RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (Full Version)

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SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/6/2011 18:26:21)

Congratulations! =)
Thankies :D
Why do you like ze letter z zo much?
Becauze iz an awezone letter and it haz been forgotten for too longz <.> Zzzzz.
Do robot unicornz zpeak like that?
*Do unicornz zpek like zat? :P No, but Dr Van Hellsing does :D
That's all from me.
See you around! ^^
See yah :D

Master K -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/6/2011 20:29:59)

Heeeeeey Hallie!
Heeeeeeeeeeeey mrbk!
Whenever I talk with my friend IRL, Haley, your name pops up in my head.
Haha, coolio. I get that a lot, actually o.o
Would you like it if I made you an AQW armor? I had the idea from remembering your old avvy...the girl with the blond/pink hair...
Yeah, sure. And that avvy was of Megurine Luka :D Question: Will ze armor have any hint of rainbows on it? *ish rainbow addicted*
Are you fighting for Ravenloss right now?
Yup :D
Well, not much else, gottagobye!
See yah ^-^

ritzbitz -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/6/2011 21:00:28)

Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Sure it does. If nothing else a huge "thump" when it hits ze ground...
If you can only get to a destination by traveling half the distance between you and your destination at a time... Will you ever get to your destination?
Ehm... yesh? o.O
Train A and B are located in separate stations 50 miles apart. They begin to travel towards each other at 25 miles an hour. At the exact time they leave, a hawk begins flying toward Train A at 100 miles per hour. Once it reaches Train A, it turns around and begins traveling towards Train B. It continues this until the trains meet. How far will the hawk have traveled by the two trains meet?
A long way :D
If you solved the above question... Honestly, how long did it take you?
Not too long...
Do you believe the universe is infinite, there is an end, or that there is an end but it is just ever-expanding?
Ever-expanding, and hopefully infinite. If it wasn't infinite the phrase "To infinity AND BEYOND!" would totally lose it's meaning ;_;
Do you believe that if you ask an infinite amount of (untrained) monkeys to type on a keyboard, eventually one will type Shakespeare's Hamlet word for word?
I guess it could be possible, but it would probably take a long time 'til it happened.
Hypothetically, do you believe you can turn a sphere completely inside-out without any holes (but allowing the walls of the sphere to pass through each other)?
*brain melts*
That's about all... Hope you have fun!
*tries to collect pieces of brain from ze floor*
P.S. Congrats!

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 2:22:51)

I just crashed a Robot Unicorn!
You did?! ;_;
Do you like chocolate?
Nope, not really. Only really really dark. Like, 86% or darker.
Do you know that I have a bunny as my pet?
Woah, you do?! So does my stepsis, and they're evil, I tell you. I mean, look at them!! I swear, all bunnies are part xenomorph x.X
Do you like chocolate?
Nope :D
U MAD?! <.>
I'm trolling you! What will be your respond?
*puts you under bridge*
Do you realize my question is pointless?
Yes? o.o
So I herd u liek Robot Unicorn, But MUDKIPZ WILL BE SUPERIOR! >:D
Nevah! @.@
What would happen if a Rainbow Robot Unicorn fused with a Robot Pegasus?
That will nevah happen... >.>
The end... I lied [:)]
I saw that <.>
Ok Now this is really the end. Good luck [:D]
Thankies! :D

turtledude -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 5:40:33)

Heey there, Hallie!
Heey there turtledude!
(As usual) Do you like turtles? ;)
Congratulations on the new .. powahz? :)
Thankies :D
5+5 + 5 = ..?
5+5+5 = Infinite amount of cupcakes O.O
Did you solve the above question correctly?
The correct answer was 550.
Do you wonder how?
You can turn the plus into a four :).
Awesome, will have to try that sometime :D
So I guess.. poof?
Poofs to you :D
Congratulations again, and gl! [:D]
Thankies ^-^

Gibby -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 7:09:17)

Hey Hallie. Congratz.
That horse in your avatar does have a unique horn.
You knew I'd say something like that didn't you.
Yesh, I suspected so :P
Thanks for coming back.
No problem, glad to be back :D

draketh99 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 11:50:13)

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg its hallie!!!!!!
OMg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg it's draketh99!

That is all.

Congrats!!!! [:D]
Thankies :D

Ashari -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 11:54:04)

Hey Hallie!
Yoishness Ashari!
Hmm looks like the unicorns are taking over one forum at a time... *hides*
I hadn't noticed, but daym, you're right! Yayishness :D
I don't really lurk these forums too much... but I might come poke you once in a while! =D
Yay! ^-^
Well good luck!

lellyna -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 12:35:20)

Oh dear they really let anyone join the rank of the shackles these days *pokepoke* now back in my youth...wait....nvm
Seems like it :P
That said...Ohiyas and gratz ^^
Yoishness, n' thankies :D
Why did you pick that color?
Well, I used to have this. When I returned to AKing in CH&G I used it at first, but then I got to start working in the AQW GD as well, were Cguy works to. He happened to also be using my beloved #006600, so I decided to find a new color. n' voíla, found this prettyness; with the color of robot unicorn eyes n' Hatsune Miku.
did you know that pink is a cure for war/paladin infections/antilellyism and it is very pretty
Did know it was pretty, didn't know the other stuff. Trés interesting...
I am really just here to give you a nice and tasty doomcookie...want it?
Sure :D
If yes: *evil giggle*
If no: *leaves in protest. please ignore the rest of this post*

*giggles evilly too*
Imma go totally not enslave the world with my evil Doomcookie based plan
Oookies o.o
...busybusy...Cya around :3
See yah! :3

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 12:37:40)

Hello again!
Some more questions!
Have you done the three questions I asked you to do earlier? If so, then please report.
Hmmm, yesh. But ze report is secret <.>
If you could have your own DF Saga and Class, what would the class be and it's rough skills, and what would the Saga be about? (This only has to be rough, I don't need exact details[;)])
I think this suggestion I wrote a while ago describes it well: (ze Slime-On-Face Saga! one)
If I had my own Saga I'd write it about the Hallie Slidepath character from that suggestion ^-^
ze class would probably be robot unicorn cyborg or something like that, and full of rainbowy goodness.

Do you think we will ever see the city of Swordhaven in game?
Yesh, sooner or laterz.
WHat do you think Seppy's goals are?
I'm not sure, really. Total control.
Want my opnion on the matter?
It's gonna be in spoilers, so...



Note: This is just my theroy. But I would like to hear your opnion on it. And please give a little more then just "THAT FEIND!" it's a working idea, so I would like your opnion on it any any problems it raises.[;)]

I beleive that Seppy's goals are NOT the Elemental Orbs, but the Great Dragons. In game, we have been told the Great Dragons have power over the orbs since they created them or something. So if Seppy has control over the Dragons, he has control over the Orbs AND a Group of Powerful Dragons!

But it gets worse! Because the Great Dragons are too powerfull to be controled, Seppy is trying to get them killed so their power goes to their children that he CAN control. He gave Akriloth the Fire Orb so he would go get killed by us while he grabs the egg and gives it to Celestia in the guise olf a fire elemental, so when it hatches it gets rid of her main foe. He hired Circe to get Cyrozen killed and blame the event on Vilmor, one of the most powerful Dragonlords and another threat. EVERY attempt to get the orbs was a distraction to make us beleive he wanted them.

The only problems with this is that the Vilmor Saga is a DA Only chain and is thus meant to be not story important. But it COULD still work.

This is a really good theory. I think it's quite possible.
Well, that's all. Bye!
Byeishness, see yah 'round!

netosmar -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 14:49:35)

Hey Hallie!
Hey netosmar!
So now you are hanging here in the DFGD?
Yup :D
How is the weather in the place you are?
That would be Sweden, and I'm actually not sure... ish nighttime now. But earlier tiday it was cloudy n' really cold x.x
Are you having fun?
Yup :D
Are robot unicorns stronger than zombie pegasus?
Of course.
Are they stronger than ninja dragons?
...Stronger than pirate werewolfs?
Duh :D
So, are you fighting against ChaosWeavers or Greed?
Greed of course.
What do you think of SoulWeaver armor?
I really like it!
Aren't butterflies cute?*uses SW's Repentance skill*
Pwetty ^-^
What is your favorite color of the Rainbow?
This question again... I dunno. I like it as a whole o.o
Do you think the rainbow should have more colors?
But it already has all colors :o
That's all, I guess. Good luck with the AK job. By the way, I love reading your posts!
Haha, I'm glad someone likes 'em. Thankies :D

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 15:08:15)

So, let me get this straight. You are a fallen ArchKnight who redeemed herself?
Haha, not really. I was an AK, then got really ill. Wasn't able to do any work online or AFK.
Now I'm all well n' healthy again, and have been for a few months. So I returned as an AK ^-^

So you're basically .....

the fabled DestinyKnight.*

Who knows? <.>
Do you recognize me?
Is it true that you are part of Captain Rhubarb's secret plan regarding Rainbow ponies?
Do you know of the secret AQW site Rainbow ponies?
Yup! Some dude showed it to me in my MtAK in the AQWGD. It's adorable, n' I'm currently trying to find Zorbak for vengence >.>
Do you have a backstory I can read?
Not really... but I do appear in the Slime-On-Face Saga! here:
n' have this small character description on ze HS forums here:
But that's about it.

Go forth and fulfill your *, Lady Slidepath.
Haha, sure. And Lady... me likey. See yah 'round!

UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 18:05:32)


Uniqueness and originality will be rewarded with special awesome rainbowy surprises of... not-doom

Except for the small fact that originality is dead...
Awwww, really? ;_;
I'll wish you a happy welcome-back to DragonFable General Discussions though.
And nope, no questions from me today. Because originality is dead, ya know. See you around sometime in the near or not-so-near future.
See yah 'round! ^-^

Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 18:47:30)

Hey hallie welcome back............
Has you played robot unicorn attack???its really fun....But I love the heavey metal version
Well, obviously I'm quite addicted to it. My current goal is to get above 200k... I usually play the old-school version the most (rainbows ftw!) but I do like the Metal version too :D
*insert question here*
*insert answer here*
are you in the RL war??
Which one? O.o

Razen -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 19:29:02)

Can teh Robot unicornz killz for youz?
Maaaybeee <.>
Is Iz awesome?
Sure :D
Can Iz haz Mod-hood?
Ish not for me to decide o.o
Can youz haz Team Robot Unicornz?
Ehm... I'm not sure. Hopez zo :P
Canz Iz goez nowz?

Sure. See yah 'round!

Mordred -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 19:40:50)

I'm back! *more diabolical laughter*
Yay! *unicornical laughter*
Did ya miss me?
Sure :D
What is 0 raised to the infinite power? What happens to the universe when you try?
It implodes?
Do ya know why I asked if you were a DOOM Knight?
Maaayybee <.>
Did you know that Robot Unicorns are surpassed by Giant Robot Unicorns(and me)?
Nope, didn't know that... because ish not true. Nuthin' surpasses Robot Unicorns!
Is the answer to the following question yes?
Not sure...
Is the answer to the previous question no?
How many Robot Unicorns does it take to screw a lightbulb?
None. Robot Unicorns are too proud to deal with stuff like that, they leave it for ze peasants to take care of :D
What think you of Bushido?
I think it sounds like a pretty good thing.
Pirates or Ninjas?
Samurai or the answer to the previous question?
Favorite food?
Pasta, or, like... STEAK!
Favorite movie?
I'll list a few of 'em... Watchmen, Labyrinth (!!!), Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Moulin Rouge, Casino Royale, Inglorious Basterds, Interview With the Vampire, The Wrestler, Simple Simon, The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl, LotR, Phantom of the Opera...
Favorite in-game item(not a weapon)?
The Cysero Wedding Hat, of ze Cysera-hair thingy. A short hair for girls that looks nice = awesomeness :D
Well, that's all... for now... *flies away on six black-feathered wings*
See yah!

StriderAigis -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/7/2011 19:47:22)

Hello person, the names Mega.
Hello Mega, ze name's Hallie, ze Robot Unicorns Princess (/Overlord).

Can u harness the powerz of teh blade of AWE!!!!!!!!
Ehm... maybe? O.o

Y do robot unicorns crash into star like rock and explode?
Well, when they gain enough speed they're faster than light, and if they make a small misstake they'll crash and burn... it's really sad, but unfortunately that's how it is ;_;

u seem awesome :D
Haha, thankies :D

*gives u 1000 cookies that taste like wut ever ur allergic too if u are allergic to anything if not, then chocolate
*isn't allergic to anything* Thankies!

Im not allergic to anything mwahahahahaaaaaha.
We have something in common!

u play any other AE games, like regularly?
Yup! I play HeroSmash (one of my favorites already), AQW, ED and sometimes AQ... even more rarely than AQ I'll sometimes play MQ...

if u play AQW can i addz u?
Maybe. I'm saving room on my friendslist for a few friends that I haven't been able to add yet, but we'll see =)

and finally do robot unicorns like sugar cubes?
Yesh, kinda, but they prefer energon cubes :D

kthxbai :3
kthxbai :3

another edit
Wuts ur fav Class/Mech in each game

No idea, uhm... I'm not even sure what class I have atm. Arachno-thingy?

Chronomancer, DragonLord or StarLord... or maybe Shaman or Bard... really like zerker too x.X

Chronomancer or Technomancer, definitely. I really like Ranger too though.

No idea. I really suck at MQ. When I play it I press random buttons, and as long as my own Mech doesn't explode/implode I'm happy... I like the Mech I got from the ShadowScythe t-shirt... ish also the only Mech I have :D

TechMage. Ze only thing I've ever tried, but I like it.

Edit: ull probably see me around, if u do say hai!
Sure thing! See yah 'round :D

Reikomei -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 12:53:12)

Hello your old username looks familier, but I probably don't know you.
I used to be 'round in the DFGD lots, so ish not weird if my name looks familiar, me thinks.
Actually I don't know anyone here... :(
Soon you will! After a while on ze forums you start recognizing people =)
Oh well... Questions
Oh wait congrats and you're the first AK I spoke to. Soooo congrats for that too. ^^
Haha, thankies :D
Do you think an army of squirrels would be useful?
Yesh, very useful. Armies or rats shouldn't be underestimated either.
Have you seen any other mythical beasts?
Well, I have seen a few dragons around. And I had a run-in with a mermaid not too long ago. And I have a Cthulhu living in my room... but 'cept for that I don't think I've met many other mythical creatures.
Have you seen a metal phoenix?
Nope, but I'd like to!
Have you played any robot unicorn games?
Oh yesh. I've played all three of 'em :D
I... think that's all for now.... Bye~! Till I think of some other questions...
Byeishness! See yah 'round :D

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 15:44:45)

Hello again!
Hiyas! Welcome back!
So, I don't think anyone has actualy asked you if you are good or evil.
Nope, they haven't :D
I'm kinda getting a mixed vibe here. You say you are good Friends with King Alteon, yet you are a DoomKnight...Am I missing something, or do I need to pull some extensive background checks on you?[;)]
Well, the explanation for that is simple. I'm on no ones side but my own. One day I was strolling down the creepy alleys (rathers gigantic dragon ribs >.>) of Shadowfall, and I happen to stumble upon this garage sale. They had this DoomKnight armor to a trés good price, so I bought it :D
So yeah, if you had a choice between us wiing agianst the Chaosweavers and losing to Greed, or vice versa, What would you pick and what do you think the results of that will or would be?
I think losing to the CHaosWeavers and winning against Greed is a better option out of those two.
Not keeping in mind the awesome name of Team Robot Unicorn, which game IDEA seems the best to you?
But... TEAM... RRRRRrrrrrrrroBOT.... UNICORN... ;_; *beep* Malfunction! *beep* ERROR *beeeeeeeep* *gigantic explosion*
Is there ANYTHING the Robot Unicorn Army can be beaten by?
Nope! The Robot Unicorns pwns the universe itself with their awesomeness :D
And how can they be bigger then the universe? Alternate dimension right?
That ish Top Secret, I'm afraid.
Could they lose to...say, an Army of Robotic Xenomorph Rabbits?
No, they couldn't... however, if we were to face an army of anything Xenomorph-y I'd be trés paranoid and freaked out (more than I am on a daily basis).
Also, Do you take Monty Python And The Hloy Grail as definative proof of The evilness of Rabbits, or do you think it was a fluke?
A little bit of both...
Also, there is a nest of Rabbits trying to take over the world in this location. (hands Hallie a map) You might want to look into it.[;)]
Thankies! They will now face their doom!

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 16:30:00)

'Ello Hallie! :D
Yoishness Zyrain! :D
You kinda sound like a Power Ranger... "Rainbow Robot Unicorn Zord". xD
I... do? O.o
I'm afraid Cyan beats your Turquoise. >_>
Totally doesn't <.>
Make a word symbolizing you out of each letter of your name! n_n


(I thought I'd be kind and not use "Slidepath". ¬_¬)
Thankies :P
If you were to create AE's next game; what would it be about and what would you name it?
It would be sci-fi ish. Lots of lasers n' rainbows and robotics and unicorns. And clones. Maybe it would be about building your army out of clones n' robots n' stuff. N' like... flying spaceships, and exploring space and destroy xenomorph-like creatures and... stuff! :D
Least favorite food?
Not sure, actually. Really poorly cooked chicken, maybe.
Least favorite animal?
Raptors. Though, I kinda like them, I'm just scared of the day when they break free and try to raptor-secure my house as good as I can...
Least favorite colour?
Which one word best describes you?
I'm not sure... calm, maybe. Or just... Robot Unicorn :D
That's it from moi! (Blessing or a curse... ?)
A bit of both? :D
Have fun and good luck! (Again!) ^_^
Thankies! ^-^

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 17:29:45)

Hmm... another AK... its been a wile since i have been on the forums (mostly on twitter and youtube though o.O)
Not sure I've seen yah 'round on Twitter, will keep an eye out for yah :D
Howz Dea... i mean life =D
Both death and life are quite good, actually.
You haz cookiez?
Unfortunately not. Mah unicorns ate 'em all ;_;
You liek blak? =3
Pwnez pwned mah dracolich >=O i iz sew u! >=O
Oookies o.o
Well, enjoy being an AK =3

Haha, thankies, I'll do mah best :D

Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 18:02:57)

O_o hallie....your goal is over the of my friends who lives in beenlieh (cant spell it) plays RUA allot & she cant get to
Well, my current best score is 187k, so it doesn't feel too far away :D Besides, saw a dude on youtube get 250k... eventually I'll beat that <.>
.............can I has a cookie
do you play HS
Yup. One of my favorite games... already.
what made you choose the robot unicorns??
I dunno... I guess they kinda chose me. We were just meant for eachother <3

The Final Hollow -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 18:10:47)

Are you Lucahjin in disguise?
I... don't think so. Who's Lucahjin? o.o
Really? You are/aren't?
Well, you both have similar personalities.
Robot Unicorn Cookie Treat!
*eats happily*
Vote for 'em?
Obviously yesh :D
I know I am!
Good <.>
How's mah sig?
Ish nice, I really like it.
Yoshi is So Happeh
So vewwy happeh
So many ws...
zhe happiest
Awesome :D
Invisible Happiness
Invisible Pink Unicorn!
Ehm... huh? O.o

Acient J -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 20:58:41)


But I remember you too. I wrote a story for you once :D

Oh yeah, I remember! The one about the Mogloween night with the Necromancer. Good times! I can't wait for next Mogloween.
Yeah, exactly. It was fun to write. n' yeah. Mogloween is absolutely awesome ^-^

Paperclipkiller -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/8/2011 23:11:49)

Hey there I used to be a lurker on the forums but now I post more so nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too!
Make sure you bring no paperclips near me or there might be problems ok?
I'll do my best *hides paperclip collection*
So how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
I actually have no idea... I've never had a tootsie pop.
So do unicorns like to dance?
Sometimes, especially when celebrating war-victories.
Why are unicorns the most amazing creature of all time>
I'm not sure it can be explained. They just are. Ish one of those absolute truths. And that's just unicorns... make the unicorns robotic and they'll be even MORE amazing :D
Are you a complete robot unicorn, or are only parts of you robotic?
That is Top Secret, but you're free to guess :D
Can you sing a song for me, I would enjoy that?
Sure. What song do you want me to sing?
Well I hope you enjoy your AKness, be proud you are one!
Thank you very much, and I am ^-^
How about you sing the song "Warcry of the Paladin" since you offered to sing?

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