RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (Full Version)

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Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 1:47:00)

Congrats on being a AK
Thankies ^-^
Ive seen you a few times in HeroSmash forums! =3
Yup, hang there lots. HeroSmash is so addicting...
Procrastinating work n' playing HeroSmash *ish responsible person*
If you found this message you WON 3000 COOKIES! :D
How do you make the white blend in <.< >.>
Yay! I won cookies! :D

Riate -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 5:15:25)

Hi... again!
Hiyasishness :D
What galaxy are you from?
Y'know, that one far, far away?
I know right? :D
It's X-mas time.
are you excited?
Very much so ^-^
OK, se you around :D

See yah :D

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 10:46:01)

hai again!
happy christmas
Merry christmas!
what are you doing on christmas eve?
Flying 'round with my sleigh delivering presents not sure, probably same old, same old.
well, bye bye and good luck with the hidden bomb
*watches out*

Aguila -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 11:12:17)

Ey Hallie! =D
Ey Aguila! =D
Favorite songs?
Pshaw, where to start? You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi, I'm Still Here - Johnny Rzeznik, Strangelove - Depeche Mode... ish more than 50 songs on this list, so this will do for now :P
What is a robot unicorn princess? O_O
Me! :D
Gratz on your AKness.
Well, that is all for now, since I have no time and I can't think of any more. See ya later, new AKzorz Hallie.
'kies. See yah ^-^

TheMipeidan -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 11:19:32)

*Appears from not where, behind you* Hi, again!
*Is wearing a Relient K shirt* Oops! *Snaps his fingers and it changes to a Skillet shirt*.
Schweet. I like their song "Comatose" :D
Well anyways, how's everything been goin'?
Pretty good, me thinks.
Fine, fine. Here's something I wannacha to hold for a day or so. *Hands over a music CD*.
'kies, I'll eat it if you really want me to...
Well anyways, Bye. *Vanishs into Thin Air*
*You hear, "remember, it's not your's"*.

Oh. *spits CD out* Guess that means I'm supposed to listen to it? o.o

Razgriz -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 13:21:05)

Ok, fine >.>
Here's my post, be graced by my glorious..ness!
'kies ^-^
So hi!
Ya know, that I know... ya know?
I totally know that you know but what you don't know is that I knew before you got to know that you know that I know.
ok, good...
Mhm :D
'Cause, ya know.
I really don't know what else to randomly type, so I'll just time warp to the end of this post...
Oh rly? <.>
'Cause I can totally do that, now that I have Chronomancer armor..
Prove it!
*warps along*
-... -nGratz and have fun ^^ ... and give me cookies...
Fine, don't choke on 'em >.>
bye bye!
Byeishness! :D

yushasun -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 14:37:10)

Yo! :D
Welcome back!

BYE! ^^

RagingPanda -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 15:28:57)

Greetings and Salutations again Hallie!
Hiyasishness again RagingPanda!
I was perusing the tweak contest on the J!nx website and came across this image that TOTALLY fit you... Searched for the original un-edited version and here is what I came up with. Enjoy!
Ze Rainbow Robo Unicorn :D
By all things shiny, I love it! Thankies, it's brilliant ^-^
Until next time... Ciao!
See yah!

Tdub -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 16:13:12)

It is always nice to see a new face.
I know right? :D
I can't keep up with all of the GD AKs. How many are there?
I think we're nine now.
Bye for now!

Yoshino -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 16:27:30)

hiya Hallie Im the white magi of arcan
Hiyas akeem01, I'm the robot unicorn princess
Congratz on archknight
*hands Hallie a cookie*
*feeds ze robot unicorns with ze cookie*
I awaly dont ask questions but there only under 5 im going to ask
'kies o.o
1. Do u like anime
Yup, not addicted, but there are a few ones I really like.
2. Do u like being an archknight
3. Why u like rainbow robo unicorn
Because they're pure awesomeness ^-^
4. Do u think i will see u in aqw
Maaaaybeee, I play on all servers, so ish a possibility.
5. Have u ever seen an rainbow robot unicorn before?
Maaaany times.
Well that it, bye [:)] Or is it?
I dunno, is it? o.o

G Man -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 17:25:05)

YO Halles
YO G Man!
How ya been
Pretty good ^-^
* Hands a cupcake*
*eats cupcake*
"A cupcake a day makes hallie happy all day"

Like the line ???
are you the Deadly robot unicorn type, or the other? [8|]
Both! :D
Cya on the fourms
See yah!
* hands a key to cupcake vault*
*eats key*
Happy AK-ing
Thankies ^-^
~ G Man 007

ImmolatusBurn -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 17:28:23)

If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?
I'd probably oversleep, and then get annoyed that overslept... and I dunno. Do something fun :D
Are you good at climbing trees?
Dunno, but I love climbing 'em ^-^
If the whole world were listening, what would you say?
"Stop being mad at each-other, bring me some tea, and build me a robot unicorn! Nao!"
Are you good at computer games?
Good enough to beat my brother, at least! *evil laugh*
If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?
Ooooh, dangerous question. Let's see... Killer Queen by Queen, Under Pressure by Queen or Cat People (Putting Out Fire) by David Bowie *totally hasn't watched Inglorious Basterds way too many times*
Hmmm... or maaaybeee Ultrasound by Johnny Massacre. Nah, seriously, no. But that's mah new favorite song :D

Coke or Pepsi?
Desk: messy or organized?
Both... somehow...
What is your favorite book you read as a child?
Hmmm... it was this book about dinosaur facts, actually xD
Cyaz :D
See yah! :D

tommo11 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 17:42:10)

Hiyaz again Hallie! I have thought of more questions!
Hiyaz again tommo11! Bring 'em on :D
1.) What is your Favourite Film?
Long list. Let's go. Watchmen, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Inglorious Basterds, Labyrinth, LotR, The Phantom of the Opera, V For Vendetta, The Dark Knight, Moulin Rouge, Simple Simon, PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl.
2.) Have you ever Heard of the Band "Daft Punk"? And if so, Do you like them?
Yup, and yesh.
3.) Which is better, Star wars or Star trek?
Star Wars, but I haven't watched very much of Star Trek. Only when I was a kid, and didn't know any English...
That is all. *Teleports with Chronomancer* (That's right, I have it! Yay!)
*jealous* :P

TwistedBlack -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 18:36:58)

...Robot Unicorns..? Oh my god, its the apocalypse. WERE ALL GOING TO DIE. RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN

Nah, just 'kiddin. Whats up? o:
Answering questions n' writing on my book :D
Thats nice. (Or bad if it was a negative thing, im not psychic. :L)

The Final Hollow -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 19:16:26)

Konichwa o.o
Wie hat sich das Forum beeinflusst?
Achtung die balkon!
^Ish German
I know :D
I iz not German
Neither am I.

Nerd Sage -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/15/2010 20:10:30)

hiyaz your rainbowness
as you know i cant cook so i bought you a cupcake *gives cupcake*
*feed ze robot unicorns with ze cupcake*
if i give you a amazing rainbow robo unicorn will you join the pink rebelion and help take over battleon! :D
if you said yes here it is robo rainbow unicorn
Wow, that's amazing! Thank you ^-^
if you said no dont look at the link >.>
I said maybe :D
ohh what's the funniest thing to happen to you in your life?
Hmmm... I'm not sure. Probably when I decided to sing on a subway station with a few friends.
We sang a song by Stephen Lynch. We got lots of laughs for that... no money though... >.>;;

mine was i was wearing a poke me shirt in an airport, and i got poked by 24 random people XD
Haha, that's awesome xD
oh and im a ninja! a ninja with...a banana suit!
Is that... comfortable? o.O
sooo...uh oh... O_O *spontaniusly combusts* x.x
*spontaneously... robot unicorn*
bye your rainbowness!<('.'<)

Iron -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 0:33:36)

Hallo and congratulations on your demotion promotion demotion.
Thankies o.o
Please take a seat.
Not that seat. That seat. No. That's for another guest of mine.
Fine >.>
Oh. I guess there's nothing for you to sit on. Well, thats fine, you can just stand.
Anyhow, what is it you want for Christmas? You can't say World Peace, we're fresh out of that. Ask for something else. Assuming of course, you DID ask for World Peace. And I hope know you did.
Actually I asked for a liesize robot unicorn...
But that's neither here, nor there.
'kies v.v
You need more Iron in your diet. This Iron deficiency is not good for you. Eat an Iron. Here you go. *Hands you an Iron* Now eat it.
*eats iron but don't chew*
Good. Now remember to chew.
I hope you're enjoying yourself. You are enjoying yourself, right?
*is currently choking due to not chewing*
Good. Because I know you said yes.
Hah! :D
I hope you enjoy running around the AQWGD with your Lock-Fu skills. Congratulations once again! Have a Goodnight, or Morning or Evening. Remember an Iron a day keeps your health away so eat up!
*still choking* Thankies! :P

Arachnid -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 10:29:15)

i can makes taco! wantz see?
Sure :D
<.> taco
i think i might have seen u once or twice... >.>
Coolio :D
only ak/mod that i have had on mah friends list be lady azjurai, but she a mod nao so nots on mah list...
Oh o.o
soooo.....what's up?
Answering questions n' qriting on mah book.
teh sky is up. dats whats up.
Nu-uh! Space! Space is what's up!
wells, dunno what else to say, so byesies and stuffs!
Byeishness n' stuffz!

Axios -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 13:17:23)

Greetings, and congratulations to you, Hallie Slidepath!
Greetings to you too, Phosphor!
Warning, Questions below;
Are you enjoyin' it, Hallie Slidepath? ;3
Yeah, sure o.o

Mhmm, favorite quote?
Anything Kaiba says in Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, really...
Favorite pun?
When I was cooking with dad, and he picked up a carrot saying "Carrots of the Caribbean!"
We laughed way too long 'bout it, while the rest of our family rolled their eyes...

Kewl, kthx, Seeya! xO
See yah!

Blade -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 13:23:35)

hi! :D
Hiyas! :D
remember me?
im that one guy, the one, with...... a name. >.>
That totally rings a bell :o
lol, so i havnt forgot about your request for the robot unicorn. :D
Yay! Awesome :D
it might be a few more days, is that ok? :3
Sure, take your time ^-^
well, im off.
before i go one last question, what do you think is the best thing about being a AK?
I'm honestly not sure. I really like the part with helping people.
ok bye. have a nice day/night. [:D]
See yah, n' you too :D

Yioru -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 16:57:09)

Hey, congratulations! x3
Yo, thankies! :3
Instead of getting cookies for Santa I got cookies for you. :P
Like em?, I sell more for 0.5g, but you get those for free. o:
Awesome, thankies :D
Yeah, awesome being and ArchKnight?, getting free cookies and helping others haha.
Haha, when you put it like that... xD
I see you through parts of the forum, you be like a ninja, nu, robot ninja unicorn princess.
Ninja? O.O *ish pirate*
Okki, bye now, enjoy the cookies Ninja Robot Unicorn Princess! :D

Byeishness, and I will :D

SoulAmaze -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 18:34:53)

Hello there.
Do you like rainbows
Yup :D
:O OMG!! There's an Oreo on the floor
How on Earth could you know that? Srsly. I dropped an Oreo on the floor 'bout five minutes ago, and I didn't pick it up. So it's on the floor. Right now.
... are you spying on me? <.>

Aren't you going to get it?
Ehm... guess so...
And congratz on your AK thing :3
Thankies! :D


G DofDeath -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 19:19:48)

Unique greeting yao! Hiyas :D
I am sure you would be confused with that "Ziah" Just read backward ~.^
Not confused, just appreciating creativity :P
What kind of cookies you like best?
Honestly not sure, I'm not much of a cookie person. Mini oreos are okay.
then here a one for you :o *pass a cookie*
What's up with robot unicorns over around....
They're the best thing to happen to mankind :D
Time to go! Congratz!

Turquoise -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 19:44:10)

Hi (can't think of witty greeting)
What is Slidepath; your last name?
It's a translation of the Swedish word "Glidstige", which is a nickname I have AFK. Glidstige is the spoof-name of Aragorn in "Bored of the Rings".
I suspect that his spoof-ified name is completely different in the English version of that book :P

Why answer in green not purple?
Because I like this color :D
Byeishness ^-^

Awsome! -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/16/2010 23:27:16)

Would it be wise to assume that you've developed a love for robot unicorns from a certain Facebook game? [8D]
Ish actually an AdultSwim game from ze beginning, but I usually play it on FB these days, so yesh :P
If so, what was your highest score?
About 132k, me thinks. Totally not high enough, but I'm working on it!
If not, you can cross out the if so. Oh and I totally recommend playing it. It's called Robot Unicorn Attack.
Ish the best game evar!
Also, robot unicorns........ >.>
What's wrong with 'em? o.o
Do they at least grant wishes? :3
If they feel like it :D
And now for....wait for it.....wait for it......
A POP QUIZ!!!!! Ok, now list all the forums rules. Copy and paste is considered cheating. I shall now provide the space needed.
All rules, from each and every board on ze whole forums? Ish this some kind of trick to distract me or something? <.>
JUST KIDDING!!!! If you actually did the quiz though, here's a cookie and a specially made unicorn robot!!
Meh, I can live without that cookie. Totally... ;_;

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