=WF= What Entries are Missing? (Full Version)

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moneybags -> =WF= What Entries are Missing? (12/9/2010 2:19:59)

What entries are missing from the Pedia? Please post them here, and it'll be added to our to-do list!

Right now, we've got...

  • Plasma Staff and ThunderClap series : http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=18160358
  • Darkseeker Battlesuits : http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=18255174
  • Crat : http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=18160350
  • Defiler Spider : http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=18255177
  • Purgos spell : http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=17922775

  • Quests
  • Monsters (Obviouly this'll be hard to complete, but just putting it in here :P)
  • Minor fixes to old entries.
  • NPCs

  • ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= What Entries are Missing? (12/9/2010 6:24:36)

    I'm going to use this to list Monster Entries that are missing. I can get the bold ones.

    Nefadon (5) - Earth, Wind, Darkness, Energy
    Nefadon (15) - Earth, Energy, Darkness
    Nefadon (25) - Ice, Wind
    Nefadon (55) - Wind, Energy, Ice (The Wind one is listed in the wrong post)
    Nefadon (65) - Ice, Energy
    Nefadon (85) - Darkness

    Alteon Assault:
    Dark K1773R (20)
    Z29K (30)
    Z29K (90)

    Random Encounter:
    Malzar (60)
    Ybbor the Tobor (96)
    Protus Symbiote (100)
    Soul Banisher (100)
    Nechron K1773R (105)
    Soul Banisher (130) - NOT encounterable; level is too high

    E-Leet Mission 5:
    Nechron Virin (16)
    Nechron Virin (96)

    Engine of Destruction:
    Jarik Z'kaa (100)

    Engine of Resurrection:
    Naaseria (100)
    Dark Madder (105)

    Epsilon Minor:
    Kuvak (95)
    Rhapsus (100)

    Explore Balen-5:
    Exo Krillscout (10) needs a new image

    Explore Dremin:
    Tytoa (28) needs a new image
    Giant Skitter (104)

    Explore Erakkis:
    Doon Worm (24)
    Doon Worm (43)
    Doon Worm (83)
    Sting (24)
    Sting (43)
    Sting (83)

    Explore Gervel:
    Cosmoslug (44)

    Explore Nemea:
    Predecessor (30)
    Alien Zard Queen (95)

    Explore Lore:
    Hellhound (15)
    Hellhound (35)
    Hellhound (95)

    Space Leech (80)
    Space Leech (100)
    Sk'ouald (45)
    Sk'ouald (85)
    Mindorian (45)
    Mindorian (85)

    Find F10A7:
    Drakel Freak (20)
    Drakel Freak (40)
    Drakel Freak (60)
    Drakel Freak (100)

    Enemy Mind/First Contact:
    Unaga Mage (104)
    Unaga Warrior (104)

    Haven's Gate:
    Lord Terror (87)

    Noctherezza (30)
    Noctherezza (90)
    Colonel Ba'Tokk (45)

    Dark Noctherezza (75)
    Dark Noctherezza (95)

    Join the WarpForce:
    Gristlespine (19)
    Gristlespine (91)

    Nice Pirates:
    Space Harpy (25)
    Space Harpy (45)

    Peace Offering:
    Junas Soldier (95)
    Junas Axe Soldier (95)
    Shalen Spearman (15)
    Shalen Spearman (35)
    Shalen Spearman (55)
    Shalen Spearman (95)
    Glittering Gnil
    Sparkling Gnil
    Brilliant Gnil
    Argent Gnil

    Red Dwarf:
    Lister (10)
    Lister (24) needs a new image
    Lister (84)
    Lister (104)

    Screecher (95)

    Research Facility:
    Doc Crader (95)

    Shadows of Purgos:
    Ice Noctherezza (55)
    Ice Noctherezza (95)
    Marionelle (80) - Not possible due to bug
    Marionelle (100)

    Shear Madness:
    Nechron Virin (2)
    Defiler Sentry (2)

    Spy Hunt:
    8A51C (10)
    8A51C (25)
    Guardbot (10)
    Guardbot (25)
    Guardbot (45)

    Star Dragon:
    Serrakin (45)
    Serrakin (105)

    Super Top Secret:
    Ensign Fisher (15)
    Ensign Fisher (35)
    Ensign Fisher (95)
    CyberRex (16)
    CyberRex (36)
    CyberRex (96)
    Gibbin Gunner (10)
    Gibbin Gunner (30)
    Gibbin Smasher (10)
    Gibbin Smasher (30)

    Nefadon Retrenchment:
    Virin Erith (45)
    Th'rix Na'thaar (45)
    Th'rix Na'thaar (55)

    The Space Moglines:
    Loyal Space Mogline (23)
    Space Mogline Loyal Captain (24)
    Space Mogline Traitor (23)
    Space Mogline Traitor (83)
    Space Mogline Captain (24)
    Space Mogline Captain (83)
    Emperor Twang (25)

    Virin Infection:
    Virin WarpForcer (95)
    Virin Stormfront (20)
    Virin Stormfront (100)

    What Lies Beyond:
    Technowraith (104)

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= What Entries are Missing? (9/11/2011 12:36:04)

    This is a list of Quests that don't have Monster Encounter information:

    Ballistic Bounty
    Bizarre Flecks War
    Enchanter Fish
    Nefadon Invasion
    The Gardens

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