RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (Full Version)

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Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 4:23:15) whats u thinkes
The duck song... I seriously don't get why it got so many views, but I kinda like it. For some reason my friends keep spamming me with it O.o
Got any grapes
is a robot unicorn just a robot horse with a spike on its head?
Oh no, ish definitely more complex than that :D
whats your favorite class
In DF? Chronomancer or Technomancer, me thinks. Really like Ranger too though.
do u has a pet unicorn.
You mean 'cept for the Robot Unicorn army? Yesh. I have a few normal unicorns as pets.
whats your favorite DF holiday???
Tricky question... Mogloween, Frostval or Heroes Heart Day.
do u watch DR who??
Actually, yesh. Have watched far from all episodes though x.x
A train hits a brown cow & a normal far do the bits go????remember that chocolate milk is heavier!
Ehm... what? xD

nield -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 4:30:06)

Ellos there.
Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee or Bruce Willis?
*hisses* Not Chuck Norris! Nevah Chuck Norris! Ehm, Bruce Willis, me thinks.
Green or red?
Both! :D
pink or black?
Both? :D
artificial or natural?
Depends on ze situation.
Sanity or insanity?
Something in between ^-^

Peachii -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 5:57:17)

Hi Hallie!
Hiyas Peachii! And thankies for preparing for my answers :D

Some questions for you!
Ask away!

Do you like Peach Jelly?
I've never tried it, but I like peaches, so I think I'd like it.

Bug Squashing or Minion Slaying?
Hmmmm... Bug Squashing.

What do you think if there's a Robot Unicorn Pet/Plushie in DF?
My day would be made. Such incredible awesomeness that would be :D

If you can make an armor in DF what would it be? (Leprechaun Armor!)
Actually, Leppy Armor does sound like a trés nice idea. That or Mesmer/Jester/Bard, me thinks. Or maybe a Unicorn Overlord class ;)

Thank you, and may the RainbowRobot Unicorn be with you! ^_^
Thankies! May ze robot unicorns be with you too! (I specifically asked them to, so if they're not they're in soooo much trouble >.>;;)

Serpeants -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 6:02:04)

Hello Hallie
Hello Serpeants!

Glad to see you in DF GD.
And I'm glad to be back ^-^

How have you been working on? HeroSmash or DragonFable? [8|]
Working on how? You mean how my playing have been goin'? :?

Ehh robot unicorn. ok well not much question. lol xD
Yup, it started with an addiction to the game "Robot Unicorn Attack", and then it just... continued :D

See yah 'round!

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 8:51:37)

Hi again!

I'm pretty sure we're going to be good friends.

Do you like Bicorns?

They look pretty cool :D

Wold you like a cookie-burger?
I'm not sure, it sounds kinda creepy...

What is a cookie burger?
Sounds like a hamburger, but instead of meat there's cookies? O.o

What about my disco look? (Charpage).
Disco SoulWeaver, absolutely awesome xD

Thats all! For now!
'kies, see yah 'round!

Void Archmage -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 13:23:00)

*a portal from the Void opens*
*greet void-visitor with rainbowy sparklyness*
Umm...hiyas ! Is this the monthly Void dwellers meeting ?
Nope, you must've ripped time open in the wrong place I'm afraid :o
No ? A Robot Unicorn planet ?
Exactly. Kinda. Ze home of the Robot Unicorn Princess/Overlord. I suppose I could give you a few questions, while my mana recharges. [:)]
Yay :D
Right sock, left sock or rainbow sock ?

There is no sock. Cysero took them.

Haha, awesome! Of course there isn't a sock... o.o
Chickencows or Roosterbulls ?
Chickencowns... I think.
Is Dr. Voltabolt your father ?
Nope, but good guess!
Do you like the Void (in DF) ?

If answer was yes: Yaaaayyy ! *gives Hallie a Void Robot Unicorn* I´m pretty sure those are missing in your collection !
If answer was no: *very, very, very sad face*

Sure! The monsters remind me of xenomorphs, which makes me completely terrified of it... but I like it 'cause I get to beat ze xenomorphs up :D
Heh, that´s all, so congrats and have fun ! And maaayyybee I will repeat my little portal mistake again...later. See you !
Thankies, and I suspect I will :D
*opens another portal and leaves*
*waves good bye*

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 14:36:51)

Hi again!
Yoishness! Welcome back :D
So, just a few question this time. I may add to this when i get to see the Ravenloss Cutscene, so just to let you know.
'kies, great, just watched it :3
I don't suppose you could give me a list of questions you would answer Top Secret to could you? You know, just so I know what not to ask if I return.[:D]
Can't really do that, since I don't know what kinda crazy questions people might ask about Top Secret stuff <.>
EDIT: adding more!
So, you may or may not have noticed, but my character has a uniqure posting style that has been seen in the war a couple of times. If you have not, I will post and example here, and I would like your opnion on it.



From the desk of Codename Kyle, Spy and Situation Assessor for King Alteon:

Well, I just had an interesting chat with Vaal. I don't think he's as right in the head as he would have us beleive. For the rest of this note, I will be using the new experimental "Hidden Code System" that only we know.


It would appear that The Judgement Wheel was what turned the Chaosweavers into monsters, but not as we thought. Rather then it being the fault of a greedy Chaosweaver Preist as I suspected, it was the so called "Hero" of Ravenloss who unleashed the desise that mutated them in order to obtain power. It would appear we have finnaly discovered the cause of the city's downfall as you sent me to find out. Vaal Obtained his power, but was imprisoned there.

Also, it would seem that the Wheel has a kind of defense system that only allows one wish per person, and that it also Judges that wish, hence the name. I fear this war may have been for nothing, for if Greed obtains it, he may well become immortal, but he will certanly pay the price. However, rather then judgeing the individual, it MAY judge the whole race, so if Greed gets it, he may well destroy all spirits of his kind, and I do not need to tell you how bad that would be.

Although, it WOULD get rid of Aspar, which I would not be let down by. My spies have overheard her discussing having a "Chat" with the Headmaster of the Soulweaver Academy.

I want a Priority One on the headmaster. Background check, round the clock survelence, everything.

I fear this plot of Aspar goes far further then we at first feared and has more hands in it then I assumed...

Wow, I like it. You really put work into your posts. Impressive!
That's all. Bye!
See yah 'round!

shadowbishop -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 15:28:06)

Hai there!
Hiyaz :D
Grats on the thing you achieved that I don't really know what but I m just kidding I should stop writing now yeah...
Haha, thankies.
So off to the questions.
Ask away!
What happens if a Robot Unicorn malfunctions?
Then it'll cry, and I'll fly as fast as I can to help it ;_;
What do those adorable but sometimes dangerous creatures eat?
Those tasty cubes that LANDIS sent for us... lemme see... energon cubes! That's the name. They were trés delicious.
Robot Unicorns also likes to eat laser, starsdust, rainbows and sometimes glitter. They also enjoy sugary stuff :D

Usually on these MtAK things i give equations(>:D) but i just don't feel like it now.
*celebrates to infinity*
So whats the best score you have gotten on Robot Unicorn Attack?Mine is around 21k i think.
My best score for one run is 97k. My best score for all three runs is 187k. Usually when I get one run that goes really great, like the 97k one, I'll mess up on the other runs... which annoys me.
But one day I'll get past 200k :D

Well i guess that is all...
'kies :o
Bye :D
See yah 'round!

dragonmoohead -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/9/2011 23:16:26)

Do you like waffles?
Yeah, I do. Actually, the other day my friend took me out to lunch at this new resturant... and the waffles there was so delicious.
I've been planning to go back as soon as possible :D

How bout pancakes?
Oh yesh, gotta love pancakes. With maple syrup :D
i like blue whats your favorite colour?
Ze rainbow :D
did my mind control work?
Looks like it :P
*salutes hypnotoad*
KTHXBAI! See yah 'round ^-^

SKRALL213 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 1:37:39)

what kine of weapons do you like
I have a thing for weapons with clean designs, y'know, kinda like katanas n' stuff. But on the other hand... I really like sparkly n' colorful stuff. So, yeah xD
do you like the elementals wind & energy
Yeah, at least Energy. ENergy ish trés important for Robot Unicorns :D
if you had a scythe wood you sell it
Nah, don't think so. Depends on level :P
wood you say all the colors can make one big color
Hmmm... you mean like the rainbow? Then YESH :D
i hope you have fun in the DFGD
I hope so too! Thankies ^-^
thats all i can think to ask
'kies :o
See yah 'round ^-^

nield -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 7:15:54)

on a scale of meh to PURE AWEZOMEZ!, how good is the game you've been working on?
The game I've been workin' on? o.O
Do you mean ze "project" I've been talking about?
That for AFK work; ish a book that was supposed to be finished today (which I actually managed! *unicorny happiness*)

Reikomei -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 9:24:34)

I'm back with more questions~!
Welcome back~!
Have you heard of Tarot cards?
Yup. Actually I have a deck or two...
If so then go ahead with these questions if not then ignore.
Do you like them?
Do you have any?
Have you heard of Tarot Constellations?
Yesh, I have :P

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 15:25:16)

So... we can post once a day, but no rules on editing posts? :P
Nope, not unless you edit in more questions than allowed :P
Btw , your going to leave :l and you just arrived ;[
Yesh, but only for two days, barely... n' now I'm back :D

dragonmoohead -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 20:07:22)

looka dat its already tommorow
Woah, ze future is here! o.o
but i have no questions.
Awww, suckyness...
See yah!

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 22:01:47)

Hi Hallie!
Hiyas Rickyb20!
I don't have much to say. Congrats, and have fun in the DF GD!
Thankiesishness :D

unQualified -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 23:55:14)

Ni Hao(Hello)
Yoishness :D
Whats your favourite color?
Ze rainbow :D
Favourite Animal?
Lynx or Unicorn...
Lol i have nothing to ask so i just say random things
Good strategy :P

regiultima -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/10/2011 23:57:27)


How has the life of an AK been treating you?
Pretty good this far ^-^

Have you ever met someone who was born on the same month, day, year, and time as you?
Nope, never. First person I know that are born on the same day as me is Dage the Evil O.o

Did you know I've met someone like that?
Nope, but now I do :D

Eh, I don't have much to say.
'kies. See yah 'round!

Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/11/2011 0:47:15)

Hiyaaas again
Weeeeelcome baaaack :D
Q:what do you get if you mix a kangaroo & an elephant??
A very heavy, jumping animal?
A: Big holes all over australia
Guess I kinda had ze right answer....
hows life as an AK
Pretty good ^-^
whats your favorite color???
Ze rainbow :D
do you know what pikmin are???
Nope, never heard of it. Sounds... weird...
I shall torture you now
How does these vids get so many views...? O.o
*insert super doopa funny joke here*
*insert hysterical unicornical laughter here*

Wildroses -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/11/2011 5:28:20)

Welcome back.
I'm pretty sure you were before my time.
Yeah, I think so too. Never saw you 'round here much, but definitely in the OOC ^-^
Or maybe when I first started posting here I just wasn't very observant.
Maybe that too...
Is it true you have robot and organic unicorn pets?
Yup :D
I have it on record that you once said nothing makes a better pet than a dead baby.
Haha, oh yesh... guess I have to add (un)dead baby unicorns to mah pet-collection then? :P

shadowbishop -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/12/2011 16:10:11)

I m back :P
Welcome back!
Let me think of more questions hmmmm....Ah yes!
Yesh?! :D
How and when were Robot Unicorns created?
Well, ish a long and complicated story. Parts of it is extremely Top Secret. But it has something to do with a rainbow, radioactivity, a trés sane scientist, pretty colors, and a hatred against the stars...
I have been thinking..Whats the point of living? We live to learn then to work just so we can get enough money to get food and stuff.Really no point o.O
Life's like a plastic bag. All empty and... plastic. So ze point is to fill it with awesome stuff. Like candy. But don't try to eat the bag, 'cause then you'll choke :D
I see your character in DragonFable is good but is it better than mine?
Of course it is :D
Can you find the hidden link in this post? (A tip-there is no hidden link [;)])
I know, my robot unicorn powers helps me see through ze Matrix... there is so spoon...
I just said that because it is 23PM here and i am out of brain juice.
What a coincidence, we live in ze same timezone! :o
See you when i have more brain juice :)
See yah, good luck with finding ze juice :P

chisagen -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/12/2011 16:21:54)

Hiya Hallie don't think I've ever met you before so let me introduce myself my name is Chisagen and I like fish [:D]
I know, I've seen yah 'round :P
ok so question number 1 do you like fish?
Sure :D
number 2 have you gotten the snugglebear helm yet?
I have, twice. n' sold it... twice...
that's all I have for now hope to see you around [:)] oh and congrats [:D]
See yah 'round! n' thankies ^-^

Brega -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/12/2011 17:53:07)

O hai Hallie :D
Hiyas Brega :D
I'm sorry I haven't posted in here yet.
Ish okies.
Life has been hectic.
I understand ^-^
Do you remember me?
Well of course :D
Because I remember you! *Ebil meglomaniac laugh*
Haha, but I remembah you too *unicornical laughter*
Do you change topic mid-sentences?
When I talk? All too often. My friends hate me for it.
Do you play AQW much?
This is not a question. This is a spy.
*punches spy*
Is the cake REALLY a lie?
As far as I know, yesh. I don't trust that cake <.>
Team Robot Unicorn is named after you. Cuz you're special.
Haha, I know. Thankies, I think :D
That is all for now.
'kies, see yah 'round ^-^

nield -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/12/2011 21:28:42)

Are Horses really just unicorns that have lost their horns?
Nope, they're just a less important part of the unicorn family. Kinda :D
Are unicorns dedicated practitioners of DOOM?
Well, depends on how you mean. Robot Unicorns are famous for their extreme killer instinct... whether that counts as DOOOOOOOOM or not I'm not sure...
Do they taste like chickencow?
Never tasted one, but I think they taste rather sweet. I'll ask Voldemort about it the next time we have tea ^-^
Um... SQUEEE! Where can I get one?
Ish secret, but if you're lucky one might magically appear to bring you much happiness n' joy :D
...Thats it... SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

1412. -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 1:04:42)

Whats with the Unicorns?
Robot Unicorns happens to be the best thing to ever happen to ze universe :D
Have you ever played Kingdom Hearts before?
Just a little...
Welcome to the Deep End.
Schweet music yao :D
What Equilibrium Key do you like better out of all of them?
Probably Ember or that... wood one...
Are you a good artist?
Well... depends on what kinda art you like :P
Do you play a instrument?
Ze piano, drums, a lil' bass, flute... played piano for ten years though, so ish what I'm best at.
Why Unicorns, why not horses?
because horses are evil and eat people O.O
Speed, Endurance, or Strength. what power do you favor?
Endurance. If you can endure anything the two others won't be neccessary in the long run. Strength or Speed without Endurance is basically useless.
unfortunately, it seems I have run out of questions.
Awww... your questions were really fun to answer :o
Till next time.
See yah 'round ^-^

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 3:35:04)


This is not a question. This is a spy.
*punches spy*

I'm not going to lie, that hurt me both physicly and emotionaly.[:@]
What? Ish my natural reaction when spotting spies o.o
What did you do that for?[:@]
It was a spy! ;_;
... Eh, It's okay, I get that a lot.
Well, not a lot, since I don't often get seen, but enough for me to forgive you for it.
Yaaaay! :D
So, what did you think of the war's end?
Loved it.
And my thread idea for a Saga's Critisisim?
A great idea. A good way for staff to get good criticism ^-^
If I remember, I intend to make one for the Nature Orb Saga.
Coolio! Lookin' forward to it.
Your Top Secret Story about the Robot Unicorns Beginning has intrigued me. You can either tell me all about it, or I will find it myself. However, you MAY leave out a few details such as the Scientific Process that does it.[;)]
You see, it all started when In... *robot unicorn army appears and quickly drag their leader away*
In all seriousness, have you ever written a story about the Robot Unicorns Origins and if so, would you care to provide a link?
Nope, I haven't. However, I do have a new book project now. As soon as I've found publishers for the one I just finished I'll start working on this project... and it does related to robot unicorns in some ways :D
That's all. Bye!
See yah!

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