Factory, The (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Factory, The (12/17/2010 19:21:10)

The Factory

Other name: Factory of Misfit Plushies

Location: Frostval Storybook -> Chapter 5 -> Act 11
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Frostval Fallout
Release Date: December 17th, 2010

Objective: Plushies patrol the area outside!
Objective completed: Oh no! You're trapped inside Zadd's factory!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(4) Artix Plushie
(4) Cysero Plushie
(2) Frostscythe Plushie
(2) Nythera Plushie
(3) Rolith Plushie
(2) Sepulchure Plushie
(4) Tomix Plushie
(4) Xan Plushie

Icemaster Yeti

DOOM Dreidel
Klaus Cap
Kuumba Cloak
Jayne's Warm Hat

*Scene show numerous of plushies transporting*

Blizzy: Poor Icemaster Yeti...
Blizzy: You must be getting very tired...
Icemaster Yeti: Don't worry about me, little one. I'll get us out of here once I figure out a plan...
Zadd: Work faster little moglins. Faster!
Zadd:My army of toys needs to be ready soon! It's almost time for Frostval! My army of toy golems will...
Twig: Why do you need sooooo many toys, Mwister Zwadd?
Zadd: ???
Zadd: Wh-WHAT?! How do you keep getting out of your chains?!
Twig: Hehe, I dwon't like da shiney bracelets, swilly! Why do you need soooo many toys?
Twig: Can IIIIIII have a toy?
Zadd: No, you cannot have a toy!

*Twig cries*

Zadd: *sigh* Oh fine. Take this one.
Twig: YAY!
Twig: YAY! I WUV IT!! I WUV IT A WOT!!!!!!
Zadd: ...
Twig: Oh tank you! Tank you! I wanna give you a huuuuge hug Mwister Zwadd!
Zadd: NO! NO HUGS!

*Outside the factory*

<Character>: Great... How am I gonna get in there?
Zadd: I said NO HUGS!
<Character>: I think this calls for a disguise...

*You load Frost Moglin Armor*

<Character>: Ice! Ok, let's go big guy.
Icemaster Yeti: *grunt* Yeah right, like I haven't tried just stopping...
Chilly: What do you mean?
Icemaster Yeti: If I stop, I get zapped. Hurts like a son-of-a-gun.
<Character>: Don't worry, we'll think of something...
Zadd: *ahem*
Zadd: And just what do you think you're doing?
<Character>: Zadd, you are not going to ruin Frostval again!
Zadd: Hahahaha, ruin Frostval? This is going to be the best Frostval ever...
Zadd: ...for me!

<Character>: Stink.

Zadd: Back to work! My toy golems must be ready in time! Soon they'll be in the hands of people all over Lore and then they'll see!
Zadd: They'll see how great a golemancer I am! Hahahaha!

Complete Quest

Next Up: STRIKE!

Thanks to
-- Silver Xoven for links.
-- Baron Dante for information.

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