RE: Armors (Full Version)

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Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: Armors (7/19/2011 9:46:05)


The following items are now located in Yulgar's Intermediate Shop. (The renamed Advanced Shop)

Samurai Form
Martial Artist Form
Razor's Edge Plate

Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

Kyouhei -> RE: Armors (7/19/2011 10:45:23)


Guardian Armor pictures with original colors
[image][/image] (Plate)

[image][/image] (Leather)

[image][/image] (Robes)

[image][/image] (Savant)

[image][/image] (UG)

[image][/image] (AoA)

Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

Mystical Warrior -> RE: Armors (7/25/2011 7:15:03)


In the Armor Indices the UltraGuardian armors aren't in the no-drop section at the top
And now they are! Thanks. ~Koree

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Armors (7/26/2011 7:15:54)


Dragonslayer ( Elite, Golden, Golden Eclipse) needs a typo corrected.


Those who wear the armor of the DragonSlayer and carry the title wirh pride are made of hardy stuff.

Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

UltraGuy -> RE: Armors (7/27/2011 13:16:36)


No-Drop High Quality Images

UltraGuardian (All Variants)


Leather Armor


Steel Plate


Savant's Robes

I used the UltraGuardian and Steel Plate images, the others weren't needed. Thanks! ~Koree

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Armors (8/2/2011 12:17:17)



They aren't Mastercrafted.
Oops. Fixed, thanks. ~Koree

Vivi -> RE: Armors (8/4/2011 14:51:43)


Salvation Armor
Skill is 2 hits darkness (Melee->Ranged, Magic = Magic), standard (2*b/r/s). Cost is standard*costmod listed below. Armor is MC so no compression.
Also, Lucky Strikes deal LUK/4 extra damage, instead of LUK/2.

The normal attack is two hits. ~In Media Res

Lvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130
Type	Z	Z	G	-	G	Z	Z
PLvl	44	54	54	70	93	120	140
MPLvl	35	48	53	70	92	117	137
BR      232     262     262     310     379     460     520
S       390     456     456     562     714     892     1024
BTH	5	6	6	8	11	15	17
Fire	-20	-25	-25	-31	-37	-43	-48
Water	-8	-10	-10	-12	-15	-16	-18
Ice	-8	-10	-10	-12	-15	-16	-18
Wind	-18	-19	-19	-20	-25	-27	-29
Earth	-18	-19	-19	-20	-25	-27	-29
Energy	-24	-29	-29	-37	-45	-53	-59
Light	-12	-17	-17	-18	-19	-21	-25
Dark	-12	-17	-17	-18	-19	-21	-25
Melee	32	34	34	37	40	45	48
Ranged	32	34	34	37	40	45	48
Magic	32	34	34	37	40	45	48
CostMod	0.78	0.78	0.78	0.80	0.76	0.72	0.79
Price	660	1155	18920	86020	269940	9955	12155
Sell	Z	Z	9460	43010	134970	Z	Z

Skill appendix (total)

Lvl	10Z	30Z	50G	70	90G	110Z	130Z
PLvl	44	54	54	70	93	120	140
MPLvl	35	48	53	70	92	117	137
SkBR	464	524	524	620	758	920	1040
SkSt	780	912	912	1124	1428	1784	2048
SkCost	78	103	113	154	199	251	337

Got it. Thank you! ~B

bszoke88 -> RE: Armors (8/4/2011 15:45:20)


Salvation Armor

desc: A recreaation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast.

10 - (As powerful as a level 44 armor)
30 - (As powerful as a level 54 armor)
50 - (As powerful as a level 54 armor) (Guardian Only)
90 - (As powerful as a level 93 armor)
110 - (As powerful as a level 120 armor)
130 - (As powerful as a level 140 armor)

Got it. Thank you. ~B

UltraGuy -> RE: Armors (8/4/2011 18:54:23)


Salvation Armor


Salvation Armor Z I

Level: 10Z
Power Level: 44, Mastercrafted
SP Level: 35
Price: 660 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 594 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 330 afterwards
Location: Travel Map » Granemor » Absolix Falling
Element: Energy

Melee: 32
Ranged: 32
Magic: 32

Fire: 80%
Water: 92%
Wind: 82%
Ice: 92%
Earth: 82%
Energy: 76%
Light: 88%
Darkness: 88%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 116% Base, Random and 195% Stats each
BTH: +5 plus Stats each

    Corrupted Blast
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 232% Base, Random and 390% Stats each
    BtH: +5 plus Stats
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 78 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast. (As powerful as a level 44 armor)


Numbers thanks to Vivi. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Dev, nicksocool and gridd.

Salvation Armor Z II

Level: 30Z
Power Level: 54, Mastercrafted
SP Level: 48
Price: 1155 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 1036 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 578 afterwards
Location: Travel Map » Granemor » Absolix Falling
Element: Energy

Melee: 34
Ranged: 34
Magic: 34

Fire: 75%
Water: 90%
Wind: 81%
Ice: 90%
Earth: 81%
Energy: 71%
Light: 83%
Darkness: 83%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 131% Base, Random and 228% Stats each
BTH: +6 plus Stats each

    Corrupted Blast
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 262% Base, Random and 456% Stats each
    BtH: +6 plus Stats
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 103 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack

A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast. (As powerful as a level 54 armor)


Numbers thanks to Vivi. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Dev, nicksocool and gridd.

Salvation Armor G II

Level: 50G
Power Level: 54, Mastercrafted
SP Level: 53
Price: 18920 Gold
Sellback: 9460 Gold
Location: Travel Map » Granemor » Absolix Falling
Element: Energy

Melee: 34
Ranged: 34
Magic: 34

Fire: 75%
Water: 90%
Wind: 81%
Ice: 90%
Earth: 81%
Energy: 71%
Light: 83%
Darkness: 83%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 131% Base, Random and 228% Stats each
BTH: +6 plus Stats each

    Corrupted Blast
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 262% Base, Random and 456% Stats each
    BtH: +6 plus Stats
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 103 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast. (As powerful as a level 54 armor) (Guardian Only!)


Numbers thanks to Vivi. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Dev, nicksocool and gridd.

Salvation Armor A III

Level: 70
Power Level: 70, Mastercrafted
SP Level: 70
Price: 86020 Gold
Sellback: 43010 Gold
Location: Travel Map » Granemor » Absolix Falling
Element: Energy

Melee: 37
Ranged: 37
Magic: 37

Fire: 69%
Water: 88%
Wind: 80%
Ice: 88%
Earth: 80%
Energy: 63%
Light: 82%
Darkness: 82%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 155% Base, Random and 281% Stats each
BTH: +8 plus Stats each

    Corrupted Blast
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 310% Base, Random and 562% Stats each
    BtH: +8 plus Stats
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 154 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast.


Numbers thanks to Vivi. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Dev, nicksocool and gridd.

Salvation Armor G IV

Level: 90G
Power Level: 93, Mastercrafted
SP Level: 92
Price: 269940 Gold
Sellback: 134970 Gold
Location: Travel Map » Granemor » Absolix Falling
Element: Energy

Melee: 40
Ranged: 40
Magic: 40

Fire: 63%
Water: 85%
Wind: 75%
Ice: 85%
Earth: 75%
Energy: 55%
Light: 81%
Darkness: 81%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 189.5% Base, Random and 357% Stats each
BTH: +11 plus Stats each

    Corrupted Blast
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 379% Base, Random and 714% Stats each
    BtH: +11 plus Stats
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 199 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast. (As powerful as a level 93 armor) (Guardian Only!)


Numbers thanks to Vivi. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Dev, nicksocool and gridd.

Salvation Armor Z V

Level: 110
Power Level: 120, Mastercrafted
SP Level: 117
Price: 9955 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 8960 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 4978 afterwards
Location: Travel Map » Granemor » Absolix Falling
Element: Energy

Melee: 45
Ranged: 45
Magic: 45

Fire: 57%
Water: 84%
Wind: 73%
Ice: 84%
Earth: 73%
Energy: 47%
Light: 79%
Darkness: 79%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 230% Base, Random and 446% Stats each
BTH: +15 plus Stats each

    Corrupted Blast
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 260% Base, Random and 892% Stats each
    BtH: +15 plus Stats
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 251 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast. (As powerful as a level 120 armor)


Numbers thanks to Vivi. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Dev, nicksocool and gridd.

Salvation Armor Z VI

Level: 130
Power Level: 140, Mastercrafted
SP Level: 137
Price: 12155 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 10904 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 6058 afterwards
Location: Travel Map » Granemor » Absolix Falling
Element: Energy

Melee: 48
Ranged: 48
Magic: 48

Fire: 52%
Water: 82%
Wind: 71%
Ice: 82%
Earth: 71%
Energy: 41%
Light: 75%
Darkness: 75%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 260% Base, Random and 512% Stats each
BTH: +17 plus Stats each

    Corrupted Blast
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 520% Base, Random and 1024% Stats each
    BtH: +17 plus Stats
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 337 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast. (As powerful as a level 140armor)


Numbers thanks to Vivi. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Correction thanks to Dev, nicksocool and gridd.

Fixed some errors. And got everything. Thank you. ~B

Xrai -> RE: Armors (8/4/2011 23:49:01)


Correction to bszoke88's post, there is a spelling error in one of the word in the description, it should be "recreation" instead of "recreaation". Level 90 version's description has "(Guardian Only)" at the end of the description. There is also a level 70 version which its description is just "A recreation of the special armor that Ryuusei Cartwright used to battle Absolix, it possesses a powerful Corrupted Blast."

Taken care of. Thank you. ~B

arcangelgabrel -> RE: Armors (8/5/2011 4:40:30)

It might be good to note on the Armor of Awe(s) that the color customization only allows you to color your trim and cape, not your plate.

painkiller09 -> RE: Armors (8/5/2011 12:33:51)


the corrupted blast has TWO hits, not one

Got it. Thank you. ~B

Dev -> RE: Armors (8/5/2011 12:50:03)


Corrupted blast is two hits of DARKNESS (not as weapon), Melee converts to ranged and magic is magic. The regular attack is two hits of As Weapon type and As Weapon element.

Got it. Thank you! ~B

UltraGuy -> RE: Armors (8/5/2011 23:47:46)

Dang, I should really avoid copypasting xD

Mage of Awe -> RE: Armors (8/6/2011 0:13:59)



Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: *% Base, Random and *% Stats each
BTH: +* plus Stats each

Element should be «As Weapon»

Taken care of. Thank you. ~B

Xrai -> RE: Armors (8/6/2011 14:43:06)


@UltraGuy: This should be noted:

Also, Lucky Strikes deal LUK/4 extra damage, instead of LUK/2.

Taken care of. Thank you. ~B

Xrai -> RE: Armors (8/8/2011 19:30:31)


Salvation Armor G IV

(As powerful as a level 96 armor)
This part of description is wrong. It should be "(As powerful as a level 93 armor)".

Fixed. Thank you. ~B

Grixus Faldor -> RE: Armors (8/12/2011 6:10:05)

For the Armours of Awe, under Colour customisation, it should say that only the trim and cape colours of the Armours of Awe can be customised. Also to visit valencia it should be Battleon > Valencia > Visit Grumbugly (Visit Valencia privately) > Customisable items.

bassetbookworm -> RE: Armors (8/15/2011 10:33:14)

In the Nemesis Series, the pedia entries are missing a note similar to what is found in the older mc sets. For example, Golden Axe includes the note that if the set includes a lower leveled item, the full set bonus will revert to that lower leveled item but will still work. I am not sure the Nemesis set gets any weaker if you are using a lower leveled item for the full set bonus, but the full set bonus still works. Since the description of the full set bonus is the same throughout the series, all that would need to be added would be something to indicate that the set does not have to be all from the same level.

Khimera -> RE: Armors (8/15/2011 11:09:04)

@above: That's because it doesn't scale down - It's a 12% chance of 200% damage.

bassetbookworm -> RE: Armors (8/15/2011 11:24:42)

I wasn't sure about that, good. But it does still work with lower leveled equipment- should a note about that still be included? It is a little ambiguous right now, but it's not essential to include a note.

kuramas_foxy_rose -> RE: Armors (8/21/2011 13:50:47)

You guys need to update the Armor encyclopedia section with one of the elemental category lists like the Weapons and Spell areas have! I'm trying to change the element of two (then a third one later) my Weapons of Awe right now, but can't find what I want. I'm using wizard robes as a temporary fix, but need to compare everything in the end. I'm sure I'm not the only one having this problem either.

The Forgotten -> RE: Armors (8/21/2011 21:34:15)

* ahem*

Guardian Patrick -> RE: Armors (8/31/2011 14:47:41)


Algern's Carapace

Level 131

Melee 45
Ranged 45
Magic 50

Fire 51%
Water 83%
Wind 77%
Ice 84%
Earth 77%
Energy 59%
Light 86%
Darkness 43%

All attack are convert to dark damage.
Attack type: As your weapon (2 hits attack)

Got it. Thanks ~D

UltraGuy -> RE: Armors (8/31/2011 14:52:01)


Pic for Algern's Carapace


Algern's Carapace

Level: 14
Power Level: 14
SP Level: 14
Price: 630
Sellback: 315
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 25
Ranged: 25
Magic: 30

Fire: 89%
Water: 110%
Wind: 97%
Ice: 111%
Earth: 97%
Energy: 113%
Light: 113%
Darkness: 87%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 81% Base, Random and 109.5% Stats each
BTH: -3 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 67.5% Base, Random and 91% Stats each
    BtH: +2 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 45 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP!


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone.

Algern's Carapace

Level: 14Z
Power Level: 46
SP Level: 38
Price: 490 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 441 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; else 245 Z-Tokens
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 31
Ranged: 31
Magic: 36

Fire: 78%
Water: 91%
Wind: 85%
Ice: 93%
Earth: 85%
Energy: 82%
Light: 96%
Darkness: 75%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 156.5% Base, Random and 265.5% Stats each
BTH: 1 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 113% Base, Random and 192% Stats each
    BtH: +6 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 67 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP!


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone.

Algern's Carapace

Level: 46
Power Level: 46
SP Level: 46
Price: 8820
Sellback: 4410
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 31
Ranged: 31
Magic: 36

Fire: 78%
Water: 91%
Wind: 85%
Ice: 93%
Earth: 85%
Energy: 82%
Light: 96%
Darkness: 75%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 156.5% Base, Random and 265.5% Stats each
BTH: 1 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 113% Base, Random and 192% Stats each
    BtH: +6 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 80 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP!


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone.

Algern's Carapace

Level: 66
Power Level: 69
SP Level: 68
Price: 40460
Sellback: 20230
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 34
Ranged: 34
Magic: 39

Fire: 68%
Water: 87%
Wind: 82%
Ice: 88%
Earth: 82%
Energy: 77%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 64%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 225.5% Base, Random and 407.5% Stats each
BTH: 4 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 146% Base, Random and 263.5% Stats each
    BtH: +9 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 94 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP! (Guardian Only)


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone.

Algern's Carapace

Level: 84
Power Level: 94
SP Level: 91
Price: 4865 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 2493 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; else 4487 Z-Tokens
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 39
Ranged: 39
Magic: 44

Fire: 62%
Water: 86%
Wind: 81%
Ice: 87%
Earth: 81%
Energy: 68%
Light: 89%
Darkness: 54%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 317.5% Base, Random and 598% Stats each
BTH: 7 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 181.5% Base, Random and 342% Stats each
    BtH: +12 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 97 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP!


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone.

Algern's Carapace

Level: 104
Power Level: 104
SP Level: 104
Price: 335300
Sellback: 167650
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 40
Ranged: 40
Magic: 45

Fire: 59%
Water: 85%
Wind: 80%
Ice: 86%
Earth: 80%
Energy: 66%
Light: 88%
Darkness: 51%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 356.5% Base, Random and 680% Stats each
BTH: 8 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 195.5% Base, Random and 373.5% Stats each
    BtH: +13 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 101 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP!


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone.

Algern's Carapace

Level: 124
Power Level: 124
SP Level: 124
Price: 901460
Sellback: 450730
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 44
Ranged: 44
Magic: 49

Fire: 54%
Water: 84%
Wind: 79%
Ice: 85%
Earth: 79%
Energy: 62%
Light: 87%
Darkness: 46%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 449% Base, Random and 873.5% Stats each
BTH: 11 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 224% Base, Random and 436% Stats each
    BtH: +16 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 94 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP!


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone.

Algern's Carapace

Level: 131G
Power Level: 134
SP Level: 133
Price: 1280510
Sellback: 640255
Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness

Melee: 45
Ranged: 45
Magic: 50

Fire: 51%
Water: 83%
Wind: 77%
Ice: 84%
Earth: 77%
Energy: 59%
Light: 86%
Darkness: 43%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Darkness
Damage: 490.5% Base, Random and 961.5% Stats each
BTH: 12 plus Stats each

    Life Drain
    Hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Damage: 238.5% Base, Random and 467.5% Stats each
    BtH: +17 plus Stats
    Effect: You heal HP equal to the total damage dealt.
    Note: If a Lucky Strike occurs, then you get an extra LUK/4 damage, instead of LUK/2.
    Cost: 94 SP

    Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack.

This replica of Algern's unique armor has been crafted to imitate it as well as was possible from observation. It has both a powerful Darkness attack that can devastate Light-based enemies and a Darkness skill that can drain HP! (Guardian Only)


Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Description thanks to bszoke88. Correction thanks to stratuscone. Additional info thanks to Rixuel.

Got pic, used my own write-ups that were already done. Thanks ~D


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