Altar Hill (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Altar Hill (1/14/2011 20:39:39)

Altar Hill

Location: Ravenloss (Books 1 and 2) -> Tomix -> Quests -> Altar Hill
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Sewers
Release Date: January 14th, 2011

Objective: Do you hear that horrible chanting? It fills your blood with fear! And what's that you see tied up there? It's- it's-
Objective completed: You saved Riadne! AND you defeated the ChaosWeaver Queen! AND found a Key! Time to get back to the Equilibrium Gate!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(5) Chaos Weaver Artisan
(3) Chaos Weaver Guard
(1) Chaos Weaver High Priest
(3) Chaos Weaver Noble
(3) Chaos Weaver Soldier
(1) ChaosWeaver Queen - Titan Boss

High Priest

Onyx Altar Axe
Jet Altar Axe
Obsidian Altar Axe

Onyx Altar Staff
Jet Altar Staff
Obsidian Altar Staff

Onyx Altar Dagger
Jet Altar Dagger
Obsidian Altar Dagger

<Character>: How are you feeling, Tomix?
Tomix: Determined, <Character>. Very, VERY determined to find the Keys to get inside this gate.
Tomix: And we WILL get Riadne back! It's my fault she's-
<Character>: She's our friend, and we want to help her. That's GOOD. But don't blame yourself.
<Character>: She wouldn't want that.
<Character>: Now, lets go get her back and find those keys!

*Loads Tomix*

Tomix: Can you hear that chanting? Before we do anything else, we should find its source and investigate!

<Character>: I guess this is the place...

*Zooms in on Chaosweaver High Priest, Chaosweavers, then Riadne*

Tomix: RIADNE!
Tomix: We've GOT to get her out of there!
<Character>: And we will. Right now. Let's go!

???: *Psssst!*
???: *Tomix, <Character>!*
<Character>: ...?
Tomix: ... ?

<Character>: Riadne!
Riadne: *whisper* Shhhh! It will hear you!
Tomix: *whisper* I'm- WE are so glad to see you! Can you get over to us without being seen?
Riadne: *whisper* I think so. From what I understand, he is communing with their Queen, a gigantic Chaosweaver female.
Tomix: *whisper* How did you escape?! We were coming to save you!
Riadne: *whisper* I knew you would! But I couldn't just sit there and do NOTHING! I knew if you weren't here, I would have to come and find you.
<Character>: *whisper* See, Tomix? I told you she could take care of herself! We're VERY glad you're unhurt!
Riadne: *whisper* Well... not UNhurt. But I don't want to talk about it. I'm here, and that's what's important.
Riadne: *whisper* It's time we took these chaotic cretins down, and I want to be a part of it!
Riadne: *whisper* Let me fight with you! Arachnomancy is NOT a passive art, believe me.
<Character>: *whisper* Oh, yes! Yes, you're more than welcome to battle with us. What do you say, Tomix?
Tomix: I- I would be honored if you would fight alongside me.
<Character>: *whisper* Well, then. Lets grasp the Flyswatter of Annihilation +5 and swat these overgrown arachnids down!
High Priest: Djyouuuuuu!
High Priest: The shpy and the shoulweaver and the <Class>!
High Priest: I vill take care of djyou for my Mistress!
High Priest: DIE!

*Loads Riadne*

Tomix: Squashed!
<Character>: That eight-legged freak will weave no more!

Riadne: Tomix? <Character>? ...
Riadne: Did you forget WHAT he was praying to?

Riadne: Oh, oh my. It's-
Riadne: <Character>?
<Character>: Piffle. Look at it! <Dragon> and I will squish her easily!

  • Summon Dragon!
  • Let a DragonLord handle it!
  • Run Away!

    Riadne: <Character>, you were WONDERFUL!
    Tomix: Yes, <Class>. Sometimes you make me wish I had a dragon. But that is not for me. I have my own path to follow.
    <Character>: Talk about the big, the bad, and the buggly! She got her webspit on me. That had BETTER come out of my armor!
    Riadne: Oh! Oh oh oh. Tooooomix! Do you know what I saw while I was hiding?
    Riadne: Take a look on the shelf under the altar! *(big grin)*

    Tomix: A KEY!
    <Character>: A KEY!
    Tomix: The VOID Key! Riadne, I could... could... KISS you!
    Riadne: You should probably wait until I've had a bath, Tomix. *(wink)*

  • Complete Quest


    One of Secundus's soul threads is found at the staircase leading to the altar in front of a broken column and behind a circular pit.

    Next Up: At the Gate

    Thanks to
  • Stephen Nix for dialogue rewrite and corrections.
  • Occavatra for spoiler.

  • Page: [1]

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