RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (Full Version)

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Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 19:04:21)

Hiyas :D
is it me? or the arckknight are taking over the forums? O.O
Totally just you. Not a super-evil plan or anything at all. Totally. Isn't it nice weather today?
because..... um..... AW NOOOO!!! i forgot =(
Awww, suckyness :o




givemeh ye chokolait kookeh >=O
Okies! *hans over cookie*
and um...... good luck
EDIT: AW YESH!!!! started a new page =D

Coolio :D

thelegofan -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 20:29:41)

Hello there! *waves* You probably don't know me, because I don't really know you, except that you like saying "ze" instead of "the." Anyways, on to the interrogation friendly questions!
Okies, bring it on :D
Just wondering, do you know me?
I think I actually remember your name. It has "lego" in it, and lego is awesome!

How did you first hear of AE?
My bro started playing DF when he was like... seven or something. That meant he barely understood any of it, so I helped him translate what stuff meant. One day I was home with a cold and had nothing to do and remembered that "superlame" game my brother used to play. I got hooked at once :P

How long have you been playing their games?
DF since sometime in December 2007. Ish the longest one. Then AQW since November 2008.

Which was the first you played?

Why do you say "ze," instead of "the?"
Ish just a habit, I guess ^^

So, was zhere another robot unicorn princess before you?
Nope, I'm ze first and only one :D

Is there a robot unicorn queen?

Why do you like robot unicorns so much?
Because they're robots. And like... unicorns. Comebine that and ish the best thing in ze whole world :D
Ok, that's all, see you around, have a cookie and some robot unicorn food (if it even exists).
Thankies, n' see yah ^^

The Final Hollow -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 20:42:29)

What happened to your koumpounophobia?
Ish still there, alive n' kicking n' worse than evah.
Remember me?
Yup :D
I like pie!
I like robot unicorns!
You wantz ze kookie? Here take ze kookie!
*takes ze cookie*
How tight are those shackles?
Quite tight, but comfortable ^^
How small is the cage?
Ish big enough, I guess...
Here is a shovel and a map. You know what to do.
I'll fold a hat of the map and do Napoleon imitations!
See yah!
I ish tricky

You can't see me!

Zhe Robot Unicorns can't zhettack what ze can't see!


I like zhe kookie.

Synthetic Angels are better! *laser blast ninja behind you*

Oh but Robot Unicorns see everything... :D

Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 21:29:10)

Have fun! :P
Will do mah best :D

Veonyx -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 21:36:07)

Am copying Nightly so like..... <.< /end.
Good luck!

Agrecard -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 21:36:08)

Aha! I knew we had a new AK it my 8th sense...
Coolio, I wish I had a sense like that...
6 is the manipulation of burrito's with mah mind and 7 involves a plunger, squirrels and red lightning.
Oh lord, I want the 7th sense.
Ok, my name is Vamp...thinking of changing it...too many vampire I refer to myself as The Red Paladin, Red Pally for short, do you ever nickname yourself?
Nope, not really. People nickname me instead, n' I've had some really odd ones x.X
BTW Im the original Red Paladin, so watch out for those clones using the same avvy o.o
'kies, will do :P
So! Kitten or Raccoons?
Yuck! Its all about Squirrels...
Dont you just love they attack your face with rabies?
There's nothing like it :D
Peace Out and Shine on Freedom Lover!

First wish! Chase your dreams! Persistance is futile!

dannyche007 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 22:00:22)

Hello hallie, you seen this coming don't you?
Ehm, kinda I guess. But totally didn't ze first time 'round ;)
Happy christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too :D

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 22:19:08)

Howdy Hallie! :D
Howdy Mecha! :D
*Gives a cookie*
*eats ze cookie and gives unicorn cookie back*
Just want to say congrats, good luck, and have fun AKing here too! :)
Thankies, thankies, and I will :D

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 22:22:28)

Hallie! :3
Ana! :3
So have I told you I haven't been able to set light to my Sim's house yet? D:
Nope. And awww, that sucks. Fires always cheer things up :D
Anyways, congratulations and good luck! (You'll need it :P)
Thankies ^-^

Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/13/2010 22:28:30)

Oi, it's been....a year since I last saw an AK thread. Nice to see new ones.

I'll keep it to a few things.

1. Greetings and salutations! Well, your not NEW, but 'ello none-the-less.
Greetings n' salutations n' stuff :D
2. Nice Avatar choice. Why Robot Unicorn Princess, though? Seems more leaning towards Adult Swim's game.....
Yeah, I know. But Robot Unicorns are the meaning of life, so what can I do?
3. Have fun with the AK-ship, and the bonuses and responsibility it brings.
Thankies ^-^

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 0:02:17)

Hallie! :D
The Forgotten! :D
How on earth could people confuse you for a guy with "Princess" in your username? >.>
No idea, but it happened. Funniest time was when nolraitu said "check out his gallery" when I became AotM xD
Well, congrats on the new forum. Good luck with these guys. :P
Thankies =3
That's it for me. You've probably already have your hands tied, so I'll keep this short.
'kies, n' thankies again.

Manofthetrees -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 1:40:52)

What is this I don't even?
Ish unicorns. Made out of metal :D

What is your favorite color of the alphabet?
That would be Q.

Yes or No, on a scale of one to ten, what?

What is your favorite flavor of cat? Do you prefer them with spices or sauces?
Sauces, totally. And not sure, all kinds are nice, really.


Should you not, in response to that last question, immediately resign?

How often are you on the losing end of a fight with a ceiling fan?
Never. I totally pwn ceiling fans.

This is all.
All this is?

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 5:06:25)

Heys! :D Me and my minion vampiric cupcakes greet you warmly. >w>
Yoishness! :D Awesome!
Congratulations and welcome to AQWGD! .o.
Thankies =3
Favourite word?
Hmmmm, hard question... radioactivity, because ish possible to apply it to everything.
Since you won't take personal questions... Can I haz the address of your next door neighbor?
Yeah, sure, I'll PM it to you :P
I kid, I kid. x3
Reaaallly? <.>
Nothing else so congrats again and see you around!
Thankies again, n' see yah ^^
P.S. My Jacuzzi is still not working. :c
Awww, that sucks o.o

Soph the Crazed One -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 8:57:21)

YAY! Hallie is an AK! ^_^
Yay! sophieaf ish posting here! :D
Congrats on your promotion... Umm... Lieutenant Slidepath!
Lieutenant... me likey ^-^ And congratz to you on your Friendly title!
That's all, for now... I wish you LOADS of luck, and congratulate you once again!
Thankies ^-^

RagingPanda -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 15:57:31)

Greetings and Salutations Hallie! :D
Greetings and salutations and stuff RagingPanda! :D
1.) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Lots of it!
2.) Why is abbreviated such a long word?
Because only a reaaally long word can express it properly :D
3.) Can fat people go skinny dipping?
Ehm... yesh? o.O
4.) Why do you have to "put your 2 cents in", but it's only "a penny for your thoughts"... where does that extra penny go?!
Ish for ice cream, obviously :D
5.) If a deaf person goes to court, is it still called a "hearing"?
Nope, ish called a Not-Hearing ^-^
6.) Do the alphabet song and twinkle twinkle little star song have the same tune?
I don't know the alphabet... song...
7.) Did you really just try singing the above 2 songs? xD
Yup, but didn't work to great since I realized I only knew one of 'em :D
8.) If they squeeze olives to get olive oil, then where the heck does baby oil come from?!
I'm not sure, but your question made me laugh xD
9.) Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed?
Because... that's ze way it is <.>
10.) Why is Vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?
No idea, probably so that it looks fluffy :D
11.) If parents say, "never take candy from strangers"... then why do we celebrate halloween?
I dunno, but if parents were to take their own advice we should celebrate Halloween by first collecting the candy and then play pranks on the people giving us candy, and thank and leave the people that don't give candy prank-free...
12.) What does PU stand for (as in "PU, that really stinks!")?
It's a reference to Winnie the Pooh, but the word "Pooh" has been slowly transforming to "PU".
13.) Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he isn't even a donkey?
Donkey is refering to how hard he kicks :D
14.) If you put a chameleon in a room full of mirrors, what color would it turn?
Mirror color, obviously ^^
15.) Why do they always tell you to smile for your drivers license picture... If you are stopped by the police and asked for your license, will you really be smiling?
Cops are tired of looking at nervous people, so they need smiling license-photos to cheer themselves up ^-^

Just to give you a break from the normal style questions xD Hope it put a smile on your face :D
Totally did, thankies :D

Rhenroh -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 16:42:32)

Hello person who I didn't know was an AK till about a month ago! You didn't have a title and I thought you were a forum beta tester or something...
Hello there! :D
The forums are rather big, and even though I've been on for over a year, I still haven't seen it all yet. So what does CH&G mean?
Clans, Houses & Guilds. And I know what you mean, it took a long time for me 'til I discovered the forums too.
How did you come up with your name?
Well, ish a long story. Many years ago I was on this other forum, and my name then was "Haldir o Lorien". It was a long name to write, so people started calling me "Hallie". When I signed up here Hallie felt short, so I went for "Princess_Hallie". Then I wanted to change that, and I remembered one of my AFK nicknames. Glidstige. Glidstige was the Swedish translation of a spoof-character of Aragorn in this book called "Bored of the Rings" and my friends started calling me "Glidstige" because they thought I was exactly like him. Slidepath is the direct translation of Glidestige, I doubt it's the same as in the English version of Bored of the Rings ;)
Have you said Happy Birthday to Beleen yet? Or how about the new Quibble items?
Yup, have done that... twice actually. Will check the new items out soon ^-^
Have you ever played a game called Minecraft? It's ridiculously addicting, so don't try it until you have some free time...
I used to play it for a while. I never got totally hooked on it, but ish fun.
Well, I've never been one to talk, so have a good day.
Have a good day to you too!

P.S.- Just realized that a majority of the smileys are gone... what to do, what to do? I'll miss them...
Use smileys like this: :D ^^ >.>;;

tommo11 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 17:16:32)

R-Robot Unicorns? I'm more of a Bionic Hamster man Myself. lol
Anywayz, Hi Hallie!
Hiyas tommo11!
Two questions only!
What's Your Favourite Class in AQW?
I'm honestly not sure. I've always been a 'zerker fan. 'cept for that I've really liked Defender and StarLord... DragonLord is pretty schweet too. Lately I've started to use Leppy and Bard more and more. I still dislike Bard for it's animations, but otherwise it's actually pretty nice. I even took it on a solo'ing spree a while ago ^-^
And Where did you Come up with your Forum Name???
Hmmm, what to do, what to do? Copy-paste from my long answer in post above or direct to post above?
I'mma copy-paste! :D
"Well, ish a long story. Many years ago I was on this other forum, and my name then was "Haldir o Lorien". It was a long name to write, so people started calling me "Hallie". When I signed up here Hallie felt short, so I went for "Princess_Hallie". Then I wanted to change that, and I remembered one of my AFK nicknames. Glidstige. Glidstige was the Swedish translation of a spoof-character of Aragorn in this book called "Bored of the Rings" and my friends started calling me "Glidstige" because they thought I was exactly like him. Slidepath is the direct translation of Glidestige, I doubt it's the same as in the English version of Bored of the Rings ;)"

G Man -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 17:46:39)

Hello again Hallie
Hiyas :D
What is your favorite item ever in AQW ( ie; Choco Buney [ yes ANY item] )
Hmmm, can't decide. I really like the Jester's Folly, n' ze Pokerhand. WarpForce Heavygunner Armor and Deady is also among my favorites ^-^
What is the worst item to have of escaped you ( like missing your chance at lets say.... claws suit class)
Probably Witch n' Vampire class. And the Voltaire Hat which I accidentally sold >.>;;
what would your guild/clan name be when/if they come to AQW
Defenders of the Robot Halliecorns... maybe...
once again, 'gratz
Thankies :D
hope you enjoy your AK-ness
Will do my best to ^-^
Remember a * oh no can come up with something catchy*
Remember, a Robot Unicorn under your bed is twice as awesome as a monster. Monsters are soooo 2009.
See you on the fourms later.
See yah ^^
~ G Man 007

Master Swordsman 9 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 17:55:02)

Your birthday date? I wish to say happy birthday If I remember :3
March 2nd :D
...[This question has been forgotten]
*this answer has been forgotten*
WHAT, is your political opinion on lazor shooting narwhals?
I think they should be legalized.
Mmmmm....Oh yeah. Grats for your AK-eringnesssmashceschmeh. ;D
Thankies! And ringnesssmashceschmeh... me likey!
I think that is it. So yeah. Bye bye person :D
Byeishness :D

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 18:17:44)

So thanks for the updates for everything.

New DAY new questions :D
Yay! :D
1.Have you gotten any Juggy Items from Milt yet?
Nope, not a single one.
2.Are you going to get Dage's Blade Master or any of his Undead armors?
Probably not o.o
3.Did you get anything from Excersice 4?
4.What's your favorite armor in AQW?
No idea. I love armors and have quite a collection... I really like the WarpForce Heavygunner, and the Nightmare Plate. But Dwarf Warrior, Potato Sack n' Werepyre Slayer ish really nice too... I love all mah armors...
5.How bout in DF?
That would be Technnomancer, Necromancer, Color Customizeable DragonLord or Dread Pirate :D
6.Would you like to see Evolved DragonLord put into AQW?
Meh, not really. I'm not too much hyped 'bout that armor really.
7.Any other armors from DF?
I want my ShadowMage armor in AQW, but that's 'bout it.
8.Any other item from DF?
Hmmm... can't really think of anything! Oh, wait! Staff of Francies, Frozen Claymore and the Vanilla Ice Katana would be pretty cool (no pun intended). The card-stuff from that shop in Ravenloss would be awesome too ^-^ *ish obsessed with Aces of Clubs*
9.Okay enough with DF. Have you ever seen the anime Hellsing? (Epic Vampires are Epic)
Yup, I have.
10.If so do you like Allucard? (pronounced Al-Lue-Card) If not then................
Of course :D
11.Have you ever played Halo? (any Halo game?)
Unfortunately not v.v
12.If so what is your favorite vehicle and weapon? If not then what's your favorite game?
Mirror's Edge, Robot Unicorn Attack n' Eversion.
13.Strangely I like Forza too, weird differences.
14.Hmmmmm, I've seem to have forgotten any other questions I could ask you...........
*reminds you*
15.What's your favorite AQW rare?
Hmmm, probably my WarpForce Heavygunner and Voltaire Guitar. The favorite rare ingame, which I don't have, is the Maximillian armor. I really love the design of it. Farmed for hours, then thought "Bleh, I don't care about this" and the next second it was rare >.>;;

~AK 94 Frost Commander of L0RE

TheMipeidan -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 18:25:54)

*Appears out of no where* Hi!
I have a few questions for you to answer. Ready?
Ready! :D
Axe, spear, or sword?
Bow with arrows, throwing daggers, or crossbow with crossbow boits?
Bow n' arrow, totally.
Okay, fine. Anyways, here's a cupcake for answering my questions.
Thankies ^-^
Actually, there's one more. Do you read these comments before answering them?
Yup, ish a lot of reading to do, but no problem 'cause I love reading :D
Well anyways. Bye.
*Vanishs in to thin air* (You hear the words "Gotta love being an assassin")
Byeishness ^-^

Gompa -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 18:33:05)

So apperantly I can ask you more than once as long as it's not on the same :3
Yup :D
Hello again your rainbowness :3
"Your rainbowness", this I really like. I'm sooo gonna force people to call me this ^-^
I noticed something cool, you wanna know what it was?
Les du det her så skjønne du det nok veldig klart og tydelig, kult å vite at noen så nært jobbe for AE, du er nå min totale favoritt AK :3
Haha, thank you ^-^
Ok, back to english, lets see now...aha! Your favorite Super Smash Bros Brawl character? (its game related too I know, pretty unimagineative of me... But Nintendo kinda pwns so yeah...)
Honestly not sure. Zelda or Snake, me thinks.
You liek Dandelion?
If you're talkin' about the flower then yesh. You can both eat it and use it as a replacement for soap-bubbles = awesome ^-^
Zorbo....Kind of epic, no?
Totally super-epic yao!
Merry Christmas your highness, um I mean rainbowness :3
Merry Christas to you too, and thankies for the awesome "rainbowness" word ^-^

Ladon -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 19:17:36)

LOL I just remembered something. You know the easter egg at the aqw homepage? If you don't goto the AQW homepage and press these keys. ^ ^ v v < > < > B A ( <,^,>,v, stands for the arrow keys on your key board) And if you are having problems or you're too lazy [;)] (like me) here's the link:
How could I possibly have missed this? It's awesome! It has rainbows and unicorns! It's total and complete bliss! Thankies for the link =3
How do you feel about that?
Actually that was me dressed in a Zorbak Suit.
Really? <.>
And me teached dah pokemon song to meh sisters like you said [:D]
Haha, good. Most people love singing that song whether they like the show or not xD
Bye for nowz
Buy for now ^-^
Rainbows huwt my feet

They're not meant to be walked on...

Nerd Sage -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 21:57:29)

Hi o-o
Yoishness o-o
soooo i hear you like cupcakes
I don't...
thats cool im more of a muffin guy though
So am I... not guy though, girl.
i would give you a cupcake but i cant cook worth poo (i burnt water once T.T)
I'm not much for cooking either. At least not baking >.>;;
whats the most humiliating thing to ever happen to you?
Hmmmm, tricky question. Probably when I found myself singing "If You Were Gay" in the supermarket and a guy next to me thought it was directed at him...
mine was i got my head stuck in a folding mattress and was stuck upside down for 20 minutes
Daym o.o
what is your least favorite monster
Hmmm... tricky one. I don't like the void-dragons, 'cause they remind me of xenomorphs and I'm terrified of xenomorphs. But I think the void-dragons are kinda cute too. I don't think xenomorphs are cute though, at all >.>
does robot unicorns have heat seeking missles that explode into rainbows?
Nope, they attack with pure rainbow beams n' nothing else. 'cause reinbow beams are mass-destructive, so ish enough :D
can you hang a spoon on your nose
what about a spork
Never tried that actually...
me a black belt! rawr!
Rawr! Me unicorn belt!
anyways peace out rainbowness!<('.'<)
Thankies, peace out :D

Ferret7676 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/14/2010 22:11:32)

Didn't you use to post in the OOC? If so I remember you :D
Yup, have been hanging 'round there lotsish too ^-^
Congratz on becomin an AK! ^_^
Thankies! :D
Not sure how to respond to that? It's ok.
I totally repsonded n' stuff <.>
Have a good night ^_^
G'night to you too ^-^

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