RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (Full Version)

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Sky Ever -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 0:01:40)

To the rescue...from boredom <.>!
Lol, thankies sis, this will totally help me procrastinate work xD
Hiyas again sis!
Yo! :D
You're totally going to love my next few questions, and because of that you have to answer as much as I asked :P
So you've asked me to asked you questions that you should answer, but what questions I should asked that you should not answer, because the questions are full of questions that no one can answer, but these questions I'm going to asked you because you asked me is questions that you'll answer, but will these questions satisfies you to answer because they're questions? =D
Ehm... what? Oh, wait, I had to give an answer as long as the question asked? Really? I mean, really? >.> That's just plain evil. How on Earth am I supposed to think of an answer good enough, and long enough, to answer this question properly? I honestly don't think I can do that. Pffft, I'm such a loser. Defeated on ze first question, how 'bout that? Meh. I have to think, think, think. I WILL come up with an answer long enough for this... and HAHA! MY ANSWER IS LONGER!
So I hear you liked my previous question?
Sure :P
Yes, I'm bore-- having fun as well!
Yay, I think!
Since we both have time, we should totally like talk about this someone who is popular to talk about, which will occupy us with this questions to answer because this someone is like totally yeah...
Like who? Jutsin Bieber? 'cause I totally don't feel like talking about him yao o.o
Did you know that Slugs have four noses, it's strange yo!
I had no idea, and I'll never be able to forget it now...
Did you know "ough" can be pronounced in eight different ways in English? how do you say "ough" in Sweden sis?
Nope, didn't know that either. And ish hard to describe, kinda... "åauh", maybe. Not sure :P
I hope you have fun answering this silliness, but seriously we both know I'm serious about seriousness of the questions in silliness.
You really know how to confuse me >.>
That is all ^^, good luck and have fun!
Laterz sis, and I will :D

BlueRage -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 3:28:29)

Good morning, Md'm. I mean minion...Wait,I mean "robotic Her Highness"...
That's actually "rainbowness", but highness ish fine, I guess :D
I've received a report from the Emperor... The troops from the South is invading our lands!Do we send a troop immediately to deplete their sources?
We... crush them, perhaps?
And I'm afraid I've got some bad news "Her Highness",the Emperor has been surrounded and trapped by the troops of villains and barbarians.
Too bad for him :D
And my soldiers have reported that that they are starting to attack our capital city...
Are they having fun? :D
HAHA! You are fooled by me! I'm the traitor. Now the Emperor is in my hands, and this city,the capital, has been conquered by my troops. And every official has surrendered, and my fellow men has surrounded the computerised palace and I've hacked through every system here...No computer will work!
I... honestly don't care 'bout this Emperor. Who is he anyway? o.o
Now my soldiers!Capture her and throw her in jail! I declared and crown myself the new Emperor!
*escaped on magical robot unicorn*
Wait again...Grats to the opening of the thread. Good luck
Thankies ^-^

GoldenNeo -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 3:39:12)

Gratz on being re-AK'ed.. or being an AK. ^^
Thankies ^-^
Hehe... Hope we can be friends. ^^
We'll see ^^
That is all. =) Have a Good Day and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! =)))
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too ^^

warknight128 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 11:11:16)

Hi there.

Sprechen sie Deustch?
A little. Very little. I know how to say "Can I get one head of coffee please?" and how to watch "Watch out, the balcony!"

Have you had to delete any flaming posts yet? (Question answered already, hehe, sorry)
Yup :P

What's your favorite kind of music, and who's your favorite band?
I honestly don't have a favorite. I think most of the music in my library can be considered different styles of rock, but I listen to techno, vocaloid, dubstep, hip-hop, nerdcore, indie, pop and lords knows what. Some of my favorite bands/artists would be Queen, Poe, Tori Amos, Alice Cooper, Muse, Voltaire, Eminem, Amanda Jenssen, The Baseballs, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Skrillex...

Do you like cheesy 80's comedies with stars such as Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, etc.
Well, not too much, but I don't hate them. I basically watch everything, and decide afterwards if I liked it or not. No prejudice here, no :D

Well, that's all i have to say, so marry Christmas, and Happy New years, and Bye!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 11:15:16)

I. am. back. Dun dun duuun!
Yay! Dun dun duuun!
Still got snow?
Lots and lots?
Lots and lots and lots, n' ish snowing at ze moment, so more of lots ish expected yao.
Plans for Christmas?
Hanging out with Santa, spreading Christmas joy, snowball fights. Same old, same old ^^
Orly? Me too.
Awesome! :D
Favourite kind of Pizza?
Not sure. I've recently been kinda hooked on Kebab Pizza.
Which Moglin is the cutest?
Twig, 'cause he's like a void dragon. He's both creepy and cute, which equals extra-cuteness :D

Fish -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 11:21:13)

Hai Der.
Hiyasishness :D
I'm Back. ^_^
Welcome back ^-^
Whats your fav ingame pet?
That would be my Deady. 'cept for him the Iron Butterfly n' the Pinata Pet. n' maybe the Milt Orbs.
Whats your favorite little face like: :O =D etc.
Probably :D or o.o or ^-^
Whats your favorite Word?
Muggles! Or well, that's my favorite word of the day, at least ^-^
Whats your fav Anime? (If you like Anime but who doesn't? :D)
Saiyuki! Saiyuki Reload, Saiyuki Reload Gunlock, Saiyuki Gaiden... anything Saiyuki. Also like Sailor Moon, though. Obviously.
n' loads of others like Death Note, Elfen Lied, Soul Eater, etc.

Thats all for now! :D
'kies, see yah 'round :D

Nebula -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 12:17:40)

And then I missed page 3. =c
Awwww =c
And I still don't have any questions.

.... I more dot than you used! I win! :D
*plays Robot Unicorn Attack*
A great choice of game, good sir!
Game is so fun. =c
Mhm ^-^
Congrats again, Hallie. ( Did I say congrats in my first post? I forget )
Congrats anyway. =c
Thankies anyway =c
See yah ^^

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 12:23:29)

can i get free cookies :3?
Hmm... sure *gives cookies*
Byeishness ^^

darkdestuctor7780 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 12:25:05)

Hewwo, Hallie!
Hiyas, darkdestructor7780!
'Tis good to see you're an AK, you might not know me, but I remember you!
Haha, thankies. I think I remember your name ^-^
Purple..or orange?
Probably purple :D
Yeah, that was wierd. anyhoo, What's on your christmas list for this year?
1. Lifesize robot unicorn
2. Binary wristwatch
3. Hoodie
4. Neo cube! :D

Have you got teh calendar?
Nope, but it should arrive, like, soon... ish...
Is it snowing where you are? Cos where i am its miserable :(
Yup, ish actually snowing this very moment. Have been for the past two days.
Milt or Dage?
Milt, actually. Dage is a really skilled artist, but meh, still prefer Milt, me thinks. I really like the stuff Cysero makes too, though, but he's not an option in this question :P
And...what did you do with your old pic and pac-man sig? I liked 'em!
That wasn't a Pac-man sig actually. It was the character you play in "Eversion", which is one of my favorite games. n' they're both saved for when I feel like using 'em again ^-^
Congratz and
^^ !MOOD dna seiknahT

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 12:44:40)

Thankies! ^^
Just a quick question or two.
1: Since I see you like Robot Unicorns, what is your opnion on Robot Dragons, and would you reccomend them over Robot Unicorns for your avarage male, or not?
Actually, anything robotic ish fine for me. However, Robot Unicorns are the meaning of life, and also very manly, so I'd reccommend 'em for the average male. So no, wouldn't reccommend Robot Dragons over Robot Unicorns, but if said person would only settle for a dragon, well, then they should go for it :P
2. What knowledge do you have of Robot Dragons, and if so, can you post it here?
Well, I did live with them for a few years, so I know quite a lot about them. Above all I know the rules of the Robot Dragons. Rule 1: You do not talk about Robot Dragons. Rule 2: You DO NOT talk about Robot Dragons. So, yeah. I shouldn't like... talk about it. I've already said to much <.>
3. If you do not reccomend Robot Dragons for males, what WOULD you reccomend?
Robot Unicorns, duh :D
...That's about it. Bye!
Byeishness! ^-^

Zainy -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 14:12:10)

O hai thar.
Hiyas ^-^
I betcha you've neva heard of dish guy b4!
Totally have, I've seen you 'round.
Im a random guy who /stalks.
I see o.o
Yay Snowing Outside!
*20 minutes later*
*20 minutes laterz*
Dam you sun! Stop mealting mah snowz!
Stupid sun >.>
Ok question time!!!!11one!!11
How did ya get AK'ed? Sended ya a private message?
Something like that, yesh ^-^
Nice look in game *Hey is that a question!?*
Thankies! And maybe, I dunno o.o
Thought ya can check me out click my siggeh
'kies *clicks* Nice look. Very cool *dies from bad pun*
Ya like my siggeh? I'm bad at making sigs ya gatta admit
Nah, ish nice. And I like the font you've used. Ish schweet lookin' =3
Ok bai for now but *Deep voice* This is not the last you'll see of meeeeeeeeeee *Fades into a giant paintbrush (Wait...What!?)
Yaay! Paintbrush :D
One last thing:

Your mom is cute <3
Link doesn't work, but still... pffft, bwaha, awesome xD

bjorne -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 15:56:32)

as an AK all I can say is make sure godzilla doesn't step on your house.
I'll do my best to avoid that o.o
oh and, gratz.
Thankies ^-^

Skurge -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 17:16:35)

Hah! You thought you got rid of me, mm?
Totally not o.o *tries to hide box she tried to lock you up in*
Well.. I have.. *Does some math with fingers* 10 questions!
Do the ones above count?
Not suuurreee...
Ahh, they do?
This one does at least. Totally <.>
Favorite animal?
Lynx, red panda... n' robot unicorns, of course :D
Creme Cheese or Creme Soda?
No idea o.O
Rorschach or Doctor Manhattan?
Rorschach!!1! :D
Hah, I knew it. x)

Well, I'm done.
Was that really ten? o.o
Good day, ~Scherzo
Good day, good sir! :D

vrizzle -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/17/2010 23:15:13)

Thankies =3
'Bout to go sleep
Me too, I'm super-tired x.X
:D kJ
wish it was snowing
I wish I could send some of my snow to you. Sweden has gone all Narnia.
i like food :D
food I like :D
food is yummy :)
yummy ish food!
i like drinks too :O
So do I!
drinks are mega awesome
i also haz ninja skillz
Really? o.o
im'a use my ninja skillz to go sleep now
*Ninja Poof*
-1 sec later-
*Ninja sleep*
That's... a special skill o.o

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/18/2010 9:19:40)

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you too!
Awesome! :D

And good luck
Thankies ^-^

Thaardall -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/18/2010 14:21:23)

Just wanted to say hi, cuz im kinda busy ATM :)
So am I! Hiyas :D

Myst Warrior -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/18/2010 20:56:10)

hello, I have one question for ya, Since your the Robot unicorn princess...
'kies, bring it on :D
Whats your highest score on robot unicorn <.<?
I think ish about 132k.
Well mine is 79,000 and yus i play that game too..
Schweet! ^-^

Blade -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/18/2010 21:49:08)

its me again!!!
guess what i just finished? :D
No idea, tell meh o.o
your robot unicorn!!!
Awesome! :D
ill be sure to PM it to you soon.
Coolio ^-^
as payment i require one thing though. >:D
Okies :o
stop by my gallery sometime. lol. yep, thats the payment. :3
Sureishness ^-^
and now for a question.....
can i have your job? :D
i figured since your new to bein an AK you wont mind givin your new title to me. [:D]
Well, I'm not really that new to it, y'know? :P
lol, im done now. :P
'kies :P
have a good night/day. (depends when you answer this)
Good night/day to you too!
and good luck with your new AKship. ya know..... until you give it to me. >:D
Thankies :D
lol, cya.
See yah ^-^

hunter 001 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/19/2010 12:51:04)

So the crazy robot unicorn princess has looked beyond the ooc, and made this area part of her domain?
Ehm... yesh, seems like it. Though, I've been 'round here for a while too :P
So how long is it until you crave for more power and proceed to cause ragnarok to gain power? (Don't lie and say you don't crave more power! Everyone knows that you always want more power! We just wait until you want more and then give it to you!)
Not sure, you'll just have to wait n' see and prepare for the day of doom ;D
Regardless of the last question, what is your favorite band?
I don't have one, but I have a long list of favorites. Muse, Pink Floyd, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Poe, Tori Amos, Alice Cooper n' Eminem are a few of ze ones on it.
The time capsule that allowed me to speak to you is falling apart, so there are three more questions from me....
Okies o.o
How will you use your robot power?
I will use it to defeat the evil stars!1!
Does being a unicorn affect your performance as an AK?
I'm not even sure I am an unicorn, I just know I really like 'em, especially the robotic kind... but I'unno, the glitter tends to blind people, ish kinda bad x.X
*ghost voice* Gooooooood...........NIGHT!

Gooooood niiiiight to you too ^-^

SonicTbear -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/19/2010 14:16:56)

You're a unicorn? :O
Something like that, it seems ^-^
Just don't kill me alright?
'kies <.>
Bye and congratz on becoming an AK! ^^
Thankies! :D
...Where's my money? >.>
Look behind you! *runs away as you turn to look*

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/19/2010 15:45:36)

Hi there!
Hiyas :D
I don't think we have met, so let me start by saying "Nice to meet you"
Nice to meet you too ^^
What is your favorite AE game?
Ish a tie between HeroSmash, AQW n' DF. Can't decide, really.
What is your favorite AE holiday?
Frostvale, Mogloween or Heroes Heart Day. I also like the SuperBowl-thingy in AQW, but I'm not sure it counts as a Holiday. Oh, and TLAPD ish always fun ^-^
What is your favorite game genre?
No idea, I like many different games ^^

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/19/2010 16:42:53)

Guess who's back?
You are? :D
Someone with load's of cookies >:D
Question time :p
Do you like being ArchKnight even though there's lot's of work? :O
Yeah, sure ^^
Matter or curiosity; Did you get me a pie?
yup, guess what flavor :D
Im Craving Taco's :o
Taco pie? Eeeewww...
I dont know :)
Ooookies o.o
Merry Christmas :p
Merry Christmas to you too ^-^
That's it for me, Tribal is out >:P
Totally didn't see it, at all...
Psst, Guess whut, I NEVER LEFT :D


Want to know a seeeecreeeet,

I like pie :D

Sam041 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/19/2010 17:15:37)

Yo! :D
What would happen if the word 'unicorn' didn't exist?
Then I'd like horned robot-horses :P
Thats all for now. Have a Merry Christmas, Hallie! [;)]
Merry Christmas to you too, Sam 041! ^^

Severin -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/20/2010 1:17:08)

Happy Frostval, Hallie!
Happy Frostval, Severin! ^^
Okay, now down to the nitty-gritty.
'kies :o
What's your favourite flavour of ice-cream?
That would probably be Ben & Jerry's Baked Alaska. Or any kind of lemon ice cream.
Do you eat the skin when you eat a fish?
Well, depends. If ish a dish when I'm supposed to I do.
I do. Especially if it's salmon!
Everyone in mah family does that too!
Real, geniune Maple Syrup or Aunt Jemima?
Ze real stuff, of course :D
I can't imagine how anyone could prefer anything but the legit stuff, but you know...
Yeah, you never know, right?
Right, so, the most important question of all; are your toes webbed?
Nope o.o
Mine are. Fortunate or unfortunate?
I have no idea... both, me thinks.
What about your eyebrows? Do they form a singular, solitary unibrow?
Mine don't. Fortunate or unfortunate?
A bit of both. You'll have a hard time impersonating Count Olaf without one :/
Thanks for answering all these very personal questions. I figured someone had to ask them, 'specially since this is supposed to be a place where we meet you. Yeah. Alright. Well, have fun!
'kies, always fun with special question. Thankies, n' see yah 'round :D

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (ze robot unicorn princess has arrived) (12/20/2010 2:33:53)

Just woke up =0 *Yawn*
*yawns too* So did I... but let's pretend I didn't wake up 5ish in the afternoon, okay? xD
I always like a morning with some forums :D
Instead of a breakfast, you mean? 'cause, like, forums can be kinda disgusting to eat, I've heard. Totally don't know that from experience. At all.
Dont give me that look >.>
Fine, if you don't give me that look <.< >.>

...It haz red eyes :O
Voldemort owl? o.o
You do? o.o
Remember those cookies you offered earlier? I want them now. (SCAMMING FOOD FTW :D)
*gives cookies*
...I feel like cookies :o
You feel like cookies? Like, you want 'em, or you feel like a bunch of cookies? o.O
I like pie :D
So do I!
...This Owl is gonna eat you if you give me that look again..:o
Well,... I feel like having a special color! :D...BLUE!! :3
Pwettty, I like blue. Actually, my nails are blue at the moment o.o
Like my siggy? :3
Yeah, I really like it. It's wellmade, and you've used nice effects ^^
Thanks, If you didnt say yes This owl will eat you :)
So many evil owls around...
Good guess <.>
Ok, Ima go ._.
Nicely done :P

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