intensifies, paralyzing them with Toxic Shock!
    **Your foe struggles against the poison surge and fights off the paralysis.

    Designed to be used by one who has tamed a chimera, this spear deals extra damage to those who have been poisoned - and may paralyze a poisoned foe when used with the Full Set!


    Image thanks to balubamboto. Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    Special starts out with:
    Level	80
    PowLvl	90
    BR%	1081
    LS%	694
    +BTH	38
    Special gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored in to the above numbers.


    February 20, 2014: The Weapon was released.

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